azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations module

class azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations.EntitiesOperations(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object


DO NOT instantiate this class directly.

Instead, you should access the following operations through ManagementGroupsAPI’s entities attribute.

list(skiptoken: Optional[str] = None, skip: Optional[int] = None, top: Optional[int] = None, select: Optional[str] = None, search: Optional[Union[str, azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._management_groups_api_enums.EntitySearchType]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, view: Optional[Union[str, azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._management_groups_api_enums.EntityViewParameterType]] = None, group_name: Optional[str] = None, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', **kwargs: Any)Iterable[azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.EntityInfo][source]

List all entities (Management Groups, Subscriptions, etc.) for the authenticated user.

  • skiptoken (str) – Page continuation token is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a token parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls. Default value is None.

  • skip (int) – Number of entities to skip over when retrieving results. Passing this in will override $skipToken. Default value is None.

  • top (int) – Number of elements to return when retrieving results. Passing this in will override $skipToken. Default value is None.

  • select (str) – This parameter specifies the fields to include in the response. Can include any combination of Name,DisplayName,Type,ParentDisplayNameChain,ParentChain, e.g. ‘$select=Name,DisplayName,Type,ParentDisplayNameChain,ParentNameChain’. When specified the $select parameter can override select in $skipToken. Default value is None.

  • search (str or EntitySearchType) – The $search parameter is used in conjunction with the $filter parameter to return three different outputs depending on the parameter passed in. With $search=AllowedParents the API will return the entity info of all groups that the requested entity will be able to reparent to as determined by the user’s permissions. With $search=AllowedChildren the API will return the entity info of all entities that can be added as children of the requested entity. With $search=ParentAndFirstLevelChildren the API will return the parent and first level of children that the user has either direct access to or indirect access via one of their descendants. With $search=ParentOnly the API will return only the group if the user has access to at least one of the descendants of the group. With $search=ChildrenOnly the API will return only the first level of children of the group entity info specified in $filter. The user must have direct access to the children entities or one of it’s descendants for it to show up in the results. Known values are: “AllowedParents”, “AllowedChildren”, “ParentAndFirstLevelChildren”, “ParentOnly”, and “ChildrenOnly”. Default value is None.

  • filter (str) – The filter parameter allows you to filter on the the name or display name fields. You can check for equality on the name field (e.g. name eq ‘{entityName}’) and you can check for substrings on either the name or display name fields(e.g. contains(name, ‘{substringToSearch}’), contains(displayName, ‘{substringToSearch’)). Note that the ‘{entityName}’ and ‘{substringToSearch}’ fields are checked case insensitively. Default value is None.

  • view (str or EntityViewParameterType) – The view parameter allows clients to filter the type of data that is returned by the getEntities call. Known values are: “FullHierarchy”, “GroupsOnly”, “SubscriptionsOnly”, and “Audit”. Default value is None.

  • group_name (str) – A filter which allows the get entities call to focus on a particular group (i.e. “$filter=name eq ‘groupName’”). Default value is None.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


An iterator like instance of either EntityInfo or the result of cls(response)

Return type




models = <module 'azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models' from '/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/sdk/managementgroups/azure-mgmt-managementgroups/.tox/sphinx/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/mgmt/managementgroups/models/'>
class azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations.HierarchySettingsOperations(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object


DO NOT instantiate this class directly.

Instead, you should access the following operations through ManagementGroupsAPI’s hierarchy_settings attribute.

create_or_update(group_id: str, create_tenant_settings_request: _models.CreateOrUpdateSettingsRequest, *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.HierarchySettings[source]
create_or_update(group_id: str, create_tenant_settings_request: IO, *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.HierarchySettings

Creates or updates the hierarchy settings defined at the Management Group level.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • create_tenant_settings_request (CreateOrUpdateSettingsRequest or IO) – Tenant level settings request parameter. Is either a model type or a IO type. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • content_type (str) – Body Parameter content-type. Known values are: ‘application/json’. Default value is None.

  • cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


HierarchySettings or the result of cls(response)

Return type




delete(group_id: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Deletes the hierarchy settings defined at the Management Group level.


group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


None or the result of cls(response)

Return type




get(group_id: str, **kwargs: Any)azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.HierarchySettings[source]

Gets the hierarchy settings defined at the Management Group level. Settings can only be set on the root Management Group of the hierarchy.


group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


HierarchySettings or the result of cls(response)

Return type




list(group_id: str, **kwargs: Any)azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.HierarchySettingsList[source]

Gets all the hierarchy settings defined at the Management Group level. Settings can only be set on the root Management Group of the hierarchy.


group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


HierarchySettingsList or the result of cls(response)

Return type




update(group_id: str, create_tenant_settings_request: _models.CreateOrUpdateSettingsRequest, *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.HierarchySettings[source]
update(group_id: str, create_tenant_settings_request: IO, *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.HierarchySettings

Updates the hierarchy settings defined at the Management Group level.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • create_tenant_settings_request (CreateOrUpdateSettingsRequest or IO) – Tenant level settings request parameter. Is either a model type or a IO type. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • content_type (str) – Body Parameter content-type. Known values are: ‘application/json’. Default value is None.

  • cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


HierarchySettings or the result of cls(response)

Return type




models = <module 'azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models' from '/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/sdk/managementgroups/azure-mgmt-managementgroups/.tox/sphinx/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/mgmt/managementgroups/models/'>
class azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations.ManagementGroupSubscriptionsOperations(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object


DO NOT instantiate this class directly.

Instead, you should access the following operations through ManagementGroupsAPI’s management_group_subscriptions attribute.

create(group_id: str, subscription_id: str, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', **kwargs: Any)azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.SubscriptionUnderManagementGroup[source]

Associates existing subscription with the management group.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • subscription_id (str) – Subscription ID. Required.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


SubscriptionUnderManagementGroup or the result of cls(response)

Return type




delete(group_id: str, subscription_id: str, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', **kwargs: Any)None[source]

De-associates subscription from the management group.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • subscription_id (str) – Subscription ID. Required.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


None or the result of cls(response)

Return type




get_subscription(group_id: str, subscription_id: str, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', **kwargs: Any)azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.SubscriptionUnderManagementGroup[source]

Retrieves details about given subscription which is associated with the management group.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • subscription_id (str) – Subscription ID. Required.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


SubscriptionUnderManagementGroup or the result of cls(response)

Return type




get_subscriptions_under_management_group(group_id: str, skiptoken: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.SubscriptionUnderManagementGroup][source]

Retrieves details about all subscriptions which are associated with the management group.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • skiptoken (str) – Page continuation token is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a token parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls. Default value is None.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


An iterator like instance of either SubscriptionUnderManagementGroup or the result of cls(response)

Return type




models = <module 'azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models' from '/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/sdk/managementgroups/azure-mgmt-managementgroups/.tox/sphinx/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/mgmt/managementgroups/models/'>
class azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations.ManagementGroupsAPIOperationsMixin[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.managementgroups._vendor.ManagementGroupsAPIMixinABC

check_name_availability(check_name_availability_request: _models.CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.CheckNameAvailabilityResult[source]
check_name_availability(check_name_availability_request: IO, *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.CheckNameAvailabilityResult

Checks if the specified management group name is valid and unique.


check_name_availability_request (CheckNameAvailabilityRequest or IO) – Management group name availability check parameters. Is either a model type or a IO type. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • content_type (str) – Body Parameter content-type. Known values are: ‘application/json’. Default value is None.

  • cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


CheckNameAvailabilityResult or the result of cls(response)

Return type




start_tenant_backfill(**kwargs: Any)azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.TenantBackfillStatusResult[source]

Starts backfilling subscriptions for the Tenant.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


TenantBackfillStatusResult or the result of cls(response)

Return type




tenant_backfill_status(**kwargs: Any)azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.TenantBackfillStatusResult[source]

Gets tenant backfill status.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


TenantBackfillStatusResult or the result of cls(response)

Return type




class azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations.ManagementGroupsOperations(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object


DO NOT instantiate this class directly.

Instead, you should access the following operations through ManagementGroupsAPI’s management_groups attribute.

begin_create_or_update(group_id: str, create_management_group_request: _models.CreateManagementGroupRequest, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)Union[LROPoller[_models.ManagementGroup], LROPoller[_models.AzureAsyncOperationResults]][source]
begin_create_or_update(group_id: str, create_management_group_request: IO, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)Union[LROPoller[_models.ManagementGroup], LROPoller[_models.AzureAsyncOperationResults]]

Create or update a management group. If a management group is already created and a subsequent create request is issued with different properties, the management group properties will be updated.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • create_management_group_request (CreateManagementGroupRequest or IO) – Management group creation parameters. Is either a model type or a IO type. Required.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments
  • content_type (str) – Body Parameter content-type. Known values are: ‘application/json’. Default value is None.

  • cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response

  • continuation_token (str) – A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.

  • polling (bool or PollingMethod) – By default, your polling method will be ARMPolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.

  • polling_interval (int) – Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


An instance of LROPoller that returns either ManagementGroup or An instance of LROPoller that returns either AzureAsyncOperationResults or the result of cls(response)

Return type

LROPoller[ManagementGroup] or LROPoller[AzureAsyncOperationResults]



begin_delete(group_id: str, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', **kwargs: Any)azure.core.polling._poller.LROPoller[azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.AzureAsyncOperationResults][source]

Delete management group. If a management group contains child resources, the request will fail.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments
  • cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response

  • continuation_token (str) – A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state.

  • polling (bool or PollingMethod) – By default, your polling method will be ARMPolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy.

  • polling_interval (int) – Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present.


An instance of LROPoller that returns either AzureAsyncOperationResults or the result of cls(response)

Return type




get(group_id: str, expand: Optional[Union[str, azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._management_groups_api_enums.ManagementGroupExpandType]] = None, recurse: Optional[bool] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', **kwargs: Any)azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.ManagementGroup[source]

Get the details of the management group.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • expand (str or ManagementGroupExpandType) – The $expand=children query string parameter allows clients to request inclusion of children in the response payload. $expand=path includes the path from the root group to the current group. $expand=ancestors includes the ancestor Ids of the current group. Known values are: “children”, “path”, and “ancestors”. Default value is None.

  • recurse (bool) – The $recurse=true query string parameter allows clients to request inclusion of entire hierarchy in the response payload. Note that $expand=children must be passed up if $recurse is set to true. Default value is None.

  • filter (str) – A filter which allows the exclusion of subscriptions from results (i.e. ‘$filter=children.childType ne Subscription’). Default value is None.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


ManagementGroup or the result of cls(response)

Return type




get_descendants(group_id: str, skiptoken: Optional[str] = None, top: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.DescendantInfo][source]

List all entities that descend from a management group.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • skiptoken (str) – Page continuation token is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a token parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls. Default value is None.

  • top (int) – Number of elements to return when retrieving results. Passing this in will override $skipToken. Default value is None.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


An iterator like instance of either DescendantInfo or the result of cls(response)

Return type




list(cache_control: str = 'no-cache', skiptoken: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any)Iterable[azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.ManagementGroupInfo][source]

List management groups for the authenticated user.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

  • skiptoken (str) – Page continuation token is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a token parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls. Default value is None.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


An iterator like instance of either ManagementGroupInfo or the result of cls(response)

Return type




update(group_id: str, patch_group_request: _models.PatchManagementGroupRequest, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.ManagementGroup[source]
update(group_id: str, patch_group_request: IO, cache_control: str = 'no-cache', *, content_type: str = "'application/json'", **kwargs: Any)_models.ManagementGroup

Update a management group.

  • group_id (str) – Management Group ID. Required.

  • patch_group_request (PatchManagementGroupRequest or IO) – Management group patch parameters. Is either a model type or a IO type. Required.

  • cache_control (str) – Indicates whether the request should utilize any caches. Populate the header with ‘no-cache’ value to bypass existing caches. Default value is “no-cache”.

Keyword Arguments
  • content_type (str) – Body Parameter content-type. Known values are: ‘application/json’. Default value is None.

  • cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


ManagementGroup or the result of cls(response)

Return type




models = <module 'azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models' from '/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/sdk/managementgroups/azure-mgmt-managementgroups/.tox/sphinx/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/mgmt/managementgroups/models/'>
class azure.mgmt.managementgroups.operations.Operations(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object


DO NOT instantiate this class directly.

Instead, you should access the following operations through ManagementGroupsAPI’s operations attribute.

list(**kwargs: Any)Iterable[azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models._models_py3.Operation][source]

Lists all of the available Management REST API operations.

Keyword Arguments

cls (callable) – A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response


An iterator like instance of either Operation or the result of cls(response)

Return type




models = <module 'azure.mgmt.managementgroups.models' from '/mnt/vss/_work/1/s/sdk/managementgroups/azure-mgmt-managementgroups/.tox/sphinx/lib/python3.9/site-packages/azure/mgmt/managementgroups/models/'>