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Interface ServiceTypeDescription

Package version

Describes a service type defined in the service manifest of a provisioned application type. The properties the ones defined in the service manifest.


  • ServiceTypeDescription



Optional extensions

List of service type extensions.

Optional isStateful

isStateful: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the service type is a stateful service type or a stateless service type. This property is true if the service type is a stateful service type, false otherwise.


kind: "ServiceTypeDescription"

Polymorphic Discriminator

Optional loadMetrics

The service load metrics is given as an array of ServiceLoadMetricDescription objects.

Optional placementConstraints

placementConstraints: undefined | string

The placement constraint to be used when instantiating this service in a Service Fabric cluster.

Optional servicePlacementPolicies

servicePlacementPolicies: ServicePlacementPolicyDescriptionUnion[]

List of service placement policy descriptions.

Optional serviceTypeName

serviceTypeName: undefined | string

Name of the service type as specified in the service manifest.

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