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Interface DefaultAzureCredentialClientIdOptions

Package version

Provides options to configure the DefaultAzureCredential class. This variation supports managedIdentityClientId and not managedIdentityResourceId, since only one of both is supported.




Optional authorityHost

authorityHost: undefined | string

The authority host to use for authentication requests. Possible values are available through AzureAuthorityHosts. The default is "https://login.microsoftonline.com".

Optional loggingOptions

loggingOptions: LogPolicyOptions & { allowLoggingAccountIdentifiers?: undefined | false | true }

Allows logging account information once the authentication flow succeeds.

Optional managedIdentityClientId

managedIdentityClientId: undefined | string

Optionally pass in a user assigned client ID to be used by the ManagedIdentityCredential. This client ID can also be passed through to the ManagedIdentityCredential through the environment variable: AZURE_CLIENT_ID.

Optional tenantId

tenantId: undefined | string

Optionally pass in a Tenant ID to be used as part of the credential. By default it may use a generic tenant ID depending on the underlying credential.

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