Class HttpRange

  • public final class HttpRange
    extends Object
    Represents a range of bytes within an HTTP resource.

    The range starts at the offset inclusively and ends at offset + length exclusively, or offset + length - 1.

    If length is unspecified, null, then the range extends to the end of the HTTP resource.

    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpRange

        public HttpRange​(long offset)
        Creates an instance of HttpRange.

        This creates a range which has an unbounded length starting at the specified offset.

        offset - The offset to begin the range.
        IllegalArgumentException - If offset is less than 0.
      • HttpRange

        public HttpRange​(long offset,
                         Long length)
        Creates an instance of HttpRange.
        offset - The offset to begin the range.
        length - The length of the range.
        IllegalArgumentException - If offset is less than 0 or length is non-null and is less than or equal to 0.
    • Method Detail

      • getOffset

        public long getOffset()
        Gets the offset of the range.
        Offset of the range.
      • getLength

        public Long getLength()
        Gets the length of the range.

        If the length is null the range continues to the end of the HTTP resource.

        Length of the range or null if range continues to the end of the HTTP resource.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Gets the string representation of the range.

        If length is null the returned string will be "bytes=<offset>-", if length is not null the returned string will be "bytes=<offset>-<offset + length - 1>".

        toString in class Object
        The string representation of the range.