Resource for '/detect' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/findsimilars' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/identify' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/verify' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/group' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions' has methods for the following verbs: post, get
Resource for '/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/{sessionId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get
Resource for '/detectLiveness/singleModal/sessions/{sessionId}/audit' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions' has methods for the following verbs: post, get
Resource for '/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/{sessionId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get
Resource for '/detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal/sessions/{sessionId}/audit' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/facelists/{faceListId}' has methods for the following verbs: put, delete, get, patch
Resource for '/facelists' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/facelists/{faceListId}/persistedfaces' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/facelists/{faceListId}/persistedfaces/{persistedFaceId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete
Resource for '/largefacelists/{largeFaceListId}' has methods for the following verbs: put, delete, get, patch
Resource for '/largefacelists' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/largefacelists/{largeFaceListId}/training' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/largefacelists/{largeFaceListId}/train' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/largefacelists/{largeFaceListId}/persistedfaces' has methods for the following verbs: post, get
Resource for '/largefacelists/{largeFaceListId}/persistedfaces/{persistedFaceId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get, patch
Resource for '/persons' has methods for the following verbs: post, get
Resource for '/persons/{personId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get, patch
Resource for '/persons/{personId}/dynamicPersonGroupReferences' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/persons/{personId}/recognitionModels/{recognitionModel}/persistedfaces' has methods for the following verbs: post, get
Resource for '/persons/{personId}/recognitionModels/{recognitionModel}/persistedfaces/{persistedFaceId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get, patch
Resource for '/dynamicpersongroups/{dynamicPersonGroupId}' has methods for the following verbs: put, delete, get, patch
Resource for '/dynamicpersongroups' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/dynamicpersongroups/{dynamicPersonGroupId}/persons' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/persongroups/{personGroupId}' has methods for the following verbs: put, delete, get, patch
Resource for '/persongroups' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/persongroups/{personGroupId}/training' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/persongroups/{personGroupId}/train' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/persongroups/{personGroupId}/persons' has methods for the following verbs: post, get
Resource for '/persongroups/{personGroupId}/persons/{personId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get, patch
Resource for '/persongroups/{personGroupId}/persons/{personId}/persistedfaces' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/persongroups/{personGroupId}/persons/{personId}/persistedfaces/{persistedFaceId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get, patch
Resource for '/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}' has methods for the following verbs: put, delete, get, patch
Resource for '/largepersongroups' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/training' has methods for the following verbs: get
Resource for '/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/train' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/persons' has methods for the following verbs: post, get
Resource for '/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/persons/{personId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get, patch
Resource for '/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/persons/{personId}/persistedfaces' has methods for the following verbs: post
Resource for '/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/persons/{personId}/persistedfaces/{persistedFaceId}' has methods for the following verbs: delete, get, patch
Resource for '/operations/{operationId}' has methods for the following verbs: get