All Classes and Interfaces

The type of AAD object the object identifier refers to.
Resource collection API of Accounts.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AccountsClient.
The parameters used to add a new Data Lake Store account.
The Data Lake Store account properties to use when adding a new Data Lake Store account.
The parameters used to add a new Data Lake Store account while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters used to add a new Azure Storage account.
The Azure Storage account properties to use when adding a new Azure Storage account.
The parameters used to add a new Azure Storage account while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
An immutable client-side representation of CapabilityInformation.
Subscription-level properties and limits for Data Lake Analytics.
Data Lake Analytics account name availability check parameters.
Resource collection API of ComputePolicies.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ComputePoliciesClient.
An immutable client-side representation of ComputePolicy.
The entirety of the ComputePolicy definition.
The ComputePolicy definition stages.
The first stage of the ComputePolicy definition.
The stage of the ComputePolicy definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the ComputePolicy definition allowing to specify maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob.
The stage of the ComputePolicy definition allowing to specify minPriorityPerJob.
The stage of the ComputePolicy definition allowing to specify objectId.
The stage of the ComputePolicy definition allowing to specify objectType.
The stage of the ComputePolicy definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The template for ComputePolicy update.
The ComputePolicy update stages.
The stage of the ComputePolicy update allowing to specify maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob.
The stage of the ComputePolicy update allowing to specify minPriorityPerJob.
The stage of the ComputePolicy update allowing to specify objectId.
The stage of the ComputePolicy update allowing to specify objectType.
Data Lake Analytics compute policy information.
The list of compute policies in the account.
The compute policy properties.
The parameters used to create a new compute policy while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters to use for creating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The CreateDataLakeAnalyticsAccountProperties model.
The parameters used to create a new firewall rule while creating a new Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters used to create a new compute policy.
The compute policy properties to use when creating a new compute policy.
The parameters used to create a new firewall rule.
The firewall rule properties to use when creating a new firewall rule.
An immutable client-side representation of DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.
The entirety of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition.
The DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition stages.
The first stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify computePolicies.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify dataLakeStoreAccounts.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify defaultDataLakeStoreAccount.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify firewallAllowAzureIps.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify firewallRules.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify firewallState.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify maxDegreeOfParallelism.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify maxJobCount.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify minPriorityPerJob.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify newTier.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify queryStoreRetention.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify storageAccounts.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update.
The DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update stages.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify computePolicies.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify dataLakeStoreAccounts.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify firewallAllowAzureIps.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify firewallRules.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify firewallState.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify maxDegreeOfParallelism.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify maxJobCount.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify minPriorityPerJob.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify newTier.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify queryStoreRetention.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify storageAccounts.
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify tags.
An immutable client-side representation of DataLakeAnalyticsAccountBasic.
A Data Lake Analytics account object, containing all information associated with the named Data Lake Analytics account.
A Data Lake Analytics account object, containing all information associated with the named Data Lake Analytics account.
Data Lake Analytics account list information.
The interface for DataLakeAnalyticsAccountManagementClient class.
The account specific properties that are associated with an underlying Data Lake Analytics account.
The basic account specific properties that are associated with an underlying Data Lake Analytics account.
The state of the Data Lake Analytics account.
The provisioning status of the Data Lake Analytics account.
Entry point to DataLakeAnalyticsManager.
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
An immutable client-side representation of DataLakeStoreAccountInformation.
Data Lake Store account information.
Data Lake Store account list information.
The Data Lake Store account properties.
Resource collection API of DataLakeStoreAccounts.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DataLakeStoreAccountsClient.
The current state of the DebugDataAccessLevel for this account.
The current state of allowing or disallowing IPs originating within Azure through the firewall.
An immutable client-side representation of FirewallRule.
The entirety of the FirewallRule definition.
The FirewallRule definition stages.
The first stage of the FirewallRule definition.
The stage of the FirewallRule definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the FirewallRule definition allowing to specify endIpAddress.
The stage of the FirewallRule definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the FirewallRule definition allowing to specify startIpAddress.
The template for FirewallRule update.
The FirewallRule update stages.
The stage of the FirewallRule update allowing to specify endIpAddress.
The stage of the FirewallRule update allowing to specify startIpAddress.
Data Lake Analytics firewall rule information.
Data Lake Analytics firewall rule list information.
The firewall rule properties.
Resource collection API of FirewallRules.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in FirewallRulesClient.
The current state of the IP address firewall for this account.
The HiveMetastore model.
The HiveMetastore properties.
Resource collection API of Locations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in LocationsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of NameAvailabilityInformation.
Data Lake Analytics account name availability result information.
The current state of the NestedResourceProvisioning for this account.
An available operation for Data Lake Analytics.
The display information for a particular operation.
An immutable client-side representation of OperationListResult.
The list of available operations for Data Lake Analytics.
The OperationMetaLogSpecification model.
The OperationMetaMetricAvailabilitiesSpecification model.
The OperationMetaMetricSpecification model.
The OperationMetaPropertyInfo model.
The OperationMetaServiceSpecification model.
The intended executor of the operation.
Resource collection API of Operations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of SasTokenInformation.
SAS token information.
The SAS response that contains the storage account, container and associated SAS token for connection use.
An immutable client-side representation of StorageAccountInformation.
Azure Storage account information.
Azure Storage account list information.
The Azure Storage account properties.
Resource collection API of StorageAccounts.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in StorageAccountsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of StorageContainer.
Azure Storage blob container information.
The list of blob containers associated with the storage account attached to the Data Lake Analytics account.
Azure Storage blob container properties information.
The subscription state.
The commitment tier for the next month.
The parameters used to update a compute policy.
The compute policy properties to use when updating a compute policy.
The parameters used to update a compute policy while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters that can be used to update an existing Data Lake Analytics account.
The properties to update that are associated with an underlying Data Lake Analytics account.
The Data Lake Store account properties to use when updating a Data Lake Store account.
The parameters used to update a Data Lake Store account while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters used to update a firewall rule.
The firewall rule properties to use when updating a firewall rule.
The parameters used to update a firewall rule while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
The parameters used to update an Azure Storage account.
The Azure Storage account properties to use when updating an Azure Storage account.
The parameters used to update an Azure Storage account while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
Data Lake Analytics VirtualNetwork Rule information.
The VirtualNetwork Rule properties.
The current state of the VirtualNetworkRule for this account.