Package version:

Interface AnalyzeDocumentOptions<Result>

Options for the document analysis operation.

Type Parameters



A list of features to enable in the model. Enabling features may incur additional costs, so be sure to consult the service documentation to understand the nature of the features and any added costs associated with using them.

For more information about the features available in Form Recognizer, see the service documentation:

locale?: string

Locale hint for text recognition and document analysis.

The value may specify only the two-letter language code or a BCP-47 language tag indicating both language and region.


  • "en-US" (US English)
  • "fr" (French - no region)
onProgress?: ((state: DocumentAnalysisPollOperationState<Result>) => void)

Type declaration

pages?: string

A list of page ranges (1-indexed) within the input document to analyze, separated by commas

Examples: "1", "3-5", "1,3-5"

resumeFrom?: string

A serialized poller state. If provided, the polling operation will be resumed from the given state instead of started as if it were a new operation.

updateIntervalInMs?: number

The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) between subsequent requests relating to the same operation.

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