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Interface StatefulServiceUpdateDescription

Package version

Describes an update for a stateful service.


  • StatefulServiceUpdateDescription



Optional correlationScheme

correlationScheme: ServiceCorrelationDescription[]

The correlation scheme.

Optional defaultMoveCost

defaultMoveCost: MoveCost

The move cost for the service. Possible values include: 'Zero', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High'

Optional flags

flags: undefined | string

Flags indicating whether other properties are set. Each of the associated properties corresponds to a flag, specified below, which, if set, indicate that the property is specified. This property can be a combination of those flags obtained using bitwise 'OR' operator. For example, if the provided value is 6 then the flags for ReplicaRestartWaitDuration (2) and QuorumLossWaitDuration (4) are set.

  • None - Does not indicate any other properties are set. The value is zero.
  • TargetReplicaSetSize/InstanceCount - Indicates whether the TargetReplicaSetSize property (for Stateful services) or the InstanceCount property (for Stateless services) is set. The value is 1.
  • ReplicaRestartWaitDuration - Indicates the ReplicaRestartWaitDuration property is set. The value is 2.
  • QuorumLossWaitDuration - Indicates the QuorumLossWaitDuration property is set. The value is


  • StandByReplicaKeepDuration - Indicates the StandByReplicaKeepDuration property is set. The value is 8.
  • MinReplicaSetSize - Indicates the MinReplicaSetSize property is set. The value is 16.
  • PlacementConstraints - Indicates the PlacementConstraints property is set. The value is 32.
  • PlacementPolicyList - Indicates the ServicePlacementPolicies property is set. The value is


  • Correlation - Indicates the CorrelationScheme property is set. The value is 128.
  • Metrics - Indicates the ServiceLoadMetrics property is set. The value is 256.
  • DefaultMoveCost - Indicates the DefaultMoveCost property is set. The value is 512.
  • ScalingPolicy - Indicates the ScalingPolicies property is set. The value is 1024.

Optional loadMetrics

The service load metrics.

Optional minReplicaSetSize

minReplicaSetSize: undefined | number

The minimum replica set size as a number.

Optional placementConstraints

placementConstraints: undefined | string

The placement constraints as a string. Placement constraints are boolean expressions on node properties and allow for restricting a service to particular nodes based on the service requirements. For example, to place a service on nodes where NodeType is blue specify the following: "NodeColor == blue)".

Optional quorumLossWaitDurationSeconds

quorumLossWaitDurationSeconds: undefined | string

The maximum duration, in seconds, for which a partition is allowed to be in a state of quorum loss.

Optional replicaRestartWaitDurationSeconds

replicaRestartWaitDurationSeconds: undefined | string

The duration, in seconds, between when a replica goes down and when a new replica is created.

Optional scalingPolicies

scalingPolicies: ScalingPolicyDescription[]

Scaling policies for this service.


serviceKind: "Stateful"

Polymorphic Discriminator

Optional servicePlacementPolicies

servicePlacementPolicies: ServicePlacementPolicyDescriptionUnion[]

The service placement policies.

Optional standByReplicaKeepDurationSeconds

standByReplicaKeepDurationSeconds: undefined | string

The definition on how long StandBy replicas should be maintained before being removed.

Optional targetReplicaSetSize

targetReplicaSetSize: undefined | number

The target replica set size as a number.

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