Package version:

Interface AnalyzedDocument

An extracted document object.

An AnalyzedDocument is an instance of one of the document types within a model. Its fields correspond to the field schema of the document type.


  • AnalyzedDocument


boundingRegions?: BoundingRegion[]

Bounding regions covering the document.

confidence: number

The service's confidence that it has correctly extracted the document.

docType: string

The type of the document that was extracted. A model can have multiple document types (for example, in a composed model), so this property indicates which document type the fields of this document correspond to.

fields: {
    [field: string]: DocumentField;

The extracted fields, which correspond to the document type's field schema.

Type declaration

spans: DocumentSpan[]

Locations of the document's elements in the content text (reading-order-concatenated content).

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