Class UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters


public final class UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters extends Object
The parameters used to update a firewall rule while updating a Data Lake Analytics account.
  • Constructor Details

    • UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters

      public UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters()
      Creates an instance of UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters class.
  • Method Details

    • name

      public String name()
      Get the name property: The unique name of the firewall rule to update.
      the name value.
    • withName

      Set the name property: The unique name of the firewall rule to update.
      name - the name value to set.
      the UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters object itself.
    • startIpAddress

      public String startIpAddress()
      Get the startIpAddress property: The start IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
      the startIpAddress value.
    • withStartIpAddress

      public UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters withStartIpAddress(String startIpAddress)
      Set the startIpAddress property: The start IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
      startIpAddress - the startIpAddress value to set.
      the UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters object itself.
    • endIpAddress

      public String endIpAddress()
      Get the endIpAddress property: The end IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
      the endIpAddress value.
    • withEndIpAddress

      public UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters withEndIpAddress(String endIpAddress)
      Set the endIpAddress property: The end IP address for the firewall rule. This can be either ipv4 or ipv6. Start and End should be in the same protocol.
      endIpAddress - the endIpAddress value to set.
      the UpdateFirewallRuleWithAccountParameters object itself.
    • validate

      public void validate()
      Validates the instance.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.