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Interface CodePackageEntryPoint

Package version

Information about setup or main entry point of a code package deployed on a Service Fabric node.


  • CodePackageEntryPoint



Optional codePackageEntryPointStatistics

codePackageEntryPointStatistics: CodePackageEntryPointStatistics

Statistics about setup or main entry point of a code package deployed on a Service Fabric node.

Optional entryPointLocation

entryPointLocation: undefined | string

The location of entry point executable on the node.

Optional instanceId

instanceId: undefined | string

The instance ID for current running entry point. For a code package setup entry point (if specified) runs first and after it finishes main entry point is started. Each time entry point executable is run, its instance id will change.

Optional nextActivationTime

nextActivationTime: Date

The time (in UTC) when the entry point executable will be run next.

Optional processId

processId: undefined | string

The process ID of the entry point.

Optional runAsUserName

runAsUserName: undefined | string

The user name under which entry point executable is run on the node.

Optional status

Specifies the status of the code package entry point deployed on a Service Fabric node. Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Pending', 'Starting', 'Started', 'Stopping', 'Stopped'

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