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Interface CodePackageEntryPointStatistics

Package version

Statistics about setup or main entry point of a code package deployed on a Service Fabric node.


  • CodePackageEntryPointStatistics



Optional activationCount

activationCount: undefined | string

Number of times the entry point has run.

Optional activationFailureCount

activationFailureCount: undefined | string

Number of times the entry point failed to run.

Optional continuousActivationFailureCount

continuousActivationFailureCount: undefined | string

Number of times the entry point continuously failed to run.

Optional continuousExitFailureCount

continuousExitFailureCount: undefined | string

Number of times the entry point continuously failed to exit gracefully.

Optional exitCount

exitCount: undefined | string

Number of times the entry point finished running.

Optional exitFailureCount

exitFailureCount: undefined | string

Number of times the entry point failed to exit gracefully.

Optional lastActivationTime

lastActivationTime: Date

The last time (in UTC) when Service Fabric attempted to run the entry point.

Optional lastExitCode

lastExitCode: undefined | string

The last exit code of the entry point.

Optional lastExitTime

lastExitTime: Date

The last time (in UTC) when the entry point finished running.

Optional lastSuccessfulActivationTime

lastSuccessfulActivationTime: Date

The last time (in UTC) when the entry point ran successfully.

Optional lastSuccessfulExitTime

lastSuccessfulExitTime: Date

The last time (in UTC) when the entry point finished running gracefully.

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