Persons are stored in alphabetical order of personId created in Person Directory "Create Person".
"start" parameter (string, optional) specifies an ID value from which returned entries will have larger IDs based on string comparison. Setting "start" to an empty value indicates that entries should be returned starting from the first item.
"top" parameter (int, optional) determines the maximum number of entries to be returned, with a limit of up to 1000 entries per call. To retrieve additional entries beyond this limit, specify "start" with the personId of the last entry returned in the current call.
For example, there are total 5 items with their IDs: "itemId1", ..., "itemId5".
"start=&top=" will return all 5 items.
"start=&top=2" will return "itemId1", "itemId2".
"start=itemId2&top=3" will return "itemId3", "itemId4", "itemId5".
Persons are stored in alphabetical order of personId created in Person Directory "Create Person".