
class azure.core.AsyncPipelineClient(base_url: str, *, pipeline: AsyncPipeline[HTTPRequestType, AsyncHTTPResponseType] | None = None, config: Configuration[HTTPRequestType, AsyncHTTPResponseType] | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Service client core methods.

Builds an AsyncPipeline client.


base_url (str) – URL for the request.

Keyword Arguments:

An async pipeline object.

Return type:



Builds the async pipeline client.
from azure.core import AsyncPipelineClient
from azure.core.pipeline.policies import AsyncRedirectPolicy, UserAgentPolicy
from import HttpRequest

# example policies
request = HttpRequest("GET", url)
policies: Iterable[Union[AsyncHTTPPolicy, SansIOHTTPPolicy]] = [

async with AsyncPipelineClient[HttpRequest, AsyncHttpResponse](base_url=url, policies=policies) as client:
    response = await client.send_request(request)
async close() None[source]
delete(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) HttpRequest

Create a DELETE request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


format_url(url_template: str, **kwargs: Any) str

Format request URL with the client base URL, unless the supplied URL is already absolute.

Note that both the base url and the template url can contain query parameters.


url_template (str) – The request URL to be formatted if necessary.

Return type:



The formatted URL.

get(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) HttpRequest

Create a GET request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


head(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a HEAD request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


merge(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) HttpRequest

Create a MERGE request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


options(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, *, content: bytes | str | Dict[Any, Any] | None = None, form_content: Dict[Any, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) HttpRequest

Create a OPTIONS request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

Keyword Arguments:
  • content – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


patch(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a PATCH request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


post(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a POST request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


put(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a PUT request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


send_request(request: HTTPRequestType, *, stream: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) Awaitable[AsyncHTTPResponseType][source]

Method that runs the network request through the client’s chained policies.

>>> from import HttpRequest
>>> request = HttpRequest('GET', '')
<HttpRequest [GET], url: ''>
>>> response = await client.send_request(request)
<AsyncHttpResponse: 200 OK>

request (HttpRequest) – The network request you want to make. Required.

Keyword Arguments:

stream (bool) – Whether the response payload will be streamed. Defaults to False.


The response of your network call. Does not do error handling on your response.

Return type:


class azure.core.CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta(cls, bases, classdict, *, boundary=None, _simple=False, **kwds)[source]

Enum metaclass to allow for interoperability with case-insensitive strings.

Consuming this metaclass in an SDK should be done in the following manner:

from enum import Enum
from azure.core import CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta

class MyCustomEnum(str, Enum, metaclass=CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta):
    FOO = 'foo'
    BAR = 'bar'

Return a type’s method resolution order.

class azure.core.MatchConditions(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

An enum to describe match conditions.

IfMissing = 5

If the target object does not exist. Usually it maps to etag!=’*’

IfModified = 3

Only if the target object is modified. Usually it maps to etag!=<specific etag>

IfNotModified = 2

If the target object is not modified. Usually it maps to etag=<specific etag>

IfPresent = 4

If the target object exists. Usually it maps to etag=’*’

Unconditionally = 1

Matches any condition

class azure.core.PipelineClient(base_url: str, *, pipeline: Pipeline[HTTPRequestType, HTTPResponseType] | None = None, config: Configuration[HTTPRequestType, HTTPResponseType] | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Service client core methods.

Builds a Pipeline client.


base_url (str) – URL for the request.

Keyword Arguments:

A pipeline object.

Return type:



Builds the pipeline client.
from azure.core import PipelineClient
from import HttpRequest
from azure.core.pipeline.policies import RedirectPolicy, UserAgentPolicy

# example configuration with some policies
policies: Iterable[Union[HTTPPolicy, SansIOHTTPPolicy]] = [UserAgentPolicy("myuseragent"), RedirectPolicy()]

client: PipelineClient[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] = PipelineClient(base_url=url, policies=policies)
request = HttpRequest("GET", "")

pipeline_response =
close() None[source]
delete(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) HttpRequest

Create a DELETE request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


format_url(url_template: str, **kwargs: Any) str

Format request URL with the client base URL, unless the supplied URL is already absolute.

Note that both the base url and the template url can contain query parameters.


url_template (str) – The request URL to be formatted if necessary.

Return type:



The formatted URL.

get(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) HttpRequest

Create a GET request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


head(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a HEAD request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


merge(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None) HttpRequest

Create a MERGE request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


options(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, *, content: bytes | str | Dict[Any, Any] | None = None, form_content: Dict[Any, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) HttpRequest

Create a OPTIONS request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

Keyword Arguments:
  • content – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


patch(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a PATCH request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


post(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a POST request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


put(url: str, params: Dict[str, str] | None = None, headers: Dict[str, str] | None = None, content: Any = None, form_content: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, stream_content: Any = None) HttpRequest

Create a PUT request object.

  • url (str) – The request URL.

  • params (dict) – Request URL parameters.

  • headers (dict) – Headers

  • content (bytes or str or dict) – The body content

  • form_content (dict) – Form content

  • stream_content (stream or generator or asyncgenerator) – The body content as a stream


An HttpRequest object

Return type:


send_request(request: HTTPRequestType, *, stream: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) HTTPResponseType[source]

Method that runs the network request through the client’s chained policies.

>>> from import HttpRequest
>>> request = HttpRequest('GET', '')
<HttpRequest [GET], url: ''>
>>> response = client.send_request(request)
<HttpResponse: 200 OK>

request (HttpRequest) – The network request you want to make. Required.

Keyword Arguments:

stream (bool) – Whether the response payload will be streamed. Defaults to False.


The response of your network call. Does not do error handling on your response.

Return type:





class azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Return an async iterator of items.

args and kwargs will be passed to the AsyncPageIterator constructor directly, except page_iterator_class

by_page(continuation_token: str | None = None) AsyncIterator[AsyncIterator[ReturnType]][source]

Get an async iterator of pages of objects, instead of an async iterator of objects.


continuation_token (str) – An opaque continuation token. This value can be retrieved from the continuation_token field of a previous generator object. If specified, this generator will begin returning results from this point.


An async iterator of pages (themselves async iterator of objects)

Return type:


class azure.core.async_paging.AsyncPageIterator(get_next: Callable[[str | None], Awaitable[ResponseType]], extract_data: Callable[[ResponseType], Awaitable[Tuple[str, AsyncIterator[ReturnType]]]], continuation_token: str | None = None)[source]

Return an async iterator of pages.

  • get_next – Callable that take the continuation token and return a HTTP response

  • extract_data – Callable that take an HTTP response and return a tuple continuation token, list of ReturnType

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token needed by get_next


class azure.core.credentials.AccessToken(token: str, expires_on: int)[source]

Represents an OAuth access token.

Create new instance of AccessToken(token, expires_on)

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

expires_on: int

The token’s expiration time in Unix time.

token: str

The token string.

class azure.core.credentials.AzureKeyCredential(key: str)[source]

Credential type used for authenticating to an Azure service. It provides the ability to update the key without creating a new client.


key (str) – The key used to authenticate to an Azure service



update(key: str) None[source]

Update the key.

This can be used when you’ve regenerated your service key and want to update long-lived clients.


key (str) – The key used to authenticate to an Azure service


ValueError or TypeError

property key: str

The value of the configured key.

Return type:



The value of the configured key.

class azure.core.credentials.AzureNamedKeyCredential(name: str, key: str)[source]

Credential type used for working with any service needing a named key that follows patterns established by the other credential types.

  • name (str) – The name of the credential used to authenticate to an Azure service.

  • key (str) – The key used to authenticate to an Azure service.



update(name: str, key: str) None[source]

Update the named key credential.

Both name and key must be provided in order to update the named key credential. Individual attributes cannot be updated.

  • name (str) – The name of the credential used to authenticate to an Azure service.

  • key (str) – The key used to authenticate to an Azure service.

property named_key: AzureNamedKey

The value of the configured name.

Return type:



The value of the configured name.

class azure.core.credentials.AzureSasCredential(signature: str)[source]

Credential type used for authenticating to an Azure service. It provides the ability to update the shared access signature without creating a new client.


signature (str) – The shared access signature used to authenticate to an Azure service



update(signature: str) None[source]

Update the shared access signature.

This can be used when you’ve regenerated your shared access signature and want to update long-lived clients.


signature (str) – The shared access signature used to authenticate to an Azure service


ValueError or TypeError

property signature: str

The value of the configured shared access signature.

Return type:



The value of the configured shared access signature.

class azure.core.credentials.TokenCredential(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Protocol for classes able to provide OAuth tokens.

get_token(*scopes: str, claims: str | None = None, tenant_id: str | None = None, enable_cae: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) AccessToken[source]

Request an access token for scopes.


scopes (str) – The type of access needed.

Keyword Arguments:
  • claims (str) – Additional claims required in the token, such as those returned in a resource provider’s claims challenge following an authorization failure.

  • tenant_id (str) – Optional tenant to include in the token request.

  • enable_cae (bool) – Indicates whether to enable Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) for the requested token. Defaults to False.

Return type:



An AccessToken instance containing the token string and its expiration time in Unix time.


class azure.core.credentials_async.AsyncTokenCredential(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Protocol for classes able to provide OAuth tokens.

async close() None[source]
async get_token(*scopes: str, claims: str | None = None, tenant_id: str | None = None, enable_cae: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) AccessToken[source]

Request an access token for scopes.


scopes (str) – The type of access needed.

Keyword Arguments:
  • claims (str) – Additional claims required in the token, such as those returned in a resource provider’s claims challenge following an authorization failure.

  • tenant_id (str) – Optional tenant to include in the token request.

  • enable_cae (bool) – Indicates whether to enable Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) for the requested token. Defaults to False.

Return type:



An AccessToken instance containing the token string and its expiration time in Unix time.


exception azure.core.exceptions.AzureError(message: object | None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Base exception for all errors.


message (object) – The message object stringified as ‘message’ attribute

Keyword Arguments:

error (Exception) – The original exception if any

  • inner_exception (Exception) – The exception passed with the ‘error’ kwarg

  • exc_type – The exc_type from sys.exc_info()

  • exc_value – The exc_value from sys.exc_info()

  • exc_traceback – The exc_traceback from sys.exc_info()

  • exc_msg – A string formatting of message parameter, exc_type and exc_value

  • message (str) – A stringified version of the message parameter

  • continuation_token (str) – A token reference to continue an incomplete operation. This value is optional and will be None where continuation is either unavailable or not applicable.

raise_with_traceback() None[source]

Raise the exception with the existing traceback.

Deprecated since version 1.22.0: This method is deprecated as we don’t support Python 2 anymore. Use raise/from instead.

exception azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError(message: object | None = None, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An error response with status code 4xx. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.

exception azure.core.exceptions.DecodeError(message: object | None = None, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Error raised during response deserialization.

exception azure.core.exceptions.DeserializationError[source]

Raised if an error is encountered during deserialization.

exception azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError(message: object | None = None, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

A request was made, and a non-success status code was received from the service.

  • reason (str) – The HTTP response reason

  • status_code (int) – HttpResponse’s status code

  • response (HttpResponse or AsyncHttpResponse) – The response that triggered the exception.

  • model (Model) – The request body/response body model

  • error (ODataV4Format) – The formatted error

exception azure.core.exceptions.ODataV4Error(response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An HTTP response error where the JSON is decoded as OData V4 error format.


response (HttpResponse) – The response object.

  • odata_json (dict) – The parsed JSON body as attribute for convenience.

  • ~.code (str) – Its value is a service-defined error code. This code serves as a sub-status for the HTTP error code specified in the response.

  • message (str) – Human-readable, language-dependent representation of the error.

  • target (str) – The target of the particular error (for example, the name of the property in error). This field is optional and may be None.

  • details (list[ODataV4Format]) – Array of ODataV4Format instances that MUST contain name/value pairs for code and message, and MAY contain a name/value pair for target, as described above.

  • innererror (dict) – An object. The contents of this object are service-defined. Usually this object contains information that will help debug the service.

exception azure.core.exceptions.ResourceExistsError(message: object | None = None, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An error response with status code 4xx. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.

exception azure.core.exceptions.ResourceModifiedError(message: object | None = None, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An error response with status code 4xx, typically 412 Conflict. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.

exception azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError(message: object | None = None, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An error response, typically triggered by a 412 response (for update) or 404 (for get/post)

exception azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotModifiedError(message: object | None = None, response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An error response with status code 304. This will not be raised directly by the Azure core pipeline.

exception azure.core.exceptions.ResponseNotReadError(response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI)[source]

Error thrown if you try to access a response’s content without reading first.

It is thrown if you try to access an or’s content without first reading the response’s bytes in first.


response (HttpResponse or AsyncHttpResponse) – The response that triggered the exception.

exception azure.core.exceptions.SerializationError[source]

Raised if an error is encountered during serialization.

exception azure.core.exceptions.ServiceRequestError(message: object | None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An error occurred while attempt to make a request to the service. No request was sent.

exception azure.core.exceptions.ServiceResponseError(message: object | None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

The request was sent, but the client failed to understand the response. The connection may have timed out. These errors can be retried for idempotent or safe operations

exception azure.core.exceptions.StreamClosedError(response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI)[source]

Error thrown if you try to access the stream of a response once closed.

It is thrown if you try to read / stream an or once the response’s stream has been closed.


response (HttpResponse or AsyncHttpResponse) – The response that triggered the exception.

exception azure.core.exceptions.StreamConsumedError(response: _HttpResponseCommonAPI)[source]

Error thrown if you try to access the stream of a response once consumed.

It is thrown if you try to read / stream an or once the response’s stream has been consumed.


response (HttpResponse or AsyncHttpResponse) – The response that triggered the exception.

exception azure.core.exceptions.TooManyRedirectsError(history: List[RequestHistory[HTTPRequestType, HTTPResponseType]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Reached the maximum number of redirect attempts.


history (list[RequestHistory]) – The history of requests made while trying to fulfill the request.

class azure.core.exceptions.ODataV4Format(json_object: Mapping[str, Any])[source]

Class to describe OData V4 error format.

Example of JSON:

    "error": {
        "code": "ValidationError",
        "message": "One or more fields contain incorrect values: ",
        "details": [
                "code": "ValidationError",
                "target": "representation",
                "message": "Parsing error(s): String '' does not match regex pattern '^[^{}/ :]+(?: :\\d+)?$'.
                Path 'host', line 1, position 297."
                "code": "ValidationError",
                "target": "representation",
                "message": "Parsing error(s): The input OpenAPI file is not valid for the OpenAPI specificate
                https: //

json_object (dict) – A Python dict representing a ODataV4 JSON

  • ~.code (str) – Its value is a service-defined error code. This code serves as a sub-status for the HTTP error code specified in the response.

  • message (str) – Human-readable, language-dependent representation of the error.

  • target (str) – The target of the particular error (for example, the name of the property in error). This field is optional and may be None.

  • details (list[ODataV4Format]) – Array of ODataV4Format instances that MUST contain name/value pairs for code and message, and MAY contain a name/value pair for target, as described above.

  • innererror (dict) – An object. The contents of this object are service-defined. Usually this object contains information that will help debug the service.

message_details() str[source]

Return a detailed string of the error.


A string with the details of the error.

Return type:


CODE_LABEL = 'code'
DETAILS_LABEL = 'details'
INNERERROR_LABEL = 'innererror'
MESSAGE_LABEL = 'message'
TARGET_LABEL = 'target'
property error: SelfODataV4Format


class azure.core.messaging.CloudEvent(source: str, type: str, *, specversion: str | None = None, id: str | None = None, time: ~datetime.datetime | None = <object object>, datacontenttype: str | None = None, dataschema: str | None = None, subject: str | None = None, data: ~azure.core.messaging.DataType | None = None, extensions: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] | None = None, **kwargs: ~typing.Any)[source]

Properties of the CloudEvent 1.0 Schema. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • source (str) – Required. Identifies the context in which an event happened. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event. If publishing to a domain topic, source must be the domain topic name.

  • type (str) – Required. Type of event related to the originating occurrence.

Keyword Arguments:
  • specversion (str) – Optional. The version of the CloudEvent spec. Defaults to “1.0”

  • data (object) – Optional. Event data specific to the event type.

  • time (datetime) – Optional. The time (in UTC) the event was generated.

  • dataschema (str) – Optional. Identifies the schema that data adheres to.

  • datacontenttype (str) – Optional. Content type of data value.

  • subject (str) – Optional. This describes the subject of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by source).

  • id (Optional[str]) – Optional. An identifier for the event. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event. If not provided, a random UUID will be generated and used.

  • extensions (Optional[dict]) – Optional. A CloudEvent MAY include any number of additional context attributes with distinct names represented as key - value pairs. Each extension must be alphanumeric, lower cased and must not exceed the length of 20 characters.

classmethod from_dict(event: Dict[str, Any]) CloudEvent[DataType][source]

Returns the deserialized CloudEvent object when a dict is provided.


event (dict) – The dict representation of the event which needs to be deserialized.

Return type:



The deserialized CloudEvent object.

classmethod from_json(event: Any) CloudEvent[DataType][source]

Returns the deserialized CloudEvent object when a json payload is provided.


event (object) – The json string that should be converted into a CloudEvent. This can also be a storage QueueMessage, eventhub’s EventData or ServiceBusMessage

Return type:



The deserialized CloudEvent object.


ValueError – If the provided JSON is invalid.

data: DataType | None

Event data specific to the event type.

datacontenttype: str | None

Content type of data value.

dataschema: str | None

Identifies the schema that data adheres to.

extensions: Dict[str, Any] | None

A CloudEvent MAY include any number of additional context attributes with distinct names represented as key - value pairs. Each extension must be alphanumeric, lower cased and must not exceed the length of 20 characters.

id: str

An identifier for the event. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event. If not provided, a random UUID will be generated and used.

source: str

Identifies the context in which an event happened. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event. If publishing to a domain topic, source must be the domain topic name.

specversion: str = '1.0'

The version of the CloudEvent spec. Defaults to “1.0”

subject: str | None

This describes the subject of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by source)

time: datetime | None

The time (in UTC) the event was generated.

type: str

Type of event related to the originating occurrence.


class azure.core.paging.ItemPaged(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Return an iterator of items.

args and kwargs will be passed to the PageIterator constructor directly, except page_iterator_class

by_page(continuation_token: str | None = None) Iterator[Iterator[ReturnType]][source]

Get an iterator of pages of objects, instead of an iterator of objects.


continuation_token (str) – An opaque continuation token. This value can be retrieved from the continuation_token field of a previous generator object. If specified, this generator will begin returning results from this point.


An iterator of pages (themselves iterator of objects)

Return type:


next() ReturnType

Return the next item from the iterator. When exhausted, raise StopIteration

class azure.core.paging.PageIterator(get_next: Callable[[str | None], ResponseType], extract_data: Callable[[ResponseType], Tuple[str, Iterable[ReturnType]]], continuation_token: str | None = None)[source]

Return an iterator of pages.

  • get_next – Callable that take the continuation token and return a HTTP response

  • extract_data – Callable that take an HTTP response and return a tuple continuation token, list of ReturnType

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token needed by get_next

next() Iterator[ReturnType]

Return the next item from the iterator. When exhausted, raise StopIteration


Provide access to settings for globally used Azure configuration values.

class azure.core.settings.Settings[source]

Settings for globally used Azure configuration values.

You probably don’t want to create an instance of this class, but call the singleton instance:

from azure.core.settings import settings
settings.log_level = log_level = logging.DEBUG

The following methods are searched in order for a setting:

4. immediate values 3. previously user-set value 2. environment variable 1. system setting 0. implicit default

An implicit default is (optionally) defined by the setting attribute itself.

A system setting value can be obtained from registries or other OS configuration for settings that support that method.

An environment variable value is obtained from os.environ

User-set values many be specified by assigning to the attribute:

settings.log_level = log_level = logging.DEBUG

Immediate values are (optionally) provided when the setting is retrieved:


Immediate values are most often useful to provide from optional arguments to client functions. If the argument value is not None, it will be returned as-is. Otherwise, the setting searches other methods according to the precedence rules.

Immutable configuration snapshots can be created with the following methods:

  • settings.defaults returns the base defaultsvalues , ignoring any environment or system or user settings

  • settings.current returns the current computation of settings including prioritization of configuration sources, unless defaults_only is set to True (in which case the result is identical to settings.defaults)

  • settings.config can be called with specific values to override what settings.current would provide

# return current settings with log level overridden
  • log_level – a log level to use across all Azure client SDKs (AZURE_LOG_LEVEL)

  • tracing_enabled – Whether tracing should be enabled across Azure SDKs (AZURE_TRACING_ENABLED)

  • tracing_implementation – The tracing implementation to use (AZURE_SDK_TRACING_IMPLEMENTATION)


>>> import logging
>>> from azure.core.settings import settings
>>> settings.log_level = logging.DEBUG
>>> settings.log_level()
>>> settings.log_level(logging.WARN)
config(**kwargs: Any) Tuple[Any, ...][source]

Return the currently computed settings, with values overridden by parameter values.

Return type:



The current values for all settings, with values overridden by parameter values


# return current settings with log level overridden
property current: Tuple[Any, ...]

Return the current values for all settings.

Return type:



The current values for all settings

property defaults: Tuple[Any, ...]

Return implicit default values for all settings, ignoring environment and system.

Return type:



The implicit default values for all settings

property defaults_only: bool

Whether to ignore environment and system settings and return only base default values.

Return type:



Whether to ignore environment and system settings and return only base default values.

log_level: PrioritizedSetting[str | int, int]

Return a value for a global setting according to configuration precedence.

The following methods are searched in order for the setting:

4. immediate values 3. previously user-set value 2. environment variable 1. system setting 0. implicit default

If a value cannot be determined, a RuntimeError is raised.

The env_var argument specifies the name of an environment to check for setting values, e.g. "AZURE_LOG_LEVEL". If a convert function is provided, the result will be converted before being used.

The optional system_hook can be used to specify a function that will attempt to look up a value for the setting from system-wide configurations. If a convert function is provided, the hook result will be converted before being used.

The optional default argument specified an implicit default value for the setting that is returned if no other methods provide a value. If a convert function is provided, default will be converted before being used.

A convert argument may be provided to convert values before they are returned. For instance to concert log levels in environment variables to logging module values. If a convert function is provided, it must support str as valid input type.

  • name (str) – the name of the setting

  • env_var (str) – the name of an environment variable to check for the setting

  • system_hook (callable) – a function that will attempt to look up a value for the setting

  • default (any) – an implicit default value for the setting

  • convert (callable) – a function to convert values before they are returned

tracing_enabled: PrioritizedSetting[str | bool, bool]

Return a value for a global setting according to configuration precedence.

The following methods are searched in order for the setting:

4. immediate values 3. previously user-set value 2. environment variable 1. system setting 0. implicit default

If a value cannot be determined, a RuntimeError is raised.

The env_var argument specifies the name of an environment to check for setting values, e.g. "AZURE_LOG_LEVEL". If a convert function is provided, the result will be converted before being used.

The optional system_hook can be used to specify a function that will attempt to look up a value for the setting from system-wide configurations. If a convert function is provided, the hook result will be converted before being used.

The optional default argument specified an implicit default value for the setting that is returned if no other methods provide a value. If a convert function is provided, default will be converted before being used.

A convert argument may be provided to convert values before they are returned. For instance to concert log levels in environment variables to logging module values. If a convert function is provided, it must support str as valid input type.

  • name (str) – the name of the setting

  • env_var (str) – the name of an environment variable to check for the setting

  • system_hook (callable) – a function that will attempt to look up a value for the setting

  • default (any) – an implicit default value for the setting

  • convert (callable) – a function to convert values before they are returned

tracing_implementation: PrioritizedSetting[str | Type[AbstractSpan] | None, Type[AbstractSpan] | None]

Return a value for a global setting according to configuration precedence.

The following methods are searched in order for the setting:

4. immediate values 3. previously user-set value 2. environment variable 1. system setting 0. implicit default

If a value cannot be determined, a RuntimeError is raised.

The env_var argument specifies the name of an environment to check for setting values, e.g. "AZURE_LOG_LEVEL". If a convert function is provided, the result will be converted before being used.

The optional system_hook can be used to specify a function that will attempt to look up a value for the setting from system-wide configurations. If a convert function is provided, the hook result will be converted before being used.

The optional default argument specified an implicit default value for the setting that is returned if no other methods provide a value. If a convert function is provided, default will be converted before being used.

A convert argument may be provided to convert values before they are returned. For instance to concert log levels in environment variables to logging module values. If a convert function is provided, it must support str as valid input type.

  • name (str) – the name of the setting

  • env_var (str) – the name of an environment variable to check for the setting

  • system_hook (callable) – a function that will attempt to look up a value for the setting

  • default (any) – an implicit default value for the setting

  • convert (callable) – a function to convert values before they are returned

azure.core.settings.settings: Settings = <azure.core.settings.Settings object>

The settings unique instance.


class azure.core.serialization.AzureJSONEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

A JSON encoder that’s capable of serializing datetime objects and bytes.

Constructor for JSONEncoder, with sensible defaults.

If skipkeys is false, then it is a TypeError to attempt encoding of keys that are not str, int, float or None. If skipkeys is True, such items are simply skipped.

If ensure_ascii is true, the output is guaranteed to be str objects with all incoming non-ASCII characters escaped. If ensure_ascii is false, the output can contain non-ASCII characters.

If check_circular is true, then lists, dicts, and custom encoded objects will be checked for circular references during encoding to prevent an infinite recursion (which would cause an RecursionError). Otherwise, no such check takes place.

If allow_nan is true, then NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity will be encoded as such. This behavior is not JSON specification compliant, but is consistent with most JavaScript based encoders and decoders. Otherwise, it will be a ValueError to encode such floats.

If sort_keys is true, then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key; this is useful for regression tests to ensure that JSON serializations can be compared on a day-to-day basis.

If indent is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. None is the most compact representation.

If specified, separators should be an (item_separator, key_separator) tuple. The default is (’, ‘, ‘: ‘) if indent is None and (‘,’, ‘: ‘) otherwise. To get the most compact JSON representation, you should specify (‘,’, ‘:’) to eliminate whitespace.

If specified, default is a function that gets called for objects that can’t otherwise be serialized. It should return a JSON encodable version of the object or raise a TypeError.

default(o: Any) Any[source]

Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return super().default(o)

Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.

>>> from json.encoder import JSONEncoder
>>> JSONEncoder().encode({"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})
'{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}'
iterencode(o, _one_shot=False)

Encode the given object and yield each string representation as available.

For example:

for chunk in JSONEncoder().iterencode(bigobject):
item_separator = ', '
key_separator = ': '
azure.core.serialization.NULL = <azure.core.serialization._Null object>

A falsy sentinel object which is supposed to be used to specify attributes with no data. This gets serialized to null on the wire.


Abstract base class for Async HTTP responses.

Use this abstract base class to create your own transport responses.

Responses implementing this ABC are returned from your async client’s send_request method if you pass in an HttpRequest

>>> from import HttpRequest
>>> request = HttpRequest('GET', '')
<HttpRequest [GET], url: ''>
>>> response = await client.send_request(request)
<AsyncHttpResponse: 200 OK>
abstract async close() None[source]
abstract async iter_bytes(**kwargs: Any) AsyncIterator[bytes][source]

Asynchronously iterates over the response’s bytes. Will decompress in the process.


An async iterator of bytes from the response

Return type:


abstract async iter_raw(**kwargs: Any) AsyncIterator[bytes][source]

Asynchronously iterates over the response’s bytes. Will not decompress in the process.


An async iterator of bytes from the response

Return type:


abstract json() Any

Returns the whole body as a json object.


The JSON deserialized response body

Return type:



json.decoder.JSONDecodeError or ValueError (in python 2.7) if object is not JSON decodable

abstract raise_for_status() None

Raises an HttpResponseError if the response has an error status code.

If response is good, does nothing.


abstract async read() bytes[source]

Read the response’s bytes into memory.


The response’s bytes

Return type:


abstract text(encoding: str | None = None) str

Returns the response body as a string.


encoding (optional[str]) – The encoding you want to decode the text with. Can also be set independently through our encoding property


The response’s content decoded as a string.

Return type:


abstract property content: bytes

Return the response’s content in bytes.

Return type:



The response’s content in bytes.

abstract property content_type: str | None

The content type of the response.

Return type:



The content type of the response.

abstract property encoding: str | None

Returns the response encoding.


The response encoding. We either return the encoding set by the user, or try extracting the encoding from the response’s content type. If all fails, we return None.

Return type:


abstract property headers: MutableMapping[str, str]

The response headers. Must be case-insensitive.

Return type:

MutableMapping[str, str]


The response headers. Must be case-insensitive.

abstract property is_closed: bool

Whether the network connection has been closed yet.

Return type:



Whether the network connection has been closed yet.

abstract property is_stream_consumed: bool

Whether the stream has been consumed.

Return type:



Whether the stream has been consumed.

abstract property reason: str

The reason phrase for this response.

Return type:



The reason phrase for this response.

abstract property request: HttpRequest

The request that resulted in this response.

Return type:



The request that resulted in this response.

abstract property status_code: int

The status code of this response.

Return type:



The status code of this response.

abstract property url: str

The URL that resulted in this response.

Return type:



The URL that resulted in this response.

class str, url: str, *, params: Mapping[str, str | int | float | bool | None | Sequence[str | int | float | bool | None]] | None = None, headers: MutableMapping[str, str] | None = None, json: Any = None, content: str | bytes | Iterable[bytes] | AsyncIterable[bytes] | None = None, data: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, files: Mapping[str, str | bytes | IO[str] | IO[bytes] | Tuple[str | None, str | bytes | IO[str] | IO[bytes]] | Tuple[str | None, str | bytes | IO[str] | IO[bytes], str | None]] | Sequence[Tuple[str, str | bytes | IO[str] | IO[bytes] | Tuple[str | None, str | bytes | IO[str] | IO[bytes]] | Tuple[str | None, str | bytes | IO[str] | IO[bytes], str | None]]] | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

An HTTP request.

It should be passed to your client’s send_request method.

>>> from import HttpRequest
>>> request = HttpRequest('GET', '')
<HttpRequest [GET], url: ''>
>>> response = client.send_request(request)
<HttpResponse: 200 OK>
  • method (str) – HTTP method (GET, HEAD, etc.)

  • url (str) – The url for your request

Keyword Arguments:
  • params (mapping) – Query parameters to be mapped into your URL. Your input should be a mapping of query name to query value(s).

  • headers (mapping) – HTTP headers you want in your request. Your input should be a mapping of header name to header value.

  • json (any) – A JSON serializable object. We handle JSON-serialization for your object, so use this for more complicated data structures than data.

  • content (str or bytes or iterable[bytes] or asynciterable[bytes]) – Content you want in your request body. Think of it as the kwarg you should input if your data doesn’t fit into json, data, or files. Accepts a bytes type, or a generator that yields bytes.

  • data (dict) – Form data you want in your request body. Use for form-encoded data, i.e. HTML forms.

  • files (mapping) – Files you want to in your request body. Use for uploading files with multipart encoding. Your input should be a mapping of file name to file content. Use the data kwarg in addition if you want to include non-file data files as part of your request.

  • url (str) – The URL this request is against.

  • method (str) – The method type of this request.

  • headers (mapping) – The HTTP headers you passed in to your request

  • content (any) – The content passed in for the request

property content: Any

Get’s the request’s content


The request’s content

Return type:



Abstract base class for HTTP responses.

Use this abstract base class to create your own transport responses.

Responses implementing this ABC are returned from your client’s send_request method if you pass in an HttpRequest

>>> from import HttpRequest
>>> request = HttpRequest('GET', '')
<HttpRequest [GET], url: ''>
>>> response = client.send_request(request)
<HttpResponse: 200 OK>
abstract close() None[source]
abstract iter_bytes(**kwargs: Any) Iterator[bytes][source]

Iterates over the response’s bytes. Will decompress in the process.


An iterator of bytes from the response

Return type:


abstract iter_raw(**kwargs: Any) Iterator[bytes][source]

Iterates over the response’s bytes. Will not decompress in the process.


An iterator of bytes from the response

Return type:


abstract json() Any

Returns the whole body as a json object.


The JSON deserialized response body

Return type:



json.decoder.JSONDecodeError or ValueError (in python 2.7) if object is not JSON decodable

abstract raise_for_status() None

Raises an HttpResponseError if the response has an error status code.

If response is good, does nothing.


abstract read() bytes[source]

Read the response’s bytes.


The read in bytes

Return type:


abstract text(encoding: str | None = None) str

Returns the response body as a string.


encoding (optional[str]) – The encoding you want to decode the text with. Can also be set independently through our encoding property


The response’s content decoded as a string.

Return type:


abstract property content: bytes

Return the response’s content in bytes.

Return type:



The response’s content in bytes.

abstract property content_type: str | None

The content type of the response.

Return type:



The content type of the response.

abstract property encoding: str | None

Returns the response encoding.


The response encoding. We either return the encoding set by the user, or try extracting the encoding from the response’s content type. If all fails, we return None.

Return type:


abstract property headers: MutableMapping[str, str]

The response headers. Must be case-insensitive.

Return type:

MutableMapping[str, str]


The response headers. Must be case-insensitive.

abstract property is_closed: bool

Whether the network connection has been closed yet.

Return type:



Whether the network connection has been closed yet.

abstract property is_stream_consumed: bool

Whether the stream has been consumed.

Return type:



Whether the stream has been consumed.

abstract property reason: str

The reason phrase for this response.

Return type:



The reason phrase for this response.

abstract property request: HttpRequest

The request that resulted in this response.

Return type:



The request that resulted in this response.

abstract property status_code: int

The status code of this response.

Return type:



The status code of this response.

abstract property url: str

The URL that resulted in this response.

Return type:



The URL that resulted in this response.


This utils module provides functionality that is intended to be used by developers building on top of azure-core.

class azure.core.utils.CaseInsensitiveDict(data: Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

NOTE: This implementation is heavily inspired from the case insensitive dictionary from the requests library. Thank you !! Case insensitive dictionary implementation. The keys are expected to be strings and will be stored in lower case. case_insensitive_dict = CaseInsensitiveDict() case_insensitive_dict[‘Key’] = ‘some_value’ case_insensitive_dict[‘key’] == ‘some_value’ #True


data (Mapping[str, Any] or Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]) – Initial data to store in the dictionary.

clear() None.  Remove all items from D.
copy() CaseInsensitiveDict[source]
get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.
items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
lowerkey_items() Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]][source]
pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

popitem() (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair

as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

setdefault(k[, d]) D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
update([E, ]**F) None.  Update D from mapping/iterable E and F.

If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v

values() an object providing a view on D's values
azure.core.utils.case_insensitive_dict(*args: Mapping[str, Any] | Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] | None, **kwargs: Any) MutableMapping[str, Any][source]

Return a case-insensitive mutable mapping from an inputted mapping structure.


args (Mapping[str, Any] or Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]) – The positional arguments to pass to the dict.


A case-insensitive mutable mapping object.

Return type:


azure.core.utils.parse_connection_string(conn_str: str, case_sensitive_keys: bool = False) Mapping[str, str][source]

Parses the connection string into a dict of its component parts, with the option of preserving case of keys, and validates that each key in the connection string has a provided value. If case of keys is not preserved (ie. case_sensitive_keys=False), then a dict with LOWERCASE KEYS will be returned.

  • conn_str (str) – String with connection details provided by Azure services.

  • case_sensitive_keys (bool) – Indicates whether the casing of the keys will be preserved. When False`(the default), all keys will be lower-cased. If set to `True, the original casing of the keys will be preserved.

Return type:



Dict of connection string key/value pairs.

ValueError: if each key in conn_str does not have a corresponding value and

for other bad formatting of connection strings - including duplicate args, bad syntax, etc.