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Interface ServiceLoadMetricDescription

Package version

Specifies a metric to load balance a service during runtime.


  • ServiceLoadMetricDescription



Optional defaultLoad

defaultLoad: undefined | number

Used only for Stateless services. The default amount of load, as a number, that this service creates for this metric.


name: string

The name of the metric. If the service chooses to report load during runtime, the load metric name should match the name that is specified in Name exactly. Note that metric names are case-sensitive.

Optional primaryDefaultLoad

primaryDefaultLoad: undefined | number

Used only for Stateful services. The default amount of load, as a number, that this service creates for this metric when it is a Primary replica.

Optional secondaryDefaultLoad

secondaryDefaultLoad: undefined | number

Used only for Stateful services. The default amount of load, as a number, that this service creates for this metric when it is a Secondary replica.

Optional weight

The service load metric relative weight, compared to other metrics configured for this service, as a number. Possible values include: 'Zero', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High'

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