Package version:

Interface DocumentPage

Content and layout elements extracted from a page from the input.


  • DocumentPage


angle?: number

The general orientation of the content in clockwise direction, measured in degrees between (-180, 180].

barcodes?: DocumentBarcode[]

Extracted barcodes from the page.

formulas?: DocumentFormula[]

Extracted formulas from the page.

The "formulas" feature must be enabled or this property will be undefined.

See features.

height?: number

The height of the image/PDF in pixels/inches, respectively.

lines?: DocumentLine[]

Extracted lines from the page, potentially containing both textual and visual elements.

pageNumber: number

1-based page number in the input document.

selectionMarks?: DocumentSelectionMark[]

Extracted selection marks from the page.

spans: DocumentSpan[]

Location of the page in the reading order concatenated content.

unit?: string

The unit used by the width, height, and polygon properties. For images, the unit is "pixel". PDF, the unit is "inch".

width?: number

The width of the image/PDF in pixels/inches, respectively.

words?: DocumentWord[]

Extracted words from the page.

Generated using TypeDoc