Package containing HttpPipelinePolicy interface and its implementations.
ClassDescriptionThe pipeline policy that adds a "Date" header in RFC 1123 format when sending an HTTP request.The pipeline policy that override or add
by reading values fromContext
with key 'azure-http-headers-key'.The pipeline policy that adds a particular set of headers to HTTP requests.Implementing classes are automatically added as policies after the retry policy.Pipeline policy that uses anAzureKeyCredential
to set the authorization key for a request.Pipeline policy that uses anAzureSasCredential
to set the shared access signature for a request.The pipeline policy that applies a token credential to an HTTP request with "Bearer" scheme.Implementing classes are automatically added as policies before the retry policy.The pipeline policy that which stores cookies based on the response "Set-Cookie" header and adds cookies to requests.A default implementation ofRedirectStrategy
that uses the provided maximum retry attempts, header name to look up redirect url value for, http methods and a known set of redirect status response codes (301, 302, 307, 308) to determine if request should be redirected.A truncated exponential backoff implementation ofRetryStrategy
that has a delay duration that exponentially increases with each retry attempt until an upper bound is reached after which every retry attempt is delayed by the provided max delay duration.The configuration for exponential backoff that has a delay duration that exponentially increases with each retry attempt until an upper bound is reached after which every retry attempt is delayed by the provided max delay duration.A fixed-delay implementation ofRetryStrategy
that has a fixed delay duration between each retry attempt.The configuration for a fixed-delay retry that has a fixed delay duration between each retry attempt.The pipeline policy that adds the given host to each HttpRequest.The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.The pipeline policy that handles logging of HTTP requests and responses.The log configurations for HTTP messages.A policy within theHttpPipeline
.Represents aHttpPipelinePolicy
that doesn't do any asynchronous or synchronously blocking operations.Implementing classes automatically provide policies.This class handles adding SPI plug-able policies to a pipeline automatically.Manages logging HTTP requests inHttpLoggingPolicy
.Options class containing information available during HTTP request logging.Manages logging HTTP responses inHttpLoggingPolicy
.Options class containing information available during HTTP response logging.The pipeline policy that adds a given port to eachHttpRequest
.The pipeline policy that adds a given protocol to each HttpRequest.The interface for determining theredirect strategy
used inRedirectPolicy
.The pipeline policy that puts a UUID in the request header.The configuration for retries.A pipeline policy that retries when a recoverable HTTP error or exception occurs.The interface for determining the retry strategy used inRetryPolicy
.Deprecated.Pipeline policy that adds "User-Agent" header to a request.