Class AddHeadersFromContextPolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddHeadersFromContextPolicy extends Object implements HttpPipelinePolicy
The pipeline policy that override or add HttpHeaders in HttpRequest by reading values from Context with key 'azure-http-headers-key'. The value for this key should be of type HttpHeaders for it to be added in HttpRequest.

Code Sample: Add multiple HttpHeader in Context and call client

 // Create ConfigurationClient for example
 ConfigurationClient configurationClient = new ConfigurationClientBuilder()
 // Add your headers
 HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
 headers.put("my-header1", "my-header1-value");
 headers.put("my-header2", "my-header2-value");
 headers.put("my-header3", "my-header3-value");
 // Call API by passing headers in Context.
       new ConfigurationSetting().setKey("key").setValue("value"),
       new Context(AddHeadersFromContextPolicy.AZURE_REQUEST_HTTP_HEADERS_KEY, headers));
 // Above three HttpHeader will be added in outgoing HttpRequest.