Interface DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.UpdateStages.WithFirewallAllowAzureIps

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Enclosing interface:

public static interface DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.UpdateStages.WithFirewallAllowAzureIps
The stage of the DataLakeAnalyticsAccount update allowing to specify firewallAllowAzureIps.
  • Method Details

    • withFirewallAllowAzureIps

      DataLakeAnalyticsAccount.Update withFirewallAllowAzureIps(FirewallAllowAzureIpsState firewallAllowAzureIps)
      Specifies the firewallAllowAzureIps property: The current state of allowing or disallowing IPs originating within Azure through the firewall. If the firewall is disabled, this is not enforced..
      firewallAllowAzureIps - The current state of allowing or disallowing IPs originating within Azure through the firewall. If the firewall is disabled, this is not enforced.
      the next definition stage.