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Interface DefaultAzureCredentialResourceIdOptions

Package version

Provides options to configure the DefaultAzureCredential class. This variation supports managedIdentityResourceId and not managedIdentityClientId, since only one of both is supported.




Optional authorityHost

authorityHost: undefined | string

The authority host to use for authentication requests. Possible values are available through AzureAuthorityHosts. The default is "https://login.microsoftonline.com".

Optional loggingOptions

loggingOptions: LogPolicyOptions & { allowLoggingAccountIdentifiers?: undefined | false | true }

Allows logging account information once the authentication flow succeeds.


managedIdentityResourceId: string

Optionally pass in a resource ID to be used by the ManagedIdentityCredential. In scenarios such as when user assigned identities are created using an ARM template, where the resource Id of the identity is known but the client Id can't be known ahead of time, this parameter allows programs to use these user assigned identities without having to first determine the client Id of the created identity.

Optional tenantId

tenantId: undefined | string

Optionally pass in a Tenant ID to be used as part of the credential. By default it may use a generic tenant ID depending on the underlying credential.

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