Interface ComputePolicy.DefinitionStages.WithMaxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob

All Known Subinterfaces:
ComputePolicy.Definition, ComputePolicy.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ComputePolicy.DefinitionStages.WithMaxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob
The stage of the ComputePolicy definition allowing to specify maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob.
  • Method Details

    • withMaxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob

      ComputePolicy.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withMaxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob(Integer maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob)
      Specifies the maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob property: The maximum degree of parallelism per job this user can use to submit jobs. This property, the min priority per job property, or both must be passed..
      maxDegreeOfParallelismPerJob - The maximum degree of parallelism per job this user can use to submit jobs. This property, the min priority per job property, or both must be passed.
      the next definition stage.