Package version:

Interface AnalyzeResult<Document>

The result of an analysis operation. The type of the Document may be determined by the model used to perform the analysis.

Type Parameters



apiVersion: string

The service API version used to produce this result.

content: string

A string representation of all textual and visual elements in the input, concatenated by reading order (the order in which the service "reads" or extracts the textual and visual content from the document).

documents?: Document[]

Extracted documents (instances of any of the model's document types and corresponding field schemas).

keyValuePairs?: DocumentKeyValuePair[]

Extracted key-value pairs.

languages?: DocumentLanguage[]

Extracted text languages.

modelId: string

The unique ID of the model that was used to produce this result.

pages?: DocumentPage[]

Extracted pages.

paragraphs?: DocumentParagraph[]

Extracted document paragraphs.

styles?: DocumentStyle[]

Extracted font styles.

tables?: DocumentTable[]

Extracted tables.

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