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AccessToken - Class in com.azure.core.credential
Represents an immutable access token with a token string and an expiration time.
AccessToken(String, OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.AccessToken
Creates an access token instance.
add(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Adds a header with the given name and value if a header with that name doesn't already exist, otherwise adds the value to the existing header.
addAfterRetryPolicies(List<HttpPipelinePolicy>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPolicyProviders
Adds SPI policies that implement AfterRetryPolicyProvider.
addAllowedHeaderName(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets the given whitelisted header to the default header set that should be logged.
addAllowedQueryParamName(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets the given whitelisted query param that should be logged.
addBeforeRetryPolicies(List<HttpPipelinePolicy>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPolicyProviders
Adds SPI policies that implement BeforeRetryPolicyProvider.
addData(Object, Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Context
Adds a new immutable Context object with the specified key-value pair to the existing Context chain.
AddDatePolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that adds a "Date" header in RFC 1123 format when sending an HTTP request.
AddDatePolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.AddDatePolicy
addEvent(String, Map<String, Object>, OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
addEvent(String, Map<String, Object>, OffsetDateTime, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Adds an event to the span present in the Context with the provided timestamp and attributes.
addExtensionAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Add/Overwrite a single extension attribute to the cloud event.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
Adds a header to the HTTP request.
AddHeadersFromContextPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that override or add HttpHeaders in HttpRequest by reading values from Context with key 'azure-http-headers-key'.
AddHeadersFromContextPolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.AddHeadersFromContextPolicy
AddHeadersPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that adds a particular set of headers to HTTP requests.
AddHeadersPolicy(HttpHeaders) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.AddHeadersPolicy
Creates a AddHeadersPolicy.
addLink(Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Provides a way to link multiple tracing spans.
addQueryParam(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
Adds a query parameter to the request URL.
addQueryParam(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
Adds a query parameter to the request URL, specifying whether the parameter is already encoded.
addQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Append the provided query parameter name and encoded value to query string for the final URL.
addRequestCallback(Consumer<HttpRequest>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
Adds a custom request callback to modify the HTTP request before it's sent by the HttpClient.
addScopes(String...) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Adds one or more scopes to the request scopes.
addValue(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Header
Add a new value to the end of the Header.
AfterRetryPolicyProvider - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
Implementing classes are automatically added as policies after the retry policy.
AMQP - com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClientProtocol
AMQP protocol.
APPEND_USER_AGENT_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy
Key for Context to add a value which will be appended to the User-Agent supplied in this policy in an ad-hoc manner.
appendAdd(String, Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends an "add" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendAddRaw(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends an "add" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendCopy(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends a "copy" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendMove(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends a "move" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendRemove(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends a "remove" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendReplace(String, Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends a "replace" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendReplaceRaw(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends a "replace" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendTest(String, Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends a "test" operation to this JSON Patch document.
appendTestRaw(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Appends a "test" operation to this JSON Patch document.
APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class com.azure.core.http.ContentType
the default JSON Content-Type header.
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class com.azure.core.http.ContentType
the default binary Content-Type header.
APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.http.ContentType
The default form data Content-Type header.
arrayToString(T[], Function<T, String>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Turns an array into a string mapping each element to a string and delimits them using a coma.
AsyncCloseable - Interface in com.azure.core.util
Interface for close operations that are asynchronous.
AsyncKeyEncryptionKey - Interface in com.azure.core.cryptography
A key which is used to asynchronously encrypt, or wrap, another key.
AsyncKeyEncryptionKeyResolver - Interface in com.azure.core.cryptography
An object capable of asynchronously retrieving key encryption keys from a provided key identifier.
AsyncPollResponse<T,​U> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
AsyncPollResponse represents an event emitted by the PollerFlux that asynchronously polls a long-running operation (LRO).
attemptToPipelineAuthorization(String, String, Supplier<byte[]>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Attempts to pipeline requests by applying the most recent authorization type used to create an authorization header.
AUTHENTICATION_INFO - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Header representing additional information a server is expecting during future authentication requests.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Header representing the authorization the client is presenting to a server.
AuthorizationChallengeHandler - Class in com.azure.core.util
This class handles Basic and Digest authorization challenges, complying to RFC 2617 and RFC 7616.
AuthorizationChallengeHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Creates an AuthorizationChallengeHandler using the username and password to respond to authentication challenges.
authorizeRequest(HttpPipelineCallContext) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy
Executed before sending the initial request and authenticates the request.
authorizeRequestOnChallenge(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpResponse) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy
Handles the authentication challenge in the event a 401 response with a WWW-Authenticate authentication challenge header is received after the initial request and returns appropriate TokenRequestContext to be used for re-authentication.
AZ_TRACING_NAMESPACE_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates that the context contains the Azure resource provider namespace.
AZURE_REQUEST_HTTP_HEADERS_KEY - Static variable in class com.azure.core.http.policy.AddHeadersFromContextPolicy
Key used to override headers in HttpRequest.
AzureException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
The base Azure exception.
AzureException() - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.AzureException
Initializes a new instance of the AzureException class.
AzureException(String) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.AzureException
Initializes a new instance of the AzureException class.
AzureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.AzureException
Initializes a new instance of the AzureException class.
AzureException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.AzureException
Initializes a new instance of the AzureException class.
AzureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.AzureException
Initializes a new instance of the AzureException class.
AzureKeyCredential - Class in com.azure.core.credential
Represents a credential that uses a key to authenticate to an Azure Service.
AzureKeyCredential(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.AzureKeyCredential
Creates a credential that authorizes request with the given key.
AzureKeyCredentialPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
Pipeline policy that uses an AzureKeyCredential to set the authorization key for a request.
AzureKeyCredentialPolicy(String, AzureKeyCredential) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.AzureKeyCredentialPolicy
Creates a policy that uses the passed AzureKeyCredential to set the specified header name.
AzureNamedKey - Class in com.azure.core.credential
Represents a credential bag containing the key and the name of the key.
AzureNamedKeyCredential - Class in com.azure.core.credential
Represents a credential with a key name and the key and uses the key to authenticate to an Azure Service.
AzureNamedKeyCredential(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKeyCredential
Creates a credential with specified name that authorizes request with the given key.
AzureSasCredential - Class in com.azure.core.credential
Represents a credential that uses a shared access signature to authenticate to an Azure Service.
AzureSasCredential(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.AzureSasCredential
Creates a credential that authorizes request with the given shared access signature.
AzureSasCredential(String, Function<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.AzureSasCredential
Creates a credential that authorizes request within the given shared access signature.
AzureSasCredentialPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
Pipeline policy that uses an AzureSasCredential to set the shared access signature for a request.
AzureSasCredentialPolicy(AzureSasCredential) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.AzureSasCredentialPolicy
Creates a policy that uses the passed AzureSasCredential to append sas to query string.
AzureSasCredentialPolicy(AzureSasCredential, boolean) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.AzureSasCredentialPolicy
Creates a policy that uses the passed AzureSasCredential to append sas to query string.


Base64Url - Class in com.azure.core.util
Encodes and decodes using Base64 URL encoding.
Base64Url(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
Creates a new Base64Url object with the specified encoded bytes.
Base64Url(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
Creates a new Base64Url object with the specified encoded string.
Base64Util - Class in com.azure.core.util
Utility type exposing Base64 encoding and decoding methods.
BASIC - com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
Logs only URLs, HTTP methods, and time to finish the request.
BasicAuthenticationCredential - Class in com.azure.core.credential
Basic Auth credentials for use with a REST Service Client.
BasicAuthenticationCredential(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.BasicAuthenticationCredential
Creates a basic authentication credential.
BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that applies a token credential to an HTTP request with "Bearer" scheme.
BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy(TokenCredential, String...) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy
Creates BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy.
BeforeRetryPolicyProvider - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
Implementing classes are automatically added as policies before the retry policy.
BinaryData - Class in com.azure.core.util
BinaryData is a convenient data interchange class for use throughout the Azure SDK for Java.
BODY - com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
Logs everything in BASIC, plus all the request and response body.
BODY_AND_HEADERS - com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
Logs everything in HEADERS and BODY.
BodyParam - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation to annotate a parameter to send to a REST endpoint as HTTP Request content.
bomAwareToString(byte[], String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Attempts to convert a byte stream into the properly encoded String.
buffer() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Gets a new response object wrapping this response with its content buffered into memory.
build() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineBuilder
Creates an HttpPipeline based on options set in the builder.
buildAsyncKeyEncryptionKey(String) - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.AsyncKeyEncryptionKeyResolver
Retrieves the AsyncKeyEncryptionKey corresponding to the specified keyId
builder() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClient
The builder class that can construct an instance of this class.
buildKeyEncryptionKey(String) - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.KeyEncryptionKeyResolver
Retrieves the KeyEncryptionKey corresponding to the specified keyId
byPage() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFluxBase
Creates a Flux of PagedResponse starting from the first page.
byPage() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFlux
Gets a Flux of ContinuablePage starting at the first page.
byPage() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
byPage(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFlux
Gets a Flux of ContinuablePage starting at the first page requesting each page to contain a number of elements equal to the preferred page size.
byPage(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
byPage(C) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFlux
Gets a Flux of ContinuablePage beginning at the page identified by the given continuation token.
byPage(C) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
byPage(C, int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFlux
Gets a Flux of ContinuablePage beginning at the page identified by the given continuation token requesting each page to contain the number of elements equal to the preferred page size.
byPage(C, int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
byPage(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFluxBase
Creates a Flux of PagedResponse starting from the next page associated with the given continuation token.
byteBufferToArray(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Gets the content of the provided ByteBuffer as a byte array.
BYTES - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEventDataFormat
Bytes format.


calculateRetryDelay(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.ExponentialBackoff
calculateRetryDelay(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.FixedDelay
calculateRetryDelay(int) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy
Computes the delay between each retry.
cancel(PollingContext<T>, PollResponse<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.ChainedPollingStrategy
Cancels the long running operation if service supports cancellation.
cancel(PollingContext<T>, PollResponse<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingStrategy
Cancels the long running operation if service supports cancellation.
cancelOperation() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.AsyncPollResponse
cancelOperation() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
cancels the remote long-running operation if cancellation is supported by the service.
canLogAtLevel(LogLevel) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Determines if the app or environment logger support logging at the given log level.
canPoll(Response<?>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.ChainedPollingStrategy
canPoll(Response<?>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.DefaultPollingStrategy
canPoll(Response<?>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LocationPollingStrategy
canPoll(Response<?>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.OperationResourcePollingStrategy
canPoll(Response<?>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingStrategy
Checks if this strategy is able to handle polling for this long running operation based on the information in the initial response.
canPoll(Response<?>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.StatusCheckPollingStrategy
ChainedPollingStrategy<T,​U> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
A polling strategy that chains multiple polling strategies, finds the first strategy that can poll the current long running operation, and polls with that strategy.
ChainedPollingStrategy(List<PollingStrategy<T, U>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.ChainedPollingStrategy
Creates a chained polling strategy with a list of polling strategies.
clearQuery() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Clear the query that will be used to build the final URL.
CLIENT - com.azure.core.util.tracing.SpanKind
Indicates that the span covers the client-side wrapper around an RPC or other remote request.
ClientAuthenticationException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
The exception thrown when failed to authenticate the client request with status code of 4XX, typically 401 unauthorized.
ClientAuthenticationException(String, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ClientAuthenticationException
Initializes a new instance of the ClientAuthenticationException class.
ClientAuthenticationException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ClientAuthenticationException
Initializes a new instance of the ClientAuthenticationException class.
ClientAuthenticationException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ClientAuthenticationException
Initializes a new instance of the ClientAuthenticationException class.
ClientLogger - Class in com.azure.core.util.logging
This is a fluent logger helper class that wraps a pluggable Logger.
ClientLogger(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Retrieves a logger for the passed class using the LoggerFactory.
ClientLogger(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Retrieves a logger for the passed class name using the LoggerFactory.
clientOptions(ClientOptions) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineBuilder
Sets the ClientOptions that will configure the pipeline.
ClientOptions - Class in com.azure.core.util
General configuration options for clients.
ClientOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.ClientOptions
clone() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineNextPolicy
Creates a new instance of this instance.
clone() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Clones this Configuration object.
clone(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Creates a copy of the source byte array.
clone(int[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Creates a copy of the source int array.
clone(T[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Creates a copy of the source array.
close() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Closes the response content stream, if any.
close() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
close() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.StreamResponse
Disposes the connection associated with this StreamResponse.
closeAsync() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.AsyncCloseable
Begins the close operation.
CloudEvent - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents the CloudEvent conforming to the 1.0 schema defined by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
CloudEvent(String, String, BinaryData, CloudEventDataFormat, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Create an instance of CloudEvent.
CloudEventDataFormat - Class in com.azure.core.models
Representation of the data format for a CloudEvent.
CloudEventDataFormat() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.CloudEventDataFormat
code() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.UnexpectedResponseExceptionType
HTTP status codes which trigger the exception to be thrown or returned, if not status codes are listed the exception is always thrown or returned.
collectBytesFromNetworkResponse(Flux<ByteBuffer>, HttpHeaders) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Collects ByteBuffers returned in a network response into a byte array.
collectBytesInByteBufferStream(Flux<ByteBuffer>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Collects ByteBuffers emitted by a Flux into a byte array.
collectBytesInByteBufferStream(Flux<ByteBuffer>, int) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Collects ByteBuffers emitted by a Flux into a byte array.
COLLECTION - com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType
Simple collection, enumeration, return type.
CollectionFormat - Enum in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Swagger collection format to use for joining List parameters in paths, queries, and headers.
com.azure.core.annotation - package com.azure.core.annotation
Package containing annotations for client side methods that maps to REST APIs.
com.azure.core.credential - package com.azure.core.credential
Package containing basic credential classes for authentication purposes.
com.azure.core.cryptography - package com.azure.core.cryptography
Package containing core cryptography interfaces.
com.azure.core.exception - package com.azure.core.exception
Package containing core exception classes.
com.azure.core.http - package com.azure.core.http
Package containing HTTP abstractions between the AnnotationParser, RestProxy, and HTTP client.
com.azure.core.http.policy - package com.azure.core.http.policy
Package containing HttpPipelinePolicy interface and its implementations.
com.azure.core.http.rest - package com.azure.core.http.rest
Package containing REST-related APIs.
com.azure.core.models - package com.azure.core.models
Package containing core model classes.
com.azure.core.util - package com.azure.core.util
Package containing core utility classes.
com.azure.core.util.logging - package com.azure.core.util.logging
Package containing logging APIs.
com.azure.core.util.paging - package com.azure.core.util.paging
Package containing paging abstraction.
com.azure.core.util.polling - package com.azure.core.util.polling
Package containing API for long running operations.
com.azure.core.util.serializer - package com.azure.core.util.serializer
Package containing interfaces describing serialization and deserialization contract.
com.azure.core.util.tracing - package com.azure.core.util.tracing
Package containing API for tracing.
Configuration - Class in com.azure.core.util
Contains configuration information that is used during construction of client libraries.
Configuration() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Constructs a configuration containing the known Azure properties constants.
CONNECT - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP CONNECT method.
consumeAuthenticationInfoHeader(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Consumes either the 'Authentication-Info' or 'Proxy-Authentication-Info' header returned in a response from a server.
CONSUMER - com.azure.core.util.tracing.SpanKind
Indicates that the span describes consumer receiving a message from a broker.
contains(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Determines if the configuration exists.
ContentType - Class in com.azure.core.http
The different values that commonly used for Content-Type header.
Context - Class in com.azure.core.util
Context offers a means of passing arbitrary data (key-value pairs) to pipeline policies.
Context(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.Context
Constructs a new Context object.
ContinuablePage<C,​T> - Interface in com.azure.core.util.paging
Represents a page returned, this page may contain a reference to additional pages known as a continuation token.
ContinuablePagedFlux<C,​T,​P extends ContinuablePage<C,​T>> - Class in com.azure.core.util.paging
This class is a Flux implementation that provides the ability to operate on pages of type ContinuablePage and individual items in such pages.
ContinuablePagedFlux() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFlux
Creates an instance of ContinuablePagedFlux.
ContinuablePagedFlux(Predicate<C>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFlux
Creates an instance of ContinuablePagedFlux.
ContinuablePagedFluxCore<C,​T,​P extends ContinuablePage<C,​T>> - Class in com.azure.core.util.paging
The default implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux.
ContinuablePagedFluxCore(Supplier<PageRetriever<C, P>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
Creates an instance of ContinuablePagedFluxCore.
ContinuablePagedFluxCore(Supplier<PageRetriever<C, P>>, int) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
Creates an instance of ContinuablePagedFluxCore.
ContinuablePagedFluxCore(Supplier<PageRetriever<C, P>>, Integer, Predicate<C>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
Creates an instance of ContinuablePagedFluxCore.
ContinuablePagedIterable<C,​T,​P extends ContinuablePage<C,​T>> - Class in com.azure.core.util.paging
This class provides utility to iterate over ContinuablePage using Stream Iterable interfaces.
ContinuablePagedIterable(ContinuablePagedFlux<C, T, P>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Creates instance with the given ContinuablePagedFlux.
ContinuablePagedIterable(ContinuablePagedFlux<C, T, P>, int) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Creates instance with the given ContinuablePagedFlux.
convertMemberName(Member) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.MemberNameConverter
Attempts to get the JSON serialized property name from the passed Member.
CookiePolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that which stores cookies based on the response "Set-Cookie" header and adds cookies to requests.
CookiePolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.CookiePolicy
copy() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Creates a copy of the request.
CoreUtils - Class in com.azure.core.util
This class contains utility methods useful for building client libraries.
count() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
Gets the number of coordinates used to compose the position.
create() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPolicyProvider
Creates the policy.
create(Class<A>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RestProxy
Create a proxy implementation of the provided Swagger interface.
create(Class<A>, HttpPipeline) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RestProxy
Create a proxy implementation of the provided Swagger interface.
create(Class<A>, HttpPipeline, SerializerAdapter) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RestProxy
Create a proxy implementation of the provided Swagger interface.
create(Duration, Function<PollingContext<T>, Mono<PollResponse<T>>>, Function<PollingContext<T>, Mono<PollResponse<T>>>, BiFunction<PollingContext<T>, PollResponse<T>, Mono<T>>, Function<PollingContext<T>, Mono<U>>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
Creates PollerFlux.
create(Duration, Supplier<Mono<? extends Response<?>>>, PollingStrategy<T, U>, TypeReference<T>, TypeReference<U>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
Creates PollerFlux.
create(Supplier<PageRetriever<String, PagedResponse<T>>>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFlux
Creates an instance of PagedFlux backed by a Page Retriever Supplier (provider).
createDefault() - Static method in interface com.azure.core.http.HttpClient
Creates a new HttpClient instance.
createDefault(HttpClientOptions) - Static method in interface com.azure.core.http.HttpClient
Creates a new HttpClient instance.
createDefaultSerializerAdapter() - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
maintain singleton instance of the default serializer adapter.
createHttpHeadersFromClientOptions(ClientOptions) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Creates HttpHeaders from the provided ClientOptions.
createInstance() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.HttpClientProvider
Creates a new instance of the HttpClient that this HttpClientProvider is configured to create.
createInstance() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializerProvider
Creates a new instance of the JsonSerializer that this JsonSerializerProvider is configured to create.
createInstance() - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializerProviders
Creates an instance of JsonSerializer using the first JsonSerializerProvider found in the classpath.
createInstance() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.MemberNameConverterProvider
Creates a new instance of the MemberNameConverter that this MemberNameConverterProvider is configured to create.
createInstance() - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.MemberNameConverterProviders
Creates an instance of MemberNameConverter using the first MemberNameConverterProvider found in the classpath.
createInstance(boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializerProviders
Creates an instance of JsonSerializer using the first JsonSerializerProvider found in the classpath.
createInstance(HttpClientOptions) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.HttpClientProvider
Creates a new instance of the HttpClient that this HttpClientProvider is configured to create.
createInstance(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.TypeReference
Creates and instance of TypeReference which maintains the generic T of the passed Class.
createRedirectRequest(HttpResponse) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.DefaultRedirectStrategy
createRedirectRequest(HttpResponse) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RedirectStrategy
Creates an request for the redirect attempt.
createRetriableDownloadFlux(Supplier<Flux<ByteBuffer>>, BiFunction<Throwable, Long, Flux<ByteBuffer>>, int) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Creates a Flux that is capable of resuming a download by applying retry logic when an error occurs.
createRetriableDownloadFlux(Supplier<Flux<ByteBuffer>>, BiFunction<Throwable, Long, Flux<ByteBuffer>>, int, long) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Creates a Flux that is capable of resuming a download by applying retry logic when an error occurs.
CSV - com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Comma separated values.


DateTimeRfc1123 - Class in com.azure.core.util
Wrapper over java.time.OffsetDateTime used for specifying RFC1123 format during serialization and deserialization.
DateTimeRfc1123(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.DateTimeRfc1123
Creates a new DateTimeRfc1123 object with the specified DateTime.
DateTimeRfc1123(OffsetDateTime) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.DateTimeRfc1123
Creates a new DateTimeRfc1123 object with the specified DateTime.
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Util
Decodes a base64 encoded byte array.
decodedBytes() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
Decode the bytes and returns its value.
DecodeException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
Error raised during response deserialization.
DecodeException(String, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.DecodeException
Initializes a new instance of the DecodeException class.
DecodeException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.DecodeException
Initializes a new instance of the DecodeException class.
DecodeException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.DecodeException
Initializes a new instance of the DecodeException class.
decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Util
Decodes a base64 encoded string.
decodeURL(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Util
Decodes a byte array in base64 URL format.
DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_HEADER - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.UserAgentUtil
Default UserAgent header.
DefaultPollingStrategy<T,​U> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
The default polling strategy to use with Azure data plane services.
DefaultPollingStrategy(HttpPipeline) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.DefaultPollingStrategy
Creates a chained polling strategy with 3 known polling strategies, OperationResourcePollingStrategy, LocationPollingStrategy, and StatusCheckPollingStrategy, in this order, with a JSON serializer.
DefaultPollingStrategy(HttpPipeline, JsonSerializer) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.DefaultPollingStrategy
Creates a chained polling strategy with 3 known polling strategies, OperationResourcePollingStrategy, LocationPollingStrategy, and StatusCheckPollingStrategy, in this order, with a custom serializer.
DefaultRedirectStrategy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
A default implementation of RedirectStrategy that uses the provided maximum retry attempts, header name to look up redirect url value for, http methods and a known set of redirect status response codes (301, 302, 307, 308) to determine if request should be redirected.
DefaultRedirectStrategy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.DefaultRedirectStrategy
Creates an instance of DefaultRedirectStrategy with a maximum number of redirect attempts 3, header name "Location" to locate the redirect url in the response headers and HttpMethod.GET and HttpMethod.HEAD as allowed methods for performing the redirect.
DefaultRedirectStrategy(int) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.DefaultRedirectStrategy
Creates an instance of DefaultRedirectStrategy with the provided number of redirect attempts and default header name "Location" to locate the redirect url in the response headers and HttpMethod.GET and HttpMethod.HEAD as allowed methods for performing the redirect.
DefaultRedirectStrategy(int, String, Set<HttpMethod>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.DefaultRedirectStrategy
Creates an instance of DefaultRedirectStrategy.
Delete - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
HTTP DELETE method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource deletion.
DELETE - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP DELETE method.
deserialize(byte[], Type, SerializerEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
deserialize(byte[], Type, SerializerEncoding) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Deserializes a byte array into an object.
deserialize(HttpHeaders, Type) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
deserialize(HttpHeaders, Type) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Deserialize the provided headers returned from a REST API to an entity instance declared as the model to hold 'Matching' headers.
deserialize(InputStream, TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Reads a JSON stream into its object representation.
deserialize(InputStream, TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Reads a stream into its object representation.
deserialize(InputStream, Type, SerializerEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
deserialize(InputStream, Type, SerializerEncoding) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Deserializes a stream into an object.
deserialize(String, Type, SerializerEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
deserialize(String, Type, SerializerEncoding) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Deserializes a string into an object.
deserializeAsync(InputStream, TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Reads a JSON stream into its object representation.
deserializeAsync(InputStream, TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Reads a stream into its object representation.
deserializeFromBytes(byte[], TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Reads a JSON byte array into its object representation.
deserializeFromBytes(byte[], TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Reads a byte array into its object representation.
deserializeFromBytesAsync(byte[], TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Reads a JSON byte array into its object representation.
deserializeFromBytesAsync(byte[], TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Reads a byte array into its object representation.
DIAGNOSTIC_ID_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates that the context contains a "Diagnostic Id" for the service call.
DISABLE_TRACING_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which disables tracing for the request associated with the current context.


encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
Encodes a byte array into Base64Url encoded bytes.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Util
Encodes a byte array to base64.
encoded() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.FormParam
A value true for this argument indicates that value of FormParam.value() is already encoded hence engine should not encode it, by default value will be encoded.
encoded() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.HostParam
A value true for this argument indicates that value of HostParam.value() is already encoded hence engine should not encode it, by default value will be encoded.
encoded() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.PathParam
A value true for this argument indicates that value of PathParam.value() is already encoded hence engine should not encode it, by default value will be encoded.
encoded() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.QueryParam
A value true for this argument indicates that value of QueryParam.value() is already encoded hence engine should not encode it, by default value will be encoded.
encodedBytes() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
Returns the underlying encoded byte array.
encodeToString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Util
Encodes a byte array to a base 64 string.
encodeURLWithoutPadding(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Util
Encodes a byte array to base64 URL format.
end(int, Throwable, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Completes the current tracing span.
end(int, Throwable, Context) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy
For the plugged in tracer, its current tracing span is marked as completed.
end(String, Throwable, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Completes the current tracing span for AMQP calls.
ENTITY_PATH_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates that the context contains an entity path.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRange
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLinearRing
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineString
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineStringCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygonCollection
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.DateTimeRfc1123
equals(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum
error(Exception) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
Creates a PollerFlux instance that returns an error on subscription.
error(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a message at error log level.
error(String, Object...) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a format-able message that uses {} as the placeholder at error log level.
ERROR - com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Indicates that log level is at error level.
ExpandableStringEnum<T extends ExpandableStringEnum<T>> - Class in com.azure.core.util
Base implementation for expandable, single string enums.
ExpandableStringEnum() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum
ExpectedResponses - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation to annotate list of HTTP status codes that are expected in response from a REST endpoint.
ExponentialBackoff - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
A truncated exponential backoff implementation of RetryStrategy that has a delay duration that exponentially increases with each retry attempt until an upper bound is reached after which every retry attempt is delayed by the provided max delay duration.
ExponentialBackoff() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.ExponentialBackoff
Creates an instance of ExponentialBackoff with a maximum number of retry attempts configured by the environment property Configuration.PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT, or three if it isn't configured or is less than or equal to 0.
ExponentialBackoff(int, Duration, Duration) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.ExponentialBackoff
Creates an instance of ExponentialBackoff.
extractAndFetch(PagedResponse<T>, Context, BiFunction<String, Context, Publisher<T>>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Use localized implementation.
extractContext(String, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Extracts the span's context as Context from upstream.


FAILED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus
Represents that the long-running operation has failed to successfully complete, however this is still considered as complete long-running operation, meaning that the PollerFlux instance will report that it is complete.
findFirstOfType(Object[], Class<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Returns the first instance of the given class from an array of Objects.
FixedDelay - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
A fixed-delay implementation of RetryStrategy that has a fixed delay duration between each retry attempt.
FixedDelay(int, Duration) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.FixedDelay
Creates an instance of FixedDelay.
Fluent - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation given to all classes that are expected to provide a fluent API to end users.
fluxContext(Function<Context, Flux<T>>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
This method converts the incoming deferContextual from Reactor Context to Azure Context and calls the given lambda function with this context and returns a collection of type T
fluxError(ClientLogger, RuntimeException) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Propagates a RuntimeException through the error channel of Flux.
FluxUtil - Class in com.azure.core.util
Utility type exposing methods to deal with Flux.
FormParam - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation for form parameters to be sent to a REST API Request URI.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData from the given byte array.
fromConfiguration(Configuration) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
Attempts to load a proxy from the environment.
fromConfiguration(Configuration, boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
Attempts to load a proxy from the environment.
fromFile(Path) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates a BinaryData that uses the content of the file at Path as its data.
fromFile(Path, int) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates a BinaryData that uses the content of the file at file as its data.
fromFlux(Flux<ByteBuffer>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData from the given Flux of ByteBuffer.
fromFlux(Flux<ByteBuffer>, Long) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData from the given Flux of ByteBuffer.
fromHeaders(HttpHeaders) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerEncoding
Determines the serializer encoding to use based on the Content-Type header.
fromObject(Object) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData by serializing the Object using the default JsonSerializer.
fromObject(Object, ObjectSerializer) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData by serializing the Object using the passed ObjectSerializer.
fromObjectAsync(Object) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData by serializing the Object using the default JsonSerializer.
fromObjectAsync(Object, ObjectSerializer) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData by serializing the Object using the passed ObjectSerializer.
fromStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData from the given InputStream.
fromStreamAsync(InputStream) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData from the given InputStream.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Deserialize CloudEvent JSON string representation that has one CloudEvent object or an array of CloudEvent objects into a list of CloudEvents, and validate whether any CloudEvents have null id, source, or type.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
Creates or gets a GeoObjectType from its string representation.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Creates an instance of BinaryData from the given String.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Converts the passed log level string to the corresponding LogLevel.
fromString(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Deserialize CloudEvents JSON string representation that has one CloudEvent object or an array of CloudEvent objects into a list of CloudEvents.
fromString(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus
Creates or finds a LongRunningOperationStatus from its string representation.
fromString(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum
Creates an instance of the specific expandable string enum from a String.


Generated - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation given to all methods that are generated by AutoRest.
GeoBoundingBox - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a geometric bounding box.
GeoBoundingBox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
Constructs a bounding box.
GeoBoundingBox(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
Constructs a bounding box.
GeoCollection - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a heterogeneous collection of GeoObjects.
GeoCollection(List<GeoObject>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoCollection
Constructs a GeoCollection.
GeoCollection(List<GeoObject>, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoCollection
Constructs a GeoCollection.
GeoLinearRing - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a linear ring that is part of a GeoPolygon.
GeoLinearRing(List<GeoPosition>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoLinearRing
Constructs a new linear ring with the passed coordinates.
GeoLineString - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a geometric line.
GeoLineString(List<GeoPosition>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineString
Constructs a geometric line.
GeoLineString(List<GeoPosition>, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineString
Constructs a geometric line.
GeoLineStringCollection - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a collection of GeoLines.
GeoLineStringCollection(List<GeoLineString>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineStringCollection
GeoLineStringCollection(List<GeoLineString>, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineStringCollection
GEOMETRY_COLLECTION - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoJSON geometry collection.
GeoObject - Class in com.azure.core.models
An abstract geo object.
GeoObject(GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoObject
Creates a GeoObject instance.
GeoObjectType - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents the type of a GeoJSON object.
GeoObjectType() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoPoint - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a geometric point.
GeoPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
Constructs a GeoPoint.
GeoPoint(double, double, Double) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
Constructs a GeoPoint.
GeoPoint(GeoPosition) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
Constructs a geometric point.
GeoPoint(GeoPosition, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
Constructs a geometric point.
GeoPointCollection - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a collection of GeoPoints.
GeoPointCollection(List<GeoPoint>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection
Constructs a GeoPointCollection.
GeoPointCollection(List<GeoPoint>, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection
Constructs a GeoPointCollection.
GeoPolygon - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a geometric polygon.
GeoPolygon(GeoLinearRing) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
Constructs a geometric polygon.
GeoPolygon(GeoLinearRing, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
Constructs a geometric polygon.
GeoPolygon(List<GeoLinearRing>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
Constructs a geometric polygon.
GeoPolygon(List<GeoLinearRing>, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
Constructs a geometric polygon.
GeoPolygonCollection - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a collection of GeoPolygons.
GeoPolygonCollection(List<GeoPolygon>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygonCollection
Constructs a GeoPolygonCollection.
GeoPolygonCollection(List<GeoPolygon>, GeoBoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygonCollection
Constructs a GeoPolygonCollection.
GeoPosition - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a geo position.
GeoPosition(double, double) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
Constructs a geo position.
GeoPosition(double, double, Double) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
Constructs a geo position.
get(C, Integer) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.paging.PageRetriever
Retrieves one or more pages starting from the page identified by the given continuation token.
get(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Gets the header for the provided header name.
get(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Gets the value of the configuration.
get(String, Function<String, T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Gets the value of the configuration and converts it with the converter.
get(String, T) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Gets the value of the configuration converted to T.
Get - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
HTTP GET method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource retrieval.
GET - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP GET method.
getActivationResponse() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingContext
getAddress() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
getAllowedHeaderNames() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Gets the whitelisted headers that should be logged.
getAllowedQueryParamNames() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Gets the whitelisted query parameters.
getAltitude() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
The altitude of the geometric position.
getApplicationId() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Use ClientOptions to configure applicationId.
getApplicationId() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.ClientOptions
Gets the application ID.
getApplicationId(ClientOptions, HttpLogOptions) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Retrieves the application ID from either a ClientOptions or HttpLogOptions.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.StartSpanOptions
Gets all attributes on span that should be set before span is started.
getAzureNamedKey() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKeyCredential
Retrieves the AzureNamedKey containing the name and key associated with this credential.
getBody() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Get the request content.
getBody() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Get the publisher emitting response content chunks.
getBodyAsByteArray() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Gets the response content as a byte[].
getBodyAsInputStream() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Gets the response content as an InputStream.
getBodyAsString() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Gets the response content as a String.
getBodyAsString(Charset) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Gets the response content as a String.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObject
Bounding box for this GeoObject.
getBytesExpected() - Method in exception com.azure.core.exception.UnexpectedLengthException
Gets the number of bytes that were expected to be read from the input.
getBytesRead() - Method in exception com.azure.core.exception.UnexpectedLengthException
Gets the number of bytes read from the input.
getClaims() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Get the additional claims to be included in the token.
getCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.ResponseError
Returns the error code of this error.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the configuration store that the HttpClient will use.
getConnectionIdleTimeout() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the duration of time before an idle connection is closed.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the connection timeout for a request to be sent.
getContext() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpRequestLoggingContext
Gets the contextual information about the HTTP request.
getContext() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpResponseLoggingContext
Gets the contextual information about the HTTP response.
getContinuationPredicate() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFlux
Gets the Predicate that determines if paging should continue.
getContinuationToken() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
Gets the reference to the next page.
getContinuationToken() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePage
Gets the reference to the next page.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLinearRing
Unmodifiable representation of the geometric positions representing this linear ring.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineString
Unmodifiable representation of the geometric positions representing this line.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
The geometric position of the point.
getCustomProperties() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObject
Additional properties about this GeoObject.
getData() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the data associated with this event as a BinaryData, which has API to deserialize the data into a String, an Object, or a byte[].
getData(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Context
Scans the linked-list of Context objects looking for one with the specified key.
getData(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineCallContext
Gets a value with the given key stored in the context.
getData(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingContext
Get a value from the context with the provided key.
getDataContentType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the content MIME type that the data is in.
getDataSchema() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the schema that the data adheres to.
getDateTime() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.DateTimeRfc1123
Returns the underlying DateTime.
getDefaultTimeoutFromEnvironment(Configuration, String, Duration, ClientLogger) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Attempts to load an environment configured default timeout.
getDelimiter() - Method in enum com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Gets the delimiter used to join a list of parameters.
getDeserializedHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
Get the headers from the HTTP response, transformed into the header type H.
getDeserializedHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.ResponseBase
Get the headers from the HTTP response, transformed into the header type, H.
getEast() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
The east longitudinal boundary of the bounding box.
getElements() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
Gets an IterableStream of elements in the page.
getElements() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePage
Gets an IterableStream of elements in the page.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AccessToken
getExtensionAttributes() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get a map of the additional user-defined attributes associated with this event.
getFinalResult() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.AsyncPollResponse
getFinalResult() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
Retrieve the final result of the long running operation.
getGeometries() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoCollection
Unmodifiable representation of the geometries contained in this collection.
getGlobalConfiguration() - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Gets the global configuration store shared by all client libraries.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Get the request headers.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Get all response headers.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
Gets the headers from the HTTP response.
getHeaders() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.rest.Response
Gets the headers from the HTTP response.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.ResponseBase
Gets the headers from the HTTP response.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.SimpleResponse
Gets the headers from the HTTP response.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.ClientOptions
Gets the Headers.
getHeaderValue(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Lookup a response header with the provided name.
getHost() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Get the host that has been assigned to this UrlBuilder.
getHttpClient() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline
Get the HttpClient associated with the pipeline.
getHttpMethod() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Get the request method.
getHttpRequest() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineCallContext
Gets the HTTP request.
getHttpRequest() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpRequestLoggingContext
Gets the HTTP request being sent.
getHttpResponse() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpResponseLoggingContext
Gets the HTTP response being received.
getId() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the id of the cloud event.
getIfMatch() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.MatchConditions
Gets the ETag that resources must match.
getIfModifiedSince() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.RequestConditions
Gets the datetime that resources must have been modified since.
getIfNoneMatch() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.MatchConditions
Gets the ETag that resources must not match.
getIfUnmodifiedSince() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.RequestConditions
Gets the datetime that resources must have remained unmodified since.
getItems() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.rest.Page
getJavaType() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.TypeReference
Returns the Type representing T.
getKey() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureKeyCredential
Retrieves the key associated to this credential.
getKey() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey
Retrieves the key.
getKeyId() - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.AsyncKeyEncryptionKey
Retrieves the key identifier.
getKeyId() - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.KeyEncryptionKey
Retrieves the key identifier.
getLatestResponse() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingContext
getLatitude() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
The latitudinal position of the geometric position.
getLength() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRange
Gets the length of the range.
getLength() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns the length of the content, if it is known.
getLines() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineStringCollection
Unmodifiable representation of the geometric lines representing this multi-line.
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Gets the level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
getLogLevel() - Method in enum com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Converts the log level into a numeric representation used for comparisons.
getLogLevel(HttpRequestLoggingContext) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpRequestLogger
Gets the LogLevel used to log the HTTP request.
getLogLevel(HttpResponseLoggingContext) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpResponseLogger
Gets the LogLevel used to log the HTTP response.
getLongitude() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
The longitudinal position of the geometric position.
getMaxAltitude() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
The maximum altitude boundary of the bounding box.
getMaxAttempts() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.DefaultRedirectStrategy
getMaxAttempts() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RedirectStrategy
Max number of redirect attempts to be made.
getMaximumConnectionPoolSize() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the maximum connection pool size used by the underlying HTTP client.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.ExponentialBackoff
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.FixedDelay
getMaxRetries() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy
Max number of retry attempts to be make.
getMessage() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.ResponseError
Returns the error message of this error.
getMinAltitude() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
The minimum altitude boundary of the bounding box.
getName() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKey
Retrieves the name associated with the key.
getName() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Header
Gets the header name.
getName() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UserAgentProperties
Returns the name of the client library.
getNonProxyHosts() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
getNorth() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
The north latitudinal boundary of the bounding box.
getOffset() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRange
Gets the offset of the range.
getOuterRing() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
Gets the outer ring of the polygon.
getPageSize() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
Get the page size configured this ContinuablePagedFluxCore.
getParameter() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpAuthorization
getPassword() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
getPath() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Get the path that has been assigned to this UrlBuilder.
getPipelinePosition() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPipelinePolicy
Gets the position to place the policy.
getPoints() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection
Unmodifiable representation of the geometric points representing this multi-point.
getPolicy(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline
Get the policy at the passed index in the pipeline.
getPolicyCount() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline
Get the count of policies in the pipeline.
getPollInterval() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
Returns the current polling duration for this PollerFlux instance.
getPolygons() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygonCollection
Unmodifiable representation of the geometric polygons representing this multi-polygon.
getPort() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Get the port that has been assigned to this UrlBuilder.
getProperties(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Helper method that returns an immutable Map of properties defined in propertiesFileName.
getProxyOptions() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the proxy options that the HttpClient will use.
getQuery() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Get the query that has been assigned to this UrlBuilder.
getQueryString() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Returns the query string currently configured in this UrlBuilder instance.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the read timeout duration used when reading the server response.
getRequest() - Method in exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpRequestException
getRequest() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Gets the request which resulted in this response.
getRequest() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
getRequest() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.rest.Response
Gets the HTTP request which resulted in this response.
getRequest() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.ResponseBase
Gets The request which resulted in this ResponseBase.
getRequest() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.SimpleResponse
Gets the request which resulted in this SimpleResponse.
getRequestLogger() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Gets the HttpRequestLogger that will be used to log HTTP requests.
getResponse() - Method in exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
getResponseDuration() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpResponseLoggingContext
Gets the duration between the HTTP request being sent and the HTTP response being received.
getResponseLogger() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Gets the HttpResponseLogger that will be used to log HTTP responses.
getResponseTimeout() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the response timeout duration used when waiting for a server to reply.
getResult(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<U>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.ChainedPollingStrategy
Parses the response from the final GET call into the result type of the long running operation.
getResult(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<U>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.DefaultPollingStrategy
getResult(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<U>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LocationPollingStrategy
getResult(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<U>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.OperationResourcePollingStrategy
getResult(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<U>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingStrategy
Parses the response from the final GET call into the result type of the long running operation.
getResult(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<U>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.StatusCheckPollingStrategy
getRetryAfter() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollResponse
Returns the delay the service has requested until the next polling operation is performed.
getRings() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
Unmodifiable representation of the geometric rings representing this polygon.
getScheme() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpAuthorization
getScheme() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Get the scheme/protocol that has been assigned to this UrlBuilder.
getScopes() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Gets the scopes required for the token.
getSharedSpanBuilder(String, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Returns a span builder with the provided name in Context.
getSignature() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureSasCredential
Retrieves the shared access signature associated to this credential.
getSize() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Gets the number of headers in the collection.
getSource() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the source of the event.
getSouth() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
The south latitudinal boundary of the bounding box.
getSpanKind() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.StartSpanOptions
Gets span kind.
getStatus() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.AsyncPollResponse
Represents the status of the long-running operation at the time the last polling operation finished successfully.
getStatus() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollResponse
Represents the status of the long-running operation at the time the last polling operation finished successfully.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Get the response status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
Gets the HTTP response status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.rest.Response
Gets the HTTP response status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.ResponseBase
Gets the HTTP response status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.SimpleResponse
Gets the status code of the HTTP response.
getSubject() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the subject associated with this event.
getSyncPoller() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
getTenantId() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Get the tenant id to be used for the authentication request.
getTime() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the time associated with the occurrence of the event.
getToken() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AccessToken
getToken() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.SimpleTokenCache
Asynchronously get a token from either the cache or replenish the cache with a new token.
getToken(TokenRequestContext) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.BasicAuthenticationCredential
getToken(TokenRequestContext) - Method in interface com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential
Asynchronously get a token for a given resource/audience.
getTryCount() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpRequestLoggingContext
Gets the try count for the HTTP request.
getTryCount() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpResponseLoggingContext
Gets the try count for the HTTP request associated to the HTTP response.
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Get the type of event, e.g.
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoCollection
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineString
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineStringCollection
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObject
Gets the GeoJSON type for this object.
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
getType() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygonCollection
getUrl() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Get the target address.
getUsername() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
getValue() - Method in exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
getValue() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponse
Returns the items in the page.
getValue() - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.rest.Response
Gets the deserialized value of the HTTP response.
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.ResponseBase
Gets the deserialized value of the HTTP response.
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.SimpleResponse
Gets the deserialized value of the HTTP response.
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.StreamResponse
The content of the HTTP response as a stream of byte buffers.
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Header
Gets the combined, comma-separated value of this Header, taking into account all values provided.
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.AsyncPollResponse
The value returned as a result of the last successful poll operation.
getValue() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollResponse
The value returned as a result of the last successful poll operation.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Get the value for the provided header name.
getValues() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Context
Scans the linked-list of Context objects populating a Map with the values of the context.
getValues() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Header
Gets the comma separated value as an array.
getValues(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Get the values for the provided header name.
getValuesList() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Header
Returns all values associated with this header, represented as an unmodifiable list of strings.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.ServiceVersion
Gets the string representation of the ServiceVersion
getVersion() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UserAgentProperties
Returns the version of the client library.
getWest() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
The west longitudinal boundary of the bounding box.
getWriteTimeout() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Gets the writing timeout for a request to be sent.


handleBasic() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Handles Basic authentication challenges.
handleDigest(String, String, List<Map<String, String>>, Supplier<byte[]>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Handles Digest authentication challenges.
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRange
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoCollection
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLinearRing
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineString
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoLineStringCollection
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPoint
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPointCollection
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygon
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPolygonCollection
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.DateTimeRfc1123
hashCode() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum
Head - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
HTTP HEAD method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint.
HEAD - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP HEAD method.
Header - Class in com.azure.core.util
Represents a single header to be set on a request.
Header(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.Header
Create a Header instance using the provided name and value.
Header(String, String...) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.Header
Create a Header instance using the provided name and values.
Header(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.Header
Create a Header instance using the provided name and values.
HeaderCollection - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation on a deserialized header type that indicates that the property should be treated as a header collection with the provided prefix.
HeaderParam - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Replaces the header with the value of its target.
Headers - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation to annotate list of static headers sent to a REST endpoint.
HEADERS - com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
Logs everything in BASIC, plus all the request and response headers.
Host - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation for parameterized host name targeting a REST service.
HOST_NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates that the context contains the hostname.
HostParam - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation to annotate replacement of parameterized segments in a dynamic Host.
HostPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that adds the given host to each HttpRequest.
HostPolicy(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.HostPolicy
Create HostPolicy.
HTTP - com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClientProtocol
HTTP protocol.
HTTP - com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions.Type
HTTP proxy type.
HTTP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy
HTTP response status code for Too Many Requests.
HttpAuthorization - Class in com.azure.core.http
Represents the value of an HTTP Authorization header.
HttpAuthorization(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpAuthorization
Constructs a new HttpAuthorization instance.
httpClient(HttpClient) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineBuilder
Sets the HttpClient that the pipeline will use to send requests.
HttpClient - Interface in com.azure.core.http
A generic interface for sending HTTP requests and getting responses.
HttpClientOptions - Class in com.azure.core.util
General configuration options for HttpClients.
HttpClientOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
HttpClientProvider - Interface in com.azure.core.http
An interface to be implemented by any azure-core plugin that wishes to provide an alternate HttpClient implementation.
HttpHeader - Class in com.azure.core.http
A single header within an HTTP request or response.
HttpHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeader
Create an HttpHeader instance using the provided name and value.
HttpHeader(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeader
Create an HttpHeader instance using the provided name and values, resulting in a single HttpHeader instance with a single name and multiple values set within it.
HttpHeaders - Class in com.azure.core.http
A collection of headers on an HTTP request or response.
HttpHeaders() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Create an empty HttpHeaders instance.
HttpHeaders(int) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Create a HttpHeaders instance with an initial size empty headers
HttpHeaders(Iterable<HttpHeader>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Create a HttpHeaders instance with the provided initial headers.
HttpHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Create a HttpHeaders instance with the provided initial headers.
HttpLogDetailLevel - Enum in com.azure.core.http.policy
The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
HttpLoggingPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that handles logging of HTTP requests and responses.
HttpLoggingPolicy(HttpLogOptions) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLoggingPolicy
Creates an HttpLoggingPolicy with the given log configurations.
HttpLogOptions - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The log configurations for HTTP messages.
HttpLogOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Creates a new instance that does not log any information about HTTP requests or responses.
HttpMethod - Enum in com.azure.core.http
The HTTP request methods.
HttpPipeline - Class in com.azure.core.http
The HTTP pipeline that HTTP requests and responses will flow through.
HttpPipelineBuilder - Class in com.azure.core.http
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the HttpPipeline, calling build constructs an instance of the pipeline.
HttpPipelineBuilder() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineBuilder
Creates a new instance of HttpPipelineBuilder that can configure options for the HttpPipeline before creating an instance of it.
HttpPipelineCallContext - Class in com.azure.core.http
Represents the information used to make a single HTTP request.
HttpPipelineNextPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http
A type that invokes next policy in the pipeline.
HttpPipelinePolicy - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
A policy within the HttpPipeline.
HttpPipelinePosition - Enum in com.azure.core.http
Indicates the position in an HttpPipeline to place an HttpPipelinePolicy.
HttpPolicyProvider - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
Implementing classes automatically provide policies.
HttpPolicyProviders - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
This class handles adding SPI plug-able policies to a pipeline automatically.
HttpRange - Class in com.azure.core.http
Represents a range of bytes within an HTTP resource.
HttpRange(long) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpRange
Creates an instance of HttpRange.
HttpRange(long, Long) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpRange
Creates an instance of HttpRange.
HttpRequest - Class in com.azure.core.http
The outgoing Http request.
HttpRequest(HttpMethod, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Create a new HttpRequest instance.
HttpRequest(HttpMethod, URL) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Create a new HttpRequest instance.
HttpRequest(HttpMethod, URL, HttpHeaders, Flux<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Create a new HttpRequest instance.
HttpRequestException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
The exception when an HTTP request fails.
HttpRequestException(HttpRequest) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpRequestException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpRequestException class.
HttpRequestException(HttpRequest, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpRequestException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpRequestException class.
HttpRequestException(String, HttpRequest) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpRequestException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpRequestException class.
HttpRequestException(String, HttpRequest, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpRequestException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpRequestException class.
HttpRequestException(String, HttpRequest, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpRequestException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpRequestException class.
HttpRequestLogger - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
Manages logging HTTP requests in HttpLoggingPolicy.
HttpRequestLoggingContext - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
Options class containing information available during HTTP request logging.
HttpResponse - Class in com.azure.core.http
The response of an HttpRequest.
HttpResponse(HttpRequest) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.HttpResponse
Creates an instance of HttpResponse.
HttpResponseException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
The exception thrown when an unsuccessful response is received with http status code (e.g.
HttpResponseException(HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponseException class.
HttpResponseException(HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponseException class.
HttpResponseException(String, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponseException class.
HttpResponseException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponseException class.
HttpResponseException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponseException class.
HttpResponseException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponseException class.
HttpResponseLogger - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
Manages logging HTTP responses in HttpLoggingPolicy.
HttpResponseLoggingContext - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
Options class containing information available during HTTP response logging.


Immutable - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation given to all immutable classes.
IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus
Represents that the long-running operation is in progress and not yet complete.
info(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a message at info log level.
info(String, Object...) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a format-able message that uses {} as the placeholder at informational log level.
INFORMATIONAL - com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Indicates that log level is at information level.
INSTANCE - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.ReferenceManager
The global instance of ReferenceManager that should be used to maintain object references.
INTERNAL - com.azure.core.util.tracing.SpanKind
Indicates that the span is used internally.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RestProxy
isAsync() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClient
Represents whether the network IO methods on this client will be performed asynchronously or synchronously (i.e.
isComplete() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus
Returns a boolean to represent if the operation is in a completed state or not.
isExpired() - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AccessToken
isFluxByteBuffer(Type) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Checks if a type is Flux<ByteBuffer>.
isNullOrEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Checks if the character sequence is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(Object[]) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Checks if the array is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(Collection<?>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Checks if the collection is null or empty.
isNullOrEmpty(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils
Checks if the map is null or empty.
isPrettyPrintBody() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Gets flag to allow pretty printing of message bodies.
isTracingEnabled() - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy
Returns true if tracing is enabled.
iterableByPage() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Iterable, one page at a time.
iterableByPage(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Iterable, one page at a time, with each page containing preferredPageSize items.
iterableByPage(C) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Iterable, one page at a time, starting from the next page associated with the given continuation token.
iterableByPage(C, int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Iterable, one page at a time, with each page containing preferredPageSize items, starting from the next page associated with the given continuation token.
IterableStream<T> - Class in com.azure.core.util
This class provides utility to iterate over values using standard 'for-each' style loops or to convert them into a Stream and operate in that fashion.
IterableStream(Iterable<T>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.IterableStream
Creates an instance with the given Iterable.
IterableStream(Flux<T>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.IterableStream
Creates an instance with the given Flux.
iterator() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
iterator() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.IterableStream
Utility function to provide Iterator of value T.
iterator() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable


JacksonAdapter - Class in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Implementation of SerializerAdapter for Jackson.
JacksonAdapter() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
Creates a new JacksonAdapter instance with default mapper settings.
JacksonAdapter(BiConsumer<ObjectMapper, ObjectMapper>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
Creates a new JacksonAdapter instance with Azure Core mapper settings and applies additional configuration through configureSerialization callback.
JSON - com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerEncoding
JavaScript Object Notation.
JSON - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEventDataFormat
JSON format.
JsonFlatten - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation used for flattening properties separated by '.'.
JsonPatchDocument - Class in com.azure.core.models
Represents a JSON Patch document.
JsonPatchDocument() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Creates a new JSON Patch document.
JsonPatchDocument(JsonSerializer) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Creates a new JSON Patch document.
JsonSerializer - Interface in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Generic interface covering basic JSON serialization and deserialization methods.
JsonSerializerProvider - Interface in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Interface to be implemented by an azure-core plugin that wishes to provide a JsonSerializer implementation.
JsonSerializerProviders - Class in com.azure.core.util.serializer
This class is a proxy for using a JsonSerializerProvider loaded from the classpath.


KeyEncryptionKey - Interface in com.azure.core.cryptography
A key which is used to synchronously encrypt, or wrap, another key.
KeyEncryptionKeyResolver - Interface in com.azure.core.cryptography
An object capable of synchronously retrieving key encryption keys from a provided key identifier.


LINE_STRING - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoJSON line string.
LocationPollingStrategy<T,​U> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
Implements a Location polling strategy.
LocationPollingStrategy(HttpPipeline) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.LocationPollingStrategy
Creates an instance of the location polling strategy using a JSON serializer.
LocationPollingStrategy(HttpPipeline, ObjectSerializer) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.LocationPollingStrategy
Creates an instance of the location polling strategy.
log(LogLevel, Supplier<String>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a format-able message that uses {} as the placeholder at the given logLevel.
log(LogLevel, Supplier<String>, Throwable) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a format-able message that uses {} as the placeholder at verbose log level.
logExceptionAsError(RuntimeException) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs the RuntimeException at the error level and returns it to be thrown.
logExceptionAsWarning(RuntimeException) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs the RuntimeException at the warning level and returns it to be thrown.
LogLevel - Enum in com.azure.core.util.logging
Enum which represent logging levels used in Azure SDKs.
logRequest(ClientLogger, HttpRequestLoggingContext) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpRequestLogger
Logs the HTTP request.
logResponse(ClientLogger, HttpResponseLoggingContext) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpResponseLogger
Logs the HTTP response.
logThowableAsWarning(T) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
logThrowableAsError(T) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs the Throwable at the error level and returns it to be thrown.
logThrowableAsWarning(T) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs the Throwable at the warning level and returns it to be thrown.
LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION - com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType
Long-running operation return type.
LongRunningOperationStatus - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
An enum to represent all possible states that a long-running operation may find itself in.
LongRunningOperationStatus() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus


makeSpanCurrent(Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Makes span current.
mapPage(Function<T, S>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFlux
refer the decoration samples for PagedFlux.create(Supplier).
mapPage(Function<T, S>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterable
Maps this PagedIterable instance of T to a PagedIterable instance of type S as per the provided mapper function.
MatchConditions - Class in com.azure.core.http
Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests.
MatchConditions() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.MatchConditions
MemberNameConverter - Interface in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Generic interface that attempts to retrieve the JSON serialized property name from Member.
MemberNameConverterProvider - Interface in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Interface to be implemented by an azure-core plugin that wishes to provide a MemberNameConverter implementation.
MemberNameConverterProviders - Class in com.azure.core.util.serializer
This class is a proxy for using a MemberNameConverterProvider loaded from the classpath.
MESSAGE - com.azure.core.util.tracing.ProcessKind
Amqp message process call to receive data.
MESSAGE_ENQUEUED_TIME - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates the time of the last enqueued message in the partition's stream.
monoError(ClientLogger, RuntimeException) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Propagates a RuntimeException through the error channel of Mono.
MULTI - com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Corresponds to multiple parameter instances instead of multiple values for a single instance.
MULTI_LINE_STRING - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoJSON multi-line string.
MULTI_POINT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoJSON multi-point.
MULTI_POLYGON - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoJSON multi-polygon.
multipleQueryParams() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.QueryParam
A value true for this argument indicates that value of QueryParam.value() should not be converted to Json in case it is an array but instead sent as multiple values with same parameter name.


name() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceInterface
Name of the service - this must be short and without spaces.
NONE - com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
Logging is turned off.
NONE - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
No-op Configuration object used to opt out of using global configurations when constructing client libraries.
NONE - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Context
Signifies that no data needs to be passed to the pipeline.
NOT_SET - com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Indicates that no log level is set.
NOT_STARTED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus
Represents that polling has not yet started for this long-running operation.


ObjectSerializer - Interface in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Generic interface covering serializing and deserialization objects.
of(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.IterableStream
Creates an IterableStream from an Iterable.
of(Map<Object, Object>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.Context
Creates a new immutable Context object with all the keys and values provided by the input Map.
onInitialResponse(Response<?>, PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.ChainedPollingStrategy
Parses the initial response into a LongRunningOperationStatus, and stores information useful for polling in the PollingContext.
onInitialResponse(Response<?>, PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.DefaultPollingStrategy
onInitialResponse(Response<?>, PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LocationPollingStrategy
onInitialResponse(Response<?>, PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.OperationResourcePollingStrategy
onInitialResponse(Response<?>, PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingStrategy
Parses the initial response into a LongRunningOperationStatus, and stores information useful for polling in the PollingContext.
onInitialResponse(Response<?>, PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.StatusCheckPollingStrategy
OperationResourcePollingStrategy<T,​U> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
Implements a operation resource polling strategy, typically from Operation-Location.
OperationResourcePollingStrategy(HttpPipeline) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.OperationResourcePollingStrategy
Creates an instance of the operation resource polling strategy using a JSON serializer and "Operation-Location" as the header for polling.
OperationResourcePollingStrategy(HttpPipeline, ObjectSerializer, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.OperationResourcePollingStrategy
Creates an instance of the operation resource polling strategy.
OPTIONS - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP OPTIONS method.
OVERRIDE_USER_AGENT_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy
Key for Context to add a value which will override the User-Agent supplied in this policy in an ad-hoc manner.


Page<T> - Interface in com.azure.core.http.rest
Represents a paginated REST response from the service.
PagedFlux<T> - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
PagedFlux is a Flux that provides the ability to operate on paginated REST responses of type PagedResponse and individual items in such pages.
PagedFlux(Function<Integer, Mono<PagedResponse<T>>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFlux
Creates an instance of PagedFlux that consists of only a single page with a given element count.
PagedFlux(Function<Integer, Mono<PagedResponse<T>>>, BiFunction<String, Integer, Mono<PagedResponse<T>>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFlux
Creates an instance of PagedFlux that is capable of retrieving multiple pages with of a given page size.
PagedFlux(Supplier<Mono<PagedResponse<T>>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFlux
Creates an instance of PagedFlux that consists of only a single page.
PagedFlux(Supplier<Mono<PagedResponse<T>>>, Function<String, Mono<PagedResponse<T>>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFlux
Creates an instance of PagedFlux.
PagedFluxBase<T,​P extends PagedResponse<T>> - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
PagedFluxBase(Supplier<Mono<P>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFluxBase
Creates an instance of PagedFluxBase that consists of only a single page.
PagedFluxBase(Supplier<Mono<P>>, Function<String, Mono<P>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFluxBase
Creates an instance of PagedFluxBase.
pagedFluxError(ClientLogger, RuntimeException) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Propagates a RuntimeException through the error channel of PagedFlux.
PagedIterable<T> - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
PagedIterable(PagedFlux<T>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterable
Creates instance given PagedFlux.
PagedIterableBase<T,​P extends PagedResponse<T>> - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
This class provides utility to iterate over responses that extend PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
PagedIterableBase(PagedFluxBase<T, P>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterableBase
Creates instance given PagedFluxBase.
PagedResponse<T> - Interface in com.azure.core.http.rest
Response of a REST API that returns page.
PagedResponseBase<H,​T> - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
Represents an HTTP response that contains a list of items deserialized into a Page.
PagedResponseBase(HttpRequest, int, HttpHeaders, Page<T>, H) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
Creates a new instance of the PagedResponseBase type.
PagedResponseBase(HttpRequest, int, HttpHeaders, List<T>, String, H) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase
Creates a new instance of the PagedResponseBase type.
PageRetriever<C,​P> - Interface in com.azure.core.util.paging
This class handles retrieving pages.
PARENT_SPAN_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates that the context contains parent span data.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Parses the passed url string into a UrlBuilder.
parse(URL) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Parse a UrlBuilder from the provided URL object.
parseAuthenticationOrAuthorizationHeader(String) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Parses the Authorization or Authentication header into its key-value pairs.
Patch - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
HTTP PATCH method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource update.
PATCH - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP PATCH method.
PathParam - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation to annotate replacement for a named path segment in REST endpoint URL.
PER_CALL - com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelinePosition
Policy is placed before a RetryPolicy and will only be invoked once per pipeline invocation (service call).
PER_RETRY - com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelinePosition
Policy is placed after a RetryPolicy and will be invoked every time a request is sent.
PIPES - com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Pipe(|) separated values.
POINT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoJSON point.
policies(HttpPipelinePolicy...) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineBuilder
Adds policies to the set of policies that the pipeline will use when sending requests.
poll() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
Poll once and return the poll response received.
poll(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.ChainedPollingStrategy
Parses the response from the polling URL into a PollResponse, and stores information useful for further polling and final response in the PollingContext.
poll(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.DefaultPollingStrategy
poll(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LocationPollingStrategy
poll(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.OperationResourcePollingStrategy
poll(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingStrategy
Parses the response from the polling URL into a PollResponse, and stores information useful for further polling and final response in the PollingContext.
poll(PollingContext<T>, TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.StatusCheckPollingStrategy
PollerFlux<T,​U> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
A Flux that simplifies the task of executing long running operations against an Azure service.
PollerFlux(Duration, Function<PollingContext<T>, Mono<T>>, Function<PollingContext<T>, Mono<PollResponse<T>>>, BiFunction<PollingContext<T>, PollResponse<T>, Mono<T>>, Function<PollingContext<T>, Mono<U>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
Creates PollerFlux.
PollingContext<T> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
A key/value store that is propagated between various poll related operations associated with PollerFlux and SyncPoller poller.
PollingStrategy<T,​U> - Interface in com.azure.core.util.polling
Represents a known strategy for polling a long running operation in Azure.
PollResponse<T> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
PollResponse represents a single response from a service for a long-running polling operation.
PollResponse(LongRunningOperationStatus, T) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollResponse
Creates a new PollResponse with status and value.
PollResponse(LongRunningOperationStatus, T, Duration) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollResponse
Creates a new PollResponse with status, value, retryAfter and properties.
POLYGON - Static variable in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
GeoJSON polygon.
PortPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that adds a given port to each HttpRequest.
PortPolicy(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.PortPolicy
Creates a new PortPolicy object.
Post - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
HTTP POST method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for an action.
POST - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP POST method.
process() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineNextPolicy
Invokes the next HttpPipelinePolicy.
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.AddDatePolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.AddHeadersFromContextPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.AddHeadersPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.AzureKeyCredentialPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.AzureSasCredentialPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.CookiePolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HostPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLoggingPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPipelinePolicy
Processes provided request context and invokes the next policy.
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.PortPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.ProtocolPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.RedirectPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.RequestIdPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.TimeoutPolicy
process(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpPipelineNextPolicy) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy
Updates the "User-Agent" header with the value supplied in the policy.
PROCESS - com.azure.core.util.tracing.ProcessKind
Custom process call to process received messages.
ProcessKind - Enum in com.azure.core.util.tracing
Contains constants common AMQP protocol process calls.
PRODUCER - com.azure.core.util.tracing.SpanKind
Indicates that the span describes producer sending a message to a broker.
PROPERTY_AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
The Azure Active Directory endpoint to connect to.
PROPERTY_AZURE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Path of a PEM certificate file to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
PROPERTY_AZURE_CLIENT_ID - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Client id to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
PROPERTY_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Client secret to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure.
PROPERTY_AZURE_CLOUD - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Name of the Azure cloud to connect to.
PROPERTY_AZURE_HTTP_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Enables HTTP request/response logging by setting an HTTP log detail level.
PROPERTY_AZURE_IDENTITY_DISABLE_CP1 - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Flag to disable the CP1 client capabilities in Azure Identity Token credentials.
PROPERTY_AZURE_LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Enables logging by setting a log level.
PROPERTY_AZURE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
PROPERTY_AZURE_POD_IDENTITY_TOKEN_URL - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
URL used by Bridge To Kubernetes to redirect IMDS calls in the development environment.
PROPERTY_AZURE_REGIONAL_AUTHORITY_NAME - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Name of Azure AAD regional authority.
PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Sets the default timeout, in milliseconds, for a request to connect to the remote host.
PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Sets the default timeout interval, in milliseconds, allowed between each byte read in a response.
PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Sets the default timeout, in milliseconds, for a request to receive a response from the remote host.
PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Sets the default number of times a request will be retried, if it passes the conditions for retrying, before it fails.
PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_WRITE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Sets the default timeout interval, in milliseconds, allowed between each byte written by a request.
PROPERTY_AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Name of the Azure resource group.
PROPERTY_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Subscription id to use when connecting to Azure resources.
PROPERTY_AZURE_TELEMETRY_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Disables telemetry collection.
PROPERTY_AZURE_TENANT_ID - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Tenant id for the Azure resources.
PROPERTY_AZURE_TRACING_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Disables tracing.
PROPERTY_AZURE_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure.
PROPERTY_HTTP_PROXY - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
URL of the proxy for HTTP connections.
PROPERTY_HTTPS_PROXY - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
URL of the proxy for HTTPS connections.
PROPERTY_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Endpoint to connect to when using Azure Active Directory managed service identity (MSI).
PROPERTY_IDENTITY_HEADER - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Header when connecting to Azure Active Directory using managed service identity (MSI).
PROPERTY_MSI_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Endpoint to connect to when using Azure Active Directory managed service identity (MSI).
PROPERTY_MSI_SECRET - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Secret when connecting to Azure Active Directory using managed service identity (MSI).
PROPERTY_NO_PROXY - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
A list of hosts or CIDR to not use proxy HTTP/HTTPS connections through.
protocol() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClientBuilder
The protocol clients created from this builder will use to interact with the service.
ProtocolPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that adds a given protocol to each HttpRequest.
ProtocolPolicy(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.ProtocolPolicy
Creates a new ProtocolPolicy.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Header representing a proxy server requesting authentication.
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_INFO - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Header representing additional information a proxy server is expecting during future authentication requests.
PROXY_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Header representing the authorization the client is presenting to a proxy server.
ProxyOptions - Class in com.azure.core.http
This represents proxy configuration to be used in http clients..
ProxyOptions(ProxyOptions.Type, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
Creates ProxyOptions.
ProxyOptions.Type - Enum in com.azure.core.http
The type of the proxy.
put(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
put(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Adds a configuration with the given value.
Put - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
HTTP PUT method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource creation or update.
PUT - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP PUT method.


QueryParam - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation for query parameters to be appended to a REST API Request URI.


readFile(AsynchronousFileChannel) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Creates a Flux from an AsynchronousFileChannel which reads the entire file.
readFile(AsynchronousFileChannel, int, long, long) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Creates a Flux from an AsynchronousFileChannel which reads part of a file into chunks of the given size.
readFile(AsynchronousFileChannel, long, long) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Creates a Flux from an AsynchronousFileChannel which reads part of a file.
readTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the read timeout duration used when reading the server response.
RedirectPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
A HttpPipelinePolicy that redirects a HttpRequest when an HTTP Redirect is received as response.
RedirectPolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RedirectPolicy
Creates RedirectPolicy with default DefaultRedirectStrategy as RedirectStrategy and uses the redirect status response code (301, 302, 307, 308) to determine if this request should be redirected.
RedirectPolicy(RedirectStrategy) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RedirectPolicy
Creates RedirectPolicy with the provided redirectStrategy as RedirectStrategy to determine if this request should be redirected.
RedirectStrategy - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
The interface for determining the redirect strategy used in RedirectPolicy.
ReferenceManager - Interface in com.azure.core.util
This interface represents managing references to Objects and providing the ability to run a cleaning operation once the object is no longer able to be reference.
register(Object, Runnable) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.ReferenceManager
Registers the object and the cleaning action to run once the object becomes phantom reachable.
remove(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Removes the header with the provided header name.
remove(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Configuration
Removes the configuration.
RequestConditions - Class in com.azure.core.http
Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests based on modification time.
RequestConditions() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.RequestConditions
RequestIdPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that puts a UUID in the request header.
RequestIdPolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RequestIdPolicy
Creates default RequestIdPolicy with default header name 'x-ms-client-request-id'.
RequestIdPolicy(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RequestIdPolicy
Creates RequestIdPolicy with provided requestIdHeaderName.
RequestOptions - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
This class contains the options to customize an HTTP request.
RequestOptions() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
ResourceExistsException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
The exception thrown when HTTP request tried to create an already existing resource with status code of 4XX, typically 412 conflict.
ResourceExistsException(String, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceExistsException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceExistsException class.
ResourceExistsException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceExistsException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceExistsException class.
ResourceExistsException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceExistsException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceExistsException class.
ResourceModifiedException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
The exception thrown for invalid resource modification with status code of 4XX, typically 409 Conflict.
ResourceModifiedException(String, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceModifiedException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceModifiedException class.
ResourceModifiedException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceModifiedException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceModifiedException class.
ResourceModifiedException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceModifiedException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceModifiedException class.
ResourceNotFoundException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
An error response, typically triggered by a 412 response (for update) or 404 (for get/post)
ResourceNotFoundException(String, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceNotFoundException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceNotFoundException class.
ResourceNotFoundException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceNotFoundException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceNotFoundException class.
ResourceNotFoundException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ResourceNotFoundException
Initializes a new instance of the ResourceNotFoundException class.
Response<T> - Interface in com.azure.core.http.rest
REST response with a strongly-typed content specified.
ResponseBase<H,​T> - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
The response of a REST request.
ResponseBase(HttpRequest, int, HttpHeaders, T, H) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.ResponseBase
Creates a ResponseBase.
ResponseError - Class in com.azure.core.models
This class represents the error details of an HTTP response.
ResponseError(String, String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.models.ResponseError
Creates an instance of ResponseError.
responseTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the response timeout duration used when waiting for a server to reply.
RestProxy - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
Type to create a proxy implementation for an interface describing REST API methods.
ResumeOperation - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
This interface is no longer used, or respected, in code.
RETRY_COUNT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLoggingPolicy
Key for Context to pass request retry count metadata for logging.
RetryPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
A pipeline policy that retries when a recoverable HTTP error or exception occurs.
RetryPolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryPolicy
RetryPolicy(RetryStrategy) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryPolicy
Creates a RetryPolicy with the provided RetryStrategy.
RetryPolicy(RetryStrategy, String, ChronoUnit) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryPolicy
Creates RetryPolicy with the provided RetryStrategy and default ExponentialBackoff as RetryStrategy.
RetryPolicy(String, ChronoUnit) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryPolicy
Creates RetryPolicy using ExponentialBackoff() as the RetryStrategy and uses retryAfterHeader to look up the wait period in the returned HttpResponse to calculate the retry delay when a recoverable HTTP error is returned.
RetryStrategy - Interface in com.azure.core.http.policy
The interface for determining the retry strategy used in RetryPolicy.
returns() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceMethod
This represents the return type expected from this service method.
ReturnType - Enum in com.azure.core.annotation
Enumeration of return types used with ServiceMethod annotation to indicate if a method is expected to return a single item or a collection
ReturnValueWireType - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation for the type that will be used to deserialize the return value of a REST API response.


SCOPE_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context the scope of code where the given Span is in the current Context.
send(HttpPipelineCallContext) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline
Sends the context (containing an HTTP request) through pipeline.
send(HttpRequest) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.HttpClient
Send the provided request asynchronously.
send(HttpRequest) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline
Wraps the request in a context and sends it through pipeline.
send(HttpRequest, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.HttpClient
Sends the provided request asynchronously with contextual information.
send(HttpRequest, Context) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline
Wraps the request in a context with additional metadata and sends it through the pipeline.
send(HttpRequest, Context) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RestProxy
Send the provided request asynchronously, applying any request policies provided to the HttpClient instance.
SEND - com.azure.core.util.tracing.ProcessKind
Amqp Send Message process call to send data.
serialize(OutputStream, Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Writes an object's JSON representation into a stream.
serialize(OutputStream, Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Writes the serialized object into a stream.
serialize(Object, SerializerEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
serialize(Object, SerializerEncoding) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Serializes an object into a string.
serialize(Object, SerializerEncoding, OutputStream) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
serialize(Object, SerializerEncoding, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Serializes an object and writes its output into an OutputStream.
serializeAsync(OutputStream, Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Writes an object's JSON representation into a stream.
serializeAsync(OutputStream, Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Writes the serialized object into a stream.
serializeIterable(Iterable<?>, CollectionFormat) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Serializes an iterable into a string with the delimiter specified with the Swagger collection format joining each individual serialized items in the list.
serializeList(List<?>, CollectionFormat) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
serializeList(List<?>, CollectionFormat) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Serializes a list into a string with the delimiter specified with the Swagger collection format joining each individual serialized items in the list.
serializer() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
deprecated to avoid direct ObjectMapper usage in favor of using more resilient and debuggable JacksonAdapter APIs.
SerializerAdapter - Interface in com.azure.core.util.serializer
An interface defining the behaviors of a serializer.
serializeRaw(Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
serializeRaw(Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Serializes an object into a raw string, leading and trailing quotes will be trimmed.
SerializerEncoding - Enum in com.azure.core.util.serializer
Supported serialization encoding formats.
serializeToBytes(Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Converts the object into a JSON byte array.
serializeToBytes(Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Converts the object into a byte array.
serializeToBytes(Object, SerializerEncoding) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
serializeToBytes(Object, SerializerEncoding) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter
Serializes an object into a byte array.
serializeToBytesAsync(Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.JsonSerializer
Converts the object into a JSON byte array.
serializeToBytesAsync(Object) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.serializer.ObjectSerializer
Converts the object into a byte array.
SERVER - com.azure.core.util.tracing.SpanKind
Indicates that the span covers server-side handling of an RPC or other remote request.
ServiceClient - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation given to all service client classes.
ServiceClientBuilder - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation given to all service client builder classes.
ServiceClientProtocol - Enum in com.azure.core.annotation
Enumeration of protocols available for setting the protocol property of ServiceClientBuilder annotation.
serviceClients() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClientBuilder
An array of classes that this builder can build.
ServiceInterface - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation to give the service interfaces a name that correlates to the service that is usable in a programmatic way.
serviceInterfaces() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClient
Optional field to indicate all the services this service client interacts with.
ServiceMethod - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
Annotation given to all service client methods that perform network operations.
ServiceResponseException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
A runtime exception indicating service response failure caused by one of the following scenarios: The request was sent, but the client failed to understand the response.
ServiceResponseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ServiceResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the ServiceResponseException class.
ServiceResponseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.ServiceResponseException
Initializes a new instance of the ServiceResponseException class.
ServiceVersion - Interface in com.azure.core.util
A generic interface for sending HTTP requests using the provided service version.
set(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Sets a header with the given name and value.
set(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Sets a header with the given name and the list of values provided, such that the given values will be comma-separated when necessary.
setAll(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Sets all provided header key/values pairs into this HttpHeaders instance.
setAllowedHeaderNames(Set<String>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets the given whitelisted headers that should be logged.
setAllowedQueryParamNames(Set<String>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets the given whitelisted query params to be displayed in the logging info.
setApplicationId(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Use ClientOptions to configure applicationId.
setApplicationId(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.ClientOptions
Sets the application ID.
setApplicationId(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.StartSpanOptions
Sets attribute on span before its started.
setAttribute(String, String, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Adds metadata to the current span.
setAttribute(String, String, Context) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy
For the plugged in tracer, the key-value pair metadata is added to its current span.
setAuthorizationHeader(HttpPipelineCallContext, TokenRequestContext) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy
Authorizes the request with the bearer token acquired using the specified tokenRequestContext
setBody(byte[]) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set the request content.
setBody(BinaryData) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
Sets the body to send as part of the HTTP request.
setBody(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set the request content.
setBody(Flux<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set request content.
setClaims(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Set the additional claims to be included in the token.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the configuration store that the HttpClient will use.
setConnectionIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the duration of time before an idle connection.
setConnectTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the connection timeout for a request to be sent.
setCredentials(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
Set the proxy credentials.
setData(String, Object) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineCallContext
Stores a key-value data in the context.
setData(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollingContext
Set a key-value pair in the context.
setDataSchema(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Set the schema that the data adheres to.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set a request header, replacing any existing value.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
Sets or replaces a header to the HTTP request.
setHeaders(HttpHeaders) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set the request headers.
setHeaders(Iterable<Header>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.ClientOptions
Sets the Headers.
setHeaders(Iterable<Header>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
setHost(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Set the host that will be used to build the final URL.
setHttpMethod(HttpMethod) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set the request method.
setHttpRequest(HttpRequest) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineCallContext
Sets the HTTP request object in the context.
setId(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Set a custom id.
setIfMatch(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.MatchConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that match the passed ETag.
setIfMatch(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.RequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that match the passed ETag.
setIfModifiedSince(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.RequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that have only been modified since the passed datetime.
setIfNoneMatch(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.MatchConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that do not match the passed ETag.
setIfNoneMatch(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.RequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that do not match the passed ETag.
setIfUnmodifiedSince(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.RequestConditions
Optionally limit requests to resources that have remained unmodified since the passed datetime.
setLogLevel(HttpLogDetailLevel) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets the level of detail to log on Http messages.
setMaximumConnectionPoolSize(Integer) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the maximum connection pool size used by the underlying HTTP client.
setNonProxyHosts(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions
Sets the hosts which bypass the proxy.
setPath(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Set the path that will be used to build the final URL.
setPollInterval(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
Sets the poll interval for this poller.
setPollInterval(Duration) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
Sets the poll interval for this poller.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Set the port that will be used to build the final URL.
setPort(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Set the port that will be used to build the final URL.
setPrettyPrintBody(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets flag to allow pretty printing of message bodies.
setProxyOptions(ProxyOptions) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the proxy options that the HttpClient will use.
setQuery(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Set the query that will be used to build the final URL.
setQueryParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Set the provided query parameter name and encoded value to query string for the final URL.
setReadTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the read timeout duration used when reading the server response.
setRequestLogger(HttpRequestLogger) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets the HttpRequestLogger that will be used to log HTTP requests.
setResponseLogger(HttpResponseLogger) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions
Sets the HttpResponseLogger that will be used to log HTTP responses.
setResponseTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the response timeout duration used when waiting for a server to reply.
setScheme(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Set the scheme/protocol that will be used to build the final URL.
setScopes(List<String>) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Sets the scopes required for the token.
setSpanName(String, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Sets the name for spans that are created.
setSpanName(String, Context) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy
Sets the span name for each tracer plugged into the SDK.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Set the subject of the event.
setTenantId(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Set the tenant id to be used for the authentication request.
setThrowOnError(boolean) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.RequestOptions
Sets whether exception is thrown when an HTTP response with a status code indicating an error (400 or above) is received.
setTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent
Set the time associated with the occurrence of the event.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set the target address to send the request to.
setUrl(URL) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRequest
Set the target address to send the request to.
setWriteTimeout(Duration) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.HttpClientOptions
Sets the writing timeout for a request to be sent.
shouldAttemptRedirect(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpResponse, int, Set<String>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.policy.DefaultRedirectStrategy
shouldAttemptRedirect(HttpPipelineCallContext, HttpResponse, int, Set<String>) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RedirectStrategy
Determines if the url should be redirected between each try.
shouldLogBody() - Method in enum com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
shouldLogHeaders() - Method in enum com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
shouldLogUrl() - Method in enum com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
shouldRetry(HttpResponse) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy
This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given HttpResponse if the retry attempts are less than RetryStrategy.getMaxRetries().
shouldRetryException(Throwable) - Method in interface com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryStrategy
This method is consulted to determine if a retry attempt should be made for the given Throwable propagated when the request failed to send.
simpleMapper() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.serializer.JacksonAdapter
deprecated, use JacksonAdapter(BiConsumer<ObjectMapper, ObjectMapper>) constructor to configure modules.
SimpleResponse<T> - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
REST response with a strongly-typed content specified.
SimpleResponse(HttpRequest, int, HttpHeaders, T) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.SimpleResponse
Creates a SimpleResponse.
SimpleResponse(Response<?>, T) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.SimpleResponse
Creates a SimpleResponse from a response and a value.
SimpleTokenCache - Class in com.azure.core.credential
A token cache that supports caching a token and refreshing it.
SimpleTokenCache(Supplier<Mono<AccessToken>>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.SimpleTokenCache
Creates an instance of RefreshableTokenCredential with default scheme "Bearer".
SINGLE - com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType
Single value return type.
SOCKS4 - com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions.Type
SOCKS4 proxy type.
SOCKS5 - com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions.Type
SOCKS5 proxy type.
SPAN_BUILDER_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates the shared span builder that is in the current Context.
SPAN_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates that the context contains a message span context.
SpanKind - Enum in com.azure.core.util.tracing
Represents the tracing span type.
SSV - com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Space separated values.
start(String, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Creates a new tracing span.
start(String, Context) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy
A new tracing span with INTERNAL kind is created for each tracer plugged into the SDK.
start(String, Context, ProcessKind) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Creates a new tracing span for AMQP calls.
start(String, StartSpanOptions, Context) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Creates a new tracing span.
start(String, StartSpanOptions, Context) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy
A new tracing span is created for each tracer plugged into the SDK.
StartSpanOptions - Class in com.azure.core.util.tracing
Represents span options that are available before span starts and describe it.
StartSpanOptions(SpanKind) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.tracing.StartSpanOptions
Describes span with given name and kind
StatusCheckPollingStrategy<T,​U> - Class in com.azure.core.util.polling
Fallback polling strategy that doesn't poll but exits successfully if no other polling strategies are detected and status code is 2xx.
StatusCheckPollingStrategy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.StatusCheckPollingStrategy
Creates a status check polling strategy with a JSON serializer.
StatusCheckPollingStrategy(ObjectSerializer) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.polling.StatusCheckPollingStrategy
Creates a status check polling strategy with a custom object serializer.
stream() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Get a Stream representation of the HttpHeader values in this instance.
stream() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.IterableStream
Utility function to provide Stream of value T.
stream() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
streamByPage() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Stream, one page at a time.
streamByPage(int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Stream, one page at a time, with each page containing preferredPageSize items.
streamByPage(C) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Stream, one page at a time, starting from the next page associated with the given continuation token.
streamByPage(C, int) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedIterable
Retrieve the Stream, one page at a time, with each page containing preferredPageSize items, starting from the next page associated with the given continuation token.
StreamResponse - Class in com.azure.core.http.rest
REST response with a streaming content.
StreamResponse(HttpRequest, int, HttpHeaders, Flux<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.rest.StreamResponse
Creates a StreamResponse.
subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super AsyncPollResponse<T, U>>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux
subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFluxBase
Subscribe to consume all items of type T in the sequence respectively.
subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.paging.ContinuablePagedFluxCore
Subscribe to consume all items of type T in the sequence respectively.
SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus
Represent that the long-running operation is completed successfully.
SyncPoller<T,​U> - Interface in com.azure.core.util.polling
A type that offers API that simplifies the task of executing long-running operations against an Azure service.


TimeoutPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
The pipeline policy that limits the time allowed between sending a request and receiving the response.
TimeoutPolicy(Duration) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.TimeoutPolicy
Creates a TimeoutPolicy.
toByteBuffer() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns a read-only ByteBuffer representation of this BinaryData.
toBytes() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns a byte array representation of this BinaryData.
toFluxByteBuffer() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns the content of this BinaryData instance as a flux of ByteBuffers.
toFluxByteBuffer(InputStream) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Converts an InputStream into a Flux of ByteBuffer using a chunk size of 4096.
toFluxByteBuffer(InputStream, int) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Converts an InputStream into a Flux of ByteBuffer.
TokenCredential - Interface in com.azure.core.credential
The interface for credentials that can provide a token.
TokenRequestContext - Class in com.azure.core.credential
Contains details of a request to get a token.
TokenRequestContext() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.credential.TokenRequestContext
Creates a token request instance.
toMap() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
Returns a copy of the http headers as an unmodifiable Map representation of the state of the headers at the time of the toMap call.
toMono(Response<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Converts the incoming content to Mono.
toObject(TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the default JsonSerializer.
toObject(TypeReference<T>, ObjectSerializer) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the passed ObjectSerializer.
toObject(Class<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the default JsonSerializer.
toObject(Class<T>, ObjectSerializer) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the passed ObjectSerializer.
toObjectAsync(TypeReference<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the default JsonSerializer.
toObjectAsync(TypeReference<T>, ObjectSerializer) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the passed ObjectSerializer.
toObjectAsync(Class<T>) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the default JsonSerializer.
toObjectAsync(Class<T>, ObjectSerializer) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an Object representation of this BinaryData by deserializing its data using the passed ObjectSerializer.
TooManyRedirectsException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
This exception is thrown when an HTTP request has reached the maximum number of redirect attempts with HTTP status code of 3XX.
TooManyRedirectsException(String, HttpResponse) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.TooManyRedirectsException
Initializes a new instance of the TooManyRedirectsException class.
TooManyRedirectsException(String, HttpResponse, Object) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.TooManyRedirectsException
Initializes a new instance of the TooManyRedirectsException class.
TooManyRedirectsException(String, HttpResponse, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.TooManyRedirectsException
Initializes a new instance of the TooManyRedirectsException class.
toProxyType() - Method in enum com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions.Type
Get the Proxy.Type equivalent of this type.
toReactorContext(Context) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Converts an Azure context to Reactor context.
toStream() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns an InputStream representation of this BinaryData.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpAuthorization
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.http.HttpRange
Gets the string representation of the range.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoBoundingBox
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoPosition
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.models.JsonPatchDocument
Gets a formatted JSON string representation of this JSON Patch document.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Base64Url
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.BinaryData
Returns a String representation of this BinaryData by converting its data using the UTF-8 character set.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.DateTimeRfc1123
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.Header
Gets the String representation of the header.
toString() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Get the string representation of the URL that is being built.
toUrl() - Method in class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
Get the URL that is being built.
toUserAgentString(String, String, String, Configuration) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.UserAgentUtil
Return user agent string for the given sdk name and version.
TRACE - com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
The HTTP TRACE method.
Tracer - Interface in com.azure.core.util.tracing
Contract that all tracers must implement to be pluggable into the SDK.
TracerProxy - Class in com.azure.core.util.tracing
This class provides a means for all client libraries to augment the context information they have received from an end user with additional distributed tracing information, that may then be passed on to a backend for analysis.
TSV - com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Tab separated values.
TypeReference<T> - Class in com.azure.core.util.serializer
This class represents a generic Java type, retaining information about generics.
TypeReference() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.serializer.TypeReference
Constructs a new TypeReference which maintains generic information.


UnexpectedLengthException - Exception in com.azure.core.exception
This exception class represents an error when the specified input length doesn't match the data length.
UnexpectedLengthException(String, long, long) - Constructor for exception com.azure.core.exception.UnexpectedLengthException
Constructor of the UnexpectedLengthException.
UnexpectedResponseExceptionType - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
The exception type that is thrown or returned when one of the status codes is returned from a REST API.
UnexpectedResponseExceptionTypes - Annotation Type in com.azure.core.annotation
The @Repeatable container annotation for UnexpectedResponseExceptionType.
unwrapKey(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.AsyncKeyEncryptionKey
Decrypts the specified encrypted key using the specified algorithm.
unwrapKey(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.KeyEncryptionKey
Decrypts the specified encrypted key using the specified algorithm.
update(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureKeyCredential
Rotates the key associated to this credential.
update(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureSasCredential
Rotates the shared access signature associated to this credential.
update(String, String) - Method in class com.azure.core.credential.AzureNamedKeyCredential
Rotates the name and key associated to this credential.
UrlBuilder - Class in com.azure.core.util
A builder class that is used to create URLs.
UrlBuilder() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.util.UrlBuilder
USER_CANCELLED - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.polling.LongRunningOperationStatus
Represents that the long-running operation is cancelled by user, however this is still considered as complete long-running operation.
USER_SPAN_NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer
Key for Context which indicates that the context contains the name for the user spans that are created.
UserAgentPolicy - Class in com.azure.core.http.policy
Pipeline policy that adds "User-Agent" header to a request.
UserAgentPolicy() - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy
Creates a UserAgentPolicy with a default user agent string.
UserAgentPolicy(String) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy
Creates a UserAgentPolicy with userAgent as the header value.
UserAgentPolicy(String, String, Configuration, ServiceVersion) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy
UserAgentPolicy(String, String, String, Configuration) - Constructor for class com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy
Creates a UserAgentPolicy with the sdkName and sdkVersion in the User-Agent header value.
UserAgentProperties - Class in com.azure.core.util
Class to hold the properties used in user agent strings.
UserAgentUtil - Class in com.azure.core.util
Utility for building user agent string for Azure client libraries as specified in the design guidelines.


value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.BodyParam
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Delete
Get the relative path of the annotated method's DELETE URL.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ExpectedResponses
The status code that will trigger that an error of type errorType should be returned.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.FormParam
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Get
Get the relative path of the annotated method's GET URL.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Head
Get the relative path of the annotated method's HEAD URL.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.HeaderCollection
The header collection prefix.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.HeaderParam
The name of the variable in the endpoint uri template which will be replaced with the value of the parameter annotated with this annotation.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Headers
List of static headers.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Host
Get the protocol/scheme, host, and optional port number in a single string.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.HostParam
The name of the variable in the endpoint uri template which will be replaced with the value of the parameter annotated with this annotation.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Patch
Get the relative path of the annotated method's PATCH URL.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.PathParam
The name of the variable in the endpoint uri template which will be replaced with the value of the parameter annotated with this annotation.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Post
Get the relative path of the annotated method's POST URL.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.Put
Get the relative path of the annotated method's PUT URL.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.QueryParam
The name of the variable in the endpoint uri template which will be replaced with the value of the parameter annotated with this annotation.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnValueWireType
The type that the service interface method's return value will be converted from.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.UnexpectedResponseExceptionType
The type of HttpResponseException that should be thrown/returned when the API returns an unrecognized status code.
value() - Method in annotation type com.azure.core.annotation.UnexpectedResponseExceptionTypes
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClientProtocol
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelinePosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerEncoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.tracing.ProcessKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.tracing.SpanKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClientProtocol
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.HttpMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelinePosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogDetailLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.http.ProxyOptions.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class com.azure.core.models.GeoObjectType
Gets all known GeoObjectType values.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.serializer.CollectionFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerEncoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.tracing.ProcessKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.azure.core.util.tracing.SpanKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum
Gets a collection of all known values to an expandable string enum type.
verbose(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a message at verbose log level.
verbose(String, Object...) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a format-able message that uses {} as the placeholder at verbose log level.
VERBOSE - com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Indicates that log level is at verbose level.


waitForCompletion() - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
Wait for polling to complete.
waitForCompletion(Duration) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
Wait for polling to complete with a timeout.
waitUntil(LongRunningOperationStatus) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
Wait for the given LongRunningOperationStatus to receive.
waitUntil(Duration, LongRunningOperationStatus) - Method in interface com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller
Wait for the given LongRunningOperationStatus.
warning(String) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a message at warning log level.
warning(String, Object...) - Method in class com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger
Logs a format-able message that uses {} as the placeholder at warning log level.
WARNING - com.azure.core.util.logging.LogLevel
Indicates that log level is at warning level.
withContext(Function<Context, Mono<T>>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
This method converts the incoming deferContextual from Reactor Context to Azure Context and calls the given lambda function with this context and returns a single entity of type T
withContext(Function<Context, Mono<T>>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
This method converts the incoming deferContextual from Reactor Context to Azure Context, adds the specified context attributes and calls the given lambda function with this context and returns a single entity of type T
wrapKey(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.AsyncKeyEncryptionKey
Encrypts the specified key using the specified algorithm.
wrapKey(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.azure.core.cryptography.KeyEncryptionKey
Encrypts the specified key using the specified algorithm.
writeFile(Flux<ByteBuffer>, AsynchronousFileChannel) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Writes the ByteBuffers emitted by a Flux of ByteBuffer to an AsynchronousFileChannel.
writeFile(Flux<ByteBuffer>, AsynchronousFileChannel, long) - Static method in class com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil
Writes the ByteBuffers emitted by a Flux of ByteBuffer to an AsynchronousFileChannel starting at the given position in the file.
WWW_AUTHENTICATE - Static variable in class com.azure.core.util.AuthorizationChallengeHandler
Header representing a server requesting authentication.


XML - com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerEncoding
Extensible Markup Language.
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