azure.mgmt.datafactory.models module

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AccessPolicyResponse(*, policy: Optional[_models.UserAccessPolicy] = None, access_token: Optional[str] = None, data_plane_url: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Get Data Plane read only token response definition.

  • policy (UserAccessPolicy) – The user access policy.

  • access_token (str) – Data Plane read only access token.

  • data_plane_url (str) – Data Plane service base URL.

Keyword Arguments
  • policy (UserAccessPolicy) – The user access policy.

  • access_token (str) – Data Plane read only access token.

  • data_plane_url (str) – Data Plane service base URL.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Activity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A pipeline activity.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: ControlActivity, ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity, ExecutionActivity

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ActivityDependency(*, activity: str, dependency_conditions: List[Union[str, _models.DependencyCondition]], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Activity dependency information.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • activity (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • dependency_conditions (list[str or DependencyCondition]) – Match-Condition for the dependency. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • activity (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • dependency_conditions (list[str or DependencyCondition]) – Match-Condition for the dependency. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ActivityPolicy(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, retry: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, retry_interval_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, secure_input: Optional[bool] = None, secure_output: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Execution policy for an activity.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for the activity to run. The default timeout is 7 days. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • retry (JSON) – Maximum ordinary retry attempts. Default is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • retry_interval_in_seconds (int) – Interval between each retry attempt (in seconds). The default is 30 sec.

  • secure_input (bool) – When set to true, Input from activity is considered as secure and will not be logged to monitoring.

  • secure_output (bool) – When set to true, Output from activity is considered as secure and will not be logged to monitoring.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for the activity to run. The default timeout is 7 days. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • retry (JSON) – Maximum ordinary retry attempts. Default is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • retry_interval_in_seconds (int) – Interval between each retry attempt (in seconds). The default is 30 sec.

  • secure_input (bool) – When set to true, Input from activity is considered as secure and will not be logged to monitoring.

  • secure_output (bool) – When set to true, Output from activity is considered as secure and will not be logged to monitoring.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ActivityRun(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Information about an activity run in a pipeline.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • pipeline_name (str) – The name of the pipeline.

  • pipeline_run_id (str) – The id of the pipeline run.

  • activity_name (str) – The name of the activity.

  • activity_type (str) – The type of the activity.

  • activity_run_id (str) – The id of the activity run.

  • linked_service_name (str) – The name of the compute linked service.

  • status (str) – The status of the activity run.

  • activity_run_start (datetime) – The start time of the activity run in ‘ISO 8601’ format.

  • activity_run_end (datetime) – The end time of the activity run in ‘ISO 8601’ format.

  • duration_in_ms (int) – The duration of the activity run.

  • input (JSON) – The input for the activity.

  • output (JSON) – The output for the activity.

  • error (JSON) – The error if any from the activity run.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ActivityRunsQueryResponse(*, value: List[_models.ActivityRun], continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list activity runs.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[ActivityRun]) – List of activity runs. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[ActivityRun]) – List of activity runs. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AddDataFlowToDebugSessionResponse(*, job_version: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Response body structure for starting data flow debug session.


job_version (str) – The ID of data flow debug job version.

Keyword Arguments

job_version (str) – The ID of data flow debug job version.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AdditionalColumns(*, name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Specify the column name and value of additional columns.

  • name (JSON) – Additional column name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • value (JSON) – Additional column value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • name (JSON) – Additional column name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • value (JSON) – Additional column value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonMWSLinkedService(*, endpoint:[str, Any], marketplace_id:[str, Any], seller_id:[str, Any], access_key_id:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, mws_auth_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, secret_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Amazon Marketplace Web Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Amazon MWS server, (i.e. Required.

  • marketplace_id (JSON) – The Amazon Marketplace ID you want to retrieve data from. To retrieve data from multiple Marketplace IDs, separate them with a comma (,). (i.e. A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2). Required.

  • seller_id (JSON) – The Amazon seller ID. Required.

  • mws_auth_token (SecretBase) – The Amazon MWS authentication token.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key id used to access data. Required.

  • secret_key (SecretBase) – The secret key used to access data.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Amazon MWS server, (i.e. Required.

  • marketplace_id (JSON) – The Amazon Marketplace ID you want to retrieve data from. To retrieve data from multiple Marketplace IDs, separate them with a comma (,). (i.e. A2EUQ1WTGCTBG2). Required.

  • seller_id (JSON) – The Amazon seller ID. Required.

  • mws_auth_token (SecretBase) – The Amazon MWS authentication token.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key id used to access data. Required.

  • secret_key (SecretBase) – The secret key used to access data.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonMWSObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Amazon Marketplace Web Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonMWSSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Amazon Marketplace Web Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

AmazonRdsForOracle database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum


DYNAMIC_RANGE = 'DynamicRange'
NONE = 'None'
PHYSICAL_PARTITIONS_OF_TABLE = 'PhysicalPartitionsOfTable'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings(*, partition_names: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_upper_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_lower_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The settings that will be leveraged for AmazonRdsForOracle source partitioning.

  • partition_names (JSON) – Names of the physical partitions of AmazonRdsForOracle table.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer type that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • partition_names (JSON) – Names of the physical partitions of AmazonRdsForOracle table.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer type that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForOracleSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, oracle_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity AmazonRdsForOracle source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • oracle_reader_query (JSON) – AmazonRdsForOracle reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for AmazonRdsForOracle read in parallel. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_settings (AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for AmazonRdsForOracle source partitioning.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • oracle_reader_query (JSON) – AmazonRdsForOracle reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for AmazonRdsForOracle read in parallel. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_settings (AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for AmazonRdsForOracle source partitioning.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForOracleTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The AmazonRdsForOracle database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the AmazonRdsForOracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the AmazonRdsForOracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the AmazonRdsForOracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the AmazonRdsForOracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, always_encrypted_settings: Optional[_models.SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Amazon RDS for SQL Server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The on-premises Windows authentication user name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The on-premises Windows authentication password.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The on-premises Windows authentication user name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The on-premises Windows authentication password.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, produce_additional_types: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SqlPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Amazon RDS for SQL Server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRdsForSqlServerTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Amazon RDS for SQL Server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRedshiftLinkedService(*, server:[str, Any], database:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Amazon Redshift.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – The name of the Amazon Redshift server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – The username of the Amazon Redshift source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the Amazon Redshift source.

  • database (JSON) – The database name of the Amazon Redshift source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the Amazon Redshift server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 5439. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – The name of the Amazon Redshift server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – The username of the Amazon Redshift source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the Amazon Redshift source.

  • database (JSON) – The database name of the Amazon Redshift source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the Amazon Redshift server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 5439. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRedshiftSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, redshift_unload_settings: Optional[_models.RedshiftUnloadSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for Amazon Redshift Source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • redshift_unload_settings (RedshiftUnloadSettings) – The Amazon S3 settings needed for the interim Amazon S3 when copying from Amazon Redshift with unload. With this, data from Amazon Redshift source will be unloaded into S3 first and then copied into the targeted sink from the interim S3.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • redshift_unload_settings (RedshiftUnloadSettings) – The Amazon S3 settings needed for the interim Amazon S3 when copying from Amazon Redshift with unload. With this, data from Amazon Redshift source will be unloaded into S3 first and then copied into the targeted sink from the interim S3.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonRedshiftTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Amazon Redshift table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The Amazon Redshift table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The Amazon Redshift schema name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The Amazon Redshift table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The Amazon Redshift schema name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonS3CompatibleLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_key_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, secret_access_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, force_path_style: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Amazon S3 Compatible.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Amazon S3 Compatible Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Amazon S3 Compatible Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the Amazon S3 Compatible Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • force_path_style (JSON) – If true, use S3 path-style access instead of virtual hosted-style access. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Amazon S3 Compatible Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Amazon S3 Compatible Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the Amazon S3 Compatible Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • force_path_style (JSON) – If true, use S3 path-style access instead of virtual hosted-style access. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonS3CompatibleLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, bucket_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of Amazon S3 Compatible dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of Amazon S3 Compatible. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of Amazon S3 Compatible. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of Amazon S3 Compatible. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of Amazon S3 Compatible. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonS3CompatibleReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Amazon S3 Compatible read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Amazon S3 Compatible wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Amazon S3 Compatible wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the S3 Compatible object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Amazon S3 Compatible wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Amazon S3 Compatible wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the S3 Compatible object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonS3Dataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, bucket_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, key: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, format: Optional[_models.DatasetStorageFormat] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

A single Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) object or a set of S3 objects.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • bucket_name (JSON) – The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • key (JSON) – The key of the Amazon S3 object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the S3 object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – The version for the S3 object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of S3 object’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of S3 object’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of files.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the Amazon S3 object.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • bucket_name (JSON) – The name of the Amazon S3 bucket. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • key (JSON) – The key of the Amazon S3 object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the S3 object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – The version for the S3 object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of S3 object’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of S3 object’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of files.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the Amazon S3 object.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonS3LinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, access_key_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, secret_access_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, session_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Amazon S3.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type of S3. Allowed value: AccessKey (default) or TemporarySecurityCredentials. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Amazon S3 Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Amazon S3 Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the S3 Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • session_token (SecretBase) – The session token for the S3 temporary security credential.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type of S3. Allowed value: AccessKey (default) or TemporarySecurityCredentials. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Amazon S3 Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Amazon S3 Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the S3 Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • session_token (SecretBase) – The session token for the S3 temporary security credential.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonS3Location(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, bucket_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of amazon S3 dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of amazon S3. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of amazon S3. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of amazon S3. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of amazon S3. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AmazonS3ReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Amazon S3 read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – AmazonS3 wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – AmazonS3 wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the S3 object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – AmazonS3 wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – AmazonS3 wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the S3 object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AppFiguresLinkedService(*, user_name:[str, Any], password: _models.SecretBase, client_key: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for AppFigures.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username of the Appfigures source. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the AppFigures source. Required.

  • client_key (SecretBase) – The client key for the AppFigures source. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username of the Appfigures source. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the AppFigures source. Required.

  • client_key (SecretBase) – The client key for the AppFigures source. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AppendVariableActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, variable_name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

Append value for a Variable of type Array.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable whose value needs to be appended to.

  • value (JSON) – Value to be appended. Could be a static value or Expression.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable whose value needs to be appended to.

  • value (JSON) – Value to be appended. Could be a static value or Expression.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ArmIdWrapper(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A wrapper for an ARM resource id.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.


id (str) –

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AsanaLinkedService(*, api_token: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Asana.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Asana source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Asana source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AvroCompressionCodec(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum


BZIP2 = 'bzip2'
DEFLATE = 'deflate'
NONE = 'none'
SNAPPY = 'snappy'
XZ = 'xz'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AvroDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, avro_compression_codec: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, avro_compression_level: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Avro dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the avro storage.

  • avro_compression_codec (JSON) – The data avroCompressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • avro_compression_level (int) –

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the avro storage.

  • avro_compression_codec (JSON) – The data avroCompressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • avro_compression_level (int) –

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AvroFormat(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, serializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, deserializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetStorageFormat

The data stored in Avro format.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage format. Required.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AvroSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreWriteSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.AvroWriteSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Avro sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Avro store settings.

  • format_settings (AvroWriteSettings) – Avro format settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Avro store settings.

  • format_settings (AvroWriteSettings) – Avro format settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AvroSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Avro source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Avro store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Avro store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AvroWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, record_name: Optional[str] = None, record_namespace: Optional[str] = None, max_rows_per_file: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name_prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatWriteSettings

Avro write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • record_name (str) – Top level record name in write result, which is required in AVRO spec.

  • record_namespace (str) – Record namespace in the write result.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • record_name (str) – Top level record name in write result, which is required in AVRO spec.

  • record_namespace (str) – Record namespace in the write result.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzPowerShellSetup(*, version: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CustomSetupBase

The express custom setup of installing Azure PowerShell.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – The type of custom setup. Required.

  • version (str) – The required version of Azure PowerShell to install. Required.

Keyword Arguments

version (str) – The required version of Azure PowerShell to install. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBatchLinkedService(*, account_name:[str, Any], batch_uri:[str, Any], pool_name:[str, Any], linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Batch linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • account_name (JSON) – The Azure Batch account name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • access_key (SecretBase) – The Azure Batch account access key.

  • batch_uri (JSON) – The Azure Batch URI. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • pool_name (JSON) – The Azure Batch pool name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Storage linked service reference. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • account_name (JSON) – The Azure Batch account name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • access_key (SecretBase) – The Azure Batch account access key.

  • batch_uri (JSON) – The Azure Batch URI. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • pool_name (JSON) – The Azure Batch pool name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Storage linked service reference. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table_root_location: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, format: Optional[_models.DatasetStorageFormat] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure Blob storage.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – The path of the Azure Blob storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_root_location (JSON) – The root of blob path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the Azure Blob. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of Azure Blob’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of Azure Blob’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the Azure Blob storage.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the blob storage.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – The path of the Azure Blob storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_root_location (JSON) – The root of blob path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the Azure Blob. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of Azure Blob’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of Azure Blob’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the Azure Blob storage.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the blob storage.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobFSDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, format: Optional[_models.DatasetStorageFormat] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – The path of the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the blob storage.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – The path of the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the blob storage.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobFSLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, account_key: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, service_principal_credential_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – Endpoint for the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • account_key (JSON) – Account key for the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The Key of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – Endpoint for the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • account_key (JSON) – Account key for the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The Key of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobFSLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_system: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of azure blobFS dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_system (JSON) – Specify the fileSystem of azure blobFS. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_system (JSON) – Specify the fileSystem of azure blobFS. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobFSReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Azure blobFS read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Azure blobFS wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Azure blobFS wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Azure blobFS wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Azure blobFS wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobFSSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, metadata: Optional[List[_models.MetadataItem]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • metadata (list[MetadataItem]) – Specify the custom metadata to be added to sink data. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • metadata (list[MetadataItem]) – Specify the custom metadata to be added to sink data. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobFSSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, treat_empty_as_null: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, skip_header_line_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Azure BlobFS source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • treat_empty_as_null (JSON) – Treat empty as null. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_header_line_count (JSON) – Number of header lines to skip from each blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • treat_empty_as_null (JSON) – Treat empty as null. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_header_line_count (JSON) – Number of header lines to skip from each blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobFSWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, block_size_in_mb: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreWriteSettings

Azure blobFS write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • block_size_in_mb (JSON) – Indicates the block size(MB) when writing data to blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • block_size_in_mb (JSON) – Indicates the block size(MB) when writing data to blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobStorageLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_key: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, sas_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sas_token: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, service_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_kind: Optional[str] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[str] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

The azure blob storage linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri, serviceEndpoint property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure Blob Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString, serviceEndpoint property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • service_endpoint (str) – Blob service endpoint of the Azure Blob Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString, sasUri property.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • account_kind (str) – Specify the kind of your storage account. Allowed values are: Storage (general purpose v1), StorageV2 (general purpose v2), BlobStorage, or BlockBlobStorage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri, serviceEndpoint property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure Blob Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString, serviceEndpoint property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • service_endpoint (str) – Blob service endpoint of the Azure Blob Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString, sasUri property.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • account_kind (str) – Specify the kind of your storage account. Allowed values are: Storage (general purpose v1), StorageV2 (general purpose v2), BlobStorage, or BlockBlobStorage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobStorageLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, container: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of azure blob dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • container (JSON) – Specify the container of azure blob. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • container (JSON) – Specify the container of azure blob. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobStorageReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Azure blob read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Azure blob wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Azure blob wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Azure Blob name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Azure blob wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Azure blob wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Azure Blob name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, block_size_in_mb: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreWriteSettings

Azure blob write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • block_size_in_mb (JSON) – Indicates the block size(MB) when writing data to blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • block_size_in_mb (JSON) – Indicates the block size(MB) when writing data to blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataExplorerCommandActivity(*, name: str, command:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, command_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Azure Data Explorer command activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • command (JSON) – A control command, according to the Azure Data Explorer command syntax. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • command_timeout (JSON) – Control command timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9]))..).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • command (JSON) – A control command, according to the Azure Data Explorer command syntax. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • command_timeout (JSON) – Control command timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9]))..).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataExplorerLinkedService(*, endpoint:[str, Any], database:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of Azure Data Explorer (the engine’s endpoint). URL will be in the format https://<clusterName>.:code:<regionName> Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure Data Explorer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Kusto.

  • database (JSON) – Database name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of Azure Data Explorer (the engine’s endpoint). URL will be in the format https://<clusterName>.:code:<regionName> Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure Data Explorer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Kusto.

  • database (JSON) – Database name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataExplorerSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ingestion_mapping_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ingestion_mapping_as_json: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, flush_immediately: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Data Explorer sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • ingestion_mapping_name (JSON) – A name of a pre-created csv mapping that was defined on the target Kusto table. Type: string.

  • ingestion_mapping_as_json (JSON) – An explicit column mapping description provided in a json format. Type: string.

  • flush_immediately (JSON) – If set to true, any aggregation will be skipped. Default is false. Type: boolean.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • ingestion_mapping_name (JSON) – A name of a pre-created csv mapping that was defined on the target Kusto table. Type: string.

  • ingestion_mapping_as_json (JSON) – An explicit column mapping description provided in a json format. Type: string.

  • flush_immediately (JSON) – If set to true, any aggregation will be skipped. Default is false. Type: boolean.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataExplorerSource(*, query:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, no_truncation: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Should be a Kusto Query Language (KQL) query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • no_truncation (JSON) – The name of the Boolean option that controls whether truncation is applied to result-sets that go beyond a certain row-count limit.

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9]))..

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Should be a Kusto Query Language (KQL) query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • no_truncation (JSON) – The name of the Boolean option that controls whether truncation is applied to result-sets that go beyond a certain row-count limit.

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9]))..

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataExplorerTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure Data Explorer database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure Data Explorer database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService(*, account_name:[str, Any], tenant:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, subscription_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, data_lake_analytics_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Data Lake Analytics linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • account_name (JSON) – The Azure Data Lake Analytics account name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Analytics account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The Key of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Analytics account.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • subscription_id (JSON) – Data Lake Analytics account subscription ID (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • resource_group_name (JSON) – Data Lake Analytics account resource group name (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • data_lake_analytics_uri (JSON) – Azure Data Lake Analytics URI Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • account_name (JSON) – The Azure Data Lake Analytics account name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Analytics account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The Key of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Analytics account.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • subscription_id (JSON) – Data Lake Analytics account subscription ID (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • resource_group_name (JSON) – Data Lake Analytics account resource group name (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • data_lake_analytics_uri (JSON) – Azure Data Lake Analytics URI Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeStoreDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, format: Optional[_models.DatasetStorageFormat] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Azure Data Lake Store dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Path to the folder in the Azure Data Lake Store. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the file in the Azure Data Lake Store. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the Data Lake Store.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the item(s) in the Azure Data Lake Store.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Path to the folder in the Azure Data Lake Store. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the file in the Azure Data Lake Store. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the Data Lake Store.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the item(s) in the Azure Data Lake Store.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService(*, data_lake_store_uri:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, subscription_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Data Lake Store linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • data_lake_store_uri (JSON) – Data Lake Store service URI. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Store account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The Key of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Store account.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • account_name (JSON) – Data Lake Store account name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subscription_id (JSON) – Data Lake Store account subscription ID (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • resource_group_name (JSON) – Data Lake Store account resource group name (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • data_lake_store_uri (JSON) – Data Lake Store service URI. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Store account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The Key of the application used to authenticate against the Azure Data Lake Store account.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • account_name (JSON) – Data Lake Store account name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subscription_id (JSON) – Data Lake Store account subscription ID (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • resource_group_name (JSON) – Data Lake Store account resource group name (if different from Data Factory account). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeStoreLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of azure data lake store dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, list_after: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, list_before: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Azure data lake store read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – ADLS wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – ADLS wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • list_after (JSON) – Lists files after the value (exclusive) based on file/folder names’ lexicographical order. Applies under the folderPath in data set, and filter files/sub-folders under the folderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • list_before (JSON) – Lists files before the value (inclusive) based on file/folder names’ lexicographical order. Applies under the folderPath in data set, and filter files/sub-folders under the folderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – ADLS wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – ADLS wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • list_after (JSON) – Lists files after the value (exclusive) based on file/folder names’ lexicographical order. Applies under the folderPath in data set, and filter files/sub-folders under the folderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • list_before (JSON) – Lists files before the value (inclusive) based on file/folder names’ lexicographical order. Applies under the folderPath in data set, and filter files/sub-folders under the folderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeStoreSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_adls_single_file_parallel: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Data Lake Store sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • enable_adls_single_file_parallel (JSON) – Single File Parallel.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • enable_adls_single_file_parallel (JSON) – Single File Parallel.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeStoreSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Azure Data Lake source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDataLakeStoreWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, expiry_date_time: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreWriteSettings

Azure data lake store write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • expiry_date_time (JSON) – Specifies the expiry time of the written files. The time is applied to the UTC time zone in the format of “2018-12-01T05:00:00Z”. Default value is NULL. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • expiry_date_time (JSON) – Specifies the expiry time of the written files. The time is applied to the UTC time zone in the format of “2018-12-01T05:00:00Z”. Default value is NULL. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, database: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Azure Databricks Delta Lake dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table (JSON) – The name of delta table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • database (JSON) – The database name of delta table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table (JSON) – The name of delta table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • database (JSON) – The database name of delta table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeExportCommand(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, date_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, timestamp_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExportSettings

Azure Databricks Delta Lake export command settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The export setting type. Required.

  • date_format (JSON) – Specify the date format for the csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • timestamp_format (JSON) – Specify the timestamp format for the csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • date_format (JSON) – Specify the date format for the csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • timestamp_format (JSON) – Specify the timestamp format for the csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeImportCommand(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, date_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, timestamp_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ImportSettings

Azure Databricks Delta Lake import command settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The import setting type. Required.

  • date_format (JSON) – Specify the date format for csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • timestamp_format (JSON) – Specify the timestamp format for csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • date_format (JSON) – Specify the date format for csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • timestamp_format (JSON) – Specify the timestamp format for csv in Azure Databricks Delta Lake Copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeLinkedService(*, domain:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, cluster_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, workspace_resource_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Databricks Delta Lake linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • domain (JSON) – <REGION>, domain name of your Databricks deployment. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – Access token for databricks REST API. Refer to Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • cluster_id (JSON) – The id of an existing interactive cluster that will be used for all runs of this job. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • workspace_resource_id (JSON) – Workspace resource id for databricks REST API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • domain (JSON) – <REGION>, domain name of your Databricks deployment. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – Access token for databricks REST API. Refer to Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • cluster_id (JSON) – The id of an existing interactive cluster that will be used for all runs of this job. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • workspace_resource_id (JSON) – Workspace resource id for databricks REST API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, import_settings: Optional[_models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeImportCommand] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Databricks Delta Lake sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • import_settings (AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeImportCommand) – Azure Databricks Delta Lake import settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • import_settings (AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeImportCommand) – Azure Databricks Delta Lake import settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, export_settings: Optional[_models.AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeExportCommand] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Azure Databricks Delta Lake source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Azure Databricks Delta Lake Sql query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • export_settings (AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeExportCommand) – Azure Databricks Delta Lake export settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Azure Databricks Delta Lake Sql query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • export_settings (AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeExportCommand) – Azure Databricks Delta Lake export settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureDatabricksLinkedService(*, domain:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, authentication: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, workspace_resource_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, existing_cluster_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, instance_pool_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, new_cluster_version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, new_cluster_num_of_worker: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, new_cluster_node_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, new_cluster_spark_conf: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, new_cluster_spark_env_vars: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, new_cluster_custom_tags: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, new_cluster_log_destination: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, new_cluster_driver_node_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, new_cluster_init_scripts: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, new_cluster_enable_elastic_disk: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, policy_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Databricks linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • domain (JSON) – <REGION>, domain name of your Databricks deployment. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – Access token for databricks REST API. Refer to Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (JSON) – Required to specify MSI, if using Workspace resource id for databricks REST API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • workspace_resource_id (JSON) – Workspace resource id for databricks REST API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • existing_cluster_id (JSON) – The id of an existing interactive cluster that will be used for all runs of this activity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • instance_pool_id (JSON) – The id of an existing instance pool that will be used for all runs of this activity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_version (JSON) – If not using an existing interactive cluster, this specifies the Spark version of a new job cluster or instance pool nodes created for each run of this activity. Required if instancePoolId is specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_num_of_worker (JSON) – If not using an existing interactive cluster, this specifies the number of worker nodes to use for the new job cluster or instance pool. For new job clusters, this a string-formatted Int32, like ‘1’ means numOfWorker is 1 or ‘1:10’ means auto-scale from 1 (min) to 10 (max). For instance pools, this is a string-formatted Int32, and can only specify a fixed number of worker nodes, such as ‘2’. Required if newClusterVersion is specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_node_type (JSON) – The node type of the new job cluster. This property is required if newClusterVersion is specified and instancePoolId is not specified. If instancePoolId is specified, this property is ignored. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_spark_conf (dict[str, JSON]) – A set of optional, user-specified Spark configuration key-value pairs.

  • new_cluster_spark_env_vars (dict[str, JSON]) – A set of optional, user-specified Spark environment variables key-value pairs.

  • new_cluster_custom_tags (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional tags for cluster resources. This property is ignored in instance pool configurations.

  • new_cluster_log_destination (JSON) – Specify a location to deliver Spark driver, worker, and event logs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_driver_node_type (JSON) – The driver node type for the new job cluster. This property is ignored in instance pool configurations. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_init_scripts (JSON) – User-defined initialization scripts for the new cluster. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

  • new_cluster_enable_elastic_disk (JSON) – Enable the elastic disk on the new cluster. This property is now ignored, and takes the default elastic disk behavior in Databricks (elastic disks are always enabled). Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • policy_id (JSON) – The policy id for limiting the ability to configure clusters based on a user defined set of rules. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • domain (JSON) – <REGION>, domain name of your Databricks deployment. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – Access token for databricks REST API. Refer to Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (JSON) – Required to specify MSI, if using Workspace resource id for databricks REST API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • workspace_resource_id (JSON) – Workspace resource id for databricks REST API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • existing_cluster_id (JSON) – The id of an existing interactive cluster that will be used for all runs of this activity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • instance_pool_id (JSON) – The id of an existing instance pool that will be used for all runs of this activity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_version (JSON) – If not using an existing interactive cluster, this specifies the Spark version of a new job cluster or instance pool nodes created for each run of this activity. Required if instancePoolId is specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_num_of_worker (JSON) – If not using an existing interactive cluster, this specifies the number of worker nodes to use for the new job cluster or instance pool. For new job clusters, this a string-formatted Int32, like ‘1’ means numOfWorker is 1 or ‘1:10’ means auto-scale from 1 (min) to 10 (max). For instance pools, this is a string-formatted Int32, and can only specify a fixed number of worker nodes, such as ‘2’. Required if newClusterVersion is specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_node_type (JSON) – The node type of the new job cluster. This property is required if newClusterVersion is specified and instancePoolId is not specified. If instancePoolId is specified, this property is ignored. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_spark_conf (dict[str, JSON]) – A set of optional, user-specified Spark configuration key-value pairs.

  • new_cluster_spark_env_vars (dict[str, JSON]) – A set of optional, user-specified Spark environment variables key-value pairs.

  • new_cluster_custom_tags (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional tags for cluster resources. This property is ignored in instance pool configurations.

  • new_cluster_log_destination (JSON) – Specify a location to deliver Spark driver, worker, and event logs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_driver_node_type (JSON) – The driver node type for the new job cluster. This property is ignored in instance pool configurations. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • new_cluster_init_scripts (JSON) – User-defined initialization scripts for the new cluster. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

  • new_cluster_enable_elastic_disk (JSON) – Enable the elastic disk on the new cluster. This property is now ignored, and takes the default elastic disk behavior in Databricks (elastic disks are always enabled). Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • policy_id (JSON) – The policy id for limiting the ability to configure clusters based on a user defined set of rules. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureFileStorageLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, host: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_key: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, sas_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sas_token: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, file_share: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snapshot: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure File Storage linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name of the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_id (JSON) – User ID to logon the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the server.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure File resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • file_share (JSON) – The azure file share name. It is required when auth with accountKey/sasToken. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snapshot (JSON) – The azure file share snapshot version. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name of the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_id (JSON) – User ID to logon the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the server.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure File resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • file_share (JSON) – The azure file share name. It is required when auth with accountKey/sasToken. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snapshot (JSON) – The azure file share snapshot version. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureFileStorageLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of file server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureFileStorageReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Azure File Storage read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Azure File Storage wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Azure File Storage wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Azure File name starting from root path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Azure File Storage wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Azure File Storage wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Azure File name starting from root path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureFileStorageWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreWriteSettings

Azure File Storage write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureFunctionActivity(*, name: str, method: Union[str, _models.AzureFunctionActivityMethod], function_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, body: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Azure Function activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • method (str or AzureFunctionActivityMethod) – Rest API method for target endpoint. Required. Known values are: “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, “DELETE”, “OPTIONS”, “HEAD”, and “TRACE”.

  • function_name (JSON) – Name of the Function that the Azure Function Activity will call. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • headers (JSON) – Represents the headers that will be sent to the request. For example, to set the language and type on a request: “headers” : { “Accept-Language”: “en-us”, “Content-Type”: “application/json” }. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • body (JSON) – Represents the payload that will be sent to the endpoint. Required for POST/PUT method, not allowed for GET method Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • method (str or AzureFunctionActivityMethod) – Rest API method for target endpoint. Required. Known values are: “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, “DELETE”, “OPTIONS”, “HEAD”, and “TRACE”.

  • function_name (JSON) – Name of the Function that the Azure Function Activity will call. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • headers (JSON) – Represents the headers that will be sent to the request. For example, to set the language and type on a request: “headers” : { “Accept-Language”: “en-us”, “Content-Type”: “application/json” }. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • body (JSON) – Represents the payload that will be sent to the endpoint. Required for POST/PUT method, not allowed for GET method Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureFunctionActivityMethod(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The list of HTTP methods supported by a AzureFunctionActivity.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureFunctionLinkedService(*, function_app_url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, function_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, resource_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Function linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • function_app_url (JSON) – The endpoint of the Azure Function App. URL will be in the format https://<accountName> Required.

  • function_key (SecretBase) – Function or Host key for Azure Function App.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • resource_id (JSON) – Allowed token audiences for azure function.

  • authentication (JSON) – Type of authentication (Required to specify MSI) used to connect to AzureFunction. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • function_app_url (JSON) – The endpoint of the Azure Function App. URL will be in the format https://<accountName> Required.

  • function_key (SecretBase) – Function or Host key for Azure Function App.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • resource_id (JSON) – Allowed token audiences for azure function.

  • authentication (JSON) – Type of authentication (Required to specify MSI) used to connect to AzureFunction. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureKeyVaultLinkedService(*, base_url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Key Vault linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • base_url (JSON) – The base URL of the Azure Key Vault. e.g. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • base_url (JSON) – The base URL of the Azure Key Vault. e.g. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference(*, store: _models.LinkedServiceReference, secret_name:[str, Any], secret_version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SecretBase

Azure Key Vault secret reference.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of the secret. Required.

  • store (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Key Vault linked service reference. Required.

  • secret_name (JSON) – The name of the secret in Azure Key Vault. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • secret_version (JSON) – The version of the secret in Azure Key Vault. The default value is the latest version of the secret. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • store (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Key Vault linked service reference. Required.

  • secret_name (JSON) – The name of the secret in Azure Key Vault. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • secret_version (JSON) – The version of the secret in Azure Key Vault. The default value is the latest version of the secret. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, global_parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, web_service_outputs: Optional[Dict[str, _models.AzureMLWebServiceFile]] = None, web_service_inputs: Optional[Dict[str, _models.AzureMLWebServiceFile]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Azure ML Batch Execution activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • global_parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Key,Value pairs to be passed to the Azure ML Batch Execution Service endpoint. Keys must match the names of web service parameters defined in the published Azure ML web service. Values will be passed in the GlobalParameters property of the Azure ML batch execution request.

  • web_service_outputs (dict[str, AzureMLWebServiceFile]) – Key,Value pairs, mapping the names of Azure ML endpoint’s Web Service Outputs to AzureMLWebServiceFile objects specifying the output Blob locations. This information will be passed in the WebServiceOutputs property of the Azure ML batch execution request.

  • web_service_inputs (dict[str, AzureMLWebServiceFile]) – Key,Value pairs, mapping the names of Azure ML endpoint’s Web Service Inputs to AzureMLWebServiceFile objects specifying the input Blob locations.. This information will be passed in the WebServiceInputs property of the Azure ML batch execution request.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • global_parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Key,Value pairs to be passed to the Azure ML Batch Execution Service endpoint. Keys must match the names of web service parameters defined in the published Azure ML web service. Values will be passed in the GlobalParameters property of the Azure ML batch execution request.

  • web_service_outputs (dict[str, AzureMLWebServiceFile]) – Key,Value pairs, mapping the names of Azure ML endpoint’s Web Service Outputs to AzureMLWebServiceFile objects specifying the output Blob locations. This information will be passed in the WebServiceOutputs property of the Azure ML batch execution request.

  • web_service_inputs (dict[str, AzureMLWebServiceFile]) – Key,Value pairs, mapping the names of Azure ML endpoint’s Web Service Inputs to AzureMLWebServiceFile objects specifying the input Blob locations.. This information will be passed in the WebServiceInputs property of the Azure ML batch execution request.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, ml_pipeline_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ml_pipeline_endpoint_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, experiment_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ml_pipeline_parameters: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, data_path_assignments: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ml_parent_run_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, continue_on_step_failure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Azure ML Execute Pipeline activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • ml_pipeline_id (JSON) – ID of the published Azure ML pipeline. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ml_pipeline_endpoint_id (JSON) – ID of the published Azure ML pipeline endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Version of the published Azure ML pipeline endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • experiment_name (JSON) – Run history experiment name of the pipeline run. This information will be passed in the ExperimentName property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ml_pipeline_parameters (JSON) – Key,Value pairs to be passed to the published Azure ML pipeline endpoint. Keys must match the names of pipeline parameters defined in the published pipeline. Values will be passed in the ParameterAssignments property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: object with key value pairs (or Expression with resultType object).

  • data_path_assignments (JSON) – Dictionary used for changing data path assignments without retraining. Values will be passed in the dataPathAssignments property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: object with key value pairs (or Expression with resultType object).

  • ml_parent_run_id (JSON) – The parent Azure ML Service pipeline run id. This information will be passed in the ParentRunId property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_step_failure (JSON) – Whether to continue execution of other steps in the PipelineRun if a step fails. This information will be passed in the continueOnStepFailure property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • ml_pipeline_id (JSON) – ID of the published Azure ML pipeline. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ml_pipeline_endpoint_id (JSON) – ID of the published Azure ML pipeline endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Version of the published Azure ML pipeline endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • experiment_name (JSON) – Run history experiment name of the pipeline run. This information will be passed in the ExperimentName property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ml_pipeline_parameters (JSON) – Key,Value pairs to be passed to the published Azure ML pipeline endpoint. Keys must match the names of pipeline parameters defined in the published pipeline. Values will be passed in the ParameterAssignments property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: object with key value pairs (or Expression with resultType object).

  • data_path_assignments (JSON) – Dictionary used for changing data path assignments without retraining. Values will be passed in the dataPathAssignments property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: object with key value pairs (or Expression with resultType object).

  • ml_parent_run_id (JSON) – The parent Azure ML Service pipeline run id. This information will be passed in the ParentRunId property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_step_failure (JSON) – Whether to continue execution of other steps in the PipelineRun if a step fails. This information will be passed in the continueOnStepFailure property of the published pipeline execution request. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMLLinkedService(*, ml_endpoint:[str, Any], api_key: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, update_resource_endpoint: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure ML Studio Web Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • ml_endpoint (JSON) – The Batch Execution REST URL for an Azure ML Studio Web Service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • api_key (SecretBase) – The API key for accessing the Azure ML model endpoint. Required.

  • update_resource_endpoint (JSON) – The Update Resource REST URL for an Azure ML Studio Web Service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against the ARM-based updateResourceEndpoint of an Azure ML Studio web service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against the ARM-based updateResourceEndpoint of an Azure ML Studio web service.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (JSON) – Type of authentication (Required to specify MSI) used to connect to AzureML. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • ml_endpoint (JSON) – The Batch Execution REST URL for an Azure ML Studio Web Service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • api_key (SecretBase) – The API key for accessing the Azure ML model endpoint. Required.

  • update_resource_endpoint (JSON) – The Update Resource REST URL for an Azure ML Studio Web Service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against the ARM-based updateResourceEndpoint of an Azure ML Studio web service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against the ARM-based updateResourceEndpoint of an Azure ML Studio web service.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (JSON) – Type of authentication (Required to specify MSI) used to connect to AzureML. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMLServiceLinkedService(*, subscription_id:[str, Any], resource_group_name:[str, Any], ml_workspace_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure ML Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • subscription_id (JSON) – Azure ML Service workspace subscription ID. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • resource_group_name (JSON) – Azure ML Service workspace resource group name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • ml_workspace_name (JSON) – Azure ML Service workspace name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against the endpoint of a published Azure ML Service pipeline. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against the endpoint of a published Azure ML Service pipeline.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • subscription_id (JSON) – Azure ML Service workspace subscription ID. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • resource_group_name (JSON) – Azure ML Service workspace resource group name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • ml_workspace_name (JSON) – Azure ML Service workspace name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against the endpoint of a published Azure ML Service pipeline. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against the endpoint of a published Azure ML Service pipeline.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMLUpdateResourceActivity(*, name: str, trained_model_name:[str, Any], trained_model_linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, trained_model_file_path:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Azure ML Update Resource management activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • trained_model_name (JSON) – Name of the Trained Model module in the Web Service experiment to be updated. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • trained_model_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Name of Azure Storage linked service holding the .ilearner file that will be uploaded by the update operation. Required.

  • trained_model_file_path (JSON) – The relative file path in trainedModelLinkedService to represent the .ilearner file that will be uploaded by the update operation. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • trained_model_name (JSON) – Name of the Trained Model module in the Web Service experiment to be updated. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • trained_model_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Name of Azure Storage linked service holding the .ilearner file that will be uploaded by the update operation. Required.

  • trained_model_file_path (JSON) – The relative file path in trainedModelLinkedService to represent the .ilearner file that will be uploaded by the update operation. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMLWebServiceFile(*, file_path:[str, Any], linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure ML WebService Input/Output file.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • file_path (JSON) – The relative file path, including container name, in the Azure Blob Storage specified by the LinkedService. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Reference to an Azure Storage LinkedService, where Azure ML WebService Input/Output file located. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • file_path (JSON) – The relative file path, including container name, in the Azure Blob Storage specified by the LinkedService. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Reference to an Azure Storage LinkedService, where Azure ML WebService Input/Output file located. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMariaDBLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pwd: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Database for MariaDB linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMariaDBSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Azure MariaDB source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMariaDBTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Azure Database for MariaDB dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMySqlLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure MySQL database linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMySqlSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure MySql sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMySqlSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Azure MySQL source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureMySqlTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure MySQL database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Azure MySQL database table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The name of Azure MySQL database table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Azure MySQL database table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The name of Azure MySQL database table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzurePostgreSqlLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure PostgreSQL linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzurePostgreSqlSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure PostgreSQL sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzurePostgreSqlSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Azure PostgreSQL source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Azure PostgreSQL dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name of the Azure PostgreSQL database which includes both schema and table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure PostgreSQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure PostgreSQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name of the Azure PostgreSQL database which includes both schema and table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure PostgreSQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure PostgreSQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureQueueSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Queue sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSearchIndexDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, index_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure Search Index.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • index_name (JSON) – The name of the Azure Search Index. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • index_name (JSON) – The name of the Azure Search Index. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSearchIndexSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[Union[str, _models.AzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Search Index sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or AzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType) – Specify the write behavior when upserting documents into Azure Search Index. Known values are: “Merge” and “Upload”.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or AzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType) – Specify the write behavior when upserting documents into Azure Search Index. Known values are: “Merge” and “Upload”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Specify the write behavior when upserting documents into Azure Search Index.

MERGE = 'Merge'
UPLOAD = 'Upload'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSearchLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Windows Azure Search Service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – URL for Azure Search service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • key (SecretBase) – Admin Key for Azure Search service.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – URL for Azure Search service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • key (SecretBase) – Admin Key for Azure Search service.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlDWLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure SQL Data Warehouse linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlDWTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure SQL Data Warehouse dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, always_encrypted_settings: Optional[_models.SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Microsoft Azure SQL Database linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Database.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Database.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlMILinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, always_encrypted_settings: Optional[_models.SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure SQL Managed Instance linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Managed Instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Managed Instance.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The ID of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Managed Instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure SQL Managed Instance.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlMITableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure SQL Managed Instance dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure SQL Managed Instance dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_table_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_use_table_lock: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, upsert_settings: Optional[_models.SqlUpsertSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure SQL sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into Azure SQL. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into Azure SQL. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, produce_additional_types: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SqlPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Azure SQL source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSqlTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure SQL Server database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure SQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure SQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Azure SQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Azure SQL database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureStorageLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_key: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, sas_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sas_token: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

The storage account linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService(*, endpoint:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – https://<workspacename>, Azure Synapse Analytics workspace URL. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication (JSON) – Required to specify MSI, if using system assigned managed identity as authentication method. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – https://<workspacename>, Azure Synapse Analytics workspace URL. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication (JSON) – Required to specify MSI, if using system assigned managed identity as authentication method. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, table_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Azure Table storage dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name of the Azure Table storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name of the Azure Table storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureTableSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_table_default_partition_key_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_table_partition_key_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_table_row_key_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_table_insert_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Table sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • azure_table_default_partition_key_value (JSON) – Azure Table default partition key value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_partition_key_name (JSON) – Azure Table partition key name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_row_key_name (JSON) – Azure Table row key name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_insert_type (JSON) – Azure Table insert type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • azure_table_default_partition_key_value (JSON) – Azure Table default partition key value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_partition_key_name (JSON) – Azure Table partition key name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_row_key_name (JSON) – Azure Table row key name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_insert_type (JSON) – Azure Table insert type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureTableSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_table_source_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_table_source_ignore_table_not_found: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Azure Table source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • azure_table_source_query (JSON) – Azure Table source query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_source_ignore_table_not_found (JSON) – Azure Table source ignore table not found. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • azure_table_source_query (JSON) – Azure Table source query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_table_source_ignore_table_not_found (JSON) – Azure Table source ignore table not found. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.AzureTableStorageLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_key: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, sas_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sas_token: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

The azure table storage linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with sasUri property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of accountKey in connection string.

  • sas_uri (JSON) – SAS URI of the Azure Storage resource. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • sas_token (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of sasToken in sas uri.

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BigDataPoolParametrizationReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.BigDataPoolReferenceType], reference_name:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Big data pool reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or BigDataPoolReferenceType) – Big data pool reference type. Required. “BigDataPoolReference”

  • reference_name (JSON) – Reference big data pool name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or BigDataPoolReferenceType) – Big data pool reference type. Required. “BigDataPoolReference”

  • reference_name (JSON) – Reference big data pool name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BigDataPoolReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Big data pool reference type.

BIG_DATA_POOL_REFERENCE = 'BigDataPoolReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BinaryDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Binary dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the Binary storage.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the binary dataset.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the Binary storage.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the binary dataset.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BinaryReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, compression_properties: Optional[_models.CompressionReadSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatReadSettings

Binary read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BinarySink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreWriteSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Binary sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Binary store settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Binary store settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BinarySource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.BinaryReadSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Binary source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Binary store settings.

  • format_settings (BinaryReadSettings) – Binary format settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Binary store settings.

  • format_settings (BinaryReadSettings) – Binary format settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BlobEventTypes(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum


MICROSOFT_STORAGE_BLOB_CREATED = 'Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated'
MICROSOFT_STORAGE_BLOB_DELETED = 'Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BlobEventsTrigger(*, events: List[Union[str, _models.BlobEventTypes]], scope: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, pipelines: Optional[List[_models.TriggerPipelineReference]] = None, blob_path_begins_with: Optional[str] = None, blob_path_ends_with: Optional[str] = None, ignore_empty_blobs: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.MultiplePipelineTrigger

Trigger that runs every time a Blob event occurs.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • blob_path_begins_with (str) – The blob path must begin with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. For example, ‘/records/blobs/december/’ will only fire the trigger for blobs in the december folder under the records container. At least one of these must be provided: blobPathBeginsWith, blobPathEndsWith.

  • blob_path_ends_with (str) – The blob path must end with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. For example, ‘december/boxes.csv’ will only fire the trigger for blobs named boxes in a december folder. At least one of these must be provided: blobPathBeginsWith, blobPathEndsWith.

  • ignore_empty_blobs (bool) – If set to true, blobs with zero bytes will be ignored.

  • events (list[str or BlobEventTypes]) – The type of events that cause this trigger to fire. Required.

  • scope (str) – The ARM resource ID of the Storage Account. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • blob_path_begins_with (str) – The blob path must begin with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. For example, ‘/records/blobs/december/’ will only fire the trigger for blobs in the december folder under the records container. At least one of these must be provided: blobPathBeginsWith, blobPathEndsWith.

  • blob_path_ends_with (str) – The blob path must end with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. For example, ‘december/boxes.csv’ will only fire the trigger for blobs named boxes in a december folder. At least one of these must be provided: blobPathBeginsWith, blobPathEndsWith.

  • ignore_empty_blobs (bool) – If set to true, blobs with zero bytes will be ignored.

  • events (list[str or BlobEventTypes]) – The type of events that cause this trigger to fire. Required.

  • scope (str) – The ARM resource ID of the Storage Account. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BlobSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, blob_writer_overwrite_files: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, blob_writer_date_time_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, blob_writer_add_header: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, metadata: Optional[List[_models.MetadataItem]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure Blob sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • blob_writer_overwrite_files (JSON) – Blob writer overwrite files. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • blob_writer_date_time_format (JSON) – Blob writer date time format. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • blob_writer_add_header (JSON) – Blob writer add header. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • metadata (list[MetadataItem]) – Specify the custom metadata to be added to sink data. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • blob_writer_overwrite_files (JSON) – Blob writer overwrite files. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • blob_writer_date_time_format (JSON) – Blob writer date time format. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • blob_writer_add_header (JSON) – Blob writer add header. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • metadata (list[MetadataItem]) – Specify the custom metadata to be added to sink data. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BlobSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, treat_empty_as_null: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, skip_header_line_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Azure Blob source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • treat_empty_as_null (JSON) – Treat empty as null. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_header_line_count (JSON) – Number of header lines to skip from each blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • treat_empty_as_null (JSON) – Treat empty as null. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_header_line_count (JSON) – Number of header lines to skip from each blob. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.BlobTrigger(*, folder_path: str, max_concurrency: int, linked_service: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, pipelines: Optional[List[_models.TriggerPipelineReference]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.MultiplePipelineTrigger

Trigger that runs every time the selected Blob container changes.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • folder_path (str) – The path of the container/folder that will trigger the pipeline. Required.

  • max_concurrency (int) – The max number of parallel files to handle when it is triggered. Required.

  • linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Storage linked service reference. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • folder_path (str) – The path of the container/folder that will trigger the pipeline. Required.

  • max_concurrency (int) – The max number of parallel files to handle when it is triggered. Required.

  • linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Storage linked service reference. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CMKIdentityDefinition(*, user_assigned_identity: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Managed Identity used for CMK.


user_assigned_identity (str) – The resource id of the user assigned identity to authenticate to customer’s key vault.

Keyword Arguments

user_assigned_identity (str) – The resource id of the user assigned identity to authenticate to customer’s key vault.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CassandraLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Cassandra data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port for the connection. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port for the connection. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CassandraSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, consistency_level: Optional[Union[str, _models.CassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for a Cassandra database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Should be a SQL-92 query expression or Cassandra Query Language (CQL) command. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • consistency_level (str or CassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels) – The consistency level specifies how many Cassandra servers must respond to a read request before returning data to the client application. Cassandra checks the specified number of Cassandra servers for data to satisfy the read request. Must be one of cassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels. The default value is ‘ONE’. It is case-insensitive. Known values are: “ALL”, “EACH_QUORUM”, “QUORUM”, “LOCAL_QUORUM”, “ONE”, “TWO”, “THREE”, “LOCAL_ONE”, “SERIAL”, and “LOCAL_SERIAL”.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Should be a SQL-92 query expression or Cassandra Query Language (CQL) command. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • consistency_level (str or CassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels) – The consistency level specifies how many Cassandra servers must respond to a read request before returning data to the client application. Cassandra checks the specified number of Cassandra servers for data to satisfy the read request. Must be one of cassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels. The default value is ‘ONE’. It is case-insensitive. Known values are: “ALL”, “EACH_QUORUM”, “QUORUM”, “LOCAL_QUORUM”, “ONE”, “TWO”, “THREE”, “LOCAL_ONE”, “SERIAL”, and “LOCAL_SERIAL”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The consistency level specifies how many Cassandra servers must respond to a read request before returning data to the client application. Cassandra checks the specified number of Cassandra servers for data to satisfy the read request. Must be one of cassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels. The default value is ‘ONE’. It is case-insensitive.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CassandraTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, keyspace: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Cassandra database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name of the Cassandra database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • keyspace (JSON) – The keyspace of the Cassandra database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name of the Cassandra database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • keyspace (JSON) – The keyspace of the Cassandra database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ChainingTrigger(*, pipeline: _models.TriggerPipelineReference, depends_on: List[_models.PipelineReference], run_dimension: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Trigger

Trigger that allows the referenced pipeline to depend on other pipeline runs based on runDimension Name/Value pairs. Upstream pipelines should declare the same runDimension Name and their runs should have the values for those runDimensions. The referenced pipeline run would be triggered if the values for the runDimension match for all upstream pipeline runs.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipeline (TriggerPipelineReference) – Pipeline for which runs are created when all upstream pipelines complete successfully. Required.

  • depends_on (list[PipelineReference]) – Upstream Pipelines. Required.

  • run_dimension (str) – Run Dimension property that needs to be emitted by upstream pipelines. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipeline (TriggerPipelineReference) – Pipeline for which runs are created when all upstream pipelines complete successfully. Required.

  • depends_on (list[PipelineReference]) – Upstream Pipelines. Required.

  • run_dimension (str) – Run Dimension property that needs to be emitted by upstream pipelines. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CloudError(*, code: str, message: str, target: Optional[str] = None, details: Optional[List[_models.CloudError]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The object that defines the structure of an Azure Data Factory error response.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • code (str) – Error code. Required.

  • message (str) – Error message. Required.

  • target (str) – Property name/path in request associated with error.

  • details (list[CloudError]) – Array with additional error details.

Keyword Arguments
  • code (str) – Error code. Required.

  • message (str) – Error message. Required.

  • target (str) – Property name/path in request associated with error.

  • details (list[CloudError]) – Array with additional error details.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CmdkeySetup(*, target_name:[str, Any], user_name:[str, Any], password: _models.SecretBase, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CustomSetupBase

The custom setup of running cmdkey commands.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – The type of custom setup. Required.

  • target_name (JSON) – The server name of data source access. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The user name of data source access. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of data source access. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • target_name (JSON) – The server name of data source access. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The user name of data source access. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of data source access. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CommonDataServiceForAppsEntityDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, entity_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Common Data Service for Apps entity dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • entity_name (JSON) – The logical name of the entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • entity_name (JSON) – The logical name of the entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService(*, deployment_type:[str, Any], authentication_type:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, host_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, organization_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Common Data Service for Apps linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • deployment_type (JSON) – The deployment type of the Common Data Service for Apps instance. ‘Online’ for Common Data Service for Apps Online and ‘OnPremisesWithIfd’ for Common Data Service for Apps on-premises with Ifd. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • host_name (JSON) – The host name of the on-premises Common Data Service for Apps server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port of on-premises Common Data Service for Apps server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Default is 443. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • service_uri (JSON) – The URL to the Microsoft Common Data Service for Apps server. The property is required for on-line and not allowed for on-prem. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • organization_name (JSON) – The organization name of the Common Data Service for Apps instance. The property is required for on-prem and required for online when there are more than one Common Data Service for Apps instances associated with the user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type to connect to Common Data Service for Apps server. ‘Office365’ for online scenario, ‘Ifd’ for on-premises with Ifd scenario. ‘AADServicePrincipal’ for Server-To-Server authentication in online scenario. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – User name to access the Common Data Service for Apps instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the Common Data Service for Apps instance.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • deployment_type (JSON) – The deployment type of the Common Data Service for Apps instance. ‘Online’ for Common Data Service for Apps Online and ‘OnPremisesWithIfd’ for Common Data Service for Apps on-premises with Ifd. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • host_name (JSON) – The host name of the on-premises Common Data Service for Apps server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port of on-premises Common Data Service for Apps server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Default is 443. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • service_uri (JSON) – The URL to the Microsoft Common Data Service for Apps server. The property is required for on-line and not allowed for on-prem. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • organization_name (JSON) – The organization name of the Common Data Service for Apps instance. The property is required for on-prem and required for online when there are more than one Common Data Service for Apps instances associated with the user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type to connect to Common Data Service for Apps server. ‘Office365’ for online scenario, ‘Ifd’ for on-premises with Ifd scenario. ‘AADServicePrincipal’ for Server-To-Server authentication in online scenario. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – User name to access the Common Data Service for Apps instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the Common Data Service for Apps instance.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CommonDataServiceForAppsSink(*, write_behavior: Union[str, _models.DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ignore_null_values: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, alternate_key_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Common Data Service for Apps sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Required. “Upsert”

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • alternate_key_name (JSON) – The logical name of the alternate key which will be used when upserting records. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Required. “Upsert”

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • alternate_key_name (JSON) – The logical name of the alternate key which will be used when upserting records. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CommonDataServiceForAppsSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Common Data Service for Apps source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – FetchXML is a proprietary query language that is used in Microsoft Common Data Service for Apps (online & on-premises). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – FetchXML is a proprietary query language that is used in Microsoft Common Data Service for Apps (online & on-premises). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ComponentSetup(*, component_name: str, license_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CustomSetupBase

The custom setup of installing 3rd party components.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – The type of custom setup. Required.

  • component_name (str) – The name of the 3rd party component. Required.

  • license_key (SecretBase) – The license key to activate the component.

Keyword Arguments
  • component_name (str) – The name of the 3rd party component. Required.

  • license_key (SecretBase) – The license key to activate the component.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CompressionCodec(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available compressionCodec values.

BZIP2 = 'bzip2'
DEFLATE = 'deflate'
GZIP = 'gzip'
LZ4 = 'lz4'
LZO = 'lzo'
NONE = 'none'
SNAPPY = 'snappy'
TAR = 'tar'
TAR_G_ZIP = 'tarGZip'
ZIP_DEFLATE = 'zipDeflate'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CompressionReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Compression read settings.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: TarGZipReadSettings, TarReadSettings, ZipDeflateReadSettings

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The Compression setting type. Required.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ConcurLinkedService(*, client_id:[str, Any], username:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Concur Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Concur. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • client_id (JSON) – Application client_id supplied by Concur App Management. Required.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Concur Service. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the username field.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Concur. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • client_id (JSON) – Application client_id supplied by Concur App Management. Required.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Concur Service. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the username field.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ConcurObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Concur Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ConcurSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Concur Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ConnectionStateProperties(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The connection state of a managed private endpoint.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • actions_required (str) – The actions required on the managed private endpoint.

  • description (str) – The managed private endpoint description.

  • status (str) – The approval status.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ControlActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Activity

Base class for all control activities like IfCondition, ForEach , Until.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AppendVariableActivity, ExecutePipelineActivity, FailActivity, FilterActivity, ForEachActivity, IfConditionActivity, SetVariableActivity, SwitchActivity, UntilActivity, ValidationActivity, WaitActivity, WebHookActivity

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CopyActivity(*, name: str, source: _models.CopySource, sink: _models.CopySink, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, inputs: Optional[List[_models.DatasetReference]] = None, outputs: Optional[List[_models.DatasetReference]] = None, translator: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_staging: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, staging_settings: Optional[_models.StagingSettings] = None, parallel_copies: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, data_integration_units: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_skip_incompatible_row: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, redirect_incompatible_row_settings: Optional[_models.RedirectIncompatibleRowSettings] = None, log_storage_settings: Optional[_models.LogStorageSettings] = None, log_settings: Optional[_models.LogSettings] = None, preserve_rules: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, preserve: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, validate_data_consistency: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, skip_error_file: Optional[_models.SkipErrorFile] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Copy activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • inputs (list[DatasetReference]) – List of inputs for the activity.

  • outputs (list[DatasetReference]) – List of outputs for the activity.

  • source (CopySource) – Copy activity source. Required.

  • sink (CopySink) – Copy activity sink. Required.

  • translator (JSON) – Copy activity translator. If not specified, tabular translator is used.

  • enable_staging (JSON) – Specifies whether to copy data via an interim staging. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • staging_settings (StagingSettings) – Specifies interim staging settings when EnableStaging is true.

  • parallel_copies (JSON) – Maximum number of concurrent sessions opened on the source or sink to avoid overloading the data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • data_integration_units (JSON) – Maximum number of data integration units that can be used to perform this data movement. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • enable_skip_incompatible_row (JSON) – Whether to skip incompatible row. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • redirect_incompatible_row_settings (RedirectIncompatibleRowSettings) – Redirect incompatible row settings when EnableSkipIncompatibleRow is true.

  • log_storage_settings (LogStorageSettings) – (Deprecated. Please use LogSettings) Log storage settings customer need to provide when enabling session log.

  • log_settings (LogSettings) – Log settings customer needs provide when enabling log.

  • preserve_rules (list[JSON]) – Preserve Rules.

  • preserve (list[JSON]) – Preserve rules.

  • validate_data_consistency (JSON) – Whether to enable Data Consistency validation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_error_file (SkipErrorFile) – Specify the fault tolerance for data consistency.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • inputs (list[DatasetReference]) – List of inputs for the activity.

  • outputs (list[DatasetReference]) – List of outputs for the activity.

  • source (CopySource) – Copy activity source. Required.

  • sink (CopySink) – Copy activity sink. Required.

  • translator (JSON) – Copy activity translator. If not specified, tabular translator is used.

  • enable_staging (JSON) – Specifies whether to copy data via an interim staging. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • staging_settings (StagingSettings) – Specifies interim staging settings when EnableStaging is true.

  • parallel_copies (JSON) – Maximum number of concurrent sessions opened on the source or sink to avoid overloading the data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • data_integration_units (JSON) – Maximum number of data integration units that can be used to perform this data movement. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • enable_skip_incompatible_row (JSON) – Whether to skip incompatible row. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • redirect_incompatible_row_settings (RedirectIncompatibleRowSettings) – Redirect incompatible row settings when EnableSkipIncompatibleRow is true.

  • log_storage_settings (LogStorageSettings) – (Deprecated. Please use LogSettings) Log storage settings customer need to provide when enabling session log.

  • log_settings (LogSettings) – Log settings customer needs provide when enabling log.

  • preserve_rules (list[JSON]) – Preserve Rules.

  • preserve (list[JSON]) – Preserve rules.

  • validate_data_consistency (JSON) – Whether to enable Data Consistency validation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_error_file (SkipErrorFile) – Specify the fault tolerance for data consistency.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CopyActivityLogSettings(*, log_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_reliable_logging: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Settings for copy activity log.

  • log_level (JSON) – Gets or sets the log level, support: Info, Warning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_reliable_logging (JSON) – Specifies whether to enable reliable logging. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • log_level (JSON) – Gets or sets the log level, support: Info, Warning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_reliable_logging (JSON) – Specifies whether to enable reliable logging. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CopyBehaviorType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available types of copy behavior.

FLATTEN_HIERARCHY = 'FlattenHierarchy'
MERGE_FILES = 'MergeFiles'
PRESERVE_HIERARCHY = 'PreserveHierarchy'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CopySink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A copy activity sink.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AvroSink, AzureBlobFSSink, AzureDataExplorerSink, AzureDataLakeStoreSink, AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSink, AzureMySqlSink, AzurePostgreSqlSink, AzureQueueSink, AzureSearchIndexSink, AzureSqlSink, AzureTableSink, BinarySink, BlobSink, CommonDataServiceForAppsSink, CosmosDbMongoDbApiSink, CosmosDbSqlApiSink, DelimitedTextSink, DocumentDbCollectionSink, DynamicsCrmSink, DynamicsSink, FileSystemSink, InformixSink, JsonSink, MicrosoftAccessSink, MongoDbAtlasSink, MongoDbV2Sink, OdbcSink, OracleSink, OrcSink, ParquetSink, RestSink, SalesforceServiceCloudSink, SalesforceSink, SapCloudForCustomerSink, SnowflakeSink, SqlDWSink, SqlMISink, SqlServerSink, SqlSink

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CopySource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A copy activity source.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AmazonRdsForOracleSource, AvroSource, AzureBlobFSSource, AzureDataExplorerSource, AzureDataLakeStoreSource, AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource, BinarySource, BlobSource, CommonDataServiceForAppsSource, CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource, CosmosDbSqlApiSource, DelimitedTextSource, DocumentDbCollectionSource, DynamicsCrmSource, DynamicsSource, ExcelSource, FileSystemSource, HdfsSource, HttpSource, JsonSource, MicrosoftAccessSource, MongoDbAtlasSource, MongoDbSource, MongoDbV2Source, ODataSource, Office365Source, OracleSource, OrcSource, ParquetSource, RelationalSource, RestSource, SalesforceServiceCloudSource, SharePointOnlineListSource, SnowflakeSource, TabularSource, WebSource, XmlSource

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CopyTranslator(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A copy activity translator.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: TabularTranslator

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy translator type. Required.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbConnectionMode(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The connection mode used to access CosmosDB account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

DIRECT = 'Direct'
GATEWAY = 'Gateway'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_endpoint: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, database: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, account_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType]] = None, service_principal_credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, connection_mode: Optional[Union[str, _models.CosmosDbConnectionMode]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Microsoft Azure Cosmos Database (CosmosDB) linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Azure CosmosDB account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • database (JSON) – The name of the database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • account_key (SecretBase) – The account key of the Azure CosmosDB account. Type: SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (str or CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Known values are: “ServicePrincipalKey” and “ServicePrincipalCert”.

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • connection_mode (str or CosmosDbConnectionMode) – The connection mode used to access CosmosDB account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Known values are: “Gateway” and “Direct”.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • account_endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Azure CosmosDB account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • database (JSON) – The name of the database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • account_key (SecretBase) – The account key of the Azure CosmosDB account. Type: SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (str or CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Known values are: “ServicePrincipalKey” and “ServicePrincipalCert”.

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • tenant (JSON) – The name or ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • connection_mode (str or CosmosDbConnectionMode) – The connection mode used to access CosmosDB account. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Known values are: “Gateway” and “Direct”.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbMongoDbApiCollectionDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, collection:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection (JSON) – The collection name of the CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection (JSON) – The collection name of the CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbMongoDbApiLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], database:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, is_server_version_above32: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for CosmosDB (MongoDB API) data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • is_server_version_above32 (JSON) – Whether the CosmosDB (MongoDB API) server version is higher than 3.2. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • connection_string (JSON) – The CosmosDB (MongoDB API) connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • database (JSON) – The name of the CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • is_server_version_above32 (JSON) – Whether the CosmosDB (MongoDB API) server version is higher than 3.2. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • connection_string (JSON) – The CosmosDB (MongoDB API) connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • database (JSON) – The name of the CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbMongoDbApiSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity sink for a CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Specifies whether the document with same key to be overwritten (upsert) rather than throw exception (insert). The default value is “insert”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Specifies whether the document with same key to be overwritten (upsert) rather than throw exception (insert). The default value is “insert”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, filter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cursor_methods: Optional[_models.MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties] = None, batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for a CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • filter (JSON) – Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cursor_methods (MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties) – Cursor methods for Mongodb query.

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the number of documents to return in each batch of the response from MongoDB instance. In most cases, modifying the batch size will not affect the user or the application. This property’s main purpose is to avoid hit the limitation of response size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • filter (JSON) – Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cursor_methods (MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties) – Cursor methods for Mongodb query.

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the number of documents to return in each batch of the response from MongoDB instance. In most cases, modifying the batch size will not affect the user or the application. This property’s main purpose is to avoid hit the limitation of response size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CERT = 'ServicePrincipalCert'
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_KEY = 'ServicePrincipalKey'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbSqlApiCollectionDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, collection_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Microsoft Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection_name (JSON) – CosmosDB (SQL API) collection name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection_name (JSON) – CosmosDB (SQL API) collection name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbSqlApiSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Describes how to write data to Azure Cosmos DB. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Allowed values: insert and upsert.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Describes how to write data to Azure Cosmos DB. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Allowed values: insert and upsert.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CosmosDbSqlApiSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, page_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, preferred_regions: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, detect_datetime: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – SQL API query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • page_size (JSON) – Page size of the result. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • preferred_regions (JSON) – Preferred regions. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

  • detect_datetime (JSON) – Whether detect primitive values as datetime values. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – SQL API query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • page_size (JSON) – Page size of the result. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • preferred_regions (JSON) – Preferred regions. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

  • detect_datetime (JSON) – Whether detect primitive values as datetime values. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CouchbaseLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cred_string: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Couchbase server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • cred_string (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of credString in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • cred_string (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of credString in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CouchbaseSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Couchbase server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CouchbaseTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Couchbase server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CreateDataFlowDebugSessionRequest(*, compute_type: Optional[str] = None, core_count: Optional[int] = None, time_to_live: Optional[int] = None, integration_runtime: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeDebugResource] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Request body structure for creating data flow debug session.

  • compute_type (str) – Compute type of the cluster. The value will be overwritten by the same setting in integration runtime if provided.

  • core_count (int) – Core count of the cluster. The value will be overwritten by the same setting in integration runtime if provided.

  • time_to_live (int) – Time to live setting of the cluster in minutes.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeDebugResource) – Set to use integration runtime setting for data flow debug session.

Keyword Arguments
  • compute_type (str) – Compute type of the cluster. The value will be overwritten by the same setting in integration runtime if provided.

  • core_count (int) – Core count of the cluster. The value will be overwritten by the same setting in integration runtime if provided.

  • time_to_live (int) – Time to live setting of the cluster in minutes.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeDebugResource) – Set to use integration runtime setting for data flow debug session.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CreateDataFlowDebugSessionResponse(*, status: Optional[str] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Response body structure for creating data flow debug session.

  • status (str) – The state of the debug session.

  • session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

Keyword Arguments
  • status (str) – The state of the debug session.

  • session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CreateLinkedIntegrationRuntimeRequest(*, name: Optional[str] = None, subscription_id: Optional[str] = None, data_factory_name: Optional[str] = None, data_factory_location: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The linked integration runtime information.

  • name (str) – The name of the linked integration runtime.

  • subscription_id (str) – The ID of the subscription that the linked integration runtime belongs to.

  • data_factory_name (str) – The name of the data factory that the linked integration runtime belongs to.

  • data_factory_location (str) – The location of the data factory that the linked integration runtime belongs to.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the linked integration runtime.

  • subscription_id (str) – The ID of the subscription that the linked integration runtime belongs to.

  • data_factory_name (str) – The name of the data factory that the linked integration runtime belongs to.

  • data_factory_location (str) – The location of the data factory that the linked integration runtime belongs to.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CreateRunResponse(*, run_id: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Response body with a run identifier.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


run_id (str) – Identifier of a run. Required.

Keyword Arguments

run_id (str) – Identifier of a run. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Credential(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The Azure Data Factory nested object which contains the information and credential which can be used to connect with related store or compute resource.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: ManagedIdentityCredential, ServicePrincipalCredential

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of credential. Required.

  • description (str) – Credential description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Credential.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Credential description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Credential.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CredentialReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.CredentialReferenceType], reference_name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Credential reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or CredentialReferenceType) – Credential reference type. Required. “CredentialReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference credential name. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or CredentialReferenceType) – Credential reference type. Required. “CredentialReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference credential name. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CredentialReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Credential reference type.

CREDENTIAL_REFERENCE = 'CredentialReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CredentialResource(*, properties: _models.Credential, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Credential resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (Credential) – Properties of credentials. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (Credential) – Properties of credentials. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CustomActivity(*, name: str, command:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, resource_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, reference_objects: Optional[_models.CustomActivityReferenceObject] = None, extended_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, retention_time_in_days: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, auto_user_specification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Custom activity type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • command (JSON) – Command for custom activity Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • resource_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Resource linked service reference.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Folder path for resource files Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • reference_objects (CustomActivityReferenceObject) – Reference objects.

  • extended_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – User defined property bag. There is no restriction on the keys or values that can be used. The user specified custom activity has the full responsibility to consume and interpret the content defined.

  • retention_time_in_days (JSON) – The retention time for the files submitted for custom activity. Type: double (or Expression with resultType double).

  • auto_user_specification (JSON) – Elevation level and scope for the user, default is nonadmin task. Type: string (or Expression with resultType double).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • command (JSON) – Command for custom activity Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • resource_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Resource linked service reference.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Folder path for resource files Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • reference_objects (CustomActivityReferenceObject) – Reference objects.

  • extended_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – User defined property bag. There is no restriction on the keys or values that can be used. The user specified custom activity has the full responsibility to consume and interpret the content defined.

  • retention_time_in_days (JSON) – The retention time for the files submitted for custom activity. Type: double (or Expression with resultType double).

  • auto_user_specification (JSON) – Elevation level and scope for the user, default is nonadmin task. Type: string (or Expression with resultType double).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CustomActivityReferenceObject(*, linked_services: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceReference]] = None, datasets: Optional[List[_models.DatasetReference]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Reference objects for custom activity.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CustomDataSourceLinkedService(*, type_properties:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Custom linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • type_properties (JSON) – Custom linked service properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • type_properties (JSON) – Custom linked service properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CustomDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, type_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The custom dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • type_properties (JSON) – Custom dataset properties.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • type_properties (JSON) – Custom dataset properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CustomEventsTrigger(*, events: List[[str, Any]], scope: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, pipelines: Optional[List[_models.TriggerPipelineReference]] = None, subject_begins_with: Optional[str] = None, subject_ends_with: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.MultiplePipelineTrigger

Trigger that runs every time a custom event is received.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • subject_begins_with (str) – The event subject must begin with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. At least one of these must be provided: subjectBeginsWith, subjectEndsWith.

  • subject_ends_with (str) – The event subject must end with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. At least one of these must be provided: subjectBeginsWith, subjectEndsWith.

  • events (list[JSON]) – The list of event types that cause this trigger to fire. Required.

  • scope (str) – The ARM resource ID of the Azure Event Grid Topic. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • subject_begins_with (str) – The event subject must begin with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. At least one of these must be provided: subjectBeginsWith, subjectEndsWith.

  • subject_ends_with (str) – The event subject must end with the pattern provided for trigger to fire. At least one of these must be provided: subjectBeginsWith, subjectEndsWith.

  • events (list[JSON]) – The list of event types that cause this trigger to fire. Required.

  • scope (str) – The ARM resource ID of the Azure Event Grid Topic. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.CustomSetupBase(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The base definition of the custom setup.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AzPowerShellSetup, CmdkeySetup, ComponentSetup, EnvironmentVariableSetup

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


type (str) – The type of custom setup. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DWCopyCommandDefaultValue(*, column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, default_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Default value.

  • column_name (JSON) – Column name. Type: object (or Expression with resultType string).

  • default_value (JSON) – The default value of the column. Type: object (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • column_name (JSON) – Column name. Type: object (or Expression with resultType string).

  • default_value (JSON) – The default value of the column. Type: object (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DWCopyCommandSettings(*, default_values: Optional[List[_models.DWCopyCommandDefaultValue]] = None, additional_options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

DW Copy Command settings.

  • default_values (list[DWCopyCommandDefaultValue]) – Specifies the default values for each target column in SQL DW. The default values in the property overwrite the DEFAULT constraint set in the DB, and identity column cannot have a default value. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • additional_options (dict[str, str]) – Additional options directly passed to SQL DW in Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalOptions”: { “MAXERRORS”: “1000”, “DATEFORMAT”: “‘ymd’” }.

Keyword Arguments
  • default_values (list[DWCopyCommandDefaultValue]) – Specifies the default values for each target column in SQL DW. The default values in the property overwrite the DEFAULT constraint set in the DB, and identity column cannot have a default value. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • additional_options (dict[str, str]) – Additional options directly passed to SQL DW in Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalOptions”: { “MAXERRORS”: “1000”, “DATEFORMAT”: “‘ymd’” }.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlow(*, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DataFlowFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure Data Factory nested object which contains a flow with data movements and transformations.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: Flowlet, MappingDataFlow, WranglingDataFlow

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of data flow. Required.

  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

Keyword Arguments
  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowComputeType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Compute type of the cluster which will execute data flow job.

COMPUTE_OPTIMIZED = 'ComputeOptimized'
GENERAL = 'General'
MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = 'MemoryOptimized'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugCommandPayload(*, stream_name: str, row_limits: Optional[int] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, expression: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Structure of command payload.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • stream_name (str) – The stream name which is used for preview. Required.

  • row_limits (int) – Row limits for preview response.

  • columns (list[str]) – Array of column names.

  • expression (str) – The expression which is used for preview.

Keyword Arguments
  • stream_name (str) – The stream name which is used for preview. Required.

  • row_limits (int) – Row limits for preview response.

  • columns (list[str]) – Array of column names.

  • expression (str) – The expression which is used for preview.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugCommandRequest(*, session_id: Optional[str] = None, command: Optional[Union[str, _models.DataFlowDebugCommandType]] = None, command_payload: Optional[_models.DataFlowDebugCommandPayload] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Request body structure for data flow debug command.

  • session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

  • command (str or DataFlowDebugCommandType) – The command type. Known values are: “executePreviewQuery”, “executeStatisticsQuery”, and “executeExpressionQuery”.

  • command_payload (DataFlowDebugCommandPayload) – The command payload object.

Keyword Arguments
  • session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

  • command (str or DataFlowDebugCommandType) – The command type. Known values are: “executePreviewQuery”, “executeStatisticsQuery”, and “executeExpressionQuery”.

  • command_payload (DataFlowDebugCommandPayload) – The command payload object.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugCommandResponse(*, status: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Response body structure of data flow result for data preview, statistics or expression preview.

  • status (str) – The run status of data preview, statistics or expression preview.

  • data (str) – The result data of data preview, statistics or expression preview.

Keyword Arguments
  • status (str) – The run status of data preview, statistics or expression preview.

  • data (str) – The result data of data preview, statistics or expression preview.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugCommandType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The command type.

EXECUTE_EXPRESSION_QUERY = 'executeExpressionQuery'
EXECUTE_PREVIEW_QUERY = 'executePreviewQuery'
EXECUTE_STATISTICS_QUERY = 'executeStatisticsQuery'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugPackage(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, data_flow: Optional[_models.DataFlowDebugResource] = None, data_flows: Optional[List[_models.DataFlowDebugResource]] = None, datasets: Optional[List[_models.DatasetDebugResource]] = None, linked_services: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceDebugResource]] = None, staging: Optional[_models.DataFlowStagingInfo] = None, debug_settings: Optional[_models.DataFlowDebugPackageDebugSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Request body structure for starting data flow debug session.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugPackageDebugSettings(*, source_settings: Optional[List[_models.DataFlowSourceSetting]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, dataset_parameters: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Data flow debug settings.

  • source_settings (list[DataFlowSourceSetting]) – Source setting for data flow debug.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Data flow parameters.

  • dataset_parameters (JSON) – Parameters for dataset.

Keyword Arguments
  • source_settings (list[DataFlowSourceSetting]) – Source setting for data flow debug.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Data flow parameters.

  • dataset_parameters (JSON) – Parameters for dataset.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugResource(*, properties: _models.DataFlow, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResourceDebugResource

Data flow debug resource.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (DataFlow) – Data flow properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (DataFlow) – Data flow properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowDebugSessionInfo(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, data_flow_name: Optional[str] = None, compute_type: Optional[str] = None, core_count: Optional[int] = None, node_count: Optional[int] = None, integration_runtime_name: Optional[str] = None, session_id: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[str] = None, time_to_live_in_minutes: Optional[int] = None, last_activity_time: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Data flow debug session info.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • data_flow_name (str) – The name of the data flow.

  • compute_type (str) – Compute type of the cluster.

  • core_count (int) – Core count of the cluster.

  • node_count (int) – Node count of the cluster. (deprecated property).

  • integration_runtime_name (str) – Attached integration runtime name of data flow debug session.

  • session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

  • start_time (str) – Start time of data flow debug session.

  • time_to_live_in_minutes (int) – Compute type of the cluster.

  • last_activity_time (str) – Last activity time of data flow debug session.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • data_flow_name (str) – The name of the data flow.

  • compute_type (str) – Compute type of the cluster.

  • core_count (int) – Core count of the cluster.

  • node_count (int) – Node count of the cluster. (deprecated property).

  • integration_runtime_name (str) – Attached integration runtime name of data flow debug session.

  • session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

  • start_time (str) – Start time of data flow debug session.

  • time_to_live_in_minutes (int) – Compute type of the cluster.

  • last_activity_time (str) – Last activity time of data flow debug session.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowFolder(*, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.


name (str) – The name of the folder that this data flow is in.

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The name of the folder that this data flow is in.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowListResponse(*, value: List[_models.DataFlowResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of data flow resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[DataFlowResource]) – List of data flows. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[DataFlowResource]) – List of data flows. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.DataFlowReferenceType], reference_name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, dataset_parameters: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Data flow reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or DataFlowReferenceType) – Data flow reference type. Required. “DataFlowReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference data flow name. Required.

  • dataset_parameters (JSON) – Reference data flow parameters from dataset.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Data flow parameters.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or DataFlowReferenceType) – Data flow reference type. Required. “DataFlowReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference data flow name. Required.

  • dataset_parameters (JSON) – Reference data flow parameters from dataset.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Data flow parameters.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Data flow reference type.

DATA_FLOW_REFERENCE = 'DataFlowReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowResource(*, properties: _models.DataFlow, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Data flow resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (DataFlow) – Data flow properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (DataFlow) – Data flow properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowSink(*, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, dataset: Optional[_models.DatasetReference] = None, linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, flowlet: Optional[_models.DataFlowReference] = None, schema_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, rejected_data_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Transformation

Transformation for data flow sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowSource(*, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, dataset: Optional[_models.DatasetReference] = None, linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, flowlet: Optional[_models.DataFlowReference] = None, schema_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Transformation

Transformation for data flow source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowSourceSetting(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_name: Optional[str] = None, row_limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Definition of data flow source setting for debug.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_name (str) – The data flow source name.

  • row_limit (int) – Defines the row limit of data flow source in debug.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_name (str) – The data flow source name.

  • row_limit (int) – Defines the row limit of data flow source in debug.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataFlowStagingInfo(*, linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Staging linked service reference.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Folder path for staging blob. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Staging linked service reference.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Folder path for staging blob. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataLakeAnalyticsUSQLActivity(*, name: str, script_path:[str, Any], script_linked_service: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, degree_of_parallelism: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, priority: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, runtime_version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compilation_mode: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • script_path (JSON) – Case-sensitive path to folder that contains the U-SQL script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • script_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Script linked service reference. Required.

  • degree_of_parallelism (JSON) – The maximum number of nodes simultaneously used to run the job. Default value is 1. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 1.

  • priority (JSON) – Determines which jobs out of all that are queued should be selected to run first. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Default value is 1000. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 1.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Parameters for U-SQL job request.

  • runtime_version (JSON) – Runtime version of the U-SQL engine to use. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compilation_mode (JSON) – Compilation mode of U-SQL. Must be one of these values : Semantic, Full and SingleBox. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • script_path (JSON) – Case-sensitive path to folder that contains the U-SQL script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • script_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Script linked service reference. Required.

  • degree_of_parallelism (JSON) – The maximum number of nodes simultaneously used to run the job. Default value is 1. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 1.

  • priority (JSON) – Determines which jobs out of all that are queued should be selected to run first. The lower the number, the higher the priority. Default value is 1000. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 1.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Parameters for U-SQL job request.

  • runtime_version (JSON) – Runtime version of the U-SQL engine to use. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compilation_mode (JSON) – Compilation mode of U-SQL. Must be one of these values : Semantic, Full and SingleBox. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatabricksNotebookActivity(*, name: str, notebook_path:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, base_parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, libraries: Optional[List[Dict[str,[str, Any]]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

DatabricksNotebook activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • notebook_path (JSON) – The absolute path of the notebook to be run in the Databricks Workspace. This path must begin with a slash. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • base_parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Base parameters to be used for each run of this job.If the notebook takes a parameter that is not specified, the default value from the notebook will be used.

  • libraries (list[dict[str, JSON]]) – A list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • notebook_path (JSON) – The absolute path of the notebook to be run in the Databricks Workspace. This path must begin with a slash. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • base_parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Base parameters to be used for each run of this job.If the notebook takes a parameter that is not specified, the default value from the notebook will be used.

  • libraries (list[dict[str, JSON]]) – A list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatabricksSparkJarActivity(*, name: str, main_class_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, parameters: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, libraries: Optional[List[Dict[str,[str, Any]]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

DatabricksSparkJar activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • main_class_name (JSON) – The full name of the class containing the main method to be executed. This class must be contained in a JAR provided as a library. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • parameters (list[JSON]) – Parameters that will be passed to the main method.

  • libraries (list[dict[str, JSON]]) – A list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • main_class_name (JSON) – The full name of the class containing the main method to be executed. This class must be contained in a JAR provided as a library. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • parameters (list[JSON]) – Parameters that will be passed to the main method.

  • libraries (list[dict[str, JSON]]) – A list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatabricksSparkPythonActivity(*, name: str, python_file:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, parameters: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, libraries: Optional[List[Dict[str,[str, Any]]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

DatabricksSparkPython activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • python_file (JSON) – The URI of the Python file to be executed. DBFS paths are supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • parameters (list[JSON]) – Command line parameters that will be passed to the Python file.

  • libraries (list[dict[str, JSON]]) – A list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • python_file (JSON) – The URI of the Python file to be executed. DBFS paths are supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • parameters (list[JSON]) – Command line parameters that will be passed to the Python file.

  • libraries (list[dict[str, JSON]]) – A list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Dataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The Azure Data Factory nested object which identifies data within different data stores, such as tables, files, folders, and documents.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AmazonMWSObjectDataset, AmazonRdsForOracleTableDataset, AmazonRdsForSqlServerTableDataset, AmazonRedshiftTableDataset, AmazonS3Dataset, AvroDataset, AzureBlobDataset, AzureBlobFSDataset, AzureDataExplorerTableDataset, AzureDataLakeStoreDataset, AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeDataset, AzureMariaDBTableDataset, AzureMySqlTableDataset, AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset, AzureSearchIndexDataset, AzureSqlDWTableDataset, AzureSqlMITableDataset, AzureSqlTableDataset, AzureTableDataset, BinaryDataset, CassandraTableDataset, CommonDataServiceForAppsEntityDataset, ConcurObjectDataset, CosmosDbMongoDbApiCollectionDataset, CosmosDbSqlApiCollectionDataset, CouchbaseTableDataset, CustomDataset, Db2TableDataset, DelimitedTextDataset, DocumentDbCollectionDataset, DrillTableDataset, DynamicsAXResourceDataset, DynamicsCrmEntityDataset, DynamicsEntityDataset, EloquaObjectDataset, ExcelDataset, FileShareDataset, GoogleAdWordsObjectDataset, GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset, GreenplumTableDataset, HBaseObjectDataset, HiveObjectDataset, HttpDataset, HubspotObjectDataset, ImpalaObjectDataset, InformixTableDataset, JiraObjectDataset, JsonDataset, MagentoObjectDataset, MariaDBTableDataset, MarketoObjectDataset, MicrosoftAccessTableDataset, MongoDbAtlasCollectionDataset, MongoDbCollectionDataset, MongoDbV2CollectionDataset, MySqlTableDataset, NetezzaTableDataset, ODataResourceDataset, OdbcTableDataset, Office365Dataset, OracleServiceCloudObjectDataset, OracleTableDataset, OrcDataset, ParquetDataset, PaypalObjectDataset, PhoenixObjectDataset, PostgreSqlTableDataset, PrestoObjectDataset, QuickBooksObjectDataset, RelationalTableDataset, ResponsysObjectDataset, RestResourceDataset, SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset, SalesforceObjectDataset, SalesforceServiceCloudObjectDataset, SapBwCubeDataset, SapCloudForCustomerResourceDataset, SapEccResourceDataset, SapHanaTableDataset, SapOdpResourceDataset, SapOpenHubTableDataset, SapTableResourceDataset, ServiceNowObjectDataset, SharePointOnlineListResourceDataset, ShopifyObjectDataset, SnowflakeDataset, SparkObjectDataset, SqlServerTableDataset, SquareObjectDataset, SybaseTableDataset, TeradataTableDataset, VerticaTableDataset, WebTableDataset, XeroObjectDataset, XmlDataset, ZohoObjectDataset

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetCompression(*, type:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The compression method used on a dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (JSON) – Type of dataset compression. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • level (JSON) – The dataset compression level. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (JSON) – Type of dataset compression. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • level (JSON) – The dataset compression level. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetCompressionLevel(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available compression levels.

FASTEST = 'Fastest'
OPTIMAL = 'Optimal'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetDataElement(*, name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Columns that define the structure of the dataset.

  • name (JSON) – Name of the column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (JSON) – Type of the column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • name (JSON) – Name of the column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (JSON) – Type of the column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetDebugResource(*, properties: _models.Dataset, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResourceDebugResource

Dataset debug resource.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (Dataset) – Dataset properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (Dataset) – Dataset properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetFolder(*, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.


name (str) – The name of the folder that this Dataset is in.

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The name of the folder that this Dataset is in.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetListResponse(*, value: List[_models.DatasetResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of dataset resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[DatasetResource]) – List of datasets. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[DatasetResource]) – List of datasets. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Dataset location.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AmazonS3CompatibleLocation, AmazonS3Location, AzureBlobFSLocation, AzureBlobStorageLocation, AzureDataLakeStoreLocation, AzureFileStorageLocation, FileServerLocation, FtpServerLocation, GoogleCloudStorageLocation, HdfsLocation, HttpServerLocation, OracleCloudStorageLocation, SftpLocation

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.DatasetReferenceType], reference_name: str, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Dataset reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or DatasetReferenceType) – Dataset reference type. Required. “DatasetReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference dataset name. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Arguments for dataset.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or DatasetReferenceType) – Dataset reference type. Required. “DatasetReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference dataset name. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Arguments for dataset.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Dataset reference type.

DATASET_REFERENCE = 'DatasetReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetResource(*, properties: _models.Dataset, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Dataset resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (Dataset) – Dataset properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (Dataset) – Dataset properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetSchemaDataElement(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (JSON) – Name of the schema column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (JSON) – Type of the schema column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (JSON) – Name of the schema column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (JSON) – Type of the schema column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DatasetStorageFormat(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, serializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, deserializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The format definition of a storage.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AvroFormat, JsonFormat, OrcFormat, ParquetFormat, TextFormat

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage format. Required.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DataworldLinkedService(*, api_token: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Dataworld.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Dataworld source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Dataworld source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DayOfWeek(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The days of the week.

FRIDAY = 'Friday'
MONDAY = 'Monday'
SATURDAY = 'Saturday'
SUNDAY = 'Sunday'
THURSDAY = 'Thursday'
TUESDAY = 'Tuesday'
WEDNESDAY = 'Wednesday'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DaysOfWeek(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum


FRIDAY = 'Friday'
MONDAY = 'Monday'
SATURDAY = 'Saturday'
SUNDAY = 'Sunday'
THURSDAY = 'Thursday'
TUESDAY = 'Tuesday'
WEDNESDAY = 'Wednesday'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Db2AuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

AuthenticationType to be used for connection. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property.

BASIC = 'Basic'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Db2LinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, database: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.Db2AuthenticationType]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, package_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, certificate_common_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for DB2 data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with server, database, authenticationType, userName, packageCollection and certificateCommonName property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • server (JSON) – Server name for connection. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • database (JSON) – Database name for connection. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or Db2AuthenticationType) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. “Basic”

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • package_collection (JSON) – Under where packages are created when querying database. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • certificate_common_name (JSON) – Certificate Common Name when TLS is enabled. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. It is mutually exclusive with server, database, authenticationType, userName, packageCollection and certificateCommonName property. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • server (JSON) – Server name for connection. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • database (JSON) – Database name for connection. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or Db2AuthenticationType) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. “Basic”

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • package_collection (JSON) – Under where packages are created when querying database. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • certificate_common_name (JSON) – Certificate Common Name when TLS is enabled. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. It is mutually exclusive with connectionString property. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Db2Source(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for Db2 databases.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Db2TableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Db2 table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The Db2 schema name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The Db2 table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The Db2 schema name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The Db2 table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DeleteActivity(*, name: str, dataset: _models.DatasetReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[int] = None, enable_logging: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, log_storage_settings: Optional[_models.LogStorageSettings] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Delete activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files or sub-folders under current folder path will be deleted recursively. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • max_concurrent_connections (int) – The max concurrent connections to connect data source at the same time.

  • enable_logging (JSON) – Whether to record detailed logs of delete-activity execution. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • log_storage_settings (LogStorageSettings) – Log storage settings customer need to provide when enableLogging is true.

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – Delete activity dataset reference. Required.

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Delete activity store settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files or sub-folders under current folder path will be deleted recursively. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • max_concurrent_connections (int) – The max concurrent connections to connect data source at the same time.

  • enable_logging (JSON) – Whether to record detailed logs of delete-activity execution. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • log_storage_settings (LogStorageSettings) – Log storage settings customer need to provide when enableLogging is true.

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – Delete activity dataset reference. Required.

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Delete activity store settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DeleteDataFlowDebugSessionRequest(*, session_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Request body structure for deleting data flow debug session.


session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

Keyword Arguments

session_id (str) – The ID of data flow debug session.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DelimitedTextDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, column_delimiter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, row_delimiter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encoding_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compression_codec: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compression_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, quote_char: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, escape_char: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, first_row_as_header: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, null_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Delimited text dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the delimited text storage.

  • column_delimiter (JSON) – The column delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • row_delimiter (JSON) – The row delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If miss, the default value is UTF-8, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the name column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression_codec (JSON) – The data compressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression_level (JSON) – The data compression method used for DelimitedText.

  • quote_char (JSON) – The quote character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • escape_char (JSON) – The escape character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • first_row_as_header (JSON) – When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output,write the headers into the output as the first row of data. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the delimited text storage.

  • column_delimiter (JSON) – The column delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • row_delimiter (JSON) – The row delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If miss, the default value is UTF-8, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the name column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression_codec (JSON) – The data compressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression_level (JSON) – The data compression method used for DelimitedText.

  • quote_char (JSON) – The quote character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • escape_char (JSON) – The escape character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • first_row_as_header (JSON) – When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output,write the headers into the output as the first row of data. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DelimitedTextReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, skip_line_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compression_properties: Optional[_models.CompressionReadSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatReadSettings

Delimited text read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • skip_line_count (JSON) – Indicates the number of non-empty rows to skip when reading data from input files. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • skip_line_count (JSON) – Indicates the number of non-empty rows to skip when reading data from input files. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DelimitedTextSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreWriteSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.DelimitedTextWriteSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity DelimitedText sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – DelimitedText store settings.

  • format_settings (DelimitedTextWriteSettings) – DelimitedText format settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – DelimitedText store settings.

  • format_settings (DelimitedTextWriteSettings) – DelimitedText format settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DelimitedTextSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.DelimitedTextReadSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity DelimitedText source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – DelimitedText store settings.

  • format_settings (DelimitedTextReadSettings) – DelimitedText format settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – DelimitedText store settings.

  • format_settings (DelimitedTextReadSettings) – DelimitedText format settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DelimitedTextWriteSettings(*, file_extension:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, quote_all_text: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_rows_per_file: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name_prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatWriteSettings

Delimited text write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • quote_all_text (JSON) – Indicates whether string values should always be enclosed with quotes. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • file_extension (JSON) – The file extension used to create the files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • quote_all_text (JSON) – Indicates whether string values should always be enclosed with quotes. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • file_extension (JSON) – The file extension used to create the files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DependencyCondition(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum


COMPLETED = 'Completed'
FAILED = 'Failed'
SKIPPED = 'Skipped'
SUCCEEDED = 'Succeeded'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DependencyReference(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Referenced dependency.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: SelfDependencyTumblingWindowTriggerReference, TriggerDependencyReference

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


type (str) – The type of dependency reference. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DistcpSettings(*, resource_manager_endpoint:[str, Any], temp_script_path:[str, Any], distcp_options: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Distcp settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • resource_manager_endpoint (JSON) – Specifies the Yarn ResourceManager endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • temp_script_path (JSON) – Specifies an existing folder path which will be used to store temp Distcp command script. The script file is generated by ADF and will be removed after Copy job finished. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • distcp_options (JSON) – Specifies the Distcp options. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • resource_manager_endpoint (JSON) – Specifies the Yarn ResourceManager endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • temp_script_path (JSON) – Specifies an existing folder path which will be used to store temp Distcp command script. The script file is generated by ADF and will be removed after Copy job finished. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • distcp_options (JSON) – Specifies the Distcp options. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DocumentDbCollectionDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, collection_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Microsoft Azure Document Database Collection dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection_name (JSON) – Document Database collection name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection_name (JSON) – Document Database collection name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DocumentDbCollectionSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, nesting_separator: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Document Database Collection sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • nesting_separator (JSON) – Nested properties separator. Default is . (dot). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Describes how to write data to Azure Cosmos DB. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Allowed values: insert and upsert.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • nesting_separator (JSON) – Nested properties separator. Default is . (dot). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Describes how to write data to Azure Cosmos DB. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Allowed values: insert and upsert.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DocumentDbCollectionSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, nesting_separator: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Document Database Collection source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Documents query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • nesting_separator (JSON) – Nested properties separator. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Documents query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • nesting_separator (JSON) – Nested properties separator. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DrillLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pwd: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Drill server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DrillSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Drill server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DrillTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Drill server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Drill. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Drill. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Drill. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Drill. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsAXLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], service_principal_id:[str, Any], service_principal_key: _models.SecretBase, tenant:[str, Any], aad_resource_id:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Dynamics AX linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The Dynamics AX (or Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations) instance OData endpoint. Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – Specify the application’s client ID. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – Specify the application’s key. Mark this field as a SecureString to store it securely in Data Factory, or reference a secret stored in Azure Key Vault. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • tenant (JSON) – Specify the tenant information (domain name or tenant ID) under which your application resides. Retrieve it by hovering the mouse in the top-right corner of the Azure portal. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • aad_resource_id (JSON) – Specify the resource you are requesting authorization. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The Dynamics AX (or Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations) instance OData endpoint. Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – Specify the application’s client ID. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – Specify the application’s key. Mark this field as a SecureString to store it securely in Data Factory, or reference a secret stored in Azure Key Vault. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • tenant (JSON) – Specify the tenant information (domain name or tenant ID) under which your application resides. Retrieve it by hovering the mouse in the top-right corner of the Azure portal. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • aad_resource_id (JSON) – Specify the resource you are requesting authorization. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsAXResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, path:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The path of the Dynamics AX OData entity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The path of the Dynamics AX OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The path of the Dynamics AX OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsAXSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Dynamics AX source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available dynamicsAuthenticationType values.

IFD = 'Ifd'
OFFICE365 = 'Office365'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsCrmEntityDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, entity_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Dynamics CRM entity dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • entity_name (JSON) – The logical name of the entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • entity_name (JSON) – The logical name of the entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsCrmLinkedService(*, deployment_type:[str, Any], authentication_type:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, host_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, organization_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Dynamics CRM linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • deployment_type (JSON) – The deployment type of the Dynamics CRM instance. ‘Online’ for Dynamics CRM Online and ‘OnPremisesWithIfd’ for Dynamics CRM on-premises with Ifd. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • host_name (JSON) – The host name of the on-premises Dynamics CRM server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port of on-premises Dynamics CRM server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Default is 443. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • service_uri (JSON) – The URL to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. The property is required for on-line and not allowed for on-prem. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • organization_name (JSON) – The organization name of the Dynamics CRM instance. The property is required for on-prem and required for online when there are more than one Dynamics CRM instances associated with the user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type to connect to Dynamics CRM server. ‘Office365’ for online scenario, ‘Ifd’ for on-premises with Ifd scenario, ‘AADServicePrincipal’ for Server-To-Server authentication in online scenario. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – User name to access the Dynamics CRM instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the Dynamics CRM instance.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • deployment_type (JSON) – The deployment type of the Dynamics CRM instance. ‘Online’ for Dynamics CRM Online and ‘OnPremisesWithIfd’ for Dynamics CRM on-premises with Ifd. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • host_name (JSON) – The host name of the on-premises Dynamics CRM server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port of on-premises Dynamics CRM server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Default is 443. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • service_uri (JSON) – The URL to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. The property is required for on-line and not allowed for on-prem. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • organization_name (JSON) – The organization name of the Dynamics CRM instance. The property is required for on-prem and required for online when there are more than one Dynamics CRM instances associated with the user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type to connect to Dynamics CRM server. ‘Office365’ for online scenario, ‘Ifd’ for on-premises with Ifd scenario, ‘AADServicePrincipal’ for Server-To-Server authentication in online scenario. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – User name to access the Dynamics CRM instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the Dynamics CRM instance.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsCrmSink(*, write_behavior: Union[str, _models.DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ignore_null_values: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, alternate_key_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Dynamics CRM sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Required. “Upsert”

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • alternate_key_name (JSON) – The logical name of the alternate key which will be used when upserting records. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Required. “Upsert”

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • alternate_key_name (JSON) – The logical name of the alternate key which will be used when upserting records. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsCrmSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Dynamics CRM source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – FetchXML is a proprietary query language that is used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM (online & on-premises). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – FetchXML is a proprietary query language that is used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM (online & on-premises). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsDeploymentType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available dynamicsDeploymentType values.

ONLINE = 'Online'
ON_PREMISES_WITH_IFD = 'OnPremisesWithIfd'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsEntityDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, entity_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Dynamics entity dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • entity_name (JSON) – The logical name of the entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • entity_name (JSON) – The logical name of the entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsLinkedService(*, deployment_type:[str, Any], authentication_type:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, host_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, organization_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Dynamics linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • deployment_type (JSON) – The deployment type of the Dynamics instance. ‘Online’ for Dynamics Online and ‘OnPremisesWithIfd’ for Dynamics on-premises with Ifd. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • host_name (JSON) – The host name of the on-premises Dynamics server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port of on-premises Dynamics server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Default is 443. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • service_uri (JSON) – The URL to the Microsoft Dynamics server. The property is required for on-line and not allowed for on-prem. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • organization_name (JSON) – The organization name of the Dynamics instance. The property is required for on-prem and required for online when there are more than one Dynamics instances associated with the user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type to connect to Dynamics server. ‘Office365’ for online scenario, ‘Ifd’ for on-premises with Ifd scenario, ‘AADServicePrincipal’ for Server-To-Server authentication in online scenario. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – User name to access the Dynamics instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the Dynamics instance.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • deployment_type (JSON) – The deployment type of the Dynamics instance. ‘Online’ for Dynamics Online and ‘OnPremisesWithIfd’ for Dynamics on-premises with Ifd. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • host_name (JSON) – The host name of the on-premises Dynamics server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The port of on-premises Dynamics server. The property is required for on-prem and not allowed for online. Default is 443. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • service_uri (JSON) – The URL to the Microsoft Dynamics server. The property is required for on-line and not allowed for on-prem. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • organization_name (JSON) – The organization name of the Dynamics instance. The property is required for on-prem and required for online when there are more than one Dynamics instances associated with the user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (JSON) – The authentication type to connect to Dynamics server. ‘Office365’ for online scenario, ‘Ifd’ for on-premises with Ifd scenario, ‘AADServicePrincipal’ for Server-To-Server authentication in online scenario. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – User name to access the Dynamics instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the Dynamics instance.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Server-To-Server authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential_type (JSON) – The service principal credential type to use in Server-To-Server authentication. ‘ServicePrincipalKey’ for key/secret, ‘ServicePrincipalCert’ for certificate. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_credential (SecretBase) – The credential of the service principal object in Azure Active Directory. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalKey’, servicePrincipalCredential can be SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. If servicePrincipalCredentialType is ‘ServicePrincipalCert’, servicePrincipalCredential can only be AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsSink(*, write_behavior: Union[str, _models.DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ignore_null_values: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, alternate_key_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Dynamics sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Required. “Upsert”

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • alternate_key_name (JSON) – The logical name of the alternate key which will be used when upserting records. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Required. “Upsert”

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • alternate_key_name (JSON) – The logical name of the alternate key which will be used when upserting records. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Defines values for DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior.

UPSERT = 'Upsert'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.DynamicsSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Dynamics source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – FetchXML is a proprietary query language that is used in Microsoft Dynamics (online & on-premises). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – FetchXML is a proprietary query language that is used in Microsoft Dynamics (online & on-premises). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.EloquaLinkedService(*, endpoint:[str, Any], username:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Eloqua server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Eloqua server. (i.e. Required.

  • username (JSON) – The site name and user name of your Eloqua account in the form: sitename/username. (i.e. Eloqua/Alice). Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Eloqua server. (i.e. Required.

  • username (JSON) – The site name and user name of your Eloqua account in the form: sitename/username. (i.e. Eloqua/Alice). Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.EloquaObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Eloqua server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.EloquaSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Eloqua server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.EncryptionConfiguration(*, key_name: str, vault_base_url: str, key_version: Optional[str] = None, identity: Optional[_models.CMKIdentityDefinition] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Definition of CMK for the factory.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • key_name (str) – The name of the key in Azure Key Vault to use as Customer Managed Key. Required.

  • vault_base_url (str) – The url of the Azure Key Vault used for CMK. Required.

  • key_version (str) – The version of the key used for CMK. If not provided, latest version will be used.

  • identity (CMKIdentityDefinition) – User assigned identity to use to authenticate to customer’s key vault. If not provided Managed Service Identity will be used.

Keyword Arguments
  • key_name (str) – The name of the key in Azure Key Vault to use as Customer Managed Key. Required.

  • vault_base_url (str) – The url of the Azure Key Vault used for CMK. Required.

  • key_version (str) – The version of the key used for CMK. If not provided, latest version will be used.

  • identity (CMKIdentityDefinition) – User assigned identity to use to authenticate to customer’s key vault. If not provided Managed Service Identity will be used.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.EntityReference(*, type: Optional[Union[str, _models.IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType]] = None, reference_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The entity reference.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType) – The type of this referenced entity. Known values are: “IntegrationRuntimeReference” and “LinkedServiceReference”.

  • reference_name (str) – The name of this referenced entity.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType) – The type of this referenced entity. Known values are: “IntegrationRuntimeReference” and “LinkedServiceReference”.

  • reference_name (str) – The name of this referenced entity.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.EnvironmentVariableSetup(*, variable_name: str, variable_value: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CustomSetupBase

The custom setup of setting environment variable.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – The type of custom setup. Required.

  • variable_name (str) – The name of the environment variable. Required.

  • variable_value (str) – The value of the environment variable. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • variable_name (str) – The name of the environment variable. Required.

  • variable_value (str) – The value of the environment variable. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.EventSubscriptionStatus(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Event Subscription Status.

DEPROVISIONING = 'Deprovisioning'
DISABLED = 'Disabled'
ENABLED = 'Enabled'
PROVISIONING = 'Provisioning'
UNKNOWN = 'Unknown'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExcelDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, sheet_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sheet_index: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, range: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, first_row_as_header: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, null_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Excel dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the excel storage.

  • sheet_name (JSON) – The sheet name of excel file. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sheet_index (JSON) – The sheet index of excel file and default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • range (JSON) – The partial data of one sheet. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • first_row_as_header (JSON) – When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output,write the headers into the output as the first row of data. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the json dataset.

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the excel storage.

  • sheet_name (JSON) – The sheet name of excel file. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sheet_index (JSON) – The sheet index of excel file and default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • range (JSON) – The partial data of one sheet. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • first_row_as_header (JSON) – When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output,write the headers into the output as the first row of data. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the json dataset.

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExcelSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity excel source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Excel store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Excel store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecuteDataFlowActivity(*, name: str, data_flow: _models.DataFlowReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, staging: Optional[_models.DataFlowStagingInfo] = None, integration_runtime: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, compute: Optional[_models.ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute] = None, trace_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, continue_on_error: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, run_concurrently: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_staging_concurrency: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Execute data flow activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypeProperties(*, data_flow: _models.DataFlowReference, staging: Optional[_models.DataFlowStagingInfo] = None, integration_runtime: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, compute: Optional[_models.ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute] = None, trace_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, continue_on_error: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, run_concurrently: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_staging_concurrency: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Execute data flow activity properties.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

Keyword Arguments
  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute(*, compute_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, core_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • compute_type (JSON) – Compute type of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Possible values include: ‘General’, ‘MemoryOptimized’, ‘ComputeOptimized’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • core_count (JSON) – Core count of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Supported values are: 8, 16, 32, 48, 80, 144 and 272. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

Keyword Arguments
  • compute_type (JSON) – Compute type of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Possible values include: ‘General’, ‘MemoryOptimized’, ‘ComputeOptimized’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • core_count (JSON) – Core count of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Supported values are: 8, 16, 32, 48, 80, 144 and 272. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecutePipelineActivity(*, name: str, pipeline: _models.PipelineReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ExecutePipelineActivityPolicy] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, wait_on_completion: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

Execute pipeline activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • policy (ExecutePipelineActivityPolicy) – Execute pipeline activity policy.

  • pipeline (PipelineReference) – Pipeline reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Pipeline parameters.

  • wait_on_completion (bool) – Defines whether activity execution will wait for the dependent pipeline execution to finish. Default is false.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • policy (ExecutePipelineActivityPolicy) – Execute pipeline activity policy.

  • pipeline (PipelineReference) – Pipeline reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Pipeline parameters.

  • wait_on_completion (bool) – Defines whether activity execution will wait for the dependent pipeline execution to finish. Default is false.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecutePipelineActivityPolicy(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, secure_input: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Execution policy for an execute pipeline activity.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • secure_input (bool) – When set to true, Input from activity is considered as secure and will not be logged to monitoring.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • secure_input (bool) – When set to true, Input from activity is considered as secure and will not be logged to monitoring.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecutePowerQueryActivityTypeProperties(*, data_flow: _models.DataFlowReference, staging: Optional[_models.DataFlowStagingInfo] = None, integration_runtime: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, compute: Optional[_models.ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute] = None, trace_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, continue_on_error: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, run_concurrently: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_staging_concurrency: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sinks: Optional[Dict[str, _models.PowerQuerySink]] = None, queries: Optional[List[_models.PowerQuerySinkMapping]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypeProperties

Execute power query data flow activity properties.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sinks (dict[str, PowerQuerySink]) – (Deprecated. Please use Queries). List of Power Query activity sinks mapped to a queryName.

  • queries (list[PowerQuerySinkMapping]) – List of mapping for Power Query mashup query to sink dataset(s).

Keyword Arguments
  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sinks (dict[str, PowerQuerySink]) – (Deprecated. Please use Queries). List of Power Query activity sinks mapped to a queryName.

  • queries (list[PowerQuerySinkMapping]) – List of mapping for Power Query mashup query to sink dataset(s).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecuteSSISPackageActivity(*, name: str, package_location: _models.SSISPackageLocation, connect_via: _models.IntegrationRuntimeReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, runtime: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, logging_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, environment_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, execution_credential: Optional[_models.SSISExecutionCredential] = None, project_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.SSISExecutionParameter]] = None, package_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.SSISExecutionParameter]] = None, project_connection_managers: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, _models.SSISExecutionParameter]]] = None, package_connection_managers: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, _models.SSISExecutionParameter]]] = None, property_overrides: Optional[Dict[str, _models.SSISPropertyOverride]] = None, log_location: Optional[_models.SSISLogLocation] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Execute SSIS package activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • package_location (SSISPackageLocation) – SSIS package location. Required.

  • runtime (JSON) – Specifies the runtime to execute SSIS package. The value should be “x86” or “x64”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logging_level (JSON) – The logging level of SSIS package execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • environment_path (JSON) – The environment path to execute the SSIS package. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • execution_credential (SSISExecutionCredential) – The package execution credential.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference. Required.

  • project_parameters (dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]) – The project level parameters to execute the SSIS package.

  • package_parameters (dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]) – The package level parameters to execute the SSIS package.

  • project_connection_managers (dict[str, dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]]) – The project level connection managers to execute the SSIS package.

  • package_connection_managers (dict[str, dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]]) – The package level connection managers to execute the SSIS package.

  • property_overrides (dict[str, SSISPropertyOverride]) – The property overrides to execute the SSIS package.

  • log_location (SSISLogLocation) – SSIS package execution log location.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • package_location (SSISPackageLocation) – SSIS package location. Required.

  • runtime (JSON) – Specifies the runtime to execute SSIS package. The value should be “x86” or “x64”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logging_level (JSON) – The logging level of SSIS package execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • environment_path (JSON) – The environment path to execute the SSIS package. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • execution_credential (SSISExecutionCredential) – The package execution credential.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference. Required.

  • project_parameters (dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]) – The project level parameters to execute the SSIS package.

  • package_parameters (dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]) – The package level parameters to execute the SSIS package.

  • project_connection_managers (dict[str, dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]]) – The project level connection managers to execute the SSIS package.

  • package_connection_managers (dict[str, dict[str, SSISExecutionParameter]]) – The package level connection managers to execute the SSIS package.

  • property_overrides (dict[str, SSISPropertyOverride]) – The property overrides to execute the SSIS package.

  • log_location (SSISLogLocation) – SSIS package execution log location.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity(*, name: str, data_flow: _models.DataFlowReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, staging: Optional[_models.DataFlowStagingInfo] = None, integration_runtime: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, compute: Optional[_models.ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute] = None, trace_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, continue_on_error: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, run_concurrently: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_staging_concurrency: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sinks: Optional[Dict[str, _models.PowerQuerySink]] = None, queries: Optional[List[_models.PowerQuerySinkMapping]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Activity

Execute power query activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sinks (dict[str, PowerQuerySink]) – (Deprecated. Please use Queries). List of Power Query activity sinks mapped to a queryName.

  • queries (list[PowerQuerySinkMapping]) – List of mapping for Power Query mashup query to sink dataset(s).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • data_flow (DataFlowReference) – Data flow reference. Required.

  • staging (DataFlowStagingInfo) – Staging info for execute data flow activity.

  • integration_runtime (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • compute (ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute) – Compute properties for data flow activity.

  • trace_level (JSON) – Trace level setting used for data flow monitoring output. Supported values are: ‘coarse’, ‘fine’, and ‘none’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • continue_on_error (JSON) – Continue on error setting used for data flow execution. Enables processing to continue if a sink fails. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • run_concurrently (JSON) – Concurrent run setting used for data flow execution. Allows sinks with the same save order to be processed concurrently. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • source_staging_concurrency (JSON) – Specify number of parallel staging for sources applicable to the sink. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sinks (dict[str, PowerQuerySink]) – (Deprecated. Please use Queries). List of Power Query activity sinks mapped to a queryName.

  • queries (list[PowerQuerySinkMapping]) – List of mapping for Power Query mashup query to sink dataset(s).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExecutionActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Activity

Base class for all execution activities.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AzureDataExplorerCommandActivity, AzureFunctionActivity, AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity, AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity, AzureMLUpdateResourceActivity, CopyActivity, CustomActivity, DataLakeAnalyticsUSQLActivity, DatabricksNotebookActivity, DatabricksSparkJarActivity, DatabricksSparkPythonActivity, DeleteActivity, ExecuteDataFlowActivity, ExecuteSSISPackageActivity, GetMetadataActivity, HDInsightHiveActivity, HDInsightMapReduceActivity, HDInsightPigActivity, HDInsightSparkActivity, HDInsightStreamingActivity, LookupActivity, ScriptActivity, SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity, SqlServerStoredProcedureActivity, SynapseNotebookActivity, WebActivity

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExportSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Export command settings.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeExportCommand, SnowflakeExportCopyCommand

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The export setting type. Required.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExposureControlBatchRequest(*, exposure_control_requests: List[_models.ExposureControlRequest], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of exposure control features.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


exposure_control_requests (list[ExposureControlRequest]) – List of exposure control features. Required.

Keyword Arguments

exposure_control_requests (list[ExposureControlRequest]) – List of exposure control features. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExposureControlBatchResponse(*, exposure_control_responses: List[_models.ExposureControlResponse], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of exposure control feature values.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


exposure_control_responses (list[ExposureControlResponse]) – List of exposure control feature values. Required.

Keyword Arguments

exposure_control_responses (list[ExposureControlResponse]) – List of exposure control feature values. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExposureControlRequest(*, feature_name: Optional[str] = None, feature_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The exposure control request.

  • feature_name (str) – The feature name.

  • feature_type (str) – The feature type.

Keyword Arguments
  • feature_name (str) – The feature name.

  • feature_type (str) – The feature type.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExposureControlResponse(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The exposure control response.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • feature_name (str) – The feature name.

  • value (str) – The feature value.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Expression(*, type: Union[str, _models.ExpressionType], value: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure Data Factory expression definition.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or ExpressionType) – Expression type. Required. “Expression”

  • value (str) – Expression value. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or ExpressionType) – Expression type. Required. “Expression”

  • value (str) – Expression value. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ExpressionType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Expression type.

EXPRESSION = 'Expression'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Factory(*, location: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, identity: Optional[_models.FactoryIdentity] = None, purview_configuration: Optional[_models.PurviewConfiguration] = None, repo_configuration: Optional[_models.FactoryRepoConfiguration] = None, global_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.GlobalParameterSpecification]] = None, encryption: Optional[_models.EncryptionConfiguration] = None, public_network_access: Optional[Union[str, _models.PublicNetworkAccess]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Resource

Factory resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • location (str) – The resource location.

  • tags (dict[str, str]) – The resource tags.

  • e_tag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • identity (FactoryIdentity) – Managed service identity of the factory.

  • provisioning_state (str) – Factory provisioning state, example Succeeded.

  • create_time (datetime) – Time the factory was created in ISO8601 format.

  • version (str) – Version of the factory.

  • purview_configuration (PurviewConfiguration) – Purview information of the factory.

  • repo_configuration (FactoryRepoConfiguration) – Git repo information of the factory.

  • global_parameters (dict[str, GlobalParameterSpecification]) – List of parameters for factory.

  • encryption (EncryptionConfiguration) – Properties to enable Customer Managed Key for the factory.

  • public_network_access (str or PublicNetworkAccess) – Whether or not public network access is allowed for the data factory. Known values are: “Enabled” and “Disabled”.

Keyword Arguments
  • location (str) – The resource location.

  • tags (dict[str, str]) – The resource tags.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • identity (FactoryIdentity) – Managed service identity of the factory.

  • purview_configuration (PurviewConfiguration) – Purview information of the factory.

  • repo_configuration (FactoryRepoConfiguration) – Git repo information of the factory.

  • global_parameters (dict[str, GlobalParameterSpecification]) – List of parameters for factory.

  • encryption (EncryptionConfiguration) – Properties to enable Customer Managed Key for the factory.

  • public_network_access (str or PublicNetworkAccess) – Whether or not public network access is allowed for the data factory. Known values are: “Enabled” and “Disabled”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryGitHubConfiguration(*, account_name: str, repository_name: str, collaboration_branch: str, root_folder: str, last_commit_id: Optional[str] = None, host_name: Optional[str] = None, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.GitHubClientSecret] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FactoryRepoConfiguration

Factory’s GitHub repo information.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of repo configuration. Required.

  • account_name (str) – Account name. Required.

  • repository_name (str) – Repository name. Required.

  • collaboration_branch (str) – Collaboration branch. Required.

  • root_folder (str) – Root folder. Required.

  • last_commit_id (str) – Last commit id.

  • host_name (str) – GitHub Enterprise host name. For example:

  • client_id (str) – GitHub bring your own app client id.

  • client_secret (GitHubClientSecret) – GitHub bring your own app client secret information.

Keyword Arguments
  • account_name (str) – Account name. Required.

  • repository_name (str) – Repository name. Required.

  • collaboration_branch (str) – Collaboration branch. Required.

  • root_folder (str) – Root folder. Required.

  • last_commit_id (str) – Last commit id.

  • host_name (str) – GitHub Enterprise host name. For example:

  • client_id (str) – GitHub bring your own app client id.

  • client_secret (GitHubClientSecret) – GitHub bring your own app client secret information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryIdentity(*, type: Union[str, _models.FactoryIdentityType], user_assigned_identities: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Identity properties of the factory resource.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or FactoryIdentityType) – The identity type. Required. Known values are: “SystemAssigned”, “UserAssigned”, and “SystemAssigned,UserAssigned”.

  • principal_id (str) – The principal id of the identity.

  • tenant_id (str) – The client tenant id of the identity.

  • user_assigned_identities (dict[str, JSON]) – List of user assigned identities for the factory.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or FactoryIdentityType) – The identity type. Required. Known values are: “SystemAssigned”, “UserAssigned”, and “SystemAssigned,UserAssigned”.

  • user_assigned_identities (dict[str, JSON]) – List of user assigned identities for the factory.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryIdentityType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The identity type.

SYSTEM_ASSIGNED = 'SystemAssigned'
SYSTEM_ASSIGNED_USER_ASSIGNED = 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned'
USER_ASSIGNED = 'UserAssigned'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryListResponse(*, value: List[_models.Factory], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of factory resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[Factory]) – List of factories. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[Factory]) – List of factories. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryRepoConfiguration(*, account_name: str, repository_name: str, collaboration_branch: str, root_folder: str, last_commit_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Factory’s git repo information.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: FactoryGitHubConfiguration, FactoryVSTSConfiguration

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of repo configuration. Required.

  • account_name (str) – Account name. Required.

  • repository_name (str) – Repository name. Required.

  • collaboration_branch (str) – Collaboration branch. Required.

  • root_folder (str) – Root folder. Required.

  • last_commit_id (str) – Last commit id.

Keyword Arguments
  • account_name (str) – Account name. Required.

  • repository_name (str) – Repository name. Required.

  • collaboration_branch (str) – Collaboration branch. Required.

  • root_folder (str) – Root folder. Required.

  • last_commit_id (str) – Last commit id.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryRepoUpdate(*, factory_resource_id: Optional[str] = None, repo_configuration: Optional[_models.FactoryRepoConfiguration] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Factory’s git repo information.

  • factory_resource_id (str) – The factory resource id.

  • repo_configuration (FactoryRepoConfiguration) – Git repo information of the factory.

Keyword Arguments
  • factory_resource_id (str) – The factory resource id.

  • repo_configuration (FactoryRepoConfiguration) – Git repo information of the factory.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryUpdateParameters(*, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, identity: Optional[_models.FactoryIdentity] = None, public_network_access: Optional[Union[str, _models.PublicNetworkAccess]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Parameters for updating a factory resource.

  • tags (dict[str, str]) – The resource tags.

  • identity (FactoryIdentity) – Managed service identity of the factory.

  • public_network_access (str or PublicNetworkAccess) – Whether or not public network access is allowed for the data factory. Known values are: “Enabled” and “Disabled”.

Keyword Arguments
  • tags (dict[str, str]) – The resource tags.

  • identity (FactoryIdentity) – Managed service identity of the factory.

  • public_network_access (str or PublicNetworkAccess) – Whether or not public network access is allowed for the data factory. Known values are: “Enabled” and “Disabled”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FactoryVSTSConfiguration(*, account_name: str, repository_name: str, collaboration_branch: str, root_folder: str, project_name: str, last_commit_id: Optional[str] = None, tenant_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FactoryRepoConfiguration

Factory’s VSTS repo information.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of repo configuration. Required.

  • account_name (str) – Account name. Required.

  • repository_name (str) – Repository name. Required.

  • collaboration_branch (str) – Collaboration branch. Required.

  • root_folder (str) – Root folder. Required.

  • last_commit_id (str) – Last commit id.

  • project_name (str) – VSTS project name. Required.

  • tenant_id (str) – VSTS tenant id.

Keyword Arguments
  • account_name (str) – Account name. Required.

  • repository_name (str) – Repository name. Required.

  • collaboration_branch (str) – Collaboration branch. Required.

  • root_folder (str) – Root folder. Required.

  • last_commit_id (str) – Last commit id.

  • project_name (str) – VSTS project name. Required.

  • tenant_id (str) – VSTS tenant id.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FailActivity(*, name: str, message:[str, Any], error_code:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

This activity will fail within its own scope and output a custom error message and error code. The error message and code can provided either as a string literal or as an expression that can be evaluated to a string at runtime. The activity scope can be the whole pipeline or a control activity (e.g. foreach, switch, until), if the fail activity is contained in it.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • message (JSON) – The error message that surfaced in the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that’s evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • error_code (JSON) – The error code that categorizes the error type of the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that’s evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • message (JSON) – The error message that surfaced in the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that’s evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • error_code (JSON) – The error code that categorizes the error type of the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that’s evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FileServerLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, user_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

File system linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name of the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_id (JSON) – User ID to logon the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name of the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_id (JSON) – User ID to logon the server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FileServerLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of file server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FileServerReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_filter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

File server read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – FileServer wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – FileServer wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_filter (JSON) – Specify a filter to be used to select a subset of files in the folderPath rather than all files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – FileServer wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – FileServer wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_filter (JSON) – Specify a filter to be used to select a subset of files in the folderPath rather than all files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FileServerWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreWriteSettings

File server write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FileShareDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, format: Optional[_models.DatasetStorageFormat] = None, file_filter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

An on-premises file system dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – The path of the on-premises file system. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the on-premises file system. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the files.

  • file_filter (JSON) – Specify a filter to be used to select a subset of files in the folderPath rather than all files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the file system.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • folder_path (JSON) – The path of the on-premises file system. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – The name of the on-premises file system. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of the files.

  • file_filter (JSON) – Specify a filter to be used to select a subset of files in the folderPath rather than all files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the file system.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FileSystemSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity file system sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FileSystemSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity file system source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FilterActivity(*, name: str, items: _models.Expression, condition: _models.Expression, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

Filter and return results from input array based on the conditions.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • items (Expression) – Input array on which filter should be applied. Required.

  • condition (Expression) – Condition to be used for filtering the input. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • items (Expression) – Input array on which filter should be applied. Required.

  • condition (Expression) – Condition to be used for filtering the input. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Flowlet(*, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DataFlowFolder] = None, sources: Optional[List[_models.DataFlowSource]] = None, sinks: Optional[List[_models.DataFlowSink]] = None, transformations: Optional[List[_models.Transformation]] = None, script: Optional[str] = None, script_lines: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DataFlow

Data flow flowlet.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of data flow. Required.

  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

  • sources (list[DataFlowSource]) – List of sources in Flowlet.

  • sinks (list[DataFlowSink]) – List of sinks in Flowlet.

  • transformations (list[Transformation]) – List of transformations in Flowlet.

  • script (str) – Flowlet script.

  • script_lines (list[str]) – Flowlet script lines.

Keyword Arguments
  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

  • sources (list[DataFlowSource]) – List of sources in Flowlet.

  • sinks (list[DataFlowSink]) – List of sinks in Flowlet.

  • transformations (list[Transformation]) – List of transformations in Flowlet.

  • script (str) – Flowlet script.

  • script_lines (list[str]) – Flowlet script lines.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ForEachActivity(*, name: str, items: _models.Expression, activities: List[_models.Activity], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, is_sequential: Optional[bool] = None, batch_count: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

This activity is used for iterating over a collection and execute given activities.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • is_sequential (bool) – Should the loop be executed in sequence or in parallel (max 50).

  • batch_count (int) – Batch count to be used for controlling the number of parallel execution (when isSequential is set to false).

  • items (Expression) – Collection to iterate. Required.

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute . Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • is_sequential (bool) – Should the loop be executed in sequence or in parallel (max 50).

  • batch_count (int) – Batch count to be used for controlling the number of parallel execution (when isSequential is set to false).

  • items (Expression) – Collection to iterate. Required.

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute . Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FormatReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Format read settings.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: BinaryReadSettings, DelimitedTextReadSettings, JsonReadSettings, XmlReadSettings

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FormatWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Format write settings.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AvroWriteSettings, DelimitedTextWriteSettings, JsonWriteSettings, OrcWriteSettings, ParquetWriteSettings

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FtpAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
BASIC = 'Basic'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FtpReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_binary_transfer: Optional[bool] = None, disable_chunking: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Ftp read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Ftp wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Ftp wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_binary_transfer (bool) – Specify whether to use binary transfer mode for FTP stores.

  • disable_chunking (JSON) – If true, disable parallel reading within each file. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Ftp wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Ftp wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_binary_transfer (bool) – Specify whether to use binary transfer mode for FTP stores.

  • disable_chunking (JSON) – If true, disable parallel reading within each file. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FtpServerLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.FtpAuthenticationType]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_server_certificate_validation: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

A FTP server Linked Service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name of the FTP server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the FTP server uses to listen for client connections. Default value is 21. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • authentication_type (str or FtpAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server. Known values are: “Basic” and “Anonymous”.

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to logon the FTP server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the FTP server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – If true, connect to the FTP server over SSL/TLS channel. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • enable_server_certificate_validation (JSON) – If true, validate the FTP server SSL certificate when connect over SSL/TLS channel. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – Host name of the FTP server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the FTP server uses to listen for client connections. Default value is 21. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • authentication_type (str or FtpAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server. Known values are: “Basic” and “Anonymous”.

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to logon the FTP server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the FTP server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – If true, connect to the FTP server over SSL/TLS channel. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • enable_server_certificate_validation (JSON) – If true, validate the FTP server SSL certificate when connect over SSL/TLS channel. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.FtpServerLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of ftp server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GetDataFactoryOperationStatusResponse(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, status: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Response body structure for get data factory operation status.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • status (str) – Status of the operation.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • status (str) – Status of the operation.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GetMetadataActivity(*, name: str, dataset: _models.DatasetReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, field_list: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.FormatReadSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Activity to get metadata of dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – GetMetadata activity dataset reference. Required.

  • field_list (list[JSON]) – Fields of metadata to get from dataset.

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – GetMetadata activity store settings.

  • format_settings (FormatReadSettings) – GetMetadata activity format settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – GetMetadata activity dataset reference. Required.

  • field_list (list[JSON]) – Fields of metadata to get from dataset.

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – GetMetadata activity store settings.

  • format_settings (FormatReadSettings) – GetMetadata activity format settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GetSsisObjectMetadataRequest(*, metadata_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The request payload of get SSIS object metadata.


metadata_path (str) – Metadata path.

Keyword Arguments

metadata_path (str) – Metadata path.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GitHubAccessTokenRequest(*, git_hub_access_code: str, git_hub_access_token_base_url: str, git_hub_client_id: Optional[str] = None, git_hub_client_secret: Optional[_models.GitHubClientSecret] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Get GitHub access token request definition.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • git_hub_access_code (str) – GitHub access code. Required.

  • git_hub_client_id (str) – GitHub application client ID.

  • git_hub_client_secret (GitHubClientSecret) – GitHub bring your own app client secret information.

  • git_hub_access_token_base_url (str) – GitHub access token base URL. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • git_hub_access_code (str) – GitHub access code. Required.

  • git_hub_client_id (str) – GitHub application client ID.

  • git_hub_client_secret (GitHubClientSecret) – GitHub bring your own app client secret information.

  • git_hub_access_token_base_url (str) – GitHub access token base URL. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GitHubAccessTokenResponse(*, git_hub_access_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Get GitHub access token response definition.


git_hub_access_token (str) – GitHub access token.

Keyword Arguments

git_hub_access_token (str) – GitHub access token.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GitHubClientSecret(*, byoa_secret_akv_url: Optional[str] = None, byoa_secret_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Client secret information for factory’s bring your own app repository configuration.

  • byoa_secret_akv_url (str) – Bring your own app client secret AKV URL.

  • byoa_secret_name (str) – Bring your own app client secret name in AKV.

Keyword Arguments
  • byoa_secret_akv_url (str) – Bring your own app client secret AKV URL.

  • byoa_secret_name (str) – Bring your own app client secret name in AKV.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GlobalParameterListResponse(*, value: List[_models.GlobalParameterResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of Global parameters.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[GlobalParameterResource]) – List of global parameters. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[GlobalParameterResource]) – List of global parameters. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GlobalParameterResource(*, properties: Dict[str, _models.GlobalParameterSpecification], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Global parameters resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (dict[str, GlobalParameterSpecification]) – Properties of the global parameter. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (dict[str, GlobalParameterSpecification]) – Properties of the global parameter. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GlobalParameterSpecification(*, type: Union[str, _models.GlobalParameterType], value:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Definition of a single parameter for an entity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or GlobalParameterType) – Global Parameter type. Required. Known values are: “Object”, “String”, “Int”, “Float”, “Bool”, and “Array”.

  • value (JSON) – Value of parameter. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or GlobalParameterType) – Global Parameter type. Required. Known values are: “Object”, “String”, “Int”, “Float”, “Bool”, and “Array”.

  • value (JSON) – Value of parameter. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GlobalParameterType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Global Parameter type.

ARRAY = 'Array'
BOOL = 'Bool'
FLOAT = 'Float'
INT = 'Int'
OBJECT = 'Object'
STRING = 'String'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR.

SERVICE_AUTHENTICATION = 'ServiceAuthentication'
USER_AUTHENTICATION = 'UserAuthentication'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleAdWordsLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_customer_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, developer_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType]] = None, refresh_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, email: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, key_file_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_system_trust_store: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Google AdWords service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to GoogleAds. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • client_customer_id (JSON) – The Client customer ID of the AdWords account that you want to fetch report data for.

  • developer_token (SecretBase) – The developer token associated with the manager account that you use to grant access to the AdWords API.

  • authentication_type (str or GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType) – The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR. Known values are: “ServiceAuthentication” and “UserAuthentication”.

  • refresh_token (SecretBase) – The refresh token obtained from Google for authorizing access to AdWords for UserAuthentication.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client id of the google application used to acquire the refresh token. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret of the google application used to acquire the refresh token.

  • email (JSON) – The service account email ID that is used for ServiceAuthentication and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • key_file_path (JSON) – The full path to the .p12 key file that is used to authenticate the service account email address and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to GoogleAds. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • client_customer_id (JSON) – The Client customer ID of the AdWords account that you want to fetch report data for.

  • developer_token (SecretBase) – The developer token associated with the manager account that you use to grant access to the AdWords API.

  • authentication_type (str or GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType) – The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR. Known values are: “ServiceAuthentication” and “UserAuthentication”.

  • refresh_token (SecretBase) – The refresh token obtained from Google for authorizing access to AdWords for UserAuthentication.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client id of the google application used to acquire the refresh token. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret of the google application used to acquire the refresh token.

  • email (JSON) – The service account email ID that is used for ServiceAuthentication and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • key_file_path (JSON) – The full path to the .p12 key file that is used to authenticate the service account email address and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleAdWordsObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Google AdWords service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleAdWordsSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Google AdWords service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR.

SERVICE_AUTHENTICATION = 'ServiceAuthentication'
USER_AUTHENTICATION = 'UserAuthentication'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleBigQueryLinkedService(*, project:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, additional_projects: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_google_drive_scope: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, refresh_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, email: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, key_file_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_system_trust_store: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Google BigQuery service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • project (JSON) – The default BigQuery project to query against. Required.

  • additional_projects (JSON) – A comma-separated list of public BigQuery projects to access.

  • request_google_drive_scope (JSON) – Whether to request access to Google Drive. Allowing Google Drive access enables support for federated tables that combine BigQuery data with data from Google Drive. The default value is false.

  • authentication_type (str or GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType) – The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR. Required. Known values are: “ServiceAuthentication” and “UserAuthentication”.

  • refresh_token (SecretBase) – The refresh token obtained from Google for authorizing access to BigQuery for UserAuthentication.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client id of the google application used to acquire the refresh token. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret of the google application used to acquire the refresh token.

  • email (JSON) – The service account email ID that is used for ServiceAuthentication and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • key_file_path (JSON) – The full path to the .p12 key file that is used to authenticate the service account email address and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • project (JSON) – The default BigQuery project to query against. Required.

  • additional_projects (JSON) – A comma-separated list of public BigQuery projects to access.

  • request_google_drive_scope (JSON) – Whether to request access to Google Drive. Allowing Google Drive access enables support for federated tables that combine BigQuery data with data from Google Drive. The default value is false.

  • authentication_type (str or GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType) – The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication. ServiceAuthentication can only be used on self-hosted IR. Required. Known values are: “ServiceAuthentication” and “UserAuthentication”.

  • refresh_token (SecretBase) – The refresh token obtained from Google for authorizing access to BigQuery for UserAuthentication.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client id of the google application used to acquire the refresh token. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret of the google application used to acquire the refresh token.

  • email (JSON) – The service account email ID that is used for ServiceAuthentication and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • key_file_path (JSON) – The full path to the .p12 key file that is used to authenticate the service account email address and can only be used on self-hosted IR.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, dataset: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Google BigQuery service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using database + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Google BigQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • dataset (JSON) – The database name of the Google BigQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using database + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Google BigQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • dataset (JSON) – The database name of the Google BigQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleBigQuerySource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Google BigQuery service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleCloudStorageLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_key_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, secret_access_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Google Cloud Storage.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Google Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Google Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the Google Cloud Storage Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Google Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Google Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the Google Cloud Storage Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleCloudStorageLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, bucket_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of Google Cloud Storage dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of Google Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of Google Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of Google Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of Google Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Google Cloud Storage read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Google Cloud Storage wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Google Cloud Storage wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Google Cloud Storage object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Google Cloud Storage wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Google Cloud Storage wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Google Cloud Storage object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GoogleSheetsLinkedService(*, api_token: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for GoogleSheets.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the GoogleSheets source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the GoogleSheets source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GreenplumLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pwd: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Greenplum Database linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GreenplumSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Greenplum Database source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.GreenplumTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Greenplum Database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of Greenplum. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of Greenplum. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of Greenplum. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of Greenplum. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HBaseAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication mechanism to use to connect to the HBase server.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
BASIC = 'Basic'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HBaseLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.HBaseAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_host_name_cn_mismatch: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_self_signed_server_cert: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

HBase server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the HBase server. (i.e. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the HBase instance uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 9090.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the HBase server. (i.e. /gateway/sandbox/hbase/version).

  • authentication_type (str or HBaseAuthenticationType) – The authentication mechanism to use to connect to the HBase server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous” and “Basic”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the HBase instance.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the HBase server. (i.e. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the HBase instance uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 9090.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the HBase server. (i.e. /gateway/sandbox/hbase/version).

  • authentication_type (str or HBaseAuthenticationType) – The authentication mechanism to use to connect to the HBase server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous” and “Basic”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the HBase instance.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HBaseObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

HBase server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HBaseSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity HBase server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption settings to use.

ALWAYS = 'Always'
FAILURE = 'Failure'
NONE = 'None'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightHiveActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, storage_linked_services: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceReference]] = None, arguments: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, get_debug_info: Optional[Union[str, _models.HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption]] = None, script_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, script_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, defines: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, variables: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

HDInsight Hive activity type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • script_path (JSON) – Script path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • script_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Script linked service reference.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for Hive job request.

  • variables (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments under hivevar namespace.

  • query_timeout (int) – Query timeout value (in minutes). Effective when the HDInsight cluster is with ESP (Enterprise Security Package).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • script_path (JSON) – Script path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • script_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Script linked service reference.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for Hive job request.

  • variables (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments under hivevar namespace.

  • query_timeout (int) – Query timeout value (in minutes). Effective when the HDInsight cluster is with ESP (Enterprise Security Package).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightLinkedService(*, cluster_uri:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, hcatalog_linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, is_esp_enabled: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_system: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

HDInsight linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • cluster_uri (JSON) – HDInsight cluster URI. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – HDInsight cluster user name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – HDInsight cluster password.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Storage linked service reference.

  • hcatalog_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – A reference to the Azure SQL linked service that points to the HCatalog database.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • is_esp_enabled (JSON) – Specify if the HDInsight is created with ESP (Enterprise Security Package). Type: Boolean.

  • file_system (JSON) – Specify the FileSystem if the main storage for the HDInsight is ADLS Gen2. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • cluster_uri (JSON) – HDInsight cluster URI. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – HDInsight cluster user name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – HDInsight cluster password.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The Azure Storage linked service reference.

  • hcatalog_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – A reference to the Azure SQL linked service that points to the HCatalog database.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • is_esp_enabled (JSON) – Specify if the HDInsight is created with ESP (Enterprise Security Package). Type: Boolean.

  • file_system (JSON) – Specify the FileSystem if the main storage for the HDInsight is ADLS Gen2. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightMapReduceActivity(*, name: str, class_name:[str, Any], jar_file_path:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, storage_linked_services: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceReference]] = None, arguments: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, get_debug_info: Optional[Union[str, _models.HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption]] = None, jar_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, jar_libs: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, defines: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

HDInsight MapReduce activity type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • class_name (JSON) – Class name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • jar_file_path (JSON) – Jar path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • jar_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Jar linked service reference.

  • jar_libs (list[JSON]) – Jar libs.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for the MapReduce job request.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • class_name (JSON) – Class name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • jar_file_path (JSON) – Jar path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • jar_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Jar linked service reference.

  • jar_libs (list[JSON]) – Jar libs.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for the MapReduce job request.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService(*, cluster_size:[str, Any], time_to_live:[str, Any], version:[str, Any], linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, host_subscription_id:[str, Any], tenant:[str, Any], cluster_resource_group:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, cluster_name_prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cluster_user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cluster_password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, cluster_ssh_user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cluster_ssh_password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, additional_linked_service_names: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceReference]] = None, hcatalog_linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, cluster_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, spark_version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, core_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, h_base_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, hdfs_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, hive_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, map_reduce_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, oozie_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, storm_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, yarn_configuration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, head_node_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, data_node_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, zookeeper_node_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, script_actions: Optional[List[_models.ScriptAction]] = None, virtual_network_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, subnet_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

HDInsight ondemand linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • cluster_size (JSON) – Number of worker/data nodes in the cluster. Suggestion value: 4. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • time_to_live (JSON) – The allowed idle time for the on-demand HDInsight cluster. Specifies how long the on-demand HDInsight cluster stays alive after completion of an activity run if there are no other active jobs in the cluster. The minimum value is 5 mins. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • version (JSON) – Version of the HDInsight cluster.  Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Azure Storage linked service to be used by the on-demand cluster for storing and processing data. Required.

  • host_subscription_id (JSON) – The customer’s subscription to host the cluster. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The service principal id for the hostSubscriptionId. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key for the service principal id.

  • tenant (JSON) – The Tenant id/name to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • cluster_resource_group (JSON) – The resource group where the cluster belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • cluster_name_prefix (JSON) – The prefix of cluster name, postfix will be distinct with timestamp. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cluster_user_name (JSON) – The username to access the cluster. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cluster_password (SecretBase) – The password to access the cluster.

  • cluster_ssh_user_name (JSON) – The username to SSH remotely connect to cluster’s node (for Linux). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cluster_ssh_password (SecretBase) – The password to SSH remotely connect cluster’s node (for Linux).

  • additional_linked_service_names (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Specifies additional storage accounts for the HDInsight linked service so that the Data Factory service can register them on your behalf.

  • hcatalog_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The name of Azure SQL linked service that point to the HCatalog database. The on-demand HDInsight cluster is created by using the Azure SQL database as the metastore.

  • cluster_type (JSON) – The cluster type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • spark_version (JSON) – The version of spark if the cluster type is ‘spark’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • core_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the core configuration parameters (as in core-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster to be created.

  • h_base_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the HBase configuration parameters (hbase-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • hdfs_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the HDFS configuration parameters (hdfs-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • hive_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the hive configuration parameters (hive-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • map_reduce_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the MapReduce configuration parameters (mapred-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • oozie_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the Oozie configuration parameters (oozie-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • storm_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the Storm configuration parameters (storm-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • yarn_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the Yarn configuration parameters (yarn-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • head_node_size (JSON) – Specifies the size of the head node for the HDInsight cluster.

  • data_node_size (JSON) – Specifies the size of the data node for the HDInsight cluster.

  • zookeeper_node_size (JSON) – Specifies the size of the Zoo Keeper node for the HDInsight cluster.

  • script_actions (list[ScriptAction]) – Custom script actions to run on HDI ondemand cluster once it’s up. Please refer to

  • virtual_network_id (JSON) – The ARM resource ID for the vNet to which the cluster should be joined after creation. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subnet_name (JSON) – The ARM resource ID for the subnet in the vNet. If virtualNetworkId was specified, then this property is required. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • cluster_size (JSON) – Number of worker/data nodes in the cluster. Suggestion value: 4. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • time_to_live (JSON) – The allowed idle time for the on-demand HDInsight cluster. Specifies how long the on-demand HDInsight cluster stays alive after completion of an activity run if there are no other active jobs in the cluster. The minimum value is 5 mins. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • version (JSON) – Version of the HDInsight cluster.  Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Azure Storage linked service to be used by the on-demand cluster for storing and processing data. Required.

  • host_subscription_id (JSON) – The customer’s subscription to host the cluster. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The service principal id for the hostSubscriptionId. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key for the service principal id.

  • tenant (JSON) – The Tenant id/name to which the service principal belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • cluster_resource_group (JSON) – The resource group where the cluster belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • cluster_name_prefix (JSON) – The prefix of cluster name, postfix will be distinct with timestamp. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cluster_user_name (JSON) – The username to access the cluster. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cluster_password (SecretBase) – The password to access the cluster.

  • cluster_ssh_user_name (JSON) – The username to SSH remotely connect to cluster’s node (for Linux). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cluster_ssh_password (SecretBase) – The password to SSH remotely connect cluster’s node (for Linux).

  • additional_linked_service_names (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Specifies additional storage accounts for the HDInsight linked service so that the Data Factory service can register them on your behalf.

  • hcatalog_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The name of Azure SQL linked service that point to the HCatalog database. The on-demand HDInsight cluster is created by using the Azure SQL database as the metastore.

  • cluster_type (JSON) – The cluster type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • spark_version (JSON) – The version of spark if the cluster type is ‘spark’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • core_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the core configuration parameters (as in core-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster to be created.

  • h_base_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the HBase configuration parameters (hbase-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • hdfs_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the HDFS configuration parameters (hdfs-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • hive_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the hive configuration parameters (hive-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • map_reduce_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the MapReduce configuration parameters (mapred-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • oozie_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the Oozie configuration parameters (oozie-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • storm_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the Storm configuration parameters (storm-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • yarn_configuration (JSON) – Specifies the Yarn configuration parameters (yarn-site.xml) for the HDInsight cluster.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • head_node_size (JSON) – Specifies the size of the head node for the HDInsight cluster.

  • data_node_size (JSON) – Specifies the size of the data node for the HDInsight cluster.

  • zookeeper_node_size (JSON) – Specifies the size of the Zoo Keeper node for the HDInsight cluster.

  • script_actions (list[ScriptAction]) – Custom script actions to run on HDI ondemand cluster once it’s up. Please refer to

  • virtual_network_id (JSON) – The ARM resource ID for the vNet to which the cluster should be joined after creation. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subnet_name (JSON) – The ARM resource ID for the subnet in the vNet. If virtualNetworkId was specified, then this property is required. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightPigActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, storage_linked_services: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceReference]] = None, arguments: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, get_debug_info: Optional[Union[str, _models.HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption]] = None, script_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, script_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, defines: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

HDInsight Pig activity type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (JSON) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array).

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • script_path (JSON) – Script path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • script_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Script linked service reference.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for Pig job request.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (JSON) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array).

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • script_path (JSON) – Script path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • script_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Script linked service reference.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for Pig job request.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightSparkActivity(*, name: str, root_path:[str, Any], entry_file_path:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, arguments: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, get_debug_info: Optional[Union[str, _models.HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption]] = None, spark_job_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, class_name: Optional[str] = None, proxy_user: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, spark_config: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

HDInsight Spark activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • root_path (JSON) – The root path in ‘sparkJobLinkedService’ for all the job’s files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • entry_file_path (JSON) – The relative path to the root folder of the code/package to be executed. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – The user-specified arguments to HDInsightSparkActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • spark_job_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – The storage linked service for uploading the entry file and dependencies, and for receiving logs.

  • class_name (str) – The application’s Java/Spark main class.

  • proxy_user (JSON) – The user to impersonate that will execute the job. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • spark_config (dict[str, JSON]) – Spark configuration property.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • root_path (JSON) – The root path in ‘sparkJobLinkedService’ for all the job’s files. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • entry_file_path (JSON) – The relative path to the root folder of the code/package to be executed. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – The user-specified arguments to HDInsightSparkActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • spark_job_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – The storage linked service for uploading the entry file and dependencies, and for receiving logs.

  • class_name (str) – The application’s Java/Spark main class.

  • proxy_user (JSON) – The user to impersonate that will execute the job. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • spark_config (dict[str, JSON]) – Spark configuration property.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HDInsightStreamingActivity(*, name: str, mapper:[str, Any], reducer:[str, Any], input:[str, Any], output:[str, Any], file_paths: List[[str, Any]], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, storage_linked_services: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceReference]] = None, arguments: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, get_debug_info: Optional[Union[str, _models.HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption]] = None, file_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, combiner: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, command_environment: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, defines: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

HDInsight streaming activity type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • mapper (JSON) – Mapper executable name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • reducer (JSON) – Reducer executable name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • input (JSON) – Input blob path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • output (JSON) – Output blob path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • file_paths (list[JSON]) – Paths to streaming job files. Can be directories. Required.

  • file_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference where the files are located.

  • combiner (JSON) – Combiner executable name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • command_environment (list[JSON]) – Command line environment values.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for streaming job request.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • storage_linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – Storage linked service references.

  • arguments (list[JSON]) – User specified arguments to HDInsightActivity.

  • get_debug_info (str or HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption) – Debug info option. Known values are: “None”, “Always”, and “Failure”.

  • mapper (JSON) – Mapper executable name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • reducer (JSON) – Reducer executable name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • input (JSON) – Input blob path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • output (JSON) – Output blob path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • file_paths (list[JSON]) – Paths to streaming job files. Can be directories. Required.

  • file_linked_service (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference where the files are located.

  • combiner (JSON) – Combiner executable name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • command_environment (list[JSON]) – Command line environment values.

  • defines (dict[str, JSON]) – Allows user to specify defines for streaming job request.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HdfsLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the HDFS service endpoint, e.g. http://myhostname:50070/webhdfs/v1 . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the HDFS. Possible values are: Anonymous and Windows. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Windows authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Windows authentication.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the HDFS service endpoint, e.g. http://myhostname:50070/webhdfs/v1 . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the HDFS. Possible values are: Anonymous and Windows. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Windows authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Windows authentication.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HdfsLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of HDFS.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HdfsReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, distcp_settings: Optional[_models.DistcpSettings] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

HDFS read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – HDFS wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – HDFS wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • distcp_settings (DistcpSettings) – Specifies Distcp-related settings.

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – HDFS wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – HDFS wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • distcp_settings (DistcpSettings) – Specifies Distcp-related settings.

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HdfsSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, distcp_settings: Optional[_models.DistcpSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity HDFS source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • distcp_settings (DistcpSettings) – Specifies Distcp-related settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • distcp_settings (DistcpSettings) – Specifies Distcp-related settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HdiNodeTypes(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available HdiNodeTypes values.

HEADNODE = 'Headnode'
WORKERNODE = 'Workernode'
ZOOKEEPER = 'Zookeeper'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HiveAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication method used to access the Hive server.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
USERNAME = 'Username'
USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD = 'UsernameAndPassword'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HiveLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.HiveAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, server_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.HiveServerType]] = None, thrift_transport_protocol: Optional[Union[str, _models.HiveThriftTransportProtocol]] = None, service_discovery_mode: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, zoo_keeper_name_space: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_native_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, http_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_system_trust_store: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_host_name_cn_mismatch: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_self_signed_server_cert: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Hive Server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – IP address or host name of the Hive server, separated by ‘;’ for multiple hosts (only when serviceDiscoveryMode is enable). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Hive server uses to listen for client connections.

  • server_type (str or HiveServerType) – The type of Hive server. Known values are: “HiveServer1”, “HiveServer2”, and “HiveThriftServer”.

  • thrift_transport_protocol (str or HiveThriftTransportProtocol) – The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer. Known values are: “Binary”, “SASL”, and “HTTP “.

  • authentication_type (str or HiveAuthenticationType) – The authentication method used to access the Hive server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “Username”, “UsernameAndPassword”, and “WindowsAzureHDInsightService”.

  • service_discovery_mode (JSON) – true to indicate using the ZooKeeper service, false not.

  • zoo_keeper_name_space (JSON) – The namespace on ZooKeeper under which Hive Server 2 nodes are added.

  • use_native_query (JSON) – Specifies whether the driver uses native HiveQL queries,or converts them into an equivalent form in HiveQL.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Hive Server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the Username field.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the Hive server.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – IP address or host name of the Hive server, separated by ‘;’ for multiple hosts (only when serviceDiscoveryMode is enable). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Hive server uses to listen for client connections.

  • server_type (str or HiveServerType) – The type of Hive server. Known values are: “HiveServer1”, “HiveServer2”, and “HiveThriftServer”.

  • thrift_transport_protocol (str or HiveThriftTransportProtocol) – The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer. Known values are: “Binary”, “SASL”, and “HTTP “.

  • authentication_type (str or HiveAuthenticationType) – The authentication method used to access the Hive server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “Username”, “UsernameAndPassword”, and “WindowsAzureHDInsightService”.

  • service_discovery_mode (JSON) – true to indicate using the ZooKeeper service, false not.

  • zoo_keeper_name_space (JSON) – The namespace on ZooKeeper under which Hive Server 2 nodes are added.

  • use_native_query (JSON) – Specifies whether the driver uses native HiveQL queries,or converts them into an equivalent form in HiveQL.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Hive Server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the Username field.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the Hive server.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HiveObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Hive Server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Hive. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Hive. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Hive. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Hive. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HiveServerType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of Hive server.

HIVE_SERVER1 = 'HiveServer1'
HIVE_SERVER2 = 'HiveServer2'
HIVE_THRIFT_SERVER = 'HiveThriftServer'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HiveSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Hive Server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HiveThriftTransportProtocol(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer.

BINARY = 'Binary'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HttpAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to be used to connect to the HTTP server.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
BASIC = 'Basic'
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE = 'ClientCertificate'
DIGEST = 'Digest'
WINDOWS = 'Windows'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HttpDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, relative_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_method: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_body: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, format: Optional[_models.DatasetStorageFormat] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

A file in an HTTP web server.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • relative_url (JSON) – The relative URL based on the URL in the HttpLinkedService refers to an HTTP file Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method for the HTTP request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The body for the HTTP request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The headers for the HTTP Request. e.g. request-header-name-1:request-header-value-1 … request-header-name-n:request-header-value-n Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of files.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used on files.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • relative_url (JSON) – The relative URL based on the URL in the HttpLinkedService refers to an HTTP file Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method for the HTTP request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The body for the HTTP request. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The headers for the HTTP Request. e.g. request-header-name-1:request-header-value-1 … request-header-name-n:request-header-value-n Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • format (DatasetStorageFormat) – The format of files.

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used on files.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HttpLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.HttpAuthenticationType]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, auth_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, embedded_cert_data: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cert_thumbprint: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_server_certificate_validation: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for an HTTP source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The base URL of the HTTP endpoint, e.g. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or HttpAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the HTTP server. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, “Digest”, “Windows”, and “ClientCertificate”.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic, Digest, or Windows authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic, Digest, Windows, or ClientCertificate with EmbeddedCertData authentication.

  • auth_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to RESTful API used for authorization. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • embedded_cert_data (JSON) – Base64 encoded certificate data for ClientCertificate authentication. For on-premises copy with ClientCertificate authentication, either CertThumbprint or EmbeddedCertData/Password should be specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cert_thumbprint (JSON) – Thumbprint of certificate for ClientCertificate authentication. Only valid for on-premises copy. For on-premises copy with ClientCertificate authentication, either CertThumbprint or EmbeddedCertData/Password should be specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_server_certificate_validation (JSON) – If true, validate the HTTPS server SSL certificate. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The base URL of the HTTP endpoint, e.g. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or HttpAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the HTTP server. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, “Digest”, “Windows”, and “ClientCertificate”.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic, Digest, or Windows authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic, Digest, Windows, or ClientCertificate with EmbeddedCertData authentication.

  • auth_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to RESTful API used for authorization. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • embedded_cert_data (JSON) – Base64 encoded certificate data for ClientCertificate authentication. For on-premises copy with ClientCertificate authentication, either CertThumbprint or EmbeddedCertData/Password should be specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cert_thumbprint (JSON) – Thumbprint of certificate for ClientCertificate authentication. Only valid for on-premises copy. For on-premises copy with ClientCertificate authentication, either CertThumbprint or EmbeddedCertData/Password should be specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_server_certificate_validation (JSON) – If true, validate the HTTPS server SSL certificate. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HttpReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_method: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_body: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Sftp read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is GET. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The HTTP request body to the RESTful API if requestMethod is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for a HTTP client to get HTTP response from HTTP server.

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is GET. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The HTTP request body to the RESTful API if requestMethod is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for a HTTP client to get HTTP response from HTTP server.

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HttpServerLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, relative_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of http server.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • relative_url (JSON) – Specify the relativeUrl of http server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • relative_url (JSON) – Specify the relativeUrl of http server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HttpSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for an HTTP file.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for a HTTP client to get HTTP response from HTTP server. The default value is equivalent to System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for a HTTP client to get HTTP response from HTTP server. The default value is equivalent to System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HubspotLinkedService(*, client_id:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, access_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, refresh_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Hubspot Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your Hubspot application. Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your Hubspot application.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token obtained when initially authenticating your OAuth integration.

  • refresh_token (SecretBase) – The refresh token obtained when initially authenticating your OAuth integration.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your Hubspot application. Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your Hubspot application.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token obtained when initially authenticating your OAuth integration.

  • refresh_token (SecretBase) – The refresh token obtained when initially authenticating your OAuth integration.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HubspotObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Hubspot Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.HubspotSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Hubspot Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IfConditionActivity(*, name: str, expression: _models.Expression, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, if_true_activities: Optional[List[_models.Activity]] = None, if_false_activities: Optional[List[_models.Activity]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

This activity evaluates a boolean expression and executes either the activities under the ifTrueActivities property or the ifFalseActivities property depending on the result of the expression.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • expression (Expression) – An expression that would evaluate to Boolean. This is used to determine the block of activities (ifTrueActivities or ifFalseActivities) that will be executed. Required.

  • if_true_activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to true. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.

  • if_false_activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to false. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • expression (Expression) – An expression that would evaluate to Boolean. This is used to determine the block of activities (ifTrueActivities or ifFalseActivities) that will be executed. Required.

  • if_true_activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to true. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.

  • if_false_activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to false. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ImpalaAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to use.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD = 'UsernameAndPassword'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ImpalaLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.ImpalaAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_system_trust_store: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_host_name_cn_mismatch: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_self_signed_server_cert: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Impala server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Impala server. (i.e. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Impala server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 21050.

  • authentication_type (str or ImpalaAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “SASLUsername”, and “UsernameAndPassword”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to access the Impala server. The default value is anonymous when using SASLUsername.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name when using UsernameAndPassword.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Impala server. (i.e. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Impala server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 21050.

  • authentication_type (str or ImpalaAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “SASLUsername”, and “UsernameAndPassword”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to access the Impala server. The default value is anonymous when using SASLUsername.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name when using UsernameAndPassword.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ImpalaObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Impala server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Impala. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Impala. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Impala. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Impala. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ImpalaSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Impala server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ImportSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Import command settings.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeImportCommand, SnowflakeImportCopyCommand

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The import setting type. Required.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.InformixLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Informix linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The non-access credential portion of the connection string as well as an optional encrypted credential. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the Informix as ODBC data store. Possible values are: Anonymous and Basic. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (SecretBase) – The access credential portion of the connection string specified in driver-specific property-value format.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The non-access credential portion of the connection string as well as an optional encrypted credential. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the Informix as ODBC data store. Possible values are: Anonymous and Basic. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (SecretBase) – The access credential portion of the connection string specified in driver-specific property-value format.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.InformixSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Informix sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.InformixSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for Informix.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.InformixTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Informix table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Informix table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Informix table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntime(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure Data Factory nested object which serves as a compute resource for activities.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: ManagedIntegrationRuntime, SelfHostedIntegrationRuntime

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. Known values are: “Managed” and “SelfHosted”.

  • description (str) – Integration runtime description.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Integration runtime description.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeyName(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The name of the authentication key to regenerate.

AUTH_KEY1 = 'authKey1'
AUTH_KEY2 = 'authKey2'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeys(*, auth_key1: Optional[str] = None, auth_key2: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The integration runtime authentication keys.

  • auth_key1 (str) – The primary integration runtime authentication key.

  • auth_key2 (str) – The secondary integration runtime authentication key.

Keyword Arguments
  • auth_key1 (str) – The primary integration runtime authentication key.

  • auth_key2 (str) – The secondary integration runtime authentication key.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeAutoUpdate(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The state of integration runtime auto update.

OFF = 'Off'
ON = 'On'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, location: Optional[str] = None, node_size: Optional[str] = None, number_of_nodes: Optional[int] = None, max_parallel_executions_per_node: Optional[int] = None, data_flow_properties: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties] = None, v_net_properties: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeVNetProperties] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The compute resource properties for managed integration runtime.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeConnectionInfo(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Connection information for encrypting the on-premises data source credentials.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • service_token (str) – The token generated in service. Callers use this token to authenticate to integration runtime.

  • identity_cert_thumbprint (str) – The integration runtime SSL certificate thumbprint. Click-Once application uses it to do server validation.

  • host_service_uri (str) – The on-premises integration runtime host URL.

  • version (str) – The integration runtime version.

  • public_key (str) – The public key for encrypting a credential when transferring the credential to the integration runtime.

  • is_identity_cert_exprired (bool) – Whether the identity certificate is expired.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeCustomSetupScriptProperties(*, blob_container_uri: Optional[str] = None, sas_token: Optional[_models.SecureString] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Custom setup script properties for a managed dedicated integration runtime.

  • blob_container_uri (str) – The URI of the Azure blob container that contains the custom setup script.

  • sas_token (SecureString) – The SAS token of the Azure blob container.

Keyword Arguments
  • blob_container_uri (str) – The URI of the Azure blob container that contains the custom setup script.

  • sas_token (SecureString) – The SAS token of the Azure blob container.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeCustomerVirtualNetwork(*, subnet_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The definition and properties of virtual network to which Azure-SSIS integration runtime will join.


subnet_id (str) – The ID of subnet to which Azure-SSIS integration runtime will join.

Keyword Arguments

subnet_id (str) – The ID of subnet to which Azure-SSIS integration runtime will join.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, compute_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.DataFlowComputeType]] = None, core_count: Optional[int] = None, time_to_live: Optional[int] = None, cleanup: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Data flow properties for managed integration runtime.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • compute_type (str or DataFlowComputeType) – Compute type of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Known values are: “General”, “MemoryOptimized”, and “ComputeOptimized”.

  • core_count (int) – Core count of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Supported values are: 8, 16, 32, 48, 80, 144 and 272.

  • time_to_live (int) – Time to live (in minutes) setting of the cluster which will execute data flow job.

  • cleanup (bool) – Cluster will not be recycled and it will be used in next data flow activity run until TTL (time to live) is reached if this is set as false. Default is true.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • compute_type (str or DataFlowComputeType) – Compute type of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Known values are: “General”, “MemoryOptimized”, and “ComputeOptimized”.

  • core_count (int) – Core count of the cluster which will execute data flow job. Supported values are: 8, 16, 32, 48, 80, 144 and 272.

  • time_to_live (int) – Time to live (in minutes) setting of the cluster which will execute data flow job.

  • cleanup (bool) – Cluster will not be recycled and it will be used in next data flow activity run until TTL (time to live) is reached if this is set as false. Default is true.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeDataProxyProperties(*, connect_via: Optional[_models.EntityReference] = None, staging_linked_service: Optional[_models.EntityReference] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Data proxy properties for a managed dedicated integration runtime.

  • connect_via (EntityReference) – The self-hosted integration runtime reference.

  • staging_linked_service (EntityReference) – The staging linked service reference.

  • path (str) – The path to contain the staged data in the Blob storage.

Keyword Arguments
  • connect_via (EntityReference) – The self-hosted integration runtime reference.

  • staging_linked_service (EntityReference) – The staging linked service reference.

  • path (str) – The path to contain the staged data in the Blob storage.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeDebugResource(*, properties: _models.IntegrationRuntime, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResourceDebugResource

Integration runtime debug resource.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (IntegrationRuntime) – Integration runtime properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (IntegrationRuntime) – Integration runtime properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeEdition(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The edition for the SSIS Integration Runtime.

ENTERPRISE = 'Enterprise'
STANDARD = 'Standard'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of this referenced entity.

INTEGRATION_RUNTIME_REFERENCE = 'IntegrationRuntimeReference'
LINKED_SERVICE_REFERENCE = 'LinkedServiceReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeInternalChannelEncryptionMode(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

It is used to set the encryption mode for node-node communication channel (when more than 2 self-hosted integration runtime nodes exist).

NOT_ENCRYPTED = 'NotEncrypted'
NOT_SET = 'NotSet'
SSL_ENCRYPTED = 'SslEncrypted'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeLicenseType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

License type for bringing your own license scenario.

BASE_PRICE = 'BasePrice'
LICENSE_INCLUDED = 'LicenseIncluded'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeListResponse(*, value: List[_models.IntegrationRuntimeResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of integration runtime resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[IntegrationRuntimeResource]) – List of integration runtimes. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[IntegrationRuntimeResource]) – List of integration runtimes. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeMonitoringData(*, name: Optional[str] = None, nodes: Optional[List[_models.IntegrationRuntimeNodeMonitoringData]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Get monitoring data response.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeNodeIpAddress(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The IP address of self-hosted integration runtime node.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.


ip_address (str) – The IP address of self-hosted integration runtime node.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeNodeMonitoringData(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Monitoring data for integration runtime node.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • node_name (str) – Name of the integration runtime node.

  • available_memory_in_mb (int) – Available memory (MB) on the integration runtime node.

  • cpu_utilization (int) – CPU percentage on the integration runtime node.

  • concurrent_jobs_limit (int) – Maximum concurrent jobs on the integration runtime node.

  • concurrent_jobs_running (int) – The number of jobs currently running on the integration runtime node.

  • max_concurrent_jobs (int) – The maximum concurrent jobs in this integration runtime.

  • sent_bytes (float) – Sent bytes on the integration runtime node.

  • received_bytes (float) – Received bytes on the integration runtime node.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesCategoryEndpoint(*, category: Optional[str] = None, endpoints: Optional[List[_models.IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoint]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure-SSIS integration runtime outbound network dependency endpoints for one category.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoint(*, domain_name: Optional[str] = None, endpoint_details: Optional[List[_models.IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointDetails]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The endpoint for Azure-SSIS integration runtime outbound network dependency.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointDetails(*, port: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The details of Azure-SSIS integration runtime outbound network dependency endpoint.


port (int) – The port of endpoint.

Keyword Arguments

port (int) – The port of endpoint.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsResponse(*, value: Optional[List[_models.IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesCategoryEndpoint]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure-SSIS integration runtime outbound network dependency endpoints.


value (list[IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesCategoryEndpoint]) – The list of outbound network dependency endpoints.

Keyword Arguments

value (list[IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesCategoryEndpoint]) – The list of outbound network dependency endpoints.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.IntegrationRuntimeReferenceType], reference_name: str, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Integration runtime reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeReferenceType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. “IntegrationRuntimeReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference integration runtime name. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Arguments for integration runtime.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeReferenceType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. “IntegrationRuntimeReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference integration runtime name. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Arguments for integration runtime.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Type of integration runtime.

INTEGRATION_RUNTIME_REFERENCE = 'IntegrationRuntimeReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeRegenerateKeyParameters(*, key_name: Optional[Union[str, _models.IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeyName]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Parameters to regenerate the authentication key.


key_name (str or IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeyName) – The name of the authentication key to regenerate. Known values are: “authKey1” and “authKey2”.

Keyword Arguments

key_name (str or IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeyName) – The name of the authentication key to regenerate. Known values are: “authKey1” and “authKey2”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeResource(*, properties: _models.IntegrationRuntime, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Integration runtime resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (IntegrationRuntime) – Integration runtime properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (IntegrationRuntime) – Integration runtime properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogInfo(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, catalog_server_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, catalog_admin_user_name: Optional[str] = None, catalog_admin_password: Optional[_models.SecureString] = None, catalog_pricing_tier: Optional[Union[str, _models.IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogPricingTier]] = None, dual_standby_pair_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Catalog information for managed dedicated integration runtime.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • catalog_server_endpoint (str) – The catalog database server URL.

  • catalog_admin_user_name (str) – The administrator user name of catalog database.

  • catalog_admin_password (SecureString) – The password of the administrator user account of the catalog database.

  • catalog_pricing_tier (str or IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogPricingTier) – The pricing tier for the catalog database. The valid values could be found in Known values are: “Basic”, “Standard”, “Premium”, and “PremiumRS”.

  • dual_standby_pair_name (str) – The dual standby pair name of Azure-SSIS Integration Runtimes to support SSISDB failover.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • catalog_server_endpoint (str) – The catalog database server URL.

  • catalog_admin_user_name (str) – The administrator user name of catalog database.

  • catalog_admin_password (SecureString) – The password of the administrator user account of the catalog database.

  • catalog_pricing_tier (str or IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogPricingTier) – The pricing tier for the catalog database. The valid values could be found in Known values are: “Basic”, “Standard”, “Premium”, and “PremiumRS”.

  • dual_standby_pair_name (str) – The dual standby pair name of Azure-SSIS Integration Runtimes to support SSISDB failover.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogPricingTier(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The pricing tier for the catalog database. The valid values could be found in

BASIC = 'Basic'
PREMIUM = 'Premium'
PREMIUM_RS = 'PremiumRS'
STANDARD = 'Standard'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, catalog_info: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogInfo] = None, license_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.IntegrationRuntimeLicenseType]] = None, custom_setup_script_properties: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeCustomSetupScriptProperties] = None, data_proxy_properties: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeDataProxyProperties] = None, edition: Optional[Union[str, _models.IntegrationRuntimeEdition]] = None, express_custom_setup_properties: Optional[List[_models.CustomSetupBase]] = None, package_stores: Optional[List[_models.PackageStore]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS properties for managed integration runtime.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeState(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The state of integration runtime.

ACCESS_DENIED = 'AccessDenied'
INITIAL = 'Initial'
LIMITED = 'Limited'
NEED_REGISTRATION = 'NeedRegistration'
OFFLINE = 'Offline'
ONLINE = 'Online'
STARTED = 'Started'
STARTING = 'Starting'
STOPPED = 'Stopped'
STOPPING = 'Stopping'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeStatus(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Integration runtime status.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: ManagedIntegrationRuntimeStatus, SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. Known values are: “Managed” and “SelfHosted”.

  • data_factory_name (str) – The data factory name which the integration runtime belong to.

  • state (str or IntegrationRuntimeState) – The state of integration runtime. Known values are: “Initial”, “Stopped”, “Started”, “Starting”, “Stopping”, “NeedRegistration”, “Online”, “Limited”, “Offline”, and “AccessDenied”.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeStatusListResponse(*, value: List[_models.IntegrationRuntimeStatusResponse], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of integration runtime status.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeStatusResponse(*, properties: _models.IntegrationRuntimeStatus, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Integration runtime status response.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments

properties (IntegrationRuntimeStatus) – Integration runtime properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of integration runtime.

MANAGED = 'Managed'
SELF_HOSTED = 'SelfHosted'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeUpdateResult(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The result of the last integration runtime node update.

FAIL = 'Fail'
NONE = 'None'
SUCCEED = 'Succeed'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.IntegrationRuntimeVNetProperties(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, v_net_id: Optional[str] = None, subnet: Optional[str] = None, public_i_ps: Optional[List[str]] = None, subnet_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

VNet properties for managed integration runtime.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • v_net_id (str) – The ID of the VNet that this integration runtime will join.

  • subnet (str) – The name of the subnet this integration runtime will join.

  • public_i_ps (list[str]) – Resource IDs of the public IP addresses that this integration runtime will use.

  • subnet_id (str) – The ID of subnet, to which this Azure-SSIS integration runtime will be joined.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • v_net_id (str) – The ID of the VNet that this integration runtime will join.

  • subnet (str) – The name of the subnet this integration runtime will join.

  • public_i_ps (list[str]) – Resource IDs of the public IP addresses that this integration runtime will use.

  • subnet_id (str) – The ID of subnet, to which this Azure-SSIS integration runtime will be joined.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JiraLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], username:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Jira Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Jira service. (e.g. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Jira server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 443 if connecting through HTTPS, or 8080 if connecting through HTTP.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Jira Service. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the username field.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Jira service. (e.g. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Jira server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 443 if connecting through HTTPS, or 8080 if connecting through HTTP.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Jira Service. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the username field.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JiraObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Jira Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JiraSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Jira Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, encoding_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Json dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the json data storage.

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not specified, the default value is UTF-8, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the name column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the json dataset.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the json data storage.

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not specified, the default value is UTF-8, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the name column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the json dataset.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonFormat(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, serializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, deserializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_pattern: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, nesting_separator: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encoding_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, json_node_reference: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, json_path_definition: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetStorageFormat

The data stored in JSON format.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage format. Required.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_pattern (JSON) – File pattern of JSON. To be more specific, the way of separating a collection of JSON objects. The default value is ‘setOfObjects’. It is case-sensitive.

  • nesting_separator (JSON) – The character used to separate nesting levels. Default value is ‘.’ (dot). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not provided, the default value is ‘utf-8’, unless the byte order mark (BOM) denotes another Unicode encoding. The full list of supported values can be found in the ‘Name’ column of the table of encodings in the following reference: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • json_node_reference (JSON) – The JSONPath of the JSON array element to be flattened. Example: “$.ArrayPath”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • json_path_definition (JSON) – The JSONPath definition for each column mapping with a customized column name to extract data from JSON file. For fields under root object, start with “$”; for fields inside the array chosen by jsonNodeReference property, start from the array element. Example: {“Column1”: “$.Column1Path”, “Column2”: “Column2PathInArray”}. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_pattern (JSON) – File pattern of JSON. To be more specific, the way of separating a collection of JSON objects. The default value is ‘setOfObjects’. It is case-sensitive.

  • nesting_separator (JSON) – The character used to separate nesting levels. Default value is ‘.’ (dot). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not provided, the default value is ‘utf-8’, unless the byte order mark (BOM) denotes another Unicode encoding. The full list of supported values can be found in the ‘Name’ column of the table of encodings in the following reference: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • json_node_reference (JSON) – The JSONPath of the JSON array element to be flattened. Example: “$.ArrayPath”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • json_path_definition (JSON) – The JSONPath definition for each column mapping with a customized column name to extract data from JSON file. For fields under root object, start with “$”; for fields inside the array chosen by jsonNodeReference property, start from the array element. Example: {“Column1”: “$.Column1Path”, “Column2”: “Column2PathInArray”}. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonFormatFilePattern(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

JSON format file pattern. A property of JsonFormat.

ARRAY_OF_OBJECTS = 'arrayOfObjects'
SET_OF_OBJECTS = 'setOfObjects'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, compression_properties: Optional[_models.CompressionReadSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatReadSettings

Json read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreWriteSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.JsonWriteSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Json sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Json store settings.

  • format_settings (JsonWriteSettings) – Json format settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Json store settings.

  • format_settings (JsonWriteSettings) – Json format settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.JsonReadSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Json source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Json store settings.

  • format_settings (JsonReadSettings) – Json format settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Json store settings.

  • format_settings (JsonReadSettings) – Json format settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonWriteFilePattern(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available filePatterns.

ARRAY_OF_OBJECTS = 'arrayOfObjects'
SET_OF_OBJECTS = 'setOfObjects'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.JsonWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, file_pattern: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatWriteSettings

Json write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • file_pattern (JSON) – File pattern of JSON. This setting controls the way a collection of JSON objects will be treated. The default value is ‘setOfObjects’. It is case-sensitive.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • file_pattern (JSON) – File pattern of JSON. This setting controls the way a collection of JSON objects will be treated. The default value is ‘setOfObjects’. It is case-sensitive.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedIntegrationRuntime(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The linked integration runtime information.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • name (str) – The name of the linked integration runtime.

  • subscription_id (str) – The subscription ID for which the linked integration runtime belong to.

  • data_factory_name (str) – The name of the data factory for which the linked integration runtime belong to.

  • data_factory_location (str) – The location of the data factory for which the linked integration runtime belong to.

  • create_time (datetime) – The creating time of the linked integration runtime.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedIntegrationRuntimeKeyAuthorization(*, key: _models.SecureString, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedIntegrationRuntimeType

The key authorization type integration runtime.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • authorization_type (str) – The authorization type for integration runtime sharing. Required.

  • key (SecureString) – The key used for authorization. Required.

Keyword Arguments

key (SecureString) – The key used for authorization. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedIntegrationRuntimeRbacAuthorization(*, resource_id: str, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedIntegrationRuntimeType

The role based access control (RBAC) authorization type integration runtime.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • authorization_type (str) – The authorization type for integration runtime sharing. Required.

  • resource_id (str) – The resource identifier of the integration runtime to be shared. Required.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • resource_id (str) – The resource identifier of the integration runtime to be shared. Required.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedIntegrationRuntimeRequest(*, linked_factory_name: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Data factory name for linked integration runtime request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


linked_factory_name (str) – The data factory name for linked integration runtime. Required.

Keyword Arguments

linked_factory_name (str) – The data factory name for linked integration runtime. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedIntegrationRuntimeType(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The base definition of a linked integration runtime.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: LinkedIntegrationRuntimeKeyAuthorization, LinkedIntegrationRuntimeRbacAuthorization

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


authorization_type (str) – The authorization type for integration runtime sharing. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The nested object which contains the information and credential which can be used to connect with related store or compute resource.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AmazonMWSLinkedService, AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService, AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService, AmazonRedshiftLinkedService, AmazonS3LinkedService, AmazonS3CompatibleLinkedService, AppFiguresLinkedService, AsanaLinkedService, AzureBatchLinkedService, AzureBlobFSLinkedService, AzureBlobStorageLinkedService, AzureDataExplorerLinkedService, AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService, AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService, AzureDatabricksLinkedService, AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeLinkedService, AzureFileStorageLinkedService, AzureFunctionLinkedService, AzureKeyVaultLinkedService, AzureMLLinkedService, AzureMLServiceLinkedService, AzureMariaDBLinkedService, AzureMySqlLinkedService, AzurePostgreSqlLinkedService, AzureSearchLinkedService, AzureSqlDWLinkedService, AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService, AzureSqlMILinkedService, AzureStorageLinkedService, AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService, AzureTableStorageLinkedService, CassandraLinkedService, CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService, ConcurLinkedService, CosmosDbLinkedService, CosmosDbMongoDbApiLinkedService, CouchbaseLinkedService, CustomDataSourceLinkedService, DataworldLinkedService, Db2LinkedService, DrillLinkedService, DynamicsLinkedService, DynamicsAXLinkedService, DynamicsCrmLinkedService, EloquaLinkedService, FileServerLinkedService, FtpServerLinkedService, GoogleAdWordsLinkedService, GoogleBigQueryLinkedService, GoogleCloudStorageLinkedService, GoogleSheetsLinkedService, GreenplumLinkedService, HBaseLinkedService, HDInsightLinkedService, HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService, HdfsLinkedService, HiveLinkedService, HttpLinkedService, HubspotLinkedService, ImpalaLinkedService, InformixLinkedService, JiraLinkedService, MagentoLinkedService, MariaDBLinkedService, MarketoLinkedService, MicrosoftAccessLinkedService, MongoDbLinkedService, MongoDbAtlasLinkedService, MongoDbV2LinkedService, MySqlLinkedService, NetezzaLinkedService, ODataLinkedService, OdbcLinkedService, Office365LinkedService, OracleLinkedService, OracleCloudStorageLinkedService, OracleServiceCloudLinkedService, PaypalLinkedService, PhoenixLinkedService, PostgreSqlLinkedService, PrestoLinkedService, QuickBooksLinkedService, QuickbaseLinkedService, ResponsysLinkedService, RestServiceLinkedService, SalesforceLinkedService, SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedService, SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedService, SapBWLinkedService, SapCloudForCustomerLinkedService, SapEccLinkedService, SapHanaLinkedService, SapOdpLinkedService, SapOpenHubLinkedService, SapTableLinkedService, ServiceNowLinkedService, SftpServerLinkedService, SharePointOnlineListLinkedService, ShopifyLinkedService, SmartsheetLinkedService, SnowflakeLinkedService, SparkLinkedService, SqlServerLinkedService, SquareLinkedService, SybaseLinkedService, TeamDeskLinkedService, TeradataLinkedService, TwilioLinkedService, VerticaLinkedService, WebLinkedService, XeroLinkedService, ZendeskLinkedService, ZohoLinkedService

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedServiceDebugResource(*, properties: _models.LinkedService, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResourceDebugResource

Linked service debug resource.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (LinkedService) – Properties of linked service. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • properties (LinkedService) – Properties of linked service. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedServiceListResponse(*, value: List[_models.LinkedServiceResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of linked service resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[LinkedServiceResource]) – List of linked services. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[LinkedServiceResource]) – List of linked services. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedServiceReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.Type], reference_name: str, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Linked service reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or Type) – Linked service reference type. Required. “LinkedServiceReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference LinkedService name. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Arguments for LinkedService.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or Type) – Linked service reference type. Required. “LinkedServiceReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference LinkedService name. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, JSON]) – Arguments for LinkedService.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LinkedServiceResource(*, properties: _models.LinkedService, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Linked service resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (LinkedService) – Properties of linked service. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (LinkedService) – Properties of linked service. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LogLocationSettings(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Log location settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Log storage linked service reference. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path to storage for storing detailed logs of activity execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Log storage linked service reference. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path to storage for storing detailed logs of activity execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LogSettings(*, log_location_settings: _models.LogLocationSettings, enable_copy_activity_log: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_activity_log_settings: Optional[_models.CopyActivityLogSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Log settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • enable_copy_activity_log (JSON) – Specifies whether to enable copy activity log. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_activity_log_settings (CopyActivityLogSettings) – Specifies settings for copy activity log.

  • log_location_settings (LogLocationSettings) – Log location settings customer needs to provide when enabling log. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • enable_copy_activity_log (JSON) – Specifies whether to enable copy activity log. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_activity_log_settings (CopyActivityLogSettings) – Specifies settings for copy activity log.

  • log_location_settings (LogLocationSettings) – Log location settings customer needs to provide when enabling log. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LogStorageSettings(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, log_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_reliable_logging: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

(Deprecated. Please use LogSettings) Log storage settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Log storage linked service reference. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path to storage for storing detailed logs of activity execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • log_level (JSON) – Gets or sets the log level, support: Info, Warning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_reliable_logging (JSON) – Specifies whether to enable reliable logging. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Log storage linked service reference. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path to storage for storing detailed logs of activity execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • log_level (JSON) – Gets or sets the log level, support: Info, Warning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_reliable_logging (JSON) – Specifies whether to enable reliable logging. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.LookupActivity(*, name: str, source: _models.CopySource, dataset: _models.DatasetReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, first_row_only: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Lookup activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • source (CopySource) – Dataset-specific source properties, same as copy activity source. Required.

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – Lookup activity dataset reference. Required.

  • first_row_only (JSON) – Whether to return first row or all rows. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • source (CopySource) – Dataset-specific source properties, same as copy activity source. Required.

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – Lookup activity dataset reference. Required.

  • first_row_only (JSON) – Whether to return first row or all rows. Default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MagentoLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Magento server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the Magento instance. (i.e. Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token from Magento.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the Magento instance. (i.e. Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token from Magento.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MagentoObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Magento server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MagentoSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Magento server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedIdentityCredential(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, resource_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Credential

Managed identity credential.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of credential. Required.

  • description (str) – Credential description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Credential.

  • resource_id (str) – The resource id of user assigned managed identity.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Credential description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Credential.

  • resource_id (str) – The resource id of user assigned managed identity.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedIntegrationRuntime(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, managed_virtual_network: Optional[_models.ManagedVirtualNetworkReference] = None, compute_properties: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties] = None, ssis_properties: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties] = None, customer_virtual_network: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeCustomerVirtualNetwork] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.IntegrationRuntime

Managed integration runtime, including managed elastic and managed dedicated integration runtimes.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. Known values are: “Managed” and “SelfHosted”.

  • description (str) – Integration runtime description.

  • state (str or IntegrationRuntimeState) – Integration runtime state, only valid for managed dedicated integration runtime. Known values are: “Initial”, “Stopped”, “Started”, “Starting”, “Stopping”, “NeedRegistration”, “Online”, “Limited”, “Offline”, and “AccessDenied”.

  • managed_virtual_network (ManagedVirtualNetworkReference) – Managed Virtual Network reference.

  • compute_properties (IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties) – The compute resource for managed integration runtime.

  • ssis_properties (IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties) – SSIS properties for managed integration runtime.

  • customer_virtual_network (IntegrationRuntimeCustomerVirtualNetwork) – The name of virtual network to which Azure-SSIS integration runtime will join.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedIntegrationRuntimeError(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Error definition for managed integration runtime.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • time (datetime) – The time when the error occurred.

  • code (str) – Error code.

  • parameters (list[str]) – Managed integration runtime error parameters.

  • message (str) – Error message.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedIntegrationRuntimeNode(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, errors: Optional[List[_models.ManagedIntegrationRuntimeError]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Properties of integration runtime node.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • node_id (str) – The managed integration runtime node id.

  • status (str or ManagedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus) – The managed integration runtime node status. Known values are: “Starting”, “Available”, “Recycling”, and “Unavailable”.

  • errors (list[ManagedIntegrationRuntimeError]) – The errors that occurred on this integration runtime node.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • errors (list[ManagedIntegrationRuntimeError]) – The errors that occurred on this integration runtime node.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The managed integration runtime node status.

AVAILABLE = 'Available'
RECYCLING = 'Recycling'
STARTING = 'Starting'
UNAVAILABLE = 'Unavailable'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedIntegrationRuntimeOperationResult(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Properties of managed integration runtime operation result.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The operation type. Could be start or stop.

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time of the operation.

  • result (str) – The operation result.

  • error_code (str) – The error code.

  • parameters (list[str]) – Managed integration runtime error parameters.

  • activity_id (str) – The activity id for the operation request.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedIntegrationRuntimeStatus(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.IntegrationRuntimeStatus

Managed integration runtime status.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. Known values are: “Managed” and “SelfHosted”.

  • data_factory_name (str) – The data factory name which the integration runtime belong to.

  • state (str or IntegrationRuntimeState) – The state of integration runtime. Known values are: “Initial”, “Stopped”, “Started”, “Starting”, “Stopping”, “NeedRegistration”, “Online”, “Limited”, “Offline”, and “AccessDenied”.

  • create_time (datetime) – The time at which the integration runtime was created, in ISO8601 format.

  • nodes (list[ManagedIntegrationRuntimeNode]) – The list of nodes for managed integration runtime.

  • other_errors (list[ManagedIntegrationRuntimeError]) – The errors that occurred on this integration runtime.

  • last_operation (ManagedIntegrationRuntimeOperationResult) – The last operation result that occurred on this integration runtime.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedPrivateEndpoint(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connection_state: Optional[_models.ConnectionStateProperties] = None, fqdns: Optional[List[str]] = None, group_id: Optional[str] = None, private_link_resource_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Properties of a managed private endpoint.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connection_state (ConnectionStateProperties) – The managed private endpoint connection state.

  • fqdns (list[str]) – Fully qualified domain names.

  • group_id (str) – The groupId to which the managed private endpoint is created.

  • is_reserved (bool) – Denotes whether the managed private endpoint is reserved.

  • private_link_resource_id (str) – The ARM resource ID of the resource to which the managed private endpoint is created.

  • provisioning_state (str) – The managed private endpoint provisioning state.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connection_state (ConnectionStateProperties) – The managed private endpoint connection state.

  • fqdns (list[str]) – Fully qualified domain names.

  • group_id (str) – The groupId to which the managed private endpoint is created.

  • private_link_resource_id (str) – The ARM resource ID of the resource to which the managed private endpoint is created.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedPrivateEndpointListResponse(*, value: List[_models.ManagedPrivateEndpointResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of managed private endpoint resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[ManagedPrivateEndpointResource]) – List of managed private endpoints. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[ManagedPrivateEndpointResource]) – List of managed private endpoints. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedPrivateEndpointResource(*, properties: _models.ManagedPrivateEndpoint, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Managed private endpoint resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (ManagedPrivateEndpoint) – Managed private endpoint properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (ManagedPrivateEndpoint) – Managed private endpoint properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedVirtualNetwork(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A managed Virtual Network associated with the Azure Data Factory.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • v_net_id (str) – Managed Virtual Network ID.

  • alias (str) – Managed Virtual Network alias.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedVirtualNetworkListResponse(*, value: List[_models.ManagedVirtualNetworkResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of managed Virtual Network resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[ManagedVirtualNetworkResource]) – List of managed Virtual Networks. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[ManagedVirtualNetworkResource]) – List of managed Virtual Networks. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedVirtualNetworkReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.ManagedVirtualNetworkReferenceType], reference_name: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Managed Virtual Network reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or ManagedVirtualNetworkReferenceType) – Managed Virtual Network reference type. Required. “ManagedVirtualNetworkReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference ManagedVirtualNetwork name. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedVirtualNetworkReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Managed Virtual Network reference type.

MANAGED_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_REFERENCE = 'ManagedVirtualNetworkReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ManagedVirtualNetworkResource(*, properties: _models.ManagedVirtualNetwork, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Managed Virtual Network resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (ManagedVirtualNetwork) – Managed Virtual Network properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (ManagedVirtualNetwork) – Managed Virtual Network properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MappingDataFlow(*, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DataFlowFolder] = None, sources: Optional[List[_models.DataFlowSource]] = None, sinks: Optional[List[_models.DataFlowSink]] = None, transformations: Optional[List[_models.Transformation]] = None, script: Optional[str] = None, script_lines: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DataFlow

Mapping data flow.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of data flow. Required.

  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

  • sources (list[DataFlowSource]) – List of sources in data flow.

  • sinks (list[DataFlowSink]) – List of sinks in data flow.

  • transformations (list[Transformation]) – List of transformations in data flow.

  • script (str) – DataFlow script.

  • script_lines (list[str]) – Data flow script lines.

Keyword Arguments
  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

  • sources (list[DataFlowSource]) – List of sources in data flow.

  • sinks (list[DataFlowSink]) – List of sinks in data flow.

  • transformations (list[Transformation]) – List of transformations in data flow.

  • script (str) – DataFlow script.

  • script_lines (list[str]) – Data flow script lines.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MariaDBLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pwd: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

MariaDB server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MariaDBSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity MariaDB server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MariaDBTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

MariaDB server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MarketoLinkedService(*, endpoint:[str, Any], client_id:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Marketo server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Marketo server. (i.e. Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client Id of your Marketo service. Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret of your Marketo service.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Marketo server. (i.e. Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client Id of your Marketo service. Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret of your Marketo service.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MarketoObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Marketo server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MarketoSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Marketo server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MetadataItem(*, name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Specify the name and value of custom metadata item.

  • name (JSON) – Metadata item key name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • value (JSON) – Metadata item value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • name (JSON) – Metadata item key name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • value (JSON) – Metadata item value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MicrosoftAccessLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Microsoft Access linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The non-access credential portion of the connection string as well as an optional encrypted credential. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the Microsoft Access as ODBC data store. Possible values are: Anonymous and Basic. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (SecretBase) – The access credential portion of the connection string specified in driver-specific property-value format.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The non-access credential portion of the connection string as well as an optional encrypted credential. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the Microsoft Access as ODBC data store. Possible values are: Anonymous and Basic. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (SecretBase) – The access credential portion of the connection string specified in driver-specific property-value format.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MicrosoftAccessSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Microsoft Access sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MicrosoftAccessSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for Microsoft Access.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MicrosoftAccessTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Microsoft Access table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Microsoft Access table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Microsoft Access table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbAtlasCollectionDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, collection:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The MongoDB Atlas database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection (JSON) – The collection name of the MongoDB Atlas database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection (JSON) – The collection name of the MongoDB Atlas database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbAtlasLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], database:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for MongoDB Atlas data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The MongoDB Atlas connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • database (JSON) – The name of the MongoDB Atlas database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The MongoDB Atlas connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • database (JSON) – The name of the MongoDB Atlas database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbAtlasSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity MongoDB Atlas sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Specifies whether the document with same key to be overwritten (upsert) rather than throw exception (insert). The default value is “insert”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Specifies whether the document with same key to be overwritten (upsert) rather than throw exception (insert). The default value is “insert”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbAtlasSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, filter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cursor_methods: Optional[_models.MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties] = None, batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for a MongoDB Atlas database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • filter (JSON) – Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cursor_methods (MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties) – Cursor methods for Mongodb query.

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the number of documents to return in each batch of the response from MongoDB Atlas instance. In most cases, modifying the batch size will not affect the user or the application. This property’s main purpose is to avoid hit the limitation of response size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • filter (JSON) – Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cursor_methods (MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties) – Cursor methods for Mongodb query.

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the number of documents to return in each batch of the response from MongoDB Atlas instance. In most cases, modifying the batch size will not affect the user or the application. This property’s main purpose is to avoid hit the limitation of response size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to be used to connect to the MongoDB database.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
BASIC = 'Basic'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbCollectionDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, collection_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The MongoDB database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection_name (JSON) – The table name of the MongoDB database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection_name (JSON) – The table name of the MongoDB database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, project: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sort: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, skip: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, limit: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Cursor methods for Mongodb query.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • project (JSON) – Specifies the fields to return in the documents that match the query filter. To return all fields in the matching documents, omit this parameter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sort (JSON) – Specifies the order in which the query returns matching documents. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • skip (JSON) – Specifies the how many documents skipped and where MongoDB begins returning results. This approach may be useful in implementing paginated results. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • limit (JSON) – Specifies the maximum number of documents the server returns. limit() is analogous to the LIMIT statement in a SQL database. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • project (JSON) – Specifies the fields to return in the documents that match the query filter. To return all fields in the matching documents, omit this parameter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sort (JSON) – Specifies the order in which the query returns matching documents. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • skip (JSON) – Specifies the how many documents skipped and where MongoDB begins returning results. This approach may be useful in implementing paginated results. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • limit (JSON) – Specifies the maximum number of documents the server returns. limit() is analogous to the LIMIT statement in a SQL database. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbLinkedService(*, server:[str, Any], database_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.MongoDbAuthenticationType]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, auth_source: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_self_signed_server_cert: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for MongoDb data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – The IP address or server name of the MongoDB server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or MongoDbAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the MongoDB database. Known values are: “Basic” and “Anonymous”.

  • database_name (JSON) – The name of the MongoDB database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • auth_source (JSON) – Database to verify the username and password. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the MongoDB server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 27017. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – The IP address or server name of the MongoDB server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or MongoDbAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the MongoDB database. Known values are: “Basic” and “Anonymous”.

  • database_name (JSON) – The name of the MongoDB database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • auth_source (JSON) – Database to verify the username and password. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the MongoDB server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 27017. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for a MongoDB database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Should be a SQL-92 query expression. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Should be a SQL-92 query expression. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbV2CollectionDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, collection:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The MongoDB database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection (JSON) – The collection name of the MongoDB database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • collection (JSON) – The collection name of the MongoDB database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbV2LinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], database:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for MongoDB data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The MongoDB connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • database (JSON) – The name of the MongoDB database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The MongoDB connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • database (JSON) – The name of the MongoDB database that you want to access. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbV2Sink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity MongoDB sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Specifies whether the document with same key to be overwritten (upsert) rather than throw exception (insert). The default value is “insert”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Specifies whether the document with same key to be overwritten (upsert) rather than throw exception (insert). The default value is “insert”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MongoDbV2Source(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, filter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, cursor_methods: Optional[_models.MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties] = None, batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for a MongoDB database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • filter (JSON) – Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cursor_methods (MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties) – Cursor methods for Mongodb query.

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the number of documents to return in each batch of the response from MongoDB instance. In most cases, modifying the batch size will not affect the user or the application. This property’s main purpose is to avoid hit the limitation of response size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • filter (JSON) – Specifies selection filter using query operators. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document ({}). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • cursor_methods (MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties) – Cursor methods for Mongodb query.

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the number of documents to return in each batch of the response from MongoDB instance. In most cases, modifying the batch size will not affect the user or the application. This property’s main purpose is to avoid hit the limitation of response size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MultiplePipelineTrigger(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, pipelines: Optional[List[_models.TriggerPipelineReference]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Trigger

Base class for all triggers that support one to many model for trigger to pipeline.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: BlobEventsTrigger, BlobTrigger, CustomEventsTrigger, ScheduleTrigger

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MySqlLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for MySQL data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MySqlSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for MySQL databases.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.MySqlTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The MySQL table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The MySQL table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The MySQL table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NetezzaLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pwd: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Netezza linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NetezzaPartitionOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The partition mechanism that will be used for Netezza read in parallel.

DATA_SLICE = 'DataSlice'
DYNAMIC_RANGE = 'DynamicRange'
NONE = 'None'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NetezzaPartitionSettings(*, partition_column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_upper_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_lower_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The settings that will be leveraged for Netezza source partitioning.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer type that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer type that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NetezzaSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.NetezzaPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Netezza source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Netezza read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “DataSlice”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (NetezzaPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Netezza source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Netezza read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “DataSlice”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (NetezzaPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Netezza source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NetezzaTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Netezza dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Netezza. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Netezza. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Netezza. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Netezza. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NotebookParameter(*, value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type: Optional[Union[str, _models.NotebookParameterType]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Notebook parameter.

  • value (JSON) – Notebook parameter value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or NotebookParameterType) – Notebook parameter type. Known values are: “string”, “int”, “float”, and “bool”.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (JSON) – Notebook parameter value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or NotebookParameterType) – Notebook parameter type. Known values are: “string”, “int”, “float”, and “bool”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NotebookParameterType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Notebook parameter type.

BOOL = 'bool'
FLOAT = 'float'
INT = 'int'
STRING = 'string'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.NotebookReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Synapse notebook reference type.

NOTEBOOK_REFERENCE = 'NotebookReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Specify the credential type (key or cert) is used for service principal.

SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CERT = 'ServicePrincipalCert'
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_KEY = 'ServicePrincipalKey'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ODataAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Type of authentication used to connect to the OData service.

AAD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL = 'AadServicePrincipal'
ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
BASIC = 'Basic'
MANAGED_SERVICE_IDENTITY = 'ManagedServiceIdentity'
WINDOWS = 'Windows'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ODataLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.ODataAuthenticationType]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, auth_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, aad_resource_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, aad_service_principal_credential_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_principal_embedded_cert: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_principal_embedded_cert_password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Open Data Protocol (OData) linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the OData service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or ODataAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the OData service. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, “Windows”, “AadServicePrincipal”, and “ManagedServiceIdentity”.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name of the OData service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password of the OData service.

  • auth_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to RESTful API used for authorization. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • tenant (JSON) – Specify the tenant information (domain name or tenant ID) under which your application resides. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – Specify the application id of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • aad_resource_id (JSON) – Specify the resource you are requesting authorization to use Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • aad_service_principal_credential_type (str or ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType) – Specify the credential type (key or cert) is used for service principal. Known values are: “ServicePrincipalKey” and “ServicePrincipalCert”.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – Specify the secret of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_embedded_cert (SecretBase) – Specify the base64 encoded certificate of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_embedded_cert_password (SecretBase) – Specify the password of your certificate if your certificate has a password and you are using AadServicePrincipal authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the OData service endpoint. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or ODataAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the OData service. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, “Windows”, “AadServicePrincipal”, and “ManagedServiceIdentity”.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name of the OData service. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password of the OData service.

  • auth_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to RESTful API used for authorization. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • tenant (JSON) – Specify the tenant information (domain name or tenant ID) under which your application resides. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – Specify the application id of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • aad_resource_id (JSON) – Specify the resource you are requesting authorization to use Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • aad_service_principal_credential_type (str or ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType) – Specify the credential type (key or cert) is used for service principal. Known values are: “ServicePrincipalKey” and “ServicePrincipalCert”.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – Specify the secret of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_embedded_cert (SecretBase) – Specify the base64 encoded certificate of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_embedded_cert_password (SecretBase) – Specify the password of your certificate if your certificate has a password and you are using AadServicePrincipal authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ODataResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Open Data Protocol (OData) resource dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The OData resource path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The OData resource path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ODataSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for OData source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – OData query. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – OData query. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OdbcLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The non-access credential portion of the connection string as well as an optional encrypted credential. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the ODBC data store. Possible values are: Anonymous and Basic. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (SecretBase) – The access credential portion of the connection string specified in driver-specific property-value format.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The non-access credential portion of the connection string as well as an optional encrypted credential. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • authentication_type (JSON) – Type of authentication used to connect to the ODBC data store. Possible values are: Anonymous and Basic. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (SecretBase) – The access credential portion of the connection string specified in driver-specific property-value format.

  • user_name (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OdbcSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity ODBC sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – A query to execute before starting the copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OdbcSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for ODBC databases.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OdbcTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The ODBC table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The ODBC table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The ODBC table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Office365Dataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, table_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, predicate: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Office365 account.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – Name of the dataset to extract from Office 365. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • predicate (JSON) – A predicate expression that can be used to filter the specific rows to extract from Office 365. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – Name of the dataset to extract from Office 365. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • predicate (JSON) – A predicate expression that can be used to filter the specific rows to extract from Office 365. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Office365LinkedService(*, office365_tenant_id:[str, Any], service_principal_tenant_id:[str, Any], service_principal_id:[str, Any], service_principal_key: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Office365 linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • office365_tenant_id (JSON) – Azure tenant ID to which the Office 365 account belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_tenant_id (JSON) – Specify the tenant information under which your Azure AD web application resides. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – Specify the application’s client ID. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – Specify the application’s key. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • office365_tenant_id (JSON) – Azure tenant ID to which the Office 365 account belongs. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_tenant_id (JSON) – Specify the tenant information under which your Azure AD web application resides. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – Specify the application’s client ID. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – Specify the application’s key. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Office365Source(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allowed_groups: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_scope_filter_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, date_filter_column: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, start_time: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, end_time: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, output_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for an Office 365 service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • allowed_groups (JSON) – The groups containing all the users. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

  • user_scope_filter_uri (JSON) – The user scope uri. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • date_filter_column (JSON) – The Column to apply the <paramref name="StartTime"/> and <paramref name="EndTime"/>. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • start_time (JSON) – Start time of the requested range for this dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • end_time (JSON) – End time of the requested range for this dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • output_columns (JSON) – The columns to be read out from the Office 365 table. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects). Example: [ { “name”: “Id” }, { “name”: “CreatedDateTime” } ].

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • allowed_groups (JSON) – The groups containing all the users. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

  • user_scope_filter_uri (JSON) – The user scope uri. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • date_filter_column (JSON) – The Column to apply the <paramref name="StartTime"/> and <paramref name="EndTime"/>. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • start_time (JSON) – Start time of the requested range for this dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • end_time (JSON) – End time of the requested range for this dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • output_columns (JSON) – The columns to be read out from the Office 365 table. Type: array of objects (or Expression with resultType array of objects). Example: [ { “name”: “Id” }, { “name”: “CreatedDateTime” } ].

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Operation(*, name: Optional[str] = None, origin: Optional[str] = None, display: Optional[_models.OperationDisplay] = None, service_specification: Optional[_models.OperationServiceSpecification] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure Data Factory API operation definition.

  • name (str) – Operation name: {provider}/{resource}/{operation}.

  • origin (str) – The intended executor of the operation.

  • display (OperationDisplay) – Metadata associated with the operation.

  • service_specification (OperationServiceSpecification) – Details about a service operation.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – Operation name: {provider}/{resource}/{operation}.

  • origin (str) – The intended executor of the operation.

  • display (OperationDisplay) – Metadata associated with the operation.

  • service_specification (OperationServiceSpecification) – Details about a service operation.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OperationDisplay(*, description: Optional[str] = None, provider: Optional[str] = None, resource: Optional[str] = None, operation: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Metadata associated with the operation.

  • description (str) – The description of the operation.

  • provider (str) – The name of the provider.

  • resource (str) – The name of the resource type on which the operation is performed.

  • operation (str) – The type of operation: get, read, delete, etc.

Keyword Arguments
  • description (str) – The description of the operation.

  • provider (str) – The name of the provider.

  • resource (str) – The name of the resource type on which the operation is performed.

  • operation (str) – The type of operation: get, read, delete, etc.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OperationListResponse(*, value: Optional[List[_models.Operation]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of operations that can be performed by the Data Factory service.

  • value (list[Operation]) – List of Data Factory operations supported by the Data Factory resource provider.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[Operation]) – List of Data Factory operations supported by the Data Factory resource provider.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OperationLogSpecification(*, name: Optional[str] = None, display_name: Optional[str] = None, blob_duration: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Details about an operation related to logs.

  • name (str) – The name of the log category.

  • display_name (str) – Localized display name.

  • blob_duration (str) – Blobs created in the customer storage account, per hour.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the log category.

  • display_name (str) – Localized display name.

  • blob_duration (str) – Blobs created in the customer storage account, per hour.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OperationMetricAvailability(*, time_grain: Optional[str] = None, blob_duration: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Defines how often data for a metric becomes available.

  • time_grain (str) – The granularity for the metric.

  • blob_duration (str) – Blob created in the customer storage account, per hour.

Keyword Arguments
  • time_grain (str) – The granularity for the metric.

  • blob_duration (str) – Blob created in the customer storage account, per hour.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OperationMetricDimension(*, name: Optional[str] = None, display_name: Optional[str] = None, to_be_exported_for_shoebox: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Defines the metric dimension.

  • name (str) – The name of the dimension for the metric.

  • display_name (str) – The display name of the metric dimension.

  • to_be_exported_for_shoebox (bool) – Whether the dimension should be exported to Azure Monitor.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the dimension for the metric.

  • display_name (str) – The display name of the metric dimension.

  • to_be_exported_for_shoebox (bool) – Whether the dimension should be exported to Azure Monitor.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OperationMetricSpecification(*, name: Optional[str] = None, display_name: Optional[str] = None, display_description: Optional[str] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None, aggregation_type: Optional[str] = None, enable_regional_mdm_account: Optional[str] = None, source_mdm_account: Optional[str] = None, source_mdm_namespace: Optional[str] = None, availabilities: Optional[List[_models.OperationMetricAvailability]] = None, dimensions: Optional[List[_models.OperationMetricDimension]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Details about an operation related to metrics.

  • name (str) – The name of the metric.

  • display_name (str) – Localized display name of the metric.

  • display_description (str) – The description of the metric.

  • unit (str) – The unit that the metric is measured in.

  • aggregation_type (str) – The type of metric aggregation.

  • enable_regional_mdm_account (str) – Whether or not the service is using regional MDM accounts.

  • source_mdm_account (str) – The name of the MDM account.

  • source_mdm_namespace (str) – The name of the MDM namespace.

  • availabilities (list[OperationMetricAvailability]) – Defines how often data for metrics becomes available.

  • dimensions (list[OperationMetricDimension]) – Defines the metric dimension.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the metric.

  • display_name (str) – Localized display name of the metric.

  • display_description (str) – The description of the metric.

  • unit (str) – The unit that the metric is measured in.

  • aggregation_type (str) – The type of metric aggregation.

  • enable_regional_mdm_account (str) – Whether or not the service is using regional MDM accounts.

  • source_mdm_account (str) – The name of the MDM account.

  • source_mdm_namespace (str) – The name of the MDM namespace.

  • availabilities (list[OperationMetricAvailability]) – Defines how often data for metrics becomes available.

  • dimensions (list[OperationMetricDimension]) – Defines the metric dimension.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OperationServiceSpecification(*, log_specifications: Optional[List[_models.OperationLogSpecification]] = None, metric_specifications: Optional[List[_models.OperationMetricSpecification]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Details about a service operation.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleCloudStorageLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_key_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, secret_access_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, service_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Oracle Cloud Storage.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Oracle Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Oracle Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the Oracle Cloud Storage Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • access_key_id (JSON) – The access key identifier of the Oracle Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • secret_access_key (SecretBase) – The secret access key of the Oracle Cloud Storage Identity and Access Management (IAM) user.

  • service_url (JSON) – This value specifies the endpoint to access with the Oracle Cloud Storage Connector. This is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint or want to switch between https and http. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleCloudStorageLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, bucket_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of Oracle Cloud Storage dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of Oracle Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of Oracle Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • bucket_name (JSON) – Specify the bucketName of Oracle Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • version (JSON) – Specify the version of Oracle Cloud Storage. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleCloudStorageReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Oracle Cloud Storage read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Oracle Cloud Storage wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Oracle Cloud Storage wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Oracle Cloud Storage object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Oracle Cloud Storage wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Oracle Cloud Storage wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • prefix (JSON) – The prefix filter for the Oracle Cloud Storage object name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Oracle database.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OraclePartitionOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The partition mechanism that will be used for Oracle read in parallel.

DYNAMIC_RANGE = 'DynamicRange'
NONE = 'None'
PHYSICAL_PARTITIONS_OF_TABLE = 'PhysicalPartitionsOfTable'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OraclePartitionSettings(*, partition_names: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_upper_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_lower_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The settings that will be leveraged for Oracle source partitioning.

  • partition_names (JSON) – Names of the physical partitions of Oracle table.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer type that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • partition_names (JSON) – Names of the physical partitions of Oracle table.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer type that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleServiceCloudLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], username:[str, Any], password: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Oracle Service Cloud linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the Oracle Service Cloud instance. Required.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Oracle Service Cloud server. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the username key. Required.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the Oracle Service Cloud instance. Required.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Oracle Service Cloud server. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the username key. Required.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleServiceCloudObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Oracle Service Cloud dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleServiceCloudSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Oracle Service Cloud source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Oracle sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, oracle_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.OraclePartitionSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Oracle source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • oracle_reader_query (JSON) – Oracle reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Oracle read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (OraclePartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Oracle source partitioning.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • oracle_reader_query (JSON) – Oracle reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Oracle read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (OraclePartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Oracle source partitioning.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OracleTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The on-premises Oracle database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the on-premises Oracle database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OrcCompressionCodec(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum


LZO = 'lzo'
NONE = 'none'
SNAPPY = 'snappy'
ZLIB = 'zlib'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OrcDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, orc_compression_codec: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

ORC dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the ORC data storage.

  • orc_compression_codec (JSON) – The data orcCompressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the ORC data storage.

  • orc_compression_codec (JSON) – The data orcCompressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OrcFormat(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, serializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, deserializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetStorageFormat

The data stored in Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage format. Required.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OrcSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreWriteSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.OrcWriteSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity ORC sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – ORC store settings.

  • format_settings (OrcWriteSettings) – ORC format settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – ORC store settings.

  • format_settings (OrcWriteSettings) – ORC format settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OrcSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity ORC source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – ORC store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – ORC store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.OrcWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_rows_per_file: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name_prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatWriteSettings

Orc write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PackageStore(*, name: str, package_store_linked_service: _models.EntityReference, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Package store for the SSIS integration runtime.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • name (str) – The name of the package store. Required.

  • package_store_linked_service (EntityReference) – The package store linked service reference. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The name of the package store. Required.

  • package_store_linked_service (EntityReference) – The package store linked service reference. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ParameterSpecification(*, type: Union[str, _models.ParameterType], default_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Definition of a single parameter for an entity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or ParameterType) – Parameter type. Required. Known values are: “Object”, “String”, “Int”, “Float”, “Bool”, “Array”, and “SecureString”.

  • default_value (JSON) – Default value of parameter.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or ParameterType) – Parameter type. Required. Known values are: “Object”, “String”, “Int”, “Float”, “Bool”, “Array”, and “SecureString”.

  • default_value (JSON) – Default value of parameter.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ParameterType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Parameter type.

ARRAY = 'Array'
BOOL = 'Bool'
FLOAT = 'Float'
INT = 'Int'
OBJECT = 'Object'
SECURE_STRING = 'SecureString'
STRING = 'String'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ParquetDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, compression_codec: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Parquet dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the parquet storage.

  • compression_codec (JSON) – The data compressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the parquet storage.

  • compression_codec (JSON) – The data compressionCodec. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ParquetFormat(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, serializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, deserializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetStorageFormat

The data stored in Parquet format.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage format. Required.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ParquetSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreWriteSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.ParquetWriteSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Parquet sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Parquet store settings.

  • format_settings (ParquetWriteSettings) – Parquet format settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreWriteSettings) – Parquet store settings.

  • format_settings (ParquetWriteSettings) – Parquet format settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ParquetSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Parquet source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Parquet store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Parquet store settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ParquetWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_rows_per_file: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name_prefix: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatWriteSettings

Parquet write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_rows_per_file (JSON) – Limit the written file’s row count to be smaller than or equal to the specified count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • file_name_prefix (JSON) – Specifies the file name pattern :code:`<fileNamePrefix>`_<fileIndex>.:code:<fileExtension> when copy from non-file based store without partitionOptions. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PaypalLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], client_id:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Paypal Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the PayPal instance. (i.e. Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your PayPal application. Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your PayPal application.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the PayPal instance. (i.e. Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your PayPal application. Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your PayPal application.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PaypalObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Paypal Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PaypalSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Paypal Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PhoenixAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Phoenix server.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD = 'UsernameAndPassword'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PhoenixLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.PhoenixAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_system_trust_store: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_host_name_cn_mismatch: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_self_signed_server_cert: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Phoenix server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Phoenix server. (i.e. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Phoenix server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 8765.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the Phoenix server. (i.e. /gateway/sandbox/phoenix/version). The default value is hbasephoenix if using WindowsAzureHDInsightService.

  • authentication_type (str or PhoenixAuthenticationType) – The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Phoenix server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “UsernameAndPassword”, and “WindowsAzureHDInsightService”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the Phoenix server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Phoenix server. (i.e. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Phoenix server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 8765.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the Phoenix server. (i.e. /gateway/sandbox/phoenix/version). The default value is hbasephoenix if using WindowsAzureHDInsightService.

  • authentication_type (str or PhoenixAuthenticationType) – The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Phoenix server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “UsernameAndPassword”, and “WindowsAzureHDInsightService”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the Phoenix server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PhoenixObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Phoenix server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Phoenix. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Phoenix. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Phoenix. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Phoenix. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PhoenixSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Phoenix server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineElapsedTimeMetricPolicy(*, duration: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Pipeline ElapsedTime Metric Policy.


duration (JSON) – TimeSpan value, after which an Azure Monitoring Metric is fired.

Keyword Arguments

duration (JSON) – TimeSpan value, after which an Azure Monitoring Metric is fired.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineFolder(*, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The folder that this Pipeline is in. If not specified, Pipeline will appear at the root level.


name (str) – The name of the folder that this Pipeline is in.

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The name of the folder that this Pipeline is in.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineListResponse(*, value: List[_models.PipelineResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of pipeline resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[PipelineResource]) – List of pipelines. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[PipelineResource]) – List of pipelines. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelinePolicy(*, elapsed_time_metric: Optional[_models.PipelineElapsedTimeMetricPolicy] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Pipeline Policy.


elapsed_time_metric (PipelineElapsedTimeMetricPolicy) – Pipeline ElapsedTime Metric Policy.

Keyword Arguments

elapsed_time_metric (PipelineElapsedTimeMetricPolicy) – Pipeline ElapsedTime Metric Policy.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.PipelineReferenceType], reference_name: str, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Pipeline reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or PipelineReferenceType) – Pipeline reference type. Required. “PipelineReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference pipeline name. Required.

  • name (str) – Reference name.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or PipelineReferenceType) – Pipeline reference type. Required. “PipelineReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference pipeline name. Required.

  • name (str) – Reference name.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Pipeline reference type.

PIPELINE_REFERENCE = 'PipelineReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineResource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, activities: Optional[List[_models.Activity]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, variables: Optional[Dict[str, _models.VariableSpecification]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, run_dimensions: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.PipelineFolder] = None, policy: Optional[_models.PipelinePolicy] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Pipeline resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – The description of the pipeline.

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities in pipeline.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – List of parameters for pipeline.

  • variables (dict[str, VariableSpecification]) – List of variables for pipeline.

  • concurrency (int) – The max number of concurrent runs for the pipeline.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Pipeline.

  • run_dimensions (dict[str, JSON]) – Dimensions emitted by Pipeline.

  • folder (PipelineFolder) – The folder that this Pipeline is in. If not specified, Pipeline will appear at the root level.

  • policy (PipelinePolicy) – Pipeline Policy.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – The description of the pipeline.

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities in pipeline.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – List of parameters for pipeline.

  • variables (dict[str, VariableSpecification]) – List of variables for pipeline.

  • concurrency (int) – The max number of concurrent runs for the pipeline.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Pipeline.

  • run_dimensions (dict[str, JSON]) – Dimensions emitted by Pipeline.

  • folder (PipelineFolder) – The folder that this Pipeline is in. If not specified, Pipeline will appear at the root level.

  • policy (PipelinePolicy) – Pipeline Policy.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineRun(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Information about a pipeline run.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • run_id (str) – Identifier of a run.

  • run_group_id (str) – Identifier that correlates all the recovery runs of a pipeline run.

  • is_latest (bool) – Indicates if the recovered pipeline run is the latest in its group.

  • pipeline_name (str) – The pipeline name.

  • parameters (dict[str, str]) – The full or partial list of parameter name, value pair used in the pipeline run.

  • run_dimensions (dict[str, str]) – Run dimensions emitted by Pipeline run.

  • invoked_by (PipelineRunInvokedBy) – Entity that started the pipeline run.

  • last_updated (datetime) – The last updated timestamp for the pipeline run event in ISO8601 format.

  • run_start (datetime) – The start time of a pipeline run in ISO8601 format.

  • run_end (datetime) – The end time of a pipeline run in ISO8601 format.

  • duration_in_ms (int) – The duration of a pipeline run.

  • status (str) – The status of a pipeline run. Possible values: Queued, InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Canceling, Cancelled.

  • message (str) – The message from a pipeline run.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineRunInvokedBy(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Provides entity name and id that started the pipeline run.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • name (str) – Name of the entity that started the pipeline run.

  • id (str) – The ID of the entity that started the run.

  • invoked_by_type (str) – The type of the entity that started the run.

  • pipeline_name (str) – The name of the pipeline that triggered the run, if any.

  • pipeline_run_id (str) – The run id of the pipeline that triggered the run, if any.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PipelineRunsQueryResponse(*, value: List[_models.PipelineRun], continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list pipeline runs.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[PipelineRun]) – List of pipeline runs. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[PipelineRun]) – List of pipeline runs. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PolybaseSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, reject_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.PolybaseSettingsRejectType]] = None, reject_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, reject_sample_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_type_default: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

PolyBase settings.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • reject_type (str or PolybaseSettingsRejectType) – Reject type. Known values are: “value” and “percentage”.

  • reject_value (JSON) – Specifies the value or the percentage of rows that can be rejected before the query fails. Type: number (or Expression with resultType number), minimum: 0.

  • reject_sample_value (JSON) – Determines the number of rows to attempt to retrieve before the PolyBase recalculates the percentage of rejected rows. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • use_type_default (JSON) – Specifies how to handle missing values in delimited text files when PolyBase retrieves data from the text file. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • reject_type (str or PolybaseSettingsRejectType) – Reject type. Known values are: “value” and “percentage”.

  • reject_value (JSON) – Specifies the value or the percentage of rows that can be rejected before the query fails. Type: number (or Expression with resultType number), minimum: 0.

  • reject_sample_value (JSON) – Determines the number of rows to attempt to retrieve before the PolyBase recalculates the percentage of rejected rows. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • use_type_default (JSON) – Specifies how to handle missing values in delimited text files when PolyBase retrieves data from the text file. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PolybaseSettingsRejectType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Indicates whether the RejectValue property is specified as a literal value or a percentage.

PERCENTAGE = 'percentage'
VALUE = 'value'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PostgreSqlLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for PostgreSQL data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PostgreSqlSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for PostgreSQL databases.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PostgreSqlTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The PostgreSQL table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The PostgreSQL table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The PostgreSQL schema name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The PostgreSQL table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The PostgreSQL schema name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PowerQuerySink(*, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, dataset: Optional[_models.DatasetReference] = None, linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, flowlet: Optional[_models.DataFlowReference] = None, schema_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, rejected_data_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, script: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DataFlowSink

Power query sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PowerQuerySinkMapping(*, query_name: Optional[str] = None, dataflow_sinks: Optional[List[_models.PowerQuerySink]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Map Power Query mashup query to sink dataset(s).

  • query_name (str) – Name of the query in Power Query mashup document.

  • dataflow_sinks (list[PowerQuerySink]) – List of sinks mapped to Power Query mashup query.

Keyword Arguments
  • query_name (str) – Name of the query in Power Query mashup document.

  • dataflow_sinks (list[PowerQuerySink]) – List of sinks mapped to Power Query mashup query.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PowerQuerySource(*, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, dataset: Optional[_models.DatasetReference] = None, linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, flowlet: Optional[_models.DataFlowReference] = None, schema_linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, script: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DataFlowSource

Power query source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrestoAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Presto server.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrestoLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], server_version:[str, Any], catalog:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.PrestoAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_system_trust_store: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_host_name_cn_mismatch: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_self_signed_server_cert: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, time_zone_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Presto server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Presto server. (i.e. Required.

  • server_version (JSON) – The version of the Presto server. (i.e. 0.148-t). Required.

  • catalog (JSON) – The catalog context for all request against the server. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Presto server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 8080.

  • authentication_type (str or PrestoAuthenticationType) – The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Presto server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous” and “LDAP”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the Presto server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • time_zone_id (JSON) – The local time zone used by the connection. Valid values for this option are specified in the IANA Time Zone Database. The default value is the system time zone.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The IP address or host name of the Presto server. (i.e. Required.

  • server_version (JSON) – The version of the Presto server. (i.e. 0.148-t). Required.

  • catalog (JSON) – The catalog context for all request against the server. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Presto server uses to listen for client connections. The default value is 8080.

  • authentication_type (str or PrestoAuthenticationType) – The authentication mechanism used to connect to the Presto server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous” and “LDAP”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the Presto server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • time_zone_id (JSON) – The local time zone used by the connection. Valid values for this option are specified in the IANA Time Zone Database. The default value is the system time zone.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrestoObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Presto server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Presto. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Presto. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Presto. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Presto. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrestoSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Presto server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateEndpoint(*, id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Private endpoint which a connection belongs to.


id (str) – The resource Id for private endpoint.

Keyword Arguments

id (str) – The resource Id for private endpoint.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateEndpointConnectionListResponse(*, value: List[_models.PrivateEndpointConnectionResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of linked service resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateEndpointConnectionResource(*, properties: Optional[_models.RemotePrivateEndpointConnection] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Private Endpoint Connection ARM resource.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

Keyword Arguments

properties (RemotePrivateEndpointConnection) – Core resource properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateLinkConnectionApprovalRequest(*, private_link_service_connection_state: Optional[_models.PrivateLinkConnectionState] = None, private_endpoint: Optional[_models.PrivateEndpoint] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A request to approve or reject a private endpoint connection.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateLinkConnectionApprovalRequestResource(*, properties: Optional[_models.PrivateLinkConnectionApprovalRequest] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Private Endpoint Connection Approval ARM resource.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

Keyword Arguments

properties (PrivateLinkConnectionApprovalRequest) – Core resource properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateLinkConnectionState(*, status: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, actions_required: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The state of a private link connection.

  • status (str) – Status of a private link connection.

  • description (str) – Description of a private link connection.

  • actions_required (str) – ActionsRequired for a private link connection.

Keyword Arguments
  • status (str) – Status of a private link connection.

  • description (str) – Description of a private link connection.

  • actions_required (str) – ActionsRequired for a private link connection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateLinkResource(*, properties: Optional[_models.PrivateLinkResourceProperties] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

A private link resource.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (PrivateLinkResourceProperties) – Core resource properties.

Keyword Arguments

properties (PrivateLinkResourceProperties) – Core resource properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateLinkResourceProperties(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Properties of a private link resource.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • group_id (str) – GroupId of a private link resource.

  • required_members (list[str]) – RequiredMembers of a private link resource.

  • required_zone_names (list[str]) – RequiredZoneNames of a private link resource.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PrivateLinkResourcesWrapper(*, value: List[_models.PrivateLinkResource], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Wrapper for a collection of private link resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


value (list[PrivateLinkResource]) – Required.

Keyword Arguments

value (list[PrivateLinkResource]) – Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PublicNetworkAccess(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Whether or not public network access is allowed for the data factory.

DISABLED = 'Disabled'
ENABLED = 'Enabled'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.PurviewConfiguration(*, purview_resource_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Purview configuration.


purview_resource_id (str) – Purview resource id.

Keyword Arguments

purview_resource_id (str) – Purview resource id.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.QueryDataFlowDebugSessionsResponse(*, value: Optional[List[_models.DataFlowDebugSessionInfo]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of active debug sessions.

  • value (list[DataFlowDebugSessionInfo]) – Array with all active debug sessions.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[DataFlowDebugSessionInfo]) – Array with all active debug sessions.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.QuickBooksLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, endpoint: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, company_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, consumer_key: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, consumer_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, access_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, access_token_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

QuickBooks server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to QuickBooks. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the QuickBooks server. (i.e.

  • company_id (JSON) – The company ID of the QuickBooks company to authorize.

  • consumer_key (JSON) – The consumer key for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • consumer_secret (SecretBase) – The consumer secret for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • access_token_secret (SecretBase) – The access token secret for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to QuickBooks. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the QuickBooks server. (i.e.

  • company_id (JSON) – The company ID of the QuickBooks company to authorize.

  • consumer_key (JSON) – The consumer key for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • consumer_secret (SecretBase) – The consumer secret for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • access_token_secret (SecretBase) – The access token secret for OAuth 1.0 authentication.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.QuickBooksObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

QuickBooks server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.QuickBooksSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity QuickBooks server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.QuickbaseLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], user_token: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Quickbase.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The url to connect Quickbase source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_token (SecretBase) – The user token for the Quickbase source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The url to connect Quickbase source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_token (SecretBase) – The user token for the Quickbase source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RecurrenceFrequency(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enumerates possible frequency option for the schedule trigger.

DAY = 'Day'
HOUR = 'Hour'
MINUTE = 'Minute'
MONTH = 'Month'
NOT_SPECIFIED = 'NotSpecified'
WEEK = 'Week'
YEAR = 'Year'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RecurrenceSchedule(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, minutes: Optional[List[int]] = None, hours: Optional[List[int]] = None, week_days: Optional[List[Union[str, _models.DaysOfWeek]]] = None, month_days: Optional[List[int]] = None, monthly_occurrences: Optional[List[_models.RecurrenceScheduleOccurrence]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The recurrence schedule.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RecurrenceScheduleOccurrence(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, day: Optional[Union[str, _models.DayOfWeek]] = None, occurrence: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The recurrence schedule occurrence.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • day (str or DayOfWeek) – The day of the week. Known values are: “Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, and “Saturday”.

  • occurrence (int) – The occurrence.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • day (str or DayOfWeek) – The day of the week. Known values are: “Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, and “Saturday”.

  • occurrence (int) – The occurrence.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RedirectIncompatibleRowSettings(*, linked_service_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Redirect incompatible row settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • linked_service_name (JSON) – Name of the Azure Storage, Storage SAS, or Azure Data Lake Store linked service used for redirecting incompatible row. Must be specified if redirectIncompatibleRowSettings is specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path for storing the redirect incompatible row data. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • linked_service_name (JSON) – Name of the Azure Storage, Storage SAS, or Azure Data Lake Store linked service used for redirecting incompatible row. Must be specified if redirectIncompatibleRowSettings is specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path for storing the redirect incompatible row data. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RedshiftUnloadSettings(*, s3_linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, bucket_name:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The Amazon S3 settings needed for the interim Amazon S3 when copying from Amazon Redshift with unload. With this, data from Amazon Redshift source will be unloaded into S3 first and then copied into the targeted sink from the interim S3.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • s3_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The name of the Amazon S3 linked service which will be used for the unload operation when copying from the Amazon Redshift source. Required.

  • bucket_name (JSON) – The bucket of the interim Amazon S3 which will be used to store the unloaded data from Amazon Redshift source. The bucket must be in the same region as the Amazon Redshift source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • s3_linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – The name of the Amazon S3 linked service which will be used for the unload operation when copying from the Amazon Redshift source. Required.

  • bucket_name (JSON) – The bucket of the interim Amazon S3 which will be used to store the unloaded data from Amazon Redshift source. The bucket must be in the same region as the Amazon Redshift source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RelationalSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for various relational databases.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RelationalTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The relational table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The relational table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The relational table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RemotePrivateEndpointConnection(*, private_endpoint: Optional[_models.ArmIdWrapper] = None, private_link_service_connection_state: Optional[_models.PrivateLinkConnectionState] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A remote private endpoint connection.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • provisioning_state (str) –

  • private_endpoint (ArmIdWrapper) – PrivateEndpoint of a remote private endpoint connection.

  • private_link_service_connection_state (PrivateLinkConnectionState) – The state of a private link connection.

Keyword Arguments
  • private_endpoint (ArmIdWrapper) – PrivateEndpoint of a remote private endpoint connection.

  • private_link_service_connection_state (PrivateLinkConnectionState) – The state of a private link connection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RerunTumblingWindowTrigger(*, parent_trigger:[str, Any], requested_start_time: datetime.datetime, requested_end_time: datetime.datetime, rerun_concurrency: int, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Trigger

Trigger that schedules pipeline reruns for all fixed time interval windows from a requested start time to requested end time.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • parent_trigger (JSON) – The parent trigger reference. Required.

  • requested_start_time (datetime) – The start time for the time period for which restatement is initiated. Only UTC time is currently supported. Required.

  • requested_end_time (datetime) – The end time for the time period for which restatement is initiated. Only UTC time is currently supported. Required.

  • rerun_concurrency (int) – The max number of parallel time windows (ready for execution) for which a rerun is triggered. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • parent_trigger (JSON) – The parent trigger reference. Required.

  • requested_start_time (datetime) – The start time for the time period for which restatement is initiated. Only UTC time is currently supported. Required.

  • requested_end_time (datetime) – The end time for the time period for which restatement is initiated. Only UTC time is currently supported. Required.

  • rerun_concurrency (int) – The max number of parallel time windows (ready for execution) for which a rerun is triggered. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Resource(*, location: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure Data Factory top-level resource.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • location (str) – The resource location.

  • tags (dict[str, str]) – The resource tags.

  • e_tag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

Keyword Arguments
  • location (str) – The resource location.

  • tags (dict[str, str]) – The resource tags.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ResponsysLinkedService(*, endpoint:[str, Any], client_id:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Responsys linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Responsys server. Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with the Responsys application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with the Responsys application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Responsys server. Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with the Responsys application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with the Responsys application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ResponsysObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Responsys dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ResponsysSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Responsys source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RestResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, relative_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_method: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_body: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pagination_rules: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

A Rest service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • relative_url (JSON) – The relative URL to the resource that the RESTful API provides. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is GET. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The HTTP request body to the RESTful API if requestMethod is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pagination_rules (JSON) – The pagination rules to compose next page requests. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • relative_url (JSON) – The relative URL to the resource that the RESTful API provides. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is GET. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The HTTP request body to the RESTful API if requestMethod is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pagination_rules (JSON) – The pagination rules to compose next page requests. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RestServiceAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Type of authentication used to connect to the REST service.

AAD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL = 'AadServicePrincipal'
ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
BASIC = 'Basic'
MANAGED_SERVICE_IDENTITY = 'ManagedServiceIdentity'
O_AUTH2_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL = 'OAuth2ClientCredential'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RestServiceLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.RestServiceAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, enable_server_certificate_validation: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, auth_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, azure_cloud_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, aad_resource_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, token_endpoint: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, resource: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, scope: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Rest Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The base URL of the REST service. Required.

  • enable_server_certificate_validation (JSON) – Whether to validate server side SSL certificate when connecting to the endpoint.The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • authentication_type (str or RestServiceAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the REST service. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “Basic”, “AadServicePrincipal”, “ManagedServiceIdentity”, and “OAuth2ClientCredential”.

  • user_name (JSON) – The user name used in Basic authentication type.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password used in Basic authentication type.

  • auth_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to RESTful API used for authorization. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The application’s client ID used in AadServicePrincipal authentication type.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The application’s key used in AadServicePrincipal authentication type.

  • tenant (JSON) – The tenant information (domain name or tenant ID) used in AadServicePrincipal authentication type under which your application resides.

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • aad_resource_id (JSON) – The resource you are requesting authorization to use.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your application.

  • token_endpoint (JSON) – The token endpoint of the authorization server to acquire access token. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • resource (JSON) – The target service or resource to which the access will be requested. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • scope (JSON) – The scope of the access required. It describes what kind of access will be requested. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The base URL of the REST service. Required.

  • enable_server_certificate_validation (JSON) – Whether to validate server side SSL certificate when connecting to the endpoint.The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • authentication_type (str or RestServiceAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the REST service. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “Basic”, “AadServicePrincipal”, “ManagedServiceIdentity”, and “OAuth2ClientCredential”.

  • user_name (JSON) – The user name used in Basic authentication type.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password used in Basic authentication type.

  • auth_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to RESTful API used for authorization. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The application’s client ID used in AadServicePrincipal authentication type.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The application’s key used in AadServicePrincipal authentication type.

  • tenant (JSON) – The tenant information (domain name or tenant ID) used in AadServicePrincipal authentication type under which your application resides.

  • azure_cloud_type (JSON) – Indicates the azure cloud type of the service principle auth. Allowed values are AzurePublic, AzureChina, AzureUsGovernment, AzureGermany. Default value is the data factory regions’ cloud type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • aad_resource_id (JSON) – The resource you are requesting authorization to use.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your application.

  • token_endpoint (JSON) – The token endpoint of the authorization server to acquire access token. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • resource (JSON) – The target service or resource to which the access will be requested. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • scope (JSON) – The scope of the access required. It describes what kind of access will be requested. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RestSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_method: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_interval: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_compression_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Rest service Sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:01:40. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • request_interval (JSON) – The time to await before sending next request, in milliseconds.

  • http_compression_type (JSON) – Http Compression Type to Send data in compressed format with Optimal Compression Level, Default is None. And The Only Supported option is Gzip.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:01:40. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • request_interval (JSON) – The time to await before sending next request, in milliseconds.

  • http_compression_type (JSON) – Http Compression Type to Send data in compressed format with Optimal Compression Level, Default is None. And The Only Supported option is Gzip.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RestSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_method: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_body: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pagination_rules: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, request_interval: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Rest service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is GET. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The HTTP request body to the RESTful API if requestMethod is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pagination_rules (JSON) – The pagination rules to compose next page requests. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:01:40. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • request_interval (JSON) – The time to await before sending next page request.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • request_method (JSON) – The HTTP method used to call the RESTful API. The default is GET. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • request_body (JSON) – The HTTP request body to the RESTful API if requestMethod is POST. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • additional_headers (JSON) – The additional HTTP headers in the request to the RESTful API. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pagination_rules (JSON) – The pagination rules to compose next page requests. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:01:40. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • request_interval (JSON) – The time to await before sending next page request.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RetryPolicy(*, count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, interval_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Execution policy for an activity.

  • count (JSON) – Maximum ordinary retry attempts. Default is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • interval_in_seconds (int) – Interval between retries in seconds. Default is 30.

Keyword Arguments
  • count (JSON) – Maximum ordinary retry attempts. Default is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • interval_in_seconds (int) – Interval between retries in seconds. Default is 30.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RunFilterParameters(*, last_updated_after: datetime.datetime, last_updated_before: datetime.datetime, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, filters: Optional[List[_models.RunQueryFilter]] = None, order_by: Optional[List[_models.RunQueryOrderBy]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Query parameters for listing runs.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.

  • last_updated_after (datetime) – The time at or after which the run event was updated in ‘ISO 8601’ format. Required.

  • last_updated_before (datetime) – The time at or before which the run event was updated in ‘ISO 8601’ format. Required.

  • filters (list[RunQueryFilter]) – List of filters.

  • order_by (list[RunQueryOrderBy]) – List of OrderBy option.

Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.

  • last_updated_after (datetime) – The time at or after which the run event was updated in ‘ISO 8601’ format. Required.

  • last_updated_before (datetime) – The time at or before which the run event was updated in ‘ISO 8601’ format. Required.

  • filters (list[RunQueryFilter]) – List of filters.

  • order_by (list[RunQueryOrderBy]) – List of OrderBy option.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RunQueryFilter(*, operand: Union[str, _models.RunQueryFilterOperand], operator: Union[str, _models.RunQueryFilterOperator], values: List[str], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Query filter option for listing runs.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • operand (str or RunQueryFilterOperand) – Parameter name to be used for filter. The allowed operands to query pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; to query activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd, ActivityType and Status, and to query trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status. Required. Known values are: “PipelineName”, “Status”, “RunStart”, “RunEnd”, “ActivityName”, “ActivityRunStart”, “ActivityRunEnd”, “ActivityType”, “TriggerName”, “TriggerRunTimestamp”, “RunGroupId”, and “LatestOnly”.

  • operator (str or RunQueryFilterOperator) – Operator to be used for filter. Required. Known values are: “Equals”, “NotEquals”, “In”, and “NotIn”.

  • values (list[str]) – List of filter values. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • operand (str or RunQueryFilterOperand) – Parameter name to be used for filter. The allowed operands to query pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; to query activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd, ActivityType and Status, and to query trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status. Required. Known values are: “PipelineName”, “Status”, “RunStart”, “RunEnd”, “ActivityName”, “ActivityRunStart”, “ActivityRunEnd”, “ActivityType”, “TriggerName”, “TriggerRunTimestamp”, “RunGroupId”, and “LatestOnly”.

  • operator (str or RunQueryFilterOperator) – Operator to be used for filter. Required. Known values are: “Equals”, “NotEquals”, “In”, and “NotIn”.

  • values (list[str]) – List of filter values. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RunQueryFilterOperand(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Parameter name to be used for filter. The allowed operands to query pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; to query activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd, ActivityType and Status, and to query trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status.

ACTIVITY_NAME = 'ActivityName'
ACTIVITY_RUN_END = 'ActivityRunEnd'
ACTIVITY_RUN_START = 'ActivityRunStart'
ACTIVITY_TYPE = 'ActivityType'
LATEST_ONLY = 'LatestOnly'
PIPELINE_NAME = 'PipelineName'
RUN_END = 'RunEnd'
RUN_GROUP_ID = 'RunGroupId'
RUN_START = 'RunStart'
STATUS = 'Status'
TRIGGER_NAME = 'TriggerName'
TRIGGER_RUN_TIMESTAMP = 'TriggerRunTimestamp'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RunQueryFilterOperator(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Operator to be used for filter.

EQUALS = 'Equals'
IN = 'In'
NOT_EQUALS = 'NotEquals'
NOT_IN = 'NotIn'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RunQueryOrder(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Sorting order of the parameter.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RunQueryOrderBy(*, order_by: Union[str, _models.RunQueryOrderByField], order: Union[str, _models.RunQueryOrder], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

An object to provide order by options for listing runs.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • order_by (str or RunQueryOrderByField) – Parameter name to be used for order by. The allowed parameters to order by for pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; for activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd and Status; for trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status. Required. Known values are: “RunStart”, “RunEnd”, “PipelineName”, “Status”, “ActivityName”, “ActivityRunStart”, “ActivityRunEnd”, “TriggerName”, and “TriggerRunTimestamp”.

  • order (str or RunQueryOrder) – Sorting order of the parameter. Required. Known values are: “ASC” and “DESC”.

Keyword Arguments
  • order_by (str or RunQueryOrderByField) – Parameter name to be used for order by. The allowed parameters to order by for pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; for activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd and Status; for trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status. Required. Known values are: “RunStart”, “RunEnd”, “PipelineName”, “Status”, “ActivityName”, “ActivityRunStart”, “ActivityRunEnd”, “TriggerName”, and “TriggerRunTimestamp”.

  • order (str or RunQueryOrder) – Sorting order of the parameter. Required. Known values are: “ASC” and “DESC”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.RunQueryOrderByField(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Parameter name to be used for order by. The allowed parameters to order by for pipeline runs are PipelineName, RunStart, RunEnd and Status; for activity runs are ActivityName, ActivityRunStart, ActivityRunEnd and Status; for trigger runs are TriggerName, TriggerRunTimestamp and Status.

ACTIVITY_NAME = 'ActivityName'
ACTIVITY_RUN_END = 'ActivityRunEnd'
ACTIVITY_RUN_START = 'ActivityRunStart'
PIPELINE_NAME = 'PipelineName'
RUN_END = 'RunEnd'
RUN_START = 'RunStart'
STATUS = 'Status'
TRIGGER_NAME = 'TriggerName'
TRIGGER_RUN_TIMESTAMP = 'TriggerRunTimestamp'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SSISAccessCredential(*, domain:[str, Any], user_name:[str, Any], password: _models.SecretBase, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS access credential.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • domain (JSON) – Domain for windows authentication. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – UseName for windows authentication. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for windows authentication. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • domain (JSON) – Domain for windows authentication. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – UseName for windows authentication. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for windows authentication. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SSISChildPackage(*, package_path:[str, Any], package_content:[str, Any], package_name: Optional[str] = None, package_last_modified_date: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS embedded child package.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • package_path (JSON) – Path for embedded child package. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • package_name (str) – Name for embedded child package.

  • package_content (JSON) – Content for embedded child package. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • package_last_modified_date (str) – Last modified date for embedded child package.

Keyword Arguments
  • package_path (JSON) – Path for embedded child package. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • package_name (str) – Name for embedded child package.

  • package_content (JSON) – Content for embedded child package. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • package_last_modified_date (str) – Last modified date for embedded child package.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SSISExecutionCredential(*, domain:[str, Any], user_name:[str, Any], password: _models.SecureString, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS package execution credential.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • domain (JSON) – Domain for windows authentication. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – UseName for windows authentication. Required.

  • password (SecureString) – Password for windows authentication. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • domain (JSON) – Domain for windows authentication. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – UseName for windows authentication. Required.

  • password (SecureString) – Password for windows authentication. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SSISExecutionParameter(*, value:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS execution parameter.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


value (JSON) – SSIS package execution parameter value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments

value (JSON) – SSIS package execution parameter value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SSISLogLocation(*, log_path:[str, Any], type: Union[str, _models.SsisLogLocationType], access_credential: Optional[_models.SSISAccessCredential] = None, log_refresh_interval: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS package execution log location.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • log_path (JSON) – The SSIS package execution log path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • type (str or SsisLogLocationType) – The type of SSIS log location. Required. “File”

  • access_credential (SSISAccessCredential) – The package execution log access credential.

  • log_refresh_interval (JSON) – Specifies the interval to refresh log. The default interval is 5 minutes. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

Keyword Arguments
  • log_path (JSON) – The SSIS package execution log path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • type (str or SsisLogLocationType) – The type of SSIS log location. Required. “File”

  • access_credential (SSISAccessCredential) – The package execution log access credential.

  • log_refresh_interval (JSON) – Specifies the interval to refresh log. The default interval is 5 minutes. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SSISPackageLocation(*, package_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type: Optional[Union[str, _models.SsisPackageLocationType]] = None, package_password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, access_credential: Optional[_models.SSISAccessCredential] = None, configuration_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, configuration_access_credential: Optional[_models.SSISAccessCredential] = None, package_name: Optional[str] = None, package_content: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, package_last_modified_date: Optional[str] = None, child_packages: Optional[List[_models.SSISChildPackage]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS package location.

  • package_path (JSON) – The SSIS package path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or SsisPackageLocationType) – The type of SSIS package location. Known values are: “SSISDB”, “File”, “InlinePackage”, and “PackageStore”.

  • package_password (SecretBase) – Password of the package.

  • access_credential (SSISAccessCredential) – The package access credential.

  • configuration_path (JSON) – The configuration file of the package execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • configuration_access_credential (SSISAccessCredential) – The configuration file access credential.

  • package_name (str) – The package name.

  • package_content (JSON) – The embedded package content. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • package_last_modified_date (str) – The embedded package last modified date.

  • child_packages (list[SSISChildPackage]) – The embedded child package list.

Keyword Arguments
  • package_path (JSON) – The SSIS package path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or SsisPackageLocationType) – The type of SSIS package location. Known values are: “SSISDB”, “File”, “InlinePackage”, and “PackageStore”.

  • package_password (SecretBase) – Password of the package.

  • access_credential (SSISAccessCredential) – The package access credential.

  • configuration_path (JSON) – The configuration file of the package execution. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • configuration_access_credential (SSISAccessCredential) – The configuration file access credential.

  • package_name (str) – The package name.

  • package_content (JSON) – The embedded package content. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • package_last_modified_date (str) – The embedded package last modified date.

  • child_packages (list[SSISChildPackage]) – The embedded child package list.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SSISPropertyOverride(*, value:[str, Any], is_sensitive: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS property override.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (JSON) – SSIS package property override value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • is_sensitive (bool) – Whether SSIS package property override value is sensitive data. Value will be encrypted in SSISDB if it is true.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (JSON) – SSIS package property override value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • is_sensitive (bool) – Whether SSIS package property override value is sensitive data. Value will be encrypted in SSISDB if it is true.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, environment_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, security_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, api_version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Salesforce.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • environment_url (JSON) – The URL of Salesforce instance. Default is ‘’. To copy data from sandbox, specify ‘’. To copy data from custom domain, specify, for example, ‘https://[domain]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • username (JSON) – The username for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance.

  • security_token (SecretBase) – The security token is optional to remotely access Salesforce instance.

  • api_version (JSON) – The Salesforce API version used in ADF. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • environment_url (JSON) – The URL of Salesforce instance. Default is ‘’. To copy data from sandbox, specify ‘’. To copy data from custom domain, specify, for example, ‘https://[domain]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • username (JSON) – The username for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance.

  • security_token (SecretBase) – The security token is optional to remotely access Salesforce instance.

  • api_version (JSON) – The Salesforce API version used in ADF. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Salesforce Marketing Cloud linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Salesforce Marketing Cloud dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceMarketingCloudSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Salesforce Marketing Cloud source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, object_api_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Salesforce object dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • object_api_name (JSON) – The Salesforce object API name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • object_api_name (JSON) – The Salesforce object API name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, environment_url: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, security_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, api_version: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, extended_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Salesforce Service Cloud.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • environment_url (JSON) – The URL of Salesforce Service Cloud instance. Default is ‘’. To copy data from sandbox, specify ‘’. To copy data from custom domain, specify, for example, ‘https://[domain]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • username (JSON) – The username for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance.

  • security_token (SecretBase) – The security token is optional to remotely access Salesforce instance.

  • api_version (JSON) – The Salesforce API version used in ADF. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • extended_properties (JSON) – Extended properties appended to the connection string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • environment_url (JSON) – The URL of Salesforce Service Cloud instance. Default is ‘’. To copy data from sandbox, specify ‘’. To copy data from custom domain, specify, for example, ‘https://[domain]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • username (JSON) – The username for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication of the Salesforce instance.

  • security_token (SecretBase) – The security token is optional to remotely access Salesforce instance.

  • api_version (JSON) – The Salesforce API version used in ADF. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • extended_properties (JSON) – Extended properties appended to the connection string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceServiceCloudObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, object_api_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Salesforce Service Cloud object dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • object_api_name (JSON) – The Salesforce Service Cloud object API name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • object_api_name (JSON) – The Salesforce Service Cloud object API name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceServiceCloudSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[Union[str, _models.SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior]] = None, external_id_field_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ignore_null_values: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Salesforce Service Cloud sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Default is Insert. Known values are: “Insert” and “Upsert”.

  • external_id_field_name (JSON) – The name of the external ID field for upsert operation. Default value is ‘Id’ column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether or not to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default value is false. If set it to true, it means ADF will leave the data in the destination object unchanged when doing upsert/update operation and insert defined default value when doing insert operation, versus ADF will update the data in the destination object to NULL when doing upsert/update operation and insert NULL value when doing insert operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Default is Insert. Known values are: “Insert” and “Upsert”.

  • external_id_field_name (JSON) – The name of the external ID field for upsert operation. Default value is ‘Id’ column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether or not to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default value is false. If set it to true, it means ADF will leave the data in the destination object unchanged when doing upsert/update operation and insert defined default value when doing insert operation, versus ADF will update the data in the destination object to NULL when doing upsert/update operation and insert NULL value when doing insert operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceServiceCloudSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, read_behavior: Optional[Union[str, _models.SalesforceSourceReadBehavior]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Salesforce Service Cloud source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • read_behavior (str or SalesforceSourceReadBehavior) – The read behavior for the operation. Default is Query. Known values are: “Query” and “QueryAll”.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • read_behavior (str or SalesforceSourceReadBehavior) – The read behavior for the operation. Default is Query. Known values are: “Query” and “QueryAll”.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[Union[str, _models.SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior]] = None, external_id_field_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, ignore_null_values: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Salesforce sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Default is Insert. Known values are: “Insert” and “Upsert”.

  • external_id_field_name (JSON) – The name of the external ID field for upsert operation. Default value is ‘Id’ column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether or not to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default value is false. If set it to true, it means ADF will leave the data in the destination object unchanged when doing upsert/update operation and insert defined default value when doing insert operation, versus ADF will update the data in the destination object to NULL when doing upsert/update operation and insert NULL value when doing insert operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Default is Insert. Known values are: “Insert” and “Upsert”.

  • external_id_field_name (JSON) – The name of the external ID field for upsert operation. Default value is ‘Id’ column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • ignore_null_values (JSON) – The flag indicating whether or not to ignore null values from input dataset (except key fields) during write operation. Default value is false. If set it to true, it means ADF will leave the data in the destination object unchanged when doing upsert/update operation and insert defined default value when doing insert operation, versus ADF will update the data in the destination object to NULL when doing upsert/update operation and insert NULL value when doing insert operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The write behavior for the operation. Default is Insert.

INSERT = 'Insert'
UPSERT = 'Upsert'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, read_behavior: Optional[Union[str, _models.SalesforceSourceReadBehavior]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Salesforce source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • read_behavior (str or SalesforceSourceReadBehavior) – The read behavior for the operation. Default is Query. Known values are: “Query” and “QueryAll”.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • read_behavior (str or SalesforceSourceReadBehavior) – The read behavior for the operation. Default is Query. Known values are: “Query” and “QueryAll”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SalesforceSourceReadBehavior(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The read behavior for the operation. Default is Query.

QUERY = 'Query'
QUERY_ALL = 'QueryAll'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapBWLinkedService(*, server:[str, Any], system_number:[str, Any], client_id:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

SAP Business Warehouse Linked Service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP BW instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the BW system. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the BW system. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP BW server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP BW server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP BW instance. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the BW system. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the BW system. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP BW server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP BW server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapBwCubeDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The SAP BW cube dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapBwSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for SapBW server via MDX.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – MDX query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – MDX query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapCloudForCustomerLinkedService(*, url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for SAP Cloud for Customer.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of SAP Cloud for Customer OData API. For example, ‘[https://[tenantname]]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – The username for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Either encryptedCredential or username/password must be provided. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of SAP Cloud for Customer OData API. For example, ‘[https://[tenantname]]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – The username for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Either encryptedCredential or username/password must be provided. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapCloudForCustomerResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, path:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The path of the SAP Cloud for Customer OData entity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The path of the SAP Cloud for Customer OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The path of the SAP Cloud for Customer OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapCloudForCustomerSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[Union[str, _models.SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity SAP Cloud for Customer sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Default is ‘Insert’. Known values are: “Insert” and “Update”.

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (str or SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior) – The write behavior for the operation. Default is ‘Insert’. Known values are: “Insert” and “Update”.

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The write behavior for the operation. Default is ‘Insert’.

INSERT = 'Insert'
UPDATE = 'Update'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapCloudForCustomerSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for SAP Cloud for Customer source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – SAP Cloud for Customer OData query. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – SAP Cloud for Customer OData query. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapEccLinkedService(*, url: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for SAP ERP Central Component(SAP ECC).

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (str) – The URL of SAP ECC OData API. For example, ‘[https://hostname:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/servicename/]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (str) – The username for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Either encryptedCredential or username/password must be provided. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • url (str) – The URL of SAP ECC OData API. For example, ‘[https://hostname:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/servicename/]’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (str) – The username for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (str) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Either encryptedCredential or username/password must be provided. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapEccResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, path:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The path of the SAP ECC OData entity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The path of the SAP ECC OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • path (JSON) – The path of the SAP ECC OData entity. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapEccSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for SAP ECC source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – SAP ECC OData query. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – SAP ECC OData query. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The timeout (TimeSpan) to get an HTTP response. It is the timeout to get a response, not the timeout to read response data. Default value: 00:05:00. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapHanaAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to be used to connect to the SAP HANA server.

BASIC = 'Basic'
WINDOWS = 'Windows'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapHanaLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.SapHanaAuthenticationType]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

SAP HANA Linked Service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – SAP HANA ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP HANA server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or SapHanaAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the SAP HANA server. Known values are: “Basic” and “Windows”.

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP HANA server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP HANA server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – SAP HANA ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP HANA server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or SapHanaAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the SAP HANA server. Known values are: “Basic” and “Windows”.

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP HANA server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP HANA server.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapHanaPartitionOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The partition mechanism that will be used for SAP HANA read in parallel.

NONE = 'None'
PHYSICAL_PARTITIONS_OF_TABLE = 'PhysicalPartitionsOfTable'
SAP_HANA_DYNAMIC_RANGE = 'SapHanaDynamicRange'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapHanaPartitionSettings(*, partition_column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The settings that will be leveraged for SAP HANA source partitioning.


partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments

partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapHanaSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, packet_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SapHanaPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for SAP HANA source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – SAP HANA Sql query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • packet_size (JSON) – The packet size of data read from SAP HANA. Type: integer(or Expression with resultType integer).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for SAP HANA read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “SapHanaDynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SapHanaPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for SAP HANA source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – SAP HANA Sql query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • packet_size (JSON) – The packet size of data read from SAP HANA. Type: integer(or Expression with resultType integer).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for SAP HANA read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “SapHanaDynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SapHanaPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for SAP HANA source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapHanaTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

SAP HANA Table properties.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of SAP HANA. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of SAP HANA. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of SAP HANA. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of SAP HANA. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapOdpLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, system_number: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, language: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, system_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, message_server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, message_server_service: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_mode: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_my_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_partner_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_library_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_qop: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, x509_certificate_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, logon_group: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, subscriber_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

SAP ODP Linked Service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP instance where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • language (JSON) – Language of the SAP system where the table is located. The default value is EN. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_id (JSON) – SystemID of the SAP system where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP server where the table is located.

  • message_server (JSON) – The hostname of the SAP Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • message_server_service (JSON) – The service name or port number of the Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_mode (JSON) – SNC activation indicator to access the SAP server where the table is located. Must be either 0 (off) or 1 (on). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_my_name (JSON) – Initiator’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_partner_name (JSON) – Communication partner’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_library_path (JSON) – External security product’s library to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_qop (JSON) – SNC Quality of Protection. Allowed value include: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • x509_certificate_path (JSON) – SNC X509 certificate file path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logon_group (JSON) – The Logon Group for the SAP System. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subscriber_name (JSON) – The subscriber name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP instance where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • language (JSON) – Language of the SAP system where the table is located. The default value is EN. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_id (JSON) – SystemID of the SAP system where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP server where the table is located.

  • message_server (JSON) – The hostname of the SAP Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • message_server_service (JSON) – The service name or port number of the Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_mode (JSON) – SNC activation indicator to access the SAP server where the table is located. Must be either 0 (off) or 1 (on). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_my_name (JSON) – Initiator’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_partner_name (JSON) – Communication partner’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_library_path (JSON) – External security product’s library to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_qop (JSON) – SNC Quality of Protection. Allowed value include: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • x509_certificate_path (JSON) – SNC X509 certificate file path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logon_group (JSON) – The Logon Group for the SAP System. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subscriber_name (JSON) – The subscriber name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapOdpResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, context:[str, Any], object_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

SAP ODP Resource properties.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • context (JSON) – The context of the SAP ODP Object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • object_name (JSON) – The name of the SAP ODP Object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • context (JSON) – The context of the SAP ODP Object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • object_name (JSON) – The name of the SAP ODP Object. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapOdpSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, extraction_mode: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, subscriber_process: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, selection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, projection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for SAP ODP source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • extraction_mode (JSON) – The extraction mode. Allowed value include: Full, Delta and Recovery. The default value is Full. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subscriber_process (JSON) – The subscriber process to manage the delta process. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • selection (JSON) – Specifies the selection conditions from source data. Type: array of objects(selection) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • projection (JSON) – Specifies the columns to be selected from source data. Type: array of objects(projection) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • extraction_mode (JSON) – The extraction mode. Allowed value include: Full, Delta and Recovery. The default value is Full. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • subscriber_process (JSON) – The subscriber process to manage the delta process. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • selection (JSON) – Specifies the selection conditions from source data. Type: array of objects(selection) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • projection (JSON) – Specifies the columns to be selected from source data. Type: array of objects(projection) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapOpenHubLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, system_number: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, language: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, system_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, message_server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, message_server_service: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, logon_group: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

SAP Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination Linked Service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP BW instance where the open hub destination is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the BW system where the open hub destination is located. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the BW system where the open hub destination is located. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • language (JSON) – Language of the BW system where the open hub destination is located. The default value is EN. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_id (JSON) – SystemID of the SAP system where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP BW server where the open hub destination is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP BW server where the open hub destination is located.

  • message_server (JSON) – The hostname of the SAP Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • message_server_service (JSON) – The service name or port number of the Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logon_group (JSON) – The Logon Group for the SAP System. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP BW instance where the open hub destination is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the BW system where the open hub destination is located. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the BW system where the open hub destination is located. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • language (JSON) – Language of the BW system where the open hub destination is located. The default value is EN. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_id (JSON) – SystemID of the SAP system where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP BW server where the open hub destination is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP BW server where the open hub destination is located.

  • message_server (JSON) – The hostname of the SAP Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • message_server_service (JSON) – The service name or port number of the Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logon_group (JSON) – The Logon Group for the SAP System. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapOpenHubSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, exclude_last_request: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, base_request_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, custom_rfc_read_table_function_module: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sap_data_column_delimiter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for SAP Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • exclude_last_request (JSON) – Whether to exclude the records of the last request. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • base_request_id (JSON) – The ID of request for delta loading. Once it is set, only data with requestId larger than the value of this property will be retrieved. The default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer ).

  • custom_rfc_read_table_function_module (JSON) – Specifies the custom RFC function module that will be used to read data from SAP Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sap_data_column_delimiter (JSON) – The single character that will be used as delimiter passed to SAP RFC as well as splitting the output data retrieved. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • exclude_last_request (JSON) – Whether to exclude the records of the last request. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • base_request_id (JSON) – The ID of request for delta loading. Once it is set, only data with requestId larger than the value of this property will be retrieved. The default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer ).

  • custom_rfc_read_table_function_module (JSON) – Specifies the custom RFC function module that will be used to read data from SAP Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sap_data_column_delimiter (JSON) – The single character that will be used as delimiter passed to SAP RFC as well as splitting the output data retrieved. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapOpenHubTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, open_hub_destination_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, exclude_last_request: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, base_request_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Sap Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination Table properties.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • open_hub_destination_name (JSON) – The name of the Open Hub Destination with destination type as Database Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • exclude_last_request (JSON) – Whether to exclude the records of the last request. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • base_request_id (JSON) – The ID of request for delta loading. Once it is set, only data with requestId larger than the value of this property will be retrieved. The default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer ).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • open_hub_destination_name (JSON) – The name of the Open Hub Destination with destination type as Database Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • exclude_last_request (JSON) – Whether to exclude the records of the last request. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • base_request_id (JSON) – The ID of request for delta loading. Once it is set, only data with requestId larger than the value of this property will be retrieved. The default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer ).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapTableLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, system_number: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, language: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, system_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, message_server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, message_server_service: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_mode: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_my_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_partner_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_library_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, snc_qop: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, logon_group: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

SAP Table Linked Service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP instance where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • language (JSON) – Language of the SAP system where the table is located. The default value is EN. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_id (JSON) – SystemID of the SAP system where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP server where the table is located.

  • message_server (JSON) – The hostname of the SAP Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • message_server_service (JSON) – The service name or port number of the Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_mode (JSON) – SNC activation indicator to access the SAP server where the table is located. Must be either 0 (off) or 1 (on). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_my_name (JSON) – Initiator’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_partner_name (JSON) – Communication partner’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_library_path (JSON) – External security product’s library to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_qop (JSON) – SNC Quality of Protection. Allowed value include: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logon_group (JSON) – The Logon Group for the SAP System. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Host name of the SAP instance where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_number (JSON) – System number of the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a two-digit decimal number represented as a string.) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • client_id (JSON) – Client ID of the client on the SAP system where the table is located. (Usually a three-digit decimal number represented as a string) Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • language (JSON) – Language of the SAP system where the table is located. The default value is EN. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • system_id (JSON) – SystemID of the SAP system where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_name (JSON) – Username to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to access the SAP server where the table is located.

  • message_server (JSON) – The hostname of the SAP Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • message_server_service (JSON) – The service name or port number of the Message Server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_mode (JSON) – SNC activation indicator to access the SAP server where the table is located. Must be either 0 (off) or 1 (on). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_my_name (JSON) – Initiator’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_partner_name (JSON) – Communication partner’s SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_library_path (JSON) – External security product’s library to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • snc_qop (JSON) – SNC Quality of Protection. Allowed value include: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • logon_group (JSON) – The Logon Group for the SAP System. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapTablePartitionOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The partition mechanism that will be used for SAP table read in parallel.

NONE = 'None'
PARTITION_ON_CALENDAR_DATE = 'PartitionOnCalendarDate'
PARTITION_ON_CALENDAR_MONTH = 'PartitionOnCalendarMonth'
PARTITION_ON_CALENDAR_YEAR = 'PartitionOnCalendarYear'
PARTITION_ON_INT = 'PartitionOnInt'
PARTITION_ON_TIME = 'PartitionOnTime'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapTablePartitionSettings(*, partition_column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_upper_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_lower_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_partitions_number: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The settings that will be leveraged for SAP table source partitioning.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • max_partitions_number (JSON) – The maximum value of partitions the table will be split into. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • max_partitions_number (JSON) – The maximum value of partitions the table will be split into. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapTableResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, table_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

SAP Table Resource properties.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The name of the SAP Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The name of the SAP Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SapTableSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, row_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, row_skips: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, rfc_table_fields: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, rfc_table_options: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, custom_rfc_read_table_function_module: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sap_data_column_delimiter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SapTablePartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for SAP Table source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • row_count (JSON) – The number of rows to be retrieved. Type: integer(or Expression with resultType integer).

  • row_skips (JSON) – The number of rows that will be skipped. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • rfc_table_fields (JSON) – The fields of the SAP table that will be retrieved. For example, column0, column1. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • rfc_table_options (JSON) – The options for the filtering of the SAP Table. For example, COLUMN0 EQ SOME VALUE. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be retrieved at a time when retrieving data from SAP Table. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • custom_rfc_read_table_function_module (JSON) – Specifies the custom RFC function module that will be used to read data from SAP Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sap_data_column_delimiter (JSON) – The single character that will be used as delimiter passed to SAP RFC as well as splitting the output data retrieved. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for SAP table read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PartitionOnInt”, “PartitionOnCalendarYear”, “PartitionOnCalendarMonth”, “PartitionOnCalendarDate”, “PartitionOnTime”.

  • partition_settings (SapTablePartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for SAP table source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • row_count (JSON) – The number of rows to be retrieved. Type: integer(or Expression with resultType integer).

  • row_skips (JSON) – The number of rows that will be skipped. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • rfc_table_fields (JSON) – The fields of the SAP table that will be retrieved. For example, column0, column1. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • rfc_table_options (JSON) – The options for the filtering of the SAP Table. For example, COLUMN0 EQ SOME VALUE. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • batch_size (JSON) – Specifies the maximum number of rows that will be retrieved at a time when retrieving data from SAP Table. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • custom_rfc_read_table_function_module (JSON) – Specifies the custom RFC function module that will be used to read data from SAP Table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sap_data_column_delimiter (JSON) – The single character that will be used as delimiter passed to SAP RFC as well as splitting the output data retrieved. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for SAP table read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PartitionOnInt”, “PartitionOnCalendarYear”, “PartitionOnCalendarMonth”, “PartitionOnCalendarDate”, “PartitionOnTime”.

  • partition_settings (SapTablePartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for SAP table source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScheduleTrigger(*, recurrence: _models.ScheduleTriggerRecurrence, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, pipelines: Optional[List[_models.TriggerPipelineReference]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.MultiplePipelineTrigger

Trigger that creates pipeline runs periodically, on schedule.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • recurrence (ScheduleTriggerRecurrence) – Recurrence schedule configuration. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipelines (list[TriggerPipelineReference]) – Pipelines that need to be started.

  • recurrence (ScheduleTriggerRecurrence) – Recurrence schedule configuration. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScheduleTriggerRecurrence(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, frequency: Optional[Union[str, _models.RecurrenceFrequency]] = None, interval: Optional[int] = None, start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, end_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, time_zone: Optional[str] = None, schedule: Optional[_models.RecurrenceSchedule] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The workflow trigger recurrence.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • frequency (str or RecurrenceFrequency) – The frequency. Known values are: “NotSpecified”, “Minute”, “Hour”, “Day”, “Week”, “Month”, and “Year”.

  • interval (int) – The interval.

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time.

  • end_time (datetime) – The end time.

  • time_zone (str) – The time zone.

  • schedule (RecurrenceSchedule) – The recurrence schedule.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • frequency (str or RecurrenceFrequency) – The frequency. Known values are: “NotSpecified”, “Minute”, “Hour”, “Day”, “Week”, “Month”, and “Year”.

  • interval (int) – The interval.

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time.

  • end_time (datetime) – The end time.

  • time_zone (str) – The time zone.

  • schedule (RecurrenceSchedule) – The recurrence schedule.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptAction(*, name: str, uri: str, roles:[str, Any], parameters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Custom script action to run on HDI ondemand cluster once it’s up.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • name (str) – The user provided name of the script action. Required.

  • uri (str) – The URI for the script action. Required.

  • roles (JSON) – The node types on which the script action should be executed. Required.

  • parameters (str) – The parameters for the script action.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – The user provided name of the script action. Required.

  • uri (str) – The URI for the script action. Required.

  • roles (JSON) – The node types on which the script action should be executed. Required.

  • parameters (str) – The parameters for the script action.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, scripts: Optional[List[_models.ScriptActivityScriptBlock]] = None, log_settings: Optional[_models.ScriptActivityTypePropertiesLogSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Script activity type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptActivityLogDestination(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The destination of logs. Type: string.

ACTIVITY_OUTPUT = 'ActivityOutput'
EXTERNAL_STORE = 'ExternalStore'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptActivityParameter(*, name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type: Optional[Union[str, _models.ScriptActivityParameterType]] = None, value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, direction: Optional[Union[str, _models.ScriptActivityParameterDirection]] = None, size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Parameters of a script block.

  • name (JSON) – The name of the parameter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or ScriptActivityParameterType) – The type of the parameter. Known values are: “Boolean”, “DateTime”, “DateTimeOffset”, “Decimal”, “Double”, “Guid”, “Int16”, “Int32”, “Int64”, “Single”, “String”, and “Timespan”.

  • value (JSON) – The value of the parameter.

  • direction (str or ScriptActivityParameterDirection) – The direction of the parameter. Known values are: “Input”, “Output”, and “InputOutput”.

  • size (int) – The size of the output direction parameter.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (JSON) – The name of the parameter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or ScriptActivityParameterType) – The type of the parameter. Known values are: “Boolean”, “DateTime”, “DateTimeOffset”, “Decimal”, “Double”, “Guid”, “Int16”, “Int32”, “Int64”, “Single”, “String”, and “Timespan”.

  • value (JSON) – The value of the parameter.

  • direction (str or ScriptActivityParameterDirection) – The direction of the parameter. Known values are: “Input”, “Output”, and “InputOutput”.

  • size (int) – The size of the output direction parameter.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptActivityParameterDirection(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The direction of the parameter.

INPUT = 'Input'
INPUT_OUTPUT = 'InputOutput'
OUTPUT = 'Output'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptActivityParameterType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of the parameter.

BOOLEAN = 'Boolean'
DATE_TIME = 'DateTime'
DATE_TIME_OFFSET = 'DateTimeOffset'
DECIMAL = 'Decimal'
DOUBLE = 'Double'
GUID = 'Guid'
INT16 = 'Int16'
INT32 = 'Int32'
INT64 = 'Int64'
SINGLE = 'Single'
STRING = 'String'
TIMESPAN = 'Timespan'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptActivityScriptBlock(*, text:[str, Any], type: Union[str, _models.ScriptType], parameters: Optional[List[_models.ScriptActivityParameter]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Script block of scripts.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • text (JSON) – The query text. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • type (str or ScriptType) – The type of the query. Type: string. Required. Known values are: “Query” and “NonQuery”.

  • parameters (list[ScriptActivityParameter]) – Array of script parameters. Type: array.

Keyword Arguments
  • text (JSON) – The query text. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • type (str or ScriptType) – The type of the query. Type: string. Required. Known values are: “Query” and “NonQuery”.

  • parameters (list[ScriptActivityParameter]) – Array of script parameters. Type: array.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptActivityTypePropertiesLogSettings(*, log_destination: Union[str, _models.ScriptActivityLogDestination], log_location_settings: Optional[_models.LogLocationSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Log settings of script activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • log_destination (str or ScriptActivityLogDestination) – The destination of logs. Type: string. Required. Known values are: “ActivityOutput” and “ExternalStore”.

  • log_location_settings (LogLocationSettings) – Log location settings customer needs to provide when enabling log.

Keyword Arguments
  • log_destination (str or ScriptActivityLogDestination) – The destination of logs. Type: string. Required. Known values are: “ActivityOutput” and “ExternalStore”.

  • log_location_settings (LogLocationSettings) – Log location settings customer needs to provide when enabling log.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ScriptType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of the query. Type: string.

NON_QUERY = 'NonQuery'
QUERY = 'Query'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SecretBase(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The base definition of a secret type.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AzureKeyVaultSecretReference, SecureString

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.


type (str) – Type of the secret. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SecureString(*, value: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SecretBase

Azure Data Factory secure string definition. The string value will be masked with asterisks ‘*’ during Get or List API calls.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of the secret. Required.

  • value (str) – Value of secure string. Required.

Keyword Arguments

value (str) – Value of secure string. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SelfDependencyTumblingWindowTriggerReference(*, offset: str, size: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DependencyReference

Self referenced tumbling window trigger dependency.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – The type of dependency reference. Required.

  • offset (str) – Timespan applied to the start time of a tumbling window when evaluating dependency. Required.

  • size (str) – The size of the window when evaluating the dependency. If undefined the frequency of the tumbling window will be used.

Keyword Arguments
  • offset (str) – Timespan applied to the start time of a tumbling window when evaluating dependency. Required.

  • size (str) – The size of the window when evaluating the dependency. If undefined the frequency of the tumbling window will be used.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SelfHostedIntegrationRuntime(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, linked_info: Optional[_models.LinkedIntegrationRuntimeType] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.IntegrationRuntime

Self-hosted integration runtime.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. Known values are: “Managed” and “SelfHosted”.

  • description (str) – Integration runtime description.

  • linked_info (LinkedIntegrationRuntimeType) – The base definition of a linked integration runtime.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Integration runtime description.

  • linked_info (LinkedIntegrationRuntimeType) – The base definition of a linked integration runtime.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNode(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Properties of Self-hosted integration runtime node.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • node_name (str) – Name of the integration runtime node.

  • machine_name (str) – Machine name of the integration runtime node.

  • host_service_uri (str) – URI for the host machine of the integration runtime.

  • status (str or SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus) – Status of the integration runtime node. Known values are: “NeedRegistration”, “Online”, “Limited”, “Offline”, “Upgrading”, “Initializing”, and “InitializeFailed”.

  • capabilities (dict[str, str]) – The integration runtime capabilities dictionary.

  • version_status (str) – Status of the integration runtime node version.

  • version (str) – Version of the integration runtime node.

  • register_time (datetime) – The time at which the integration runtime node was registered in ISO8601 format.

  • last_connect_time (datetime) – The most recent time at which the integration runtime was connected in ISO8601 format.

  • expiry_time (datetime) – The time at which the integration runtime will expire in ISO8601 format.

  • last_start_time (datetime) – The time the node last started up.

  • last_stop_time (datetime) – The integration runtime node last stop time.

  • last_update_result (str or IntegrationRuntimeUpdateResult) – The result of the last integration runtime node update. Known values are: “None”, “Succeed”, and “Fail”.

  • last_start_update_time (datetime) – The last time for the integration runtime node update start.

  • last_end_update_time (datetime) – The last time for the integration runtime node update end.

  • is_active_dispatcher (bool) – Indicates whether this node is the active dispatcher for integration runtime requests.

  • concurrent_jobs_limit (int) – Maximum concurrent jobs on the integration runtime node.

  • max_concurrent_jobs (int) – The maximum concurrent jobs in this integration runtime.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Status of the integration runtime node.

INITIALIZE_FAILED = 'InitializeFailed'
INITIALIZING = 'Initializing'
LIMITED = 'Limited'
NEED_REGISTRATION = 'NeedRegistration'
OFFLINE = 'Offline'
ONLINE = 'Online'
UPGRADING = 'Upgrading'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, nodes: Optional[List[_models.SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNode]] = None, links: Optional[List[_models.LinkedIntegrationRuntime]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.IntegrationRuntimeStatus

Self-hosted integration runtime status.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str or IntegrationRuntimeType) – Type of integration runtime. Required. Known values are: “Managed” and “SelfHosted”.

  • data_factory_name (str) – The data factory name which the integration runtime belong to.

  • state (str or IntegrationRuntimeState) – The state of integration runtime. Known values are: “Initial”, “Stopped”, “Started”, “Starting”, “Stopping”, “NeedRegistration”, “Online”, “Limited”, “Offline”, and “AccessDenied”.

  • create_time (datetime) – The time at which the integration runtime was created, in ISO8601 format.

  • task_queue_id (str) – The task queue id of the integration runtime.

  • internal_channel_encryption (str or IntegrationRuntimeInternalChannelEncryptionMode) – It is used to set the encryption mode for node-node communication channel (when more than 2 self-hosted integration runtime nodes exist). Known values are: “NotSet”, “SslEncrypted”, and “NotEncrypted”.

  • version (str) – Version of the integration runtime.

  • nodes (list[SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNode]) – The list of nodes for this integration runtime.

  • scheduled_update_date (datetime) – The date at which the integration runtime will be scheduled to update, in ISO8601 format.

  • update_delay_offset (str) – The time in the date scheduled by service to update the integration runtime, e.g., PT03H is 3 hours.

  • local_time_zone_offset (str) – The local time zone offset in hours.

  • capabilities (dict[str, str]) – Object with additional information about integration runtime capabilities.

  • service_urls (list[str]) – The URLs for the services used in integration runtime backend service.

  • auto_update (str or IntegrationRuntimeAutoUpdate) – Whether Self-hosted integration runtime auto update has been turned on. Known values are: “On” and “Off”.

  • version_status (str) – Status of the integration runtime version.

  • links (list[LinkedIntegrationRuntime]) – The list of linked integration runtimes that are created to share with this integration runtime.

  • pushed_version (str) – The version that the integration runtime is going to update to.

  • latest_version (str) – The latest version on download center.

  • auto_update_eta (datetime) – The estimated time when the self-hosted integration runtime will be updated.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • nodes (list[SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNode]) – The list of nodes for this integration runtime.

  • links (list[LinkedIntegrationRuntime]) – The list of linked integration runtimes that are created to share with this integration runtime.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ServiceNowAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to use.

BASIC = 'Basic'
O_AUTH2 = 'OAuth2'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ServiceNowLinkedService(*, endpoint:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.ServiceNowAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

ServiceNow server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the ServiceNow server. (i.e. <instance> Required.

  • authentication_type (str or ServiceNowAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Basic” and “OAuth2”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the ServiceNow server for Basic and OAuth2 authentication.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name for Basic and OAuth2 authentication.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client id for OAuth2 authentication.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret for OAuth2 authentication.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the ServiceNow server. (i.e. <instance> Required.

  • authentication_type (str or ServiceNowAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Basic” and “OAuth2”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name used to connect to the ServiceNow server for Basic and OAuth2 authentication.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name for Basic and OAuth2 authentication.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client id for OAuth2 authentication.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret for OAuth2 authentication.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ServiceNowObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

ServiceNow server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ServiceNowSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity ServiceNow server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ServicePrincipalCredential(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Credential

Service principal credential.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of credential. Required.

  • description (str) – Credential description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Credential.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The app ID of the service principal used to authenticate.

  • service_principal_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate.

  • tenant (JSON) – The ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Credential description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Credential.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The app ID of the service principal used to authenticate.

  • service_principal_key (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate.

  • tenant (JSON) – The ID of the tenant to which the service principal belongs.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ServicePrincipalCredentialType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

All available servicePrincipalCredentialType values.

SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CERT = 'ServicePrincipalCert'
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_KEY = 'ServicePrincipalKey'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SetVariableActivity(*, name: str, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, variable_name: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

Set value for a Variable.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable whose value needs to be set.

  • value (JSON) – Value to be set. Could be a static value or Expression.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • variable_name (str) – Name of the variable whose value needs to be set.

  • value (JSON) – Value to be set. Could be a static value or Expression.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SftpAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server.

BASIC = 'Basic'
MULTI_FACTOR = 'MultiFactor'
SSH_PUBLIC_KEY = 'SshPublicKey'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SftpLocation(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetLocation

The location of SFTP dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage location. Required.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • folder_path (JSON) – Specify the folder path of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_name (JSON) – Specify the file name of dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SftpReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, recursive: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_folder_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, wildcard_file_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_partition_discovery: Optional[bool] = None, partition_root_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, file_list_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, delete_files_after_completion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_start: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, modified_datetime_end: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_chunking: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreReadSettings

Sftp read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Sftp wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Sftp wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • disable_chunking (JSON) – If true, disable parallel reading within each file. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • recursive (JSON) – If true, files under the folder path will be read recursively. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • wildcard_folder_path (JSON) – Sftp wildcardFolderPath. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • wildcard_file_name (JSON) – Sftp wildcardFileName. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_partition_discovery (bool) – Indicates whether to enable partition discovery.

  • partition_root_path (JSON) – Specify the root path where partition discovery starts from. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • file_list_path (JSON) – Point to a text file that lists each file (relative path to the path configured in the dataset) that you want to copy. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • delete_files_after_completion (JSON) – Indicates whether the source files need to be deleted after copy completion. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • modified_datetime_start (JSON) – The start of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • modified_datetime_end (JSON) – The end of file’s modified datetime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • disable_chunking (JSON) – If true, disable parallel reading within each file. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SftpServerLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, port: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.SftpAuthenticationType]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, private_key_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, private_key_content: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, pass_phrase: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, skip_host_key_validation: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, host_key_fingerprint: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

A linked service for an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The SFTP server host name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the SFTP server uses to listen for client connections. Default value is 22. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • authentication_type (str or SftpAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server. Known values are: “Basic”, “SshPublicKey”, and “MultiFactor”.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username used to log on to the SFTP server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the SFTP server for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • private_key_path (JSON) – The SSH private key file path for SshPublicKey authentication. Only valid for on-premises copy. For on-premises copy with SshPublicKey authentication, either PrivateKeyPath or PrivateKeyContent should be specified. SSH private key should be OpenSSH format. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • private_key_content (SecretBase) – Base64 encoded SSH private key content for SshPublicKey authentication. For on-premises copy with SshPublicKey authentication, either PrivateKeyPath or PrivateKeyContent should be specified. SSH private key should be OpenSSH format.

  • pass_phrase (SecretBase) – The password to decrypt the SSH private key if the SSH private key is encrypted.

  • skip_host_key_validation (JSON) – If true, skip the SSH host key validation. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • host_key_fingerprint (JSON) – The host key finger-print of the SFTP server. When SkipHostKeyValidation is false, HostKeyFingerprint should be specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The SFTP server host name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port number that the SFTP server uses to listen for client connections. Default value is 22. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • authentication_type (str or SftpAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to be used to connect to the FTP server. Known values are: “Basic”, “SshPublicKey”, and “MultiFactor”.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username used to log on to the SFTP server. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password to logon the SFTP server for Basic authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • private_key_path (JSON) – The SSH private key file path for SshPublicKey authentication. Only valid for on-premises copy. For on-premises copy with SshPublicKey authentication, either PrivateKeyPath or PrivateKeyContent should be specified. SSH private key should be OpenSSH format. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • private_key_content (SecretBase) – Base64 encoded SSH private key content for SshPublicKey authentication. For on-premises copy with SshPublicKey authentication, either PrivateKeyPath or PrivateKeyContent should be specified. SSH private key should be OpenSSH format.

  • pass_phrase (SecretBase) – The password to decrypt the SSH private key if the SSH private key is encrypted.

  • skip_host_key_validation (JSON) – If true, skip the SSH host key validation. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • host_key_fingerprint (JSON) – The host key finger-print of the SFTP server. When SkipHostKeyValidation is false, HostKeyFingerprint should be specified. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SftpWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, operation_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_temp_file_rename: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.StoreWriteSettings

Sftp write settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • operation_timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for writing each chunk to SFTP server. Default value: 01:00:00 (one hour). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_temp_file_rename (JSON) – Upload to temporary file(s) and rename. Disable this option if your SFTP server doesn’t support rename operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

  • operation_timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for writing each chunk to SFTP server. Default value: 01:00:00 (one hour). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • use_temp_file_rename (JSON) – Upload to temporary file(s) and rename. Disable this option if your SFTP server doesn’t support rename operation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SharePointOnlineListLinkedService(*, site_url:[str, Any], tenant_id:[str, Any], service_principal_id:[str, Any], service_principal_key: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

SharePoint Online List linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • site_url (JSON) – The URL of the SharePoint Online site. For example, Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • tenant_id (JSON) – The tenant ID under which your application resides. You can find it from Azure portal Active Directory overview page. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The application (client) ID of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Make sure to grant SharePoint site permission to this application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The client secret of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • site_url (JSON) – The URL of the SharePoint Online site. For example, Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • tenant_id (JSON) – The tenant ID under which your application resides. You can find it from Azure portal Active Directory overview page. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The application (client) ID of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Make sure to grant SharePoint site permission to this application. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The client secret of your application registered in Azure Active Directory. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SharePointOnlineListResourceDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, list_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The sharepoint online list resource dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • list_name (JSON) – The name of the SharePoint Online list. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • list_name (JSON) – The name of the SharePoint Online list. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SharePointOnlineListSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, http_request_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for sharePoint online list source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – The OData query to filter the data in SharePoint Online list. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The wait time to get a response from SharePoint Online. Default value is 5 minutes (00:05:00). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – The OData query to filter the data in SharePoint Online list. For example, “$top=1”. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • http_request_timeout (JSON) – The wait time to get a response from SharePoint Online. Default value is 5 minutes (00:05:00). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ShopifyLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, access_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Shopify Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The endpoint of the Shopify server. (i.e. Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The API access token that can be used to access Shopify’s data. The token won’t expire if it is offline mode.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – The endpoint of the Shopify server. (i.e. Required.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The API access token that can be used to access Shopify’s data. The token won’t expire if it is offline mode.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ShopifyObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Shopify Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ShopifySource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Shopify Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SkipErrorFile(*, file_missing: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, data_inconsistency: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Skip error file.

  • file_missing (JSON) – Skip if file is deleted by other client during copy. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • data_inconsistency (JSON) – Skip if source/sink file changed by other concurrent write. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • file_missing (JSON) – Skip if file is deleted by other client during copy. Default is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • data_inconsistency (JSON) – Skip if source/sink file changed by other concurrent write. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SmartsheetLinkedService(*, api_token: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Smartsheet.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Smartsheet source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Smartsheet source. Required.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SnowflakeDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The snowflake dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Snowflake database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Snowflake database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Snowflake database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Snowflake database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SnowflakeExportCopyCommand(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, additional_copy_options: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, additional_format_options: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExportSettings

Snowflake export command settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The export setting type. Required.

  • additional_copy_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional copy options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalCopyOptions”: { “DATE_FORMAT”: “MM/DD/YYYY”, “TIME_FORMAT”: “‘HH24:MI:SS.FF’” }.

  • additional_format_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional format options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalFormatOptions”: { “OVERWRITE”: “TRUE”, “MAX_FILE_SIZE”: “‘FALSE’” }.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • additional_copy_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional copy options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalCopyOptions”: { “DATE_FORMAT”: “MM/DD/YYYY”, “TIME_FORMAT”: “‘HH24:MI:SS.FF’” }.

  • additional_format_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional format options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalFormatOptions”: { “OVERWRITE”: “TRUE”, “MAX_FILE_SIZE”: “‘FALSE’” }.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SnowflakeImportCopyCommand(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, additional_copy_options: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, additional_format_options: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ImportSettings

Snowflake import command settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The import setting type. Required.

  • additional_copy_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional copy options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalCopyOptions”: { “DATE_FORMAT”: “MM/DD/YYYY”, “TIME_FORMAT”: “‘HH24:MI:SS.FF’” }.

  • additional_format_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional format options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalFormatOptions”: { “FORCE”: “TRUE”, “LOAD_UNCERTAIN_FILES”: “‘FALSE’” }.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • additional_copy_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional copy options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalCopyOptions”: { “DATE_FORMAT”: “MM/DD/YYYY”, “TIME_FORMAT”: “‘HH24:MI:SS.FF’” }.

  • additional_format_options (dict[str, JSON]) – Additional format options directly passed to snowflake Copy Command. Type: key value pairs (value should be string type) (or Expression with resultType object). Example: “additionalFormatOptions”: { “FORCE”: “TRUE”, “LOAD_UNCERTAIN_FILES”: “‘FALSE’” }.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SnowflakeLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, password: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Snowflake linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string of snowflake. Type: string, SecureString. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string of snowflake. Type: string, SecureString. Required.

  • password (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SnowflakeSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, import_settings: Optional[_models.SnowflakeImportCopyCommand] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity snowflake sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • import_settings (SnowflakeImportCopyCommand) – Snowflake import settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • import_settings (SnowflakeImportCopyCommand) – Snowflake import settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SnowflakeSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, export_settings: Optional[_models.SnowflakeExportCopyCommand] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity snowflake source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Snowflake Sql query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • export_settings (SnowflakeExportCopyCommand) – Snowflake export settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query (JSON) – Snowflake Sql query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • export_settings (SnowflakeExportCopyCommand) – Snowflake export settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SparkAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication method used to access the Spark server.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
USERNAME = 'Username'
USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD = 'UsernameAndPassword'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SparkJobReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Synapse spark job reference type.

SPARK_JOB_DEFINITION_REFERENCE = 'SparkJobDefinitionReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SparkLinkedService(*, host:[str, Any], port:[str, Any], authentication_type: Union[str, _models.SparkAuthenticationType], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, server_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.SparkServerType]] = None, thrift_transport_protocol: Optional[Union[str, _models.SparkThriftTransportProtocol]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, http_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_ssl: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, trusted_cert_path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_system_trust_store: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_host_name_cn_mismatch: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_self_signed_server_cert: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Spark Server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – IP address or host name of the Spark server. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Spark server uses to listen for client connections. Required.

  • server_type (str or SparkServerType) – The type of Spark server. Known values are: “SharkServer”, “SharkServer2”, and “SparkThriftServer”.

  • thrift_transport_protocol (str or SparkThriftTransportProtocol) – The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer. Known values are: “Binary”, “SASL”, and “HTTP “.

  • authentication_type (str or SparkAuthenticationType) – The authentication method used to access the Spark server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “Username”, “UsernameAndPassword”, and “WindowsAzureHDInsightService”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Spark Server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the Username field.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the Spark server.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • host (JSON) – IP address or host name of the Spark server. Required.

  • port (JSON) – The TCP port that the Spark server uses to listen for client connections. Required.

  • server_type (str or SparkServerType) – The type of Spark server. Known values are: “SharkServer”, “SharkServer2”, and “SparkThriftServer”.

  • thrift_transport_protocol (str or SparkThriftTransportProtocol) – The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer. Known values are: “Binary”, “SASL”, and “HTTP “.

  • authentication_type (str or SparkAuthenticationType) – The authentication method used to access the Spark server. Required. Known values are: “Anonymous”, “Username”, “UsernameAndPassword”, and “WindowsAzureHDInsightService”.

  • username (JSON) – The user name that you use to access Spark Server.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password corresponding to the user name that you provided in the Username field.

  • http_path (JSON) – The partial URL corresponding to the Spark server.

  • enable_ssl (JSON) – Specifies whether the connections to the server are encrypted using SSL. The default value is false.

  • trusted_cert_path (JSON) – The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying the server when connecting over SSL. This property can only be set when using SSL on self-hosted IR. The default value is the cacerts.pem file installed with the IR.

  • use_system_trust_store (JSON) – Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or from a specified PEM file. The default value is false.

  • allow_host_name_cn_mismatch (JSON) – Specifies whether to require a CA-issued SSL certificate name to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is false.

  • allow_self_signed_server_cert (JSON) – Specifies whether to allow self-signed certificates from the server. The default value is false.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SparkObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Spark Server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Spark. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Spark. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Spark. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Spark. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SparkServerType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of Spark server.

SHARK_SERVER = 'SharkServer'
SHARK_SERVER2 = 'SharkServer2'
SPARK_THRIFT_SERVER = 'SparkThriftServer'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SparkSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Spark Server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SparkThriftTransportProtocol(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The transport protocol to use in the Thrift layer.

BINARY = 'Binary'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Sql always encrypted AKV authentication type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

MANAGED_IDENTITY = 'ManagedIdentity'
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL = 'ServicePrincipal'
USER_ASSIGNED_MANAGED_IDENTITY = 'UserAssignedManagedIdentity'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties(*, always_encrypted_akv_auth_type: Union[str, _models.SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType], service_principal_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, service_principal_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Sql always encrypted properties.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • always_encrypted_akv_auth_type (str or SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType) – Sql always encrypted AKV authentication type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required. Known values are: “ServicePrincipal”, “ManagedIdentity”, and “UserAssignedManagedIdentity”.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Azure Key Vault authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure Key Vault.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • always_encrypted_akv_auth_type (str or SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType) – Sql always encrypted AKV authentication type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required. Known values are: “ServicePrincipal”, “ManagedIdentity”, and “UserAssignedManagedIdentity”.

  • service_principal_id (JSON) – The client ID of the application in Azure Active Directory used for Azure Key Vault authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • service_principal_key (SecretBase) – The key of the service principal used to authenticate against Azure Key Vault.

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlDWSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, allow_poly_base: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, poly_base_settings: Optional[_models.PolybaseSettings] = None, allow_copy_command: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_command_settings: Optional[_models.DWCopyCommandSettings] = None, table_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_use_table_lock: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, upsert_settings: Optional[_models.SqlDWUpsertSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity SQL Data Warehouse sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • allow_poly_base (JSON) – Indicates to use PolyBase to copy data into SQL Data Warehouse when applicable. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • poly_base_settings (PolybaseSettings) – Specifies PolyBase-related settings when allowPolyBase is true.

  • allow_copy_command (JSON) – Indicates to use Copy Command to copy data into SQL Data Warehouse. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_command_settings (DWCopyCommandSettings) – Specifies Copy Command related settings when allowCopyCommand is true.

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into azure SQL DW. Type: SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlDWUpsertSettings) – SQL DW upsert settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • allow_poly_base (JSON) – Indicates to use PolyBase to copy data into SQL Data Warehouse when applicable. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • poly_base_settings (PolybaseSettings) – Specifies PolyBase-related settings when allowPolyBase is true.

  • allow_copy_command (JSON) – Indicates to use Copy Command to copy data into SQL Data Warehouse. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_command_settings (DWCopyCommandSettings) – Specifies Copy Command related settings when allowCopyCommand is true.

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into azure SQL DW. Type: SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlDWUpsertSettings) – SQL DW upsert settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlDWSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SqlPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity SQL Data Warehouse source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL Data Warehouse reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Data Warehouse source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (JSON) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object), itemType: StoredProcedureParameter.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL Data Warehouse reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Data Warehouse source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (JSON) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object), itemType: StoredProcedureParameter.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlDWUpsertSettings(*, interim_schema_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, keys: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Sql DW upsert option settings.

  • interim_schema_name (JSON) – Schema name for interim table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • keys (JSON) – Key column names for unique row identification. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

Keyword Arguments
  • interim_schema_name (JSON) – Schema name for interim table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • keys (JSON) – Key column names for unique row identification. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Specify the write behavior when copying data into sql dw.

INSERT = 'Insert'
UPSERT = 'Upsert'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlMISink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_table_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_use_table_lock: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, upsert_settings: Optional[_models.SqlUpsertSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity Azure SQL Managed Instance sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – White behavior when copying data into azure SQL MI. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – White behavior when copying data into azure SQL MI. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlMISource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, produce_additional_types: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SqlPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Azure SQL Managed Instance source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a Azure SQL Managed Instance source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a Azure SQL Managed Instance source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlPartitionOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel.

DYNAMIC_RANGE = 'DynamicRange'
NONE = 'None'
PHYSICAL_PARTITIONS_OF_TABLE = 'PhysicalPartitionsOfTable'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlPartitionSettings(*, partition_column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_upper_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_lower_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer or datetime type that will be used for proceeding partitioning. If not specified, the primary key of the table is auto-detected and used as the partition column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of the partition column for partition range splitting. This value is used to decide the partition stride, not for filtering the rows in table. All rows in the table or query result will be partitioned and copied. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of the partition column for partition range splitting. This value is used to decide the partition stride, not for filtering the rows in table. All rows in the table or query result will be partitioned and copied. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column in integer or datetime type that will be used for proceeding partitioning. If not specified, the primary key of the table is auto-detected and used as the partition column. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of the partition column for partition range splitting. This value is used to decide the partition stride, not for filtering the rows in table. All rows in the table or query result will be partitioned and copied. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of the partition column for partition range splitting. This value is used to decide the partition stride, not for filtering the rows in table. All rows in the table or query result will be partitioned and copied. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlServerLinkedService(*, connection_string:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, always_encrypted_settings: Optional[_models.SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

SQL Server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The on-premises Windows authentication user name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The on-premises Windows authentication password.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – The connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference. Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The on-premises Windows authentication user name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The on-premises Windows authentication password.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • always_encrypted_settings (SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties) – Sql always encrypted properties.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlServerSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_table_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_use_table_lock: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, upsert_settings: Optional[_models.SqlUpsertSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity SQL server sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into sql server. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into sql server. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlServerSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, produce_additional_types: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SqlPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity SQL server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • produce_additional_types (JSON) – Which additional types to produce.

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlServerStoredProcedureActivity(*, name: str, stored_procedure_name:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

SQL stored procedure activity type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • stored_procedure_parameters (JSON) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • stored_procedure_parameters (JSON) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlServerTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The on-premises SQL Server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the SQL Server dataset. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlSink(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, write_batch_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_batch_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sink_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_table_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pre_copy_script: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_writer_use_table_lock: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, write_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, upsert_settings: Optional[_models.SqlUpsertSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySink

A copy activity SQL sink.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy sink type. Required.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into sql. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • write_batch_size (JSON) – Write batch size. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.

  • write_batch_timeout (JSON) – Write batch timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sink_retry_count (JSON) – Sink retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • sink_retry_wait (JSON) – Sink retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the sink data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • sql_writer_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – SQL writer stored procedure name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_table_type (JSON) – SQL writer table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • pre_copy_script (JSON) – SQL pre-copy script. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – SQL stored procedure parameters.

  • stored_procedure_table_type_parameter_name (JSON) – The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table_option (JSON) – The option to handle sink table, such as autoCreate. For now only ‘autoCreate’ value is supported. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_writer_use_table_lock (JSON) – Whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • write_behavior (JSON) – Write behavior when copying data into sql. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum).

  • upsert_settings (SqlUpsertSettings) – SQL upsert settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sql_reader_stored_procedure_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, stored_procedure_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameter]] = None, isolation_level: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.SqlPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity SQL source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • isolation_level (JSON) – Specifies the transaction locking behavior for the SQL source. Allowed values: ReadCommitted/ReadUncommitted/RepeatableRead/Serializable/Snapshot. The default value is ReadCommitted. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • sql_reader_query (JSON) – SQL reader query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • sql_reader_stored_procedure_name (JSON) – Name of the stored procedure for a SQL Database source. This cannot be used at the same time as SqlReaderQuery. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • stored_procedure_parameters (dict[str, StoredProcedureParameter]) – Value and type setting for stored procedure parameters. Example: “{Parameter1: {value: “1”, type: “int”}}”.

  • isolation_level (JSON) – Specifies the transaction locking behavior for the SQL source. Allowed values: ReadCommitted/ReadUncommitted/RepeatableRead/Serializable/Snapshot. The default value is ReadCommitted. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for Sql read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “PhysicalPartitionsOfTable”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (SqlPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlUpsertSettings(*, use_temp_db: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, interim_schema_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, keys: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Sql upsert option settings.

  • use_temp_db (JSON) – Specifies whether to use temp db for upsert interim table. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • interim_schema_name (JSON) – Schema name for interim table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • keys (JSON) – Key column names for unique row identification. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

Keyword Arguments
  • use_temp_db (JSON) – Specifies whether to use temp db for upsert interim table. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • interim_schema_name (JSON) – Schema name for interim table. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • keys (JSON) – Key column names for unique row identification. Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SqlWriteBehaviorEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Specify the write behavior when copying data into sql.

INSERT = 'Insert'
STORED_PROCEDURE = 'StoredProcedure'
UPSERT = 'Upsert'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SquareLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, host: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_id: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, client_secret: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, redirect_uri: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Square Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Square. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the Square instance. (i.e.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your Square application.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your Square application.

  • redirect_uri (JSON) – The redirect URL assigned in the Square application dashboard. (i.e. http://localhost:2500).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Square. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • host (JSON) – The URL of the Square instance. (i.e.

  • client_id (JSON) – The client ID associated with your Square application.

  • client_secret (SecretBase) – The client secret associated with your Square application.

  • redirect_uri (JSON) – The redirect URL assigned in the Square application dashboard. (i.e. http://localhost:2500).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SquareObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Square Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SquareSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Square Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisEnvironment(*, id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, folder_id: Optional[int] = None, variables: Optional[List[_models.SsisVariable]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SsisObjectMetadata

Ssis environment.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or SsisObjectMetadataType) – Type of metadata. Required. Known values are: “Folder”, “Project”, “Package”, and “Environment”.

  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

  • folder_id (int) – Folder id which contains environment.

  • variables (list[SsisVariable]) – Variable in environment.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

  • folder_id (int) – Folder id which contains environment.

  • variables (list[SsisVariable]) – Variable in environment.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisEnvironmentReference(*, id: Optional[int] = None, environment_folder_name: Optional[str] = None, environment_name: Optional[str] = None, reference_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Ssis environment reference.

  • id (int) – Environment reference id.

  • environment_folder_name (str) – Environment folder name.

  • environment_name (str) – Environment name.

  • reference_type (str) – Reference type.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Environment reference id.

  • environment_folder_name (str) – Environment folder name.

  • environment_name (str) – Environment name.

  • reference_type (str) – Reference type.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisFolder(*, id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SsisObjectMetadata

Ssis folder.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or SsisObjectMetadataType) – Type of metadata. Required. Known values are: “Folder”, “Project”, “Package”, and “Environment”.

  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisLogLocationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of SSIS log location.

FILE = 'File'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisObjectMetadata(*, id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SSIS object metadata.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: SsisEnvironment, SsisFolder, SsisPackage, SsisProject

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or SsisObjectMetadataType) – Type of metadata. Required. Known values are: “Folder”, “Project”, “Package”, and “Environment”.

  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisObjectMetadataListResponse(*, value: Optional[List[_models.SsisObjectMetadata]] = None, next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of SSIS object metadata.

  • value (list[SsisObjectMetadata]) – List of SSIS object metadata.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[SsisObjectMetadata]) – List of SSIS object metadata.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisObjectMetadataStatusResponse(*, status: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, properties: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The status of the operation.

  • status (str) – The status of the operation.

  • name (str) – The operation name.

  • properties (str) – The operation properties.

  • error (str) – The operation error message.

Keyword Arguments
  • status (str) – The status of the operation.

  • name (str) – The operation name.

  • properties (str) – The operation properties.

  • error (str) – The operation error message.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisObjectMetadataType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of SSIS object metadata.

ENVIRONMENT = 'Environment'
FOLDER = 'Folder'
PACKAGE = 'Package'
PROJECT = 'Project'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisPackage(*, id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, folder_id: Optional[int] = None, project_version: Optional[int] = None, project_id: Optional[int] = None, parameters: Optional[List[_models.SsisParameter]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SsisObjectMetadata

Ssis Package.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or SsisObjectMetadataType) – Type of metadata. Required. Known values are: “Folder”, “Project”, “Package”, and “Environment”.

  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

  • folder_id (int) – Folder id which contains package.

  • project_version (int) – Project version which contains package.

  • project_id (int) – Project id which contains package.

  • parameters (list[SsisParameter]) – Parameters in package.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

  • folder_id (int) – Folder id which contains package.

  • project_version (int) – Project version which contains package.

  • project_id (int) – Project id which contains package.

  • parameters (list[SsisParameter]) – Parameters in package.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisPackageLocationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The type of SSIS package location.

FILE = 'File'
INLINE_PACKAGE = 'InlinePackage'
PACKAGE_STORE = 'PackageStore'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisParameter(*, id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, data_type: Optional[str] = None, required: Optional[bool] = None, sensitive: Optional[bool] = None, design_default_value: Optional[str] = None, default_value: Optional[str] = None, sensitive_default_value: Optional[str] = None, value_type: Optional[str] = None, value_set: Optional[bool] = None, variable: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Ssis parameter.

  • id (int) – Parameter id.

  • name (str) – Parameter name.

  • description (str) – Parameter description.

  • data_type (str) – Parameter type.

  • required (bool) – Whether parameter is required.

  • sensitive (bool) – Whether parameter is sensitive.

  • design_default_value (str) – Design default value of parameter.

  • default_value (str) – Default value of parameter.

  • sensitive_default_value (str) – Default sensitive value of parameter.

  • value_type (str) – Parameter value type.

  • value_set (bool) – Parameter value set.

  • variable (str) – Parameter reference variable.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Parameter id.

  • name (str) – Parameter name.

  • description (str) – Parameter description.

  • data_type (str) – Parameter type.

  • required (bool) – Whether parameter is required.

  • sensitive (bool) – Whether parameter is sensitive.

  • design_default_value (str) – Design default value of parameter.

  • default_value (str) – Default value of parameter.

  • sensitive_default_value (str) – Default sensitive value of parameter.

  • value_type (str) – Parameter value type.

  • value_set (bool) – Parameter value set.

  • variable (str) – Parameter reference variable.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisProject(*, id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, folder_id: Optional[int] = None, version: Optional[int] = None, environment_refs: Optional[List[_models.SsisEnvironmentReference]] = None, parameters: Optional[List[_models.SsisParameter]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SsisObjectMetadata

Ssis project.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or SsisObjectMetadataType) – Type of metadata. Required. Known values are: “Folder”, “Project”, “Package”, and “Environment”.

  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

  • folder_id (int) – Folder id which contains project.

  • version (int) – Project version.

  • environment_refs (list[SsisEnvironmentReference]) – Environment reference in project.

  • parameters (list[SsisParameter]) – Parameters in project.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Metadata id.

  • name (str) – Metadata name.

  • description (str) – Metadata description.

  • folder_id (int) – Folder id which contains project.

  • version (int) – Project version.

  • environment_refs (list[SsisEnvironmentReference]) – Environment reference in project.

  • parameters (list[SsisParameter]) – Parameters in project.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SsisVariable(*, id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, data_type: Optional[str] = None, sensitive: Optional[bool] = None, value: Optional[str] = None, sensitive_value: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Ssis variable.

  • id (int) – Variable id.

  • name (str) – Variable name.

  • description (str) – Variable description.

  • data_type (str) – Variable type.

  • sensitive (bool) – Whether variable is sensitive.

  • value (str) – Variable value.

  • sensitive_value (str) – Variable sensitive value.

Keyword Arguments
  • id (int) – Variable id.

  • name (str) – Variable name.

  • description (str) – Variable description.

  • data_type (str) – Variable type.

  • sensitive (bool) – Whether variable is sensitive.

  • value (str) – Variable value.

  • sensitive_value (str) – Variable sensitive value.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.StagingSettings(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, enable_compression: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Staging settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Staging linked service reference. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path to storage for storing the interim data. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_compression (JSON) – Specifies whether to use compression when copying data via an interim staging. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Staging linked service reference. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The path to storage for storing the interim data. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • enable_compression (JSON) – Specifies whether to use compression when copying data via an interim staging. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.StoreReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Connector read setting.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AmazonS3CompatibleReadSettings, AmazonS3ReadSettings, AzureBlobFSReadSettings, AzureBlobStorageReadSettings, AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings, AzureFileStorageReadSettings, FileServerReadSettings, FtpReadSettings, GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings, HdfsReadSettings, HttpReadSettings, OracleCloudStorageReadSettings, SftpReadSettings

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.StoreWriteSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, copy_behavior: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Connector write settings.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AzureBlobFSWriteSettings, AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings, AzureDataLakeStoreWriteSettings, AzureFileStorageWriteSettings, FileServerWriteSettings, SftpWriteSettings

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The write setting type. Required.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • copy_behavior (JSON) – The type of copy behavior for copy sink.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.StoredProcedureParameter(*, value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type: Optional[Union[str, _models.StoredProcedureParameterType]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

SQL stored procedure parameter.

  • value (JSON) – Stored procedure parameter value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or StoredProcedureParameterType) – Stored procedure parameter type. Known values are: “String”, “Int”, “Int64”, “Decimal”, “Guid”, “Boolean”, and “Date”.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (JSON) – Stored procedure parameter value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • type (str or StoredProcedureParameterType) – Stored procedure parameter type. Known values are: “String”, “Int”, “Int64”, “Decimal”, “Guid”, “Boolean”, and “Date”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.StoredProcedureParameterType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Stored procedure parameter type.

BOOLEAN = 'Boolean'
DATE = 'Date'
DECIMAL = 'Decimal'
GUID = 'Guid'
INT = 'Int'
INT64 = 'Int64'
STRING = 'String'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SubResource(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure Data Factory nested resource, which belongs to a factory.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SubResourceDebugResource(*, name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure Data Factory nested debug resource.


name (str) – The resource name.

Keyword Arguments

name (str) – The resource name.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SwitchActivity(*, name: str, on: _models.Expression, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, cases: Optional[List[_models.SwitchCase]] = None, default_activities: Optional[List[_models.Activity]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

This activity evaluates an expression and executes activities under the cases property that correspond to the expression evaluation expected in the equals property.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • on (Expression) – An expression that would evaluate to a string or integer. This is used to determine the block of activities in cases that will be executed. Required.

  • cases (list[SwitchCase]) – List of cases that correspond to expected values of the ‘on’ property. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will execute activities provided in defaultActivities.

  • default_activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute if no case condition is satisfied. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • on (Expression) – An expression that would evaluate to a string or integer. This is used to determine the block of activities in cases that will be executed. Required.

  • cases (list[SwitchCase]) – List of cases that correspond to expected values of the ‘on’ property. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will execute activities provided in defaultActivities.

  • default_activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute if no case condition is satisfied. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SwitchCase(*, value: Optional[str] = None, activities: Optional[List[_models.Activity]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Switch cases with have a value and corresponding activities.

  • value (str) – Expected value that satisfies the expression result of the ‘on’ property.

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute for satisfied case condition.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (str) – Expected value that satisfies the expression result of the ‘on’ property.

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute for satisfied case condition.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SybaseAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

AuthenticationType to be used for connection.

BASIC = 'Basic'
WINDOWS = 'Windows'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SybaseLinkedService(*, server:[str, Any], database:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.SybaseAuthenticationType]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Sybase data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Server name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • database (JSON) – Database name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • schema (JSON) – Schema name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or SybaseAuthenticationType) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. Known values are: “Basic” and “Windows”.

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • server (JSON) – Server name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • database (JSON) – Database name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • schema (JSON) – Schema name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or SybaseAuthenticationType) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. Known values are: “Basic” and “Windows”.

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SybaseSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity source for Sybase databases.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Database query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SybaseTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Sybase table dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Sybase table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The Sybase table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SynapseNotebookActivity(*, name: str, notebook: _models.SynapseNotebookReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, spark_pool: Optional[_models.BigDataPoolParametrizationReference] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.NotebookParameter]] = None, executor_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, conf: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, driver_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, num_executors: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Execute Synapse notebook activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • notebook (SynapseNotebookReference) – Synapse notebook reference. Required.

  • spark_pool (BigDataPoolParametrizationReference) – The name of the big data pool which will be used to execute the notebook.

  • parameters (dict[str, NotebookParameter]) – Notebook parameters.

  • executor_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for executors allocated in the specified Spark pool for the session, which will be used for overriding ‘executorCores’ and ‘executorMemory’ of the notebook you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • conf (JSON) – Spark configuration properties, which will override the ‘conf’ of the notebook you provide.

  • driver_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for driver allocated in the specified Spark pool for the session, which will be used for overriding ‘driverCores’ and ‘driverMemory’ of the notebook you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • num_executors (int) – Number of executors to launch for this session, which will override the ‘numExecutors’ of the notebook you provide.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • notebook (SynapseNotebookReference) – Synapse notebook reference. Required.

  • spark_pool (BigDataPoolParametrizationReference) – The name of the big data pool which will be used to execute the notebook.

  • parameters (dict[str, NotebookParameter]) – Notebook parameters.

  • executor_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for executors allocated in the specified Spark pool for the session, which will be used for overriding ‘executorCores’ and ‘executorMemory’ of the notebook you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • conf (JSON) – Spark configuration properties, which will override the ‘conf’ of the notebook you provide.

  • driver_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for driver allocated in the specified Spark pool for the session, which will be used for overriding ‘driverCores’ and ‘driverMemory’ of the notebook you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • num_executors (int) – Number of executors to launch for this session, which will override the ‘numExecutors’ of the notebook you provide.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SynapseNotebookReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.NotebookReferenceType], reference_name:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Synapse notebook reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or NotebookReferenceType) – Synapse notebook reference type. Required. “NotebookReference”

  • reference_name (JSON) – Reference notebook name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or NotebookReferenceType) – Synapse notebook reference type. Required. “NotebookReference”

  • reference_name (JSON) – Reference notebook name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity(*, name: str, spark_job: _models.SynapseSparkJobReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, arguments: Optional[List[Any]] = None, file: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, class_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, files: Optional[List[Any]] = None, target_big_data_pool: Optional[_models.BigDataPoolParametrizationReference] = None, executor_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, conf: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, driver_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, num_executors: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Execute spark job activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • spark_job (SynapseSparkJobReference) – Synapse spark job reference. Required.

  • arguments (list[any]) – User specified arguments to SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity.

  • file (JSON) – The main file used for the job, which will override the ‘file’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • class_name (JSON) – The fully-qualified identifier or the main class that is in the main definition file, which will override the ‘className’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • files (list[any]) – Additional files used for reference in the main definition file, which will override the ‘files’ of the spark job definition you provide.

  • target_big_data_pool (BigDataPoolParametrizationReference) – The name of the big data pool which will be used to execute the spark batch job, which will override the ‘targetBigDataPool’ of the spark job definition you provide.

  • executor_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for executors allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job, which will be used for overriding ‘executorCores’ and ‘executorMemory’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • conf (JSON) – Spark configuration properties, which will override the ‘conf’ of the spark job definition you provide.

  • driver_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for driver allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job, which will be used for overriding ‘driverCores’ and ‘driverMemory’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • num_executors (int) – Number of executors to launch for this job, which will override the ‘numExecutors’ of the spark job definition you provide.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • spark_job (SynapseSparkJobReference) – Synapse spark job reference. Required.

  • arguments (list[any]) – User specified arguments to SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity.

  • file (JSON) – The main file used for the job, which will override the ‘file’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • class_name (JSON) – The fully-qualified identifier or the main class that is in the main definition file, which will override the ‘className’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • files (list[any]) – Additional files used for reference in the main definition file, which will override the ‘files’ of the spark job definition you provide.

  • target_big_data_pool (BigDataPoolParametrizationReference) – The name of the big data pool which will be used to execute the spark batch job, which will override the ‘targetBigDataPool’ of the spark job definition you provide.

  • executor_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for executors allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job, which will be used for overriding ‘executorCores’ and ‘executorMemory’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • conf (JSON) – Spark configuration properties, which will override the ‘conf’ of the spark job definition you provide.

  • driver_size (JSON) – Number of core and memory to be used for driver allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job, which will be used for overriding ‘driverCores’ and ‘driverMemory’ of the spark job definition you provide. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • num_executors (int) – Number of executors to launch for this job, which will override the ‘numExecutors’ of the spark job definition you provide.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.SynapseSparkJobReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.SparkJobReferenceType], reference_name: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Synapse spark job reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or SparkJobReferenceType) – Synapse spark job reference type. Required. “SparkJobDefinitionReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference spark job name. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or SparkJobReferenceType) – Synapse spark job reference type. Required. “SparkJobDefinitionReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference spark job name. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TabularSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

Copy activity sources of tabular type.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: AmazonMWSSource, AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource, AmazonRedshiftSource, AzureMariaDBSource, AzureMySqlSource, AzurePostgreSqlSource, AzureSqlSource, AzureTableSource, CassandraSource, ConcurSource, CouchbaseSource, Db2Source, DrillSource, DynamicsAXSource, EloquaSource, GoogleAdWordsSource, GoogleBigQuerySource, GreenplumSource, HBaseSource, HiveSource, HubspotSource, ImpalaSource, InformixSource, JiraSource, MagentoSource, MariaDBSource, MarketoSource, MySqlSource, NetezzaSource, OdbcSource, OracleServiceCloudSource, PaypalSource, PhoenixSource, PostgreSqlSource, PrestoSource, QuickBooksSource, ResponsysSource, SalesforceMarketingCloudSource, SalesforceSource, SapBwSource, SapCloudForCustomerSource, SapEccSource, SapHanaSource, SapOdpSource, SapOpenHubSource, SapTableSource, ServiceNowSource, ShopifySource, SparkSource, SqlDWSource, SqlMISource, SqlServerSource, SqlSource, SquareSource, SybaseSource, TeradataSource, VerticaSource, XeroSource, ZohoSource

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TabularTranslator(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, column_mappings: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_mapping: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, collection_reference: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, map_complex_values_to_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, mappings: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type_conversion: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, type_conversion_settings: Optional[_models.TypeConversionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopyTranslator

A copy activity tabular translator.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy translator type. Required.

  • column_mappings (JSON) – Column mappings. Example: “UserId: MyUserId, Group: MyGroup, Name: MyName” Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). This property will be retired. Please use mappings property.

  • schema_mapping (JSON) – The schema mapping to map between tabular data and hierarchical data. Example: {“Column1”: “$.Column1”, “Column2”: “$.Column2.Property1”, “Column3”: “$.Column2.Property2”}. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object). This property will be retired. Please use mappings property.

  • collection_reference (JSON) – The JSON Path of the Nested Array that is going to do cross-apply. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • map_complex_values_to_string (JSON) – Whether to map complex (array and object) values to simple strings in json format. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • mappings (JSON) – Column mappings with logical types. Tabular->tabular example: [{“source”:{“name”:”CustomerName”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientName”,”type”:”String”}},{“source”:{“name”:”CustomerAddress”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientAddress”,”type”:”String”}}]. Hierarchical->tabular example: [{“source”:{“path”:”$.CustomerName”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientName”,”type”:”String”}},{“source”:{“path”:”$.CustomerAddress”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientAddress”,”type”:”String”}}]. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • type_conversion (JSON) – Whether to enable the advanced type conversion feature in the Copy activity. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • type_conversion_settings (TypeConversionSettings) – Type conversion settings.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • column_mappings (JSON) – Column mappings. Example: “UserId: MyUserId, Group: MyGroup, Name: MyName” Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). This property will be retired. Please use mappings property.

  • schema_mapping (JSON) – The schema mapping to map between tabular data and hierarchical data. Example: {“Column1”: “$.Column1”, “Column2”: “$.Column2.Property1”, “Column3”: “$.Column2.Property2”}. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object). This property will be retired. Please use mappings property.

  • collection_reference (JSON) – The JSON Path of the Nested Array that is going to do cross-apply. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • map_complex_values_to_string (JSON) – Whether to map complex (array and object) values to simple strings in json format. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • mappings (JSON) – Column mappings with logical types. Tabular->tabular example: [{“source”:{“name”:”CustomerName”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientName”,”type”:”String”}},{“source”:{“name”:”CustomerAddress”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientAddress”,”type”:”String”}}]. Hierarchical->tabular example: [{“source”:{“path”:”$.CustomerName”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientName”,”type”:”String”}},{“source”:{“path”:”$.CustomerAddress”,”type”:”String”},”sink”:{“name”:”ClientAddress”,”type”:”String”}}]. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

  • type_conversion (JSON) – Whether to enable the advanced type conversion feature in the Copy activity. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • type_conversion_settings (TypeConversionSettings) – Type conversion settings.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TarGZipReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, preserve_compression_file_name_as_folder: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CompressionReadSettings

The TarGZip compression read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The Compression setting type. Required.

  • preserve_compression_file_name_as_folder (JSON) – Preserve the compression file name as folder path. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • preserve_compression_file_name_as_folder (JSON) – Preserve the compression file name as folder path. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TarReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, preserve_compression_file_name_as_folder: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CompressionReadSettings

The Tar compression read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The Compression setting type. Required.

  • preserve_compression_file_name_as_folder (JSON) – Preserve the compression file name as folder path. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • preserve_compression_file_name_as_folder (JSON) – Preserve the compression file name as folder path. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeamDeskAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to use.

BASIC = 'Basic'
TOKEN = 'Token'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeamDeskLinkedService(*, authentication_type: Union[str, _models.TeamDeskAuthenticationType], url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, api_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for TeamDesk.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • authentication_type (str or TeamDeskAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Basic” and “Token”.

  • url (JSON) – The url to connect TeamDesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username of the TeamDesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the TeamDesk source.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the TeamDesk source.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • authentication_type (str or TeamDeskAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Basic” and “Token”.

  • url (JSON) – The url to connect TeamDesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username of the TeamDesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the TeamDesk source.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the TeamDesk source.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeradataAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

AuthenticationType to be used for connection.

BASIC = 'Basic'
WINDOWS = 'Windows'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeradataLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, server: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication_type: Optional[Union[str, _models.TeradataAuthenticationType]] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Teradata data source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – Teradata ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • server (JSON) – Server name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or TeradataAuthenticationType) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. Known values are: “Basic” and “Windows”.

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – Teradata ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • server (JSON) – Server name for connection. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication_type (str or TeradataAuthenticationType) – AuthenticationType to be used for connection. Known values are: “Basic” and “Windows”.

  • username (JSON) – Username for authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for authentication.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeradataPartitionOption(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The partition mechanism that will be used for teradata read in parallel.

DYNAMIC_RANGE = 'DynamicRange'
HASH = 'Hash'
NONE = 'None'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeradataPartitionSettings(*, partition_column_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_upper_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_lower_bound: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

The settings that will be leveraged for teradata source partitioning.

  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column that will be used for proceeding range or hash partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • partition_column_name (JSON) – The name of the column that will be used for proceeding range or hash partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_upper_bound (JSON) – The maximum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_lower_bound (JSON) – The minimum value of column specified in partitionColumnName that will be used for proceeding range partitioning. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeradataSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_option: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, partition_settings: Optional[_models.TeradataPartitionSettings] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Teradata source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Teradata query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for teradata read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “Hash”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (TeradataPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for teradata source partitioning.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – Teradata query. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • partition_option (JSON) – The partition mechanism that will be used for teradata read in parallel. Possible values include: “None”, “Hash”, “DynamicRange”.

  • partition_settings (TeradataPartitionSettings) – The settings that will be leveraged for teradata source partitioning.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TeradataTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, database: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The Teradata database dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • database (JSON) – The database name of Teradata. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of Teradata. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • database (JSON) – The database name of Teradata. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • table (JSON) – The table name of Teradata. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TextFormat(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, serializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, deserializer: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, column_delimiter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, row_delimiter: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, escape_char: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, quote_char: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, null_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encoding_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, treat_empty_as_null: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, skip_line_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, first_row_as_header: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DatasetStorageFormat

The data stored in text format.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset storage format. Required.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • column_delimiter (JSON) – The column delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • row_delimiter (JSON) – The row delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • escape_char (JSON) – The escape character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • quote_char (JSON) – The quote character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If miss, the default value is ΓÇ£utf-8ΓÇ¥, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the ΓÇ£NameΓÇ¥ column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • treat_empty_as_null (JSON) – Treat empty column values in the text file as null. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_line_count (JSON) – The number of lines/rows to be skipped when parsing text files. The default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • first_row_as_header (JSON) – When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output,write the headers into the output as the first row of data. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • serializer (JSON) – Serializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • deserializer (JSON) – Deserializer. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • column_delimiter (JSON) – The column delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • row_delimiter (JSON) – The row delimiter. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • escape_char (JSON) – The escape character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • quote_char (JSON) – The quote character. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If miss, the default value is ΓÇ£utf-8ΓÇ¥, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the ΓÇ£NameΓÇ¥ column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • treat_empty_as_null (JSON) – Treat empty column values in the text file as null. The default value is true. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • skip_line_count (JSON) – The number of lines/rows to be skipped when parsing text files. The default value is 0. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • first_row_as_header (JSON) – When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output,write the headers into the output as the first row of data. The default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Transformation(*, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, dataset: Optional[_models.DatasetReference] = None, linked_service: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, flowlet: Optional[_models.DataFlowReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A data flow transformation.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Trigger(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Azure data factory nested object which contains information about creating pipeline run.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: ChainingTrigger, MultiplePipelineTrigger, RerunTumblingWindowTrigger, TumblingWindowTrigger

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerDependencyReference(*, reference_trigger: _models.TriggerReference, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DependencyReference

Trigger referenced dependency.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: TumblingWindowTriggerDependencyReference

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – The type of dependency reference. Required.

  • reference_trigger (TriggerReference) – Referenced trigger. Required.

Keyword Arguments

reference_trigger (TriggerReference) – Referenced trigger. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerFilterParameters(*, continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, parent_trigger_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Query parameters for triggers.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.

  • parent_trigger_name (str) – The name of the parent TumblingWindowTrigger to get the child rerun triggers.

Keyword Arguments
  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results. Null for first page.

  • parent_trigger_name (str) – The name of the parent TumblingWindowTrigger to get the child rerun triggers.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerListResponse(*, value: List[_models.TriggerResource], next_link: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of trigger resources.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[TriggerResource]) – List of triggers. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[TriggerResource]) – List of triggers. Required.

  • next_link (str) – The link to the next page of results, if any remaining results exist.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerPipelineReference(*, pipeline_reference: Optional[_models.PipelineReference] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Pipeline that needs to be triggered with the given parameters.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerQueryResponse(*, value: List[_models.TriggerResource], continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A query of triggers.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[TriggerResource]) – List of triggers. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[TriggerResource]) – List of triggers. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerReference(*, type: Union[str, _models.TriggerReferenceType], reference_name: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Trigger reference type.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or TriggerReferenceType) – Trigger reference type. Required. “TriggerReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference trigger name. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or TriggerReferenceType) – Trigger reference type. Required. “TriggerReference”

  • reference_name (str) – Reference trigger name. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerReferenceType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Trigger reference type.

TRIGGER_REFERENCE = 'TriggerReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerResource(*, properties: _models.Trigger, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.SubResource

Trigger resource type.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • id (str) – The resource identifier.

  • name (str) – The resource name.

  • type (str) – The resource type.

  • etag (str) – Etag identifies change in the resource.

  • properties (Trigger) – Properties of the trigger. Required.

Keyword Arguments

properties (Trigger) – Properties of the trigger. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerRun(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Trigger runs.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • trigger_run_id (str) – Trigger run id.

  • trigger_name (str) – Trigger name.

  • trigger_type (str) – Trigger type.

  • trigger_run_timestamp (datetime) – Trigger run start time.

  • status (str or TriggerRunStatus) – Trigger run status. Known values are: “Succeeded”, “Failed”, and “Inprogress”.

  • message (str) – Trigger error message.

  • properties (dict[str, str]) – List of property name and value related to trigger run. Name, value pair depends on type of trigger.

  • triggered_pipelines (dict[str, str]) – List of pipeline name and run Id triggered by the trigger run.

  • run_dimension (dict[str, str]) – Run dimension for which trigger was fired.

  • dependency_status (dict[str, JSON]) – Status of the upstream pipelines.

Keyword Arguments

additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerRunStatus(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Trigger run status.

FAILED = 'Failed'
INPROGRESS = 'Inprogress'
SUCCEEDED = 'Succeeded'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerRunsQueryResponse(*, value: List[_models.TriggerRun], continuation_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

A list of trigger runs.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • value (list[TriggerRun]) – List of trigger runs. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

Keyword Arguments
  • value (list[TriggerRun]) – List of trigger runs. Required.

  • continuation_token (str) – The continuation token for getting the next page of results, if any remaining results exist, null otherwise.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerRuntimeState(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enumerates possible state of Triggers.

DISABLED = 'Disabled'
STARTED = 'Started'
STOPPED = 'Stopped'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TriggerSubscriptionOperationStatus(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Defines the response of a trigger subscription operation.

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

  • trigger_name (str) – Trigger name.

  • status (str or EventSubscriptionStatus) – Event Subscription Status. Known values are: “Enabled”, “Provisioning”, “Deprovisioning”, “Disabled”, and “Unknown”.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TumblingWindowFrequency(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enumerates possible frequency option for the tumbling window trigger.

HOUR = 'Hour'
MINUTE = 'Minute'
MONTH = 'Month'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TumblingWindowTrigger(*, pipeline: _models.TriggerPipelineReference, frequency: Union[str, _models.TumblingWindowFrequency], interval: int, start_time: datetime.datetime, max_concurrency: int, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, end_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, delay: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, retry_policy: Optional[_models.RetryPolicy] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.DependencyReference]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Trigger

Trigger that schedules pipeline runs for all fixed time interval windows from a start time without gaps and also supports backfill scenarios (when start time is in the past).

Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Trigger type. Required.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • runtime_state (str or TriggerRuntimeState) – Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. Known values are: “Started”, “Stopped”, and “Disabled”.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipeline (TriggerPipelineReference) – Pipeline for which runs are created when an event is fired for trigger window that is ready. Required.

  • frequency (str or TumblingWindowFrequency) – The frequency of the time windows. Required. Known values are: “Minute”, “Hour”, and “Month”.

  • interval (int) – The interval of the time windows. The minimum interval allowed is 15 Minutes. Required.

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time for the time period for the trigger during which events are fired for windows that are ready. Only UTC time is currently supported. Required.

  • end_time (datetime) – The end time for the time period for the trigger during which events are fired for windows that are ready. Only UTC time is currently supported.

  • delay (JSON) – Specifies how long the trigger waits past due time before triggering new run. It doesn’t alter window start and end time. The default is 0. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrency (int) – The max number of parallel time windows (ready for execution) for which a new run is triggered. Required.

  • retry_policy (RetryPolicy) – Retry policy that will be applied for failed pipeline runs.

  • depends_on (list[DependencyReference]) – Triggers that this trigger depends on. Only tumbling window triggers are supported.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Trigger description.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

  • pipeline (TriggerPipelineReference) – Pipeline for which runs are created when an event is fired for trigger window that is ready. Required.

  • frequency (str or TumblingWindowFrequency) – The frequency of the time windows. Required. Known values are: “Minute”, “Hour”, and “Month”.

  • interval (int) – The interval of the time windows. The minimum interval allowed is 15 Minutes. Required.

  • start_time (datetime) – The start time for the time period for the trigger during which events are fired for windows that are ready. Only UTC time is currently supported. Required.

  • end_time (datetime) – The end time for the time period for the trigger during which events are fired for windows that are ready. Only UTC time is currently supported.

  • delay (JSON) – Specifies how long the trigger waits past due time before triggering new run. It doesn’t alter window start and end time. The default is 0. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrency (int) – The max number of parallel time windows (ready for execution) for which a new run is triggered. Required.

  • retry_policy (RetryPolicy) – Retry policy that will be applied for failed pipeline runs.

  • depends_on (list[DependencyReference]) – Triggers that this trigger depends on. Only tumbling window triggers are supported.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TumblingWindowTriggerDependencyReference(*, reference_trigger: _models.TriggerReference, offset: Optional[str] = None, size: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TriggerDependencyReference

Referenced tumbling window trigger dependency.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – The type of dependency reference. Required.

  • reference_trigger (TriggerReference) – Referenced trigger. Required.

  • offset (str) – Timespan applied to the start time of a tumbling window when evaluating dependency.

  • size (str) – The size of the window when evaluating the dependency. If undefined the frequency of the tumbling window will be used.

Keyword Arguments
  • reference_trigger (TriggerReference) – Referenced trigger. Required.

  • offset (str) – Timespan applied to the start time of a tumbling window when evaluating dependency.

  • size (str) – The size of the window when evaluating the dependency. If undefined the frequency of the tumbling window will be used.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TwilioLinkedService(*, user_name:[str, Any], password: _models.SecretBase, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Twilio.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • user_name (JSON) – The Account SID of Twilio service. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The auth token of Twilio service. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • user_name (JSON) – The Account SID of Twilio service. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The auth token of Twilio service. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.Type(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Linked service reference type.

LINKED_SERVICE_REFERENCE = 'LinkedServiceReference'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.TypeConversionSettings(*, allow_data_truncation: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, treat_boolean_as_number: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, date_time_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, date_time_offset_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, time_span_format: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, culture: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Type conversion settings.

  • allow_data_truncation (JSON) – Whether to allow data truncation when converting the data. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • treat_boolean_as_number (JSON) – Whether to treat boolean values as numbers. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • date_time_format (JSON) – The format for DateTime values. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • date_time_offset_format (JSON) – The format for DateTimeOffset values. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • time_span_format (JSON) – The format for TimeSpan values. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • culture (JSON) – The culture used to convert data from/to string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • allow_data_truncation (JSON) – Whether to allow data truncation when converting the data. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • treat_boolean_as_number (JSON) – Whether to treat boolean values as numbers. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • date_time_format (JSON) – The format for DateTime values. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • date_time_offset_format (JSON) – The format for DateTimeOffset values. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • time_span_format (JSON) – The format for TimeSpan values. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • culture (JSON) – The culture used to convert data from/to string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.UntilActivity(*, name: str, expression: _models.Expression, activities: List[_models.Activity], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

This activity executes inner activities until the specified boolean expression results to true or timeout is reached, whichever is earlier.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • expression (Expression) – An expression that would evaluate to Boolean. The loop will continue until this expression evaluates to true. Required.

  • timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for the activity to run. If there is no value specified, it takes the value of TimeSpan.FromDays(7) which is 1 week as default. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • expression (Expression) – An expression that would evaluate to Boolean. The loop will continue until this expression evaluates to true. Required.

  • timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for the activity to run. If there is no value specified, it takes the value of TimeSpan.FromDays(7) which is 1 week as default. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • activities (list[Activity]) – List of activities to execute. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.UpdateIntegrationRuntimeNodeRequest(*, concurrent_jobs_limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Update integration runtime node request.


concurrent_jobs_limit (int) – The number of concurrent jobs permitted to run on the integration runtime node. Values between 1 and maxConcurrentJobs(inclusive) are allowed.

Keyword Arguments

concurrent_jobs_limit (int) – The number of concurrent jobs permitted to run on the integration runtime node. Values between 1 and maxConcurrentJobs(inclusive) are allowed.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.UpdateIntegrationRuntimeRequest(*, auto_update: Optional[Union[str, _models.IntegrationRuntimeAutoUpdate]] = None, update_delay_offset: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Update integration runtime request.

Keyword Arguments
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.UserAccessPolicy(*, permissions: Optional[str] = None, access_resource_path: Optional[str] = None, profile_name: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[str] = None, expire_time: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Get Data Plane read only token request definition.

  • permissions (str) – The string with permissions for Data Plane access. Currently only ‘r’ is supported which grants read only access.

  • access_resource_path (str) – The resource path to get access relative to factory. Currently only empty string is supported which corresponds to the factory resource.

  • profile_name (str) – The name of the profile. Currently only the default is supported. The default value is DefaultProfile.

  • start_time (str) – Start time for the token. If not specified the current time will be used.

  • expire_time (str) – Expiration time for the token. Maximum duration for the token is eight hours and by default the token will expire in eight hours.

Keyword Arguments
  • permissions (str) – The string with permissions for Data Plane access. Currently only ‘r’ is supported which grants read only access.

  • access_resource_path (str) – The resource path to get access relative to factory. Currently only empty string is supported which corresponds to the factory resource.

  • profile_name (str) – The name of the profile. Currently only the default is supported. The default value is DefaultProfile.

  • start_time (str) – Start time for the token. If not specified the current time will be used.

  • expire_time (str) – Expiration time for the token. Maximum duration for the token is eight hours and by default the token will expire in eight hours.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.UserProperty(*, name: str, value:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

User property.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • name (str) – User property name. Required.

  • value (JSON) – User property value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str) – User property name. Required.

  • value (JSON) – User property value. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ValidationActivity(*, name: str, dataset: _models.DatasetReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, sleep: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, minimum_size: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, child_items: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

This activity verifies that an external resource exists.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for the activity to run. If there is no value specified, it takes the value of TimeSpan.FromDays(7) which is 1 week as default. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sleep (JSON) – A delay in seconds between validation attempts. If no value is specified, 10 seconds will be used as the default. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • minimum_size (JSON) – Can be used if dataset points to a file. The file must be greater than or equal in size to the value specified. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • child_items (JSON) – Can be used if dataset points to a folder. If set to true, the folder must have at least one file. If set to false, the folder must be empty. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – Validation activity dataset reference. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • timeout (JSON) – Specifies the timeout for the activity to run. If there is no value specified, it takes the value of TimeSpan.FromDays(7) which is 1 week as default. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • sleep (JSON) – A delay in seconds between validation attempts. If no value is specified, 10 seconds will be used as the default. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • minimum_size (JSON) – Can be used if dataset points to a file. The file must be greater than or equal in size to the value specified. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • child_items (JSON) – Can be used if dataset points to a folder. If set to true, the folder must have at least one file. If set to false, the folder must be empty. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • dataset (DatasetReference) – Validation activity dataset reference. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.VariableSpecification(*, type: Union[str, _models.VariableType], default_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Definition of a single variable for a Pipeline.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str or VariableType) – Variable type. Required. Known values are: “String”, “Bool”, and “Array”.

  • default_value (JSON) – Default value of variable.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str or VariableType) – Variable type. Required. Known values are: “String”, “Bool”, and “Array”.

  • default_value (JSON) – Default value of variable.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.VariableType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Variable type.

ARRAY = 'Array'
BOOL = 'Bool'
STRING = 'String'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.VerticaLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_string: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, pwd: Optional[_models.AzureKeyVaultSecretReference] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Vertica linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_string (JSON) – An ODBC connection string. Type: string, SecureString or AzureKeyVaultSecretReference.

  • pwd (AzureKeyVaultSecretReference) – The Azure key vault secret reference of password in connection string.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.VerticaSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Vertica source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.VerticaTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, table: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema_type_properties_schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Vertica dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Vertica. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Vertica. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – This property will be retired. Please consider using schema + table properties instead.

  • table (JSON) – The table name of the Vertica. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • schema_type_properties_schema (JSON) – The schema name of the Vertica. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WaitActivity(*, name: str, wait_time_in_seconds:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

This activity suspends pipeline execution for the specified interval.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • wait_time_in_seconds (JSON) – Duration in seconds. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • wait_time_in_seconds (JSON) – Duration in seconds. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebActivity(*, name: str, method: Union[str, _models.WebActivityMethod], url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, linked_service_name: Optional[_models.LinkedServiceReference] = None, policy: Optional[_models.ActivityPolicy] = None, headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, body: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication: Optional[_models.WebActivityAuthentication] = None, disable_cert_validation: Optional[bool] = None, datasets: Optional[List[_models.DatasetReference]] = None, linked_services: Optional[List[_models.LinkedServiceReference]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ExecutionActivity

Web activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • method (str or WebActivityMethod) – Rest API method for target endpoint. Required. Known values are: “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, and “DELETE”.

  • url (JSON) – Web activity target endpoint and path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • headers (JSON) – Represents the headers that will be sent to the request. For example, to set the language and type on a request: “headers” : { “Accept-Language”: “en-us”, “Content-Type”: “application/json” }. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • body (JSON) – Represents the payload that will be sent to the endpoint. Required for POST/PUT method, not allowed for GET method Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (WebActivityAuthentication) – Authentication method used for calling the endpoint.

  • disable_cert_validation (bool) – When set to true, Certificate validation will be disabled.

  • datasets (list[DatasetReference]) – List of datasets passed to web endpoint.

  • linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – List of linked services passed to web endpoint.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference.

  • policy (ActivityPolicy) – Activity policy.

  • method (str or WebActivityMethod) – Rest API method for target endpoint. Required. Known values are: “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, and “DELETE”.

  • url (JSON) – Web activity target endpoint and path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • headers (JSON) – Represents the headers that will be sent to the request. For example, to set the language and type on a request: “headers” : { “Accept-Language”: “en-us”, “Content-Type”: “application/json” }. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • body (JSON) – Represents the payload that will be sent to the endpoint. Required for POST/PUT method, not allowed for GET method Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (WebActivityAuthentication) – Authentication method used for calling the endpoint.

  • disable_cert_validation (bool) – When set to true, Certificate validation will be disabled.

  • datasets (list[DatasetReference]) – List of datasets passed to web endpoint.

  • linked_services (list[LinkedServiceReference]) – List of linked services passed to web endpoint.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebActivityAuthentication(*, type: Optional[str] = None, pfx: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, username: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, resource: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, user_tenant: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, credential: Optional[_models.CredentialReference] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Web activity authentication properties.

  • type (str) – Web activity authentication (Basic/ClientCertificate/MSI/ServicePrincipal).

  • pfx (SecretBase) – Base64-encoded contents of a PFX file or Certificate when used for ServicePrincipal.

  • username (JSON) – Web activity authentication user name for basic authentication or ClientID when used for ServicePrincipal. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for the PFX file or basic authentication / Secret when used for ServicePrincipal.

  • resource (JSON) – Resource for which Azure Auth token will be requested when using MSI Authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_tenant (JSON) – TenantId for which Azure Auth token will be requested when using ServicePrincipal Authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

Keyword Arguments
  • type (str) – Web activity authentication (Basic/ClientCertificate/MSI/ServicePrincipal).

  • pfx (SecretBase) – Base64-encoded contents of a PFX file or Certificate when used for ServicePrincipal.

  • username (JSON) – Web activity authentication user name for basic authentication or ClientID when used for ServicePrincipal. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for the PFX file or basic authentication / Secret when used for ServicePrincipal.

  • resource (JSON) – Resource for which Azure Auth token will be requested when using MSI Authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • user_tenant (JSON) – TenantId for which Azure Auth token will be requested when using ServicePrincipal Authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • credential (CredentialReference) – The credential reference containing authentication information.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebActivityMethod(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The list of HTTP methods supported by a WebActivity.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebAnonymousAuthentication(*, url:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties

A WebLinkedService that uses anonymous authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or WebAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the web table source. Required. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, and “ClientCertificate”.

Keyword Arguments

url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Type of authentication used to connect to the web table source.

ANONYMOUS = 'Anonymous'
BASIC = 'Basic'
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE = 'ClientCertificate'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebBasicAuthentication(*, url:[str, Any], username:[str, Any], password: _models.SecretBase, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties

A WebLinkedService that uses basic authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or WebAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the web table source. Required. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, and “ClientCertificate”.

  • username (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • username (JSON) – User name for Basic authentication. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – The password for Basic authentication. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebClientCertificateAuthentication(*, url:[str, Any], pfx: _models.SecretBase, password: _models.SecretBase, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties

A WebLinkedService that uses client certificate based authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint. This scheme follows mutual authentication; the server must also provide valid credentials to the client.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or WebAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the web table source. Required. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, and “ClientCertificate”.

  • pfx (SecretBase) – Base64-encoded contents of a PFX file. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for the PFX file. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • pfx (SecretBase) – Base64-encoded contents of a PFX file. Required.

  • password (SecretBase) – Password for the PFX file. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebHookActivity(*, name: str, method: Union[str, _models.WebHookActivityMethod], url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[List[_models.ActivityDependency]] = None, user_properties: Optional[List[_models.UserProperty]] = None, timeout: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, body: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, authentication: Optional[_models.WebActivityAuthentication] = None, report_status_on_call_back: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.ControlActivity

WebHook activity.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • type (str) – Type of activity. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • method (str or WebHookActivityMethod) – Rest API method for target endpoint. Required. “POST”

  • url (JSON) – WebHook activity target endpoint and path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • timeout (str) – The timeout within which the webhook should be called back. If there is no value specified, it defaults to 10 minutes. Type: string. Pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • headers (JSON) – Represents the headers that will be sent to the request. For example, to set the language and type on a request: “headers” : { “Accept-Language”: “en-us”, “Content-Type”: “application/json” }. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • body (JSON) – Represents the payload that will be sent to the endpoint. Required for POST/PUT method, not allowed for GET method Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (WebActivityAuthentication) – Authentication method used for calling the endpoint.

  • report_status_on_call_back (JSON) – When set to true, statusCode, output and error in callback request body will be consumed by activity. The activity can be marked as failed by setting statusCode >= 400 in callback request. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • name (str) – Activity name. Required.

  • description (str) – Activity description.

  • depends_on (list[ActivityDependency]) – Activity depends on condition.

  • user_properties (list[UserProperty]) – Activity user properties.

  • method (str or WebHookActivityMethod) – Rest API method for target endpoint. Required. “POST”

  • url (JSON) – WebHook activity target endpoint and path. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • timeout (str) – The timeout within which the webhook should be called back. If there is no value specified, it defaults to 10 minutes. Type: string. Pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • headers (JSON) – Represents the headers that will be sent to the request. For example, to set the language and type on a request: “headers” : { “Accept-Language”: “en-us”, “Content-Type”: “application/json” }. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • body (JSON) – Represents the payload that will be sent to the endpoint. Required for POST/PUT method, not allowed for GET method Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • authentication (WebActivityAuthentication) – Authentication method used for calling the endpoint.

  • report_status_on_call_back (JSON) – When set to true, statusCode, output and error in callback request body will be consumed by activity. The activity can be marked as failed by setting statusCode >= 400 in callback request. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebHookActivityMethod(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The list of HTTP methods supported by a WebHook activity.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebLinkedService(*, type_properties: _models.WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Web linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • type_properties (WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties) – Web linked service properties. Required.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • type_properties (WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties) – Web linked service properties. Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties(*, url:[str, Any], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory._serialization.Model

Base definition of WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties, this typeProperties is polymorphic based on authenticationType, so not flattened in SDK models.

You probably want to use the sub-classes and not this class directly. Known sub-classes are: WebAnonymousAuthentication, WebBasicAuthentication, WebClientCertificateAuthentication

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • authentication_type (str or WebAuthenticationType) – Type of authentication used to connect to the web table source. Required. Known values are: “Basic”, “Anonymous”, and “ClientCertificate”.

Keyword Arguments

url (JSON) – The URL of the web service endpoint, e.g. . Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity source for web page table.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WebTableDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, index:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, path: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

The dataset points to a HTML table in the web page.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • index (JSON) – The zero-based index of the table in the web page. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The relative URL to the web page from the linked service URL. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • index (JSON) – The zero-based index of the table in the web page. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0. Required.

  • path (JSON) – The relative URL to the web page from the linked service URL. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.WranglingDataFlow(*, description: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DataFlowFolder] = None, sources: Optional[List[_models.PowerQuerySource]] = None, script: Optional[str] = None, document_locale: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.DataFlow

Power Query data flow.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • type (str) – Type of data flow. Required.

  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

  • sources (list[PowerQuerySource]) – List of sources in Power Query.

  • script (str) – Power query mashup script.

  • document_locale (str) – Locale of the Power query mashup document.

Keyword Arguments
  • description (str) – The description of the data flow.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the data flow.

  • folder (DataFlowFolder) – The folder that this data flow is in. If not specified, Data flow will appear at the root level.

  • sources (list[PowerQuerySource]) – List of sources in Power Query.

  • script (str) – Power query mashup script.

  • document_locale (str) – Locale of the Power query mashup document.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.XeroLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, host: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, consumer_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, private_key: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Xero Service linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Xero. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • host (JSON) – The endpoint of the Xero server. (i.e.

  • consumer_key (SecretBase) – The consumer key associated with the Xero application.

  • private_key (SecretBase) – The private key from the .pem file that was generated for your Xero private application. You must include all the text from the .pem file, including the Unix line endings( ).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Xero. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • host (JSON) – The endpoint of the Xero server. (i.e.

  • consumer_key (SecretBase) – The consumer key associated with the Xero application.

  • private_key (SecretBase) – The private key from the .pem file that was generated for your Xero private application. You must include all the text from the .pem file, including the Unix line endings( ).

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.XeroObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Xero Service dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.XeroSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Xero Service source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.XmlDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, location: Optional[_models.DatasetLocation] = None, encoding_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, null_value: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, compression: Optional[_models.DatasetCompression] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Xml dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the json data storage.

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not specified, the default value is UTF-8, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the name column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the json dataset.

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • location (DatasetLocation) – The location of the json data storage.

  • encoding_name (JSON) – The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not specified, the default value is UTF-8, unless BOM denotes another Unicode encoding. Refer to the name column of the table in the following link to set supported values: Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • null_value (JSON) – The null value string. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • compression (DatasetCompression) – The data compression method used for the json dataset.

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.XmlReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, compression_properties: Optional[_models.CompressionReadSettings] = None, validation_mode: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, detect_data_type: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, namespaces: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, namespace_prefixes: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.FormatReadSettings

Xml read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The read setting type. Required.

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

  • validation_mode (JSON) – Indicates what validation method is used when reading the xml files. Allowed values: ‘none’, ‘xsd’, or ‘dtd’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • detect_data_type (JSON) – Indicates whether type detection is enabled when reading the xml files. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • namespaces (JSON) – Indicates whether namespace is enabled when reading the xml files. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • namespace_prefixes (JSON) – Namespace uri to prefix mappings to override the prefixes in column names when namespace is enabled, if no prefix is defined for a namespace uri, the prefix of xml element/attribute name in the xml data file will be used. Example: “{“”:”prefix”}” Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • compression_properties (CompressionReadSettings) – Compression settings.

  • validation_mode (JSON) – Indicates what validation method is used when reading the xml files. Allowed values: ‘none’, ‘xsd’, or ‘dtd’. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • detect_data_type (JSON) – Indicates whether type detection is enabled when reading the xml files. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • namespaces (JSON) – Indicates whether namespace is enabled when reading the xml files. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • namespace_prefixes (JSON) – Namespace uri to prefix mappings to override the prefixes in column names when namespace is enabled, if no prefix is defined for a namespace uri, the prefix of xml element/attribute name in the xml data file will be used. Example: “{“”:”prefix”}” Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.XmlSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, store_settings: Optional[_models.StoreReadSettings] = None, format_settings: Optional[_models.XmlReadSettings] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CopySource

A copy activity Xml source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Xml store settings.

  • format_settings (XmlReadSettings) – Xml format settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • store_settings (StoreReadSettings) – Xml store settings.

  • format_settings (XmlReadSettings) – Xml format settings.

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ZendeskAuthenticationType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

The authentication type to use.

BASIC = 'Basic'
TOKEN = 'Token'
class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ZendeskLinkedService(*, authentication_type: Union[str, _models.ZendeskAuthenticationType], url:[str, Any], additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, user_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, password: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, api_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Linked service for Zendesk.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • authentication_type (str or ZendeskAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Basic” and “Token”.

  • url (JSON) – The url to connect Zendesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username of the Zendesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the Zendesk source.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Zendesk source.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • authentication_type (str or ZendeskAuthenticationType) – The authentication type to use. Required. Known values are: “Basic” and “Token”.

  • url (JSON) – The url to connect Zendesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Required.

  • user_name (JSON) – The username of the Zendesk source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

  • password (SecretBase) – The password of the Zendesk source.

  • api_token (SecretBase) – The api token for the Zendesk source.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ZipDeflateReadSettings(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, preserve_zip_file_name_as_folder: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.CompressionReadSettings

The ZipDeflate compression read settings.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – The Compression setting type. Required.

  • preserve_zip_file_name_as_folder (JSON) – Preserve the zip file name as folder path. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • preserve_zip_file_name_as_folder (JSON) – Preserve the zip file name as folder path. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ZohoLinkedService(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, connect_via: Optional[_models.IntegrationRuntimeReference] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, connection_properties: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, endpoint: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, access_token: Optional[_models.SecretBase] = None, use_encrypted_endpoints: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_host_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, use_peer_verification: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, encrypted_credential: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.LinkedService

Zoho server linked service.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of linked service. Required.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Zoho. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Zoho server. (i.e.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token for Zoho authentication.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • connect_via (IntegrationRuntimeReference) – The integration runtime reference.

  • description (str) – Linked service description.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for linked service.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.

  • connection_properties (JSON) – Properties used to connect to Zoho. It is mutually exclusive with any other properties in the linked service. Type: object.

  • endpoint (JSON) – The endpoint of the Zoho server. (i.e.

  • access_token (SecretBase) – The access token for Zoho authentication.

  • use_encrypted_endpoints (JSON) – Specifies whether the data source endpoints are encrypted using HTTPS. The default value is true.

  • use_host_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to require the host name in the server’s certificate to match the host name of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • use_peer_verification (JSON) – Specifies whether to verify the identity of the server when connecting over SSL. The default value is true.

  • encrypted_credential (JSON) – The encrypted credential used for authentication. Credentials are encrypted using the integration runtime credential manager. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ZohoObjectDataset(*, linked_service_name: _models.LinkedServiceReference, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, structure: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, schema: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, _models.ParameterSpecification]] = None, annotations: Optional[List[[str, Any]]] = None, folder: Optional[_models.DatasetFolder] = None, table_name: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.Dataset

Zoho server dataset.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Type of dataset. Required.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • description (str) – Dataset description.

  • structure (JSON) – Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement.

  • schema (JSON) – Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetSchemaDataElement.

  • linked_service_name (LinkedServiceReference) – Linked service reference. Required.

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterSpecification]) – Parameters for dataset.

  • annotations (list[JSON]) – List of tags that can be used for describing the Dataset.

  • folder (DatasetFolder) – The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, Dataset will appear at the root level.

  • table_name (JSON) – The table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

class azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.ZohoSource(*, additional_properties: Optional[Dict[str,[str, Any]]] = None, source_retry_count: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, source_retry_wait: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, max_concurrent_connections: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, disable_metrics_collection: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query_timeout: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, additional_columns: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, query: Optional[[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.mgmt.datafactory.models._models_py3.TabularSource

A copy activity Zoho server source.

All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure.

  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • type (str) – Copy source type. Required.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).

Keyword Arguments
  • additional_properties (dict[str, JSON]) – Unmatched properties from the message are deserialized to this collection.

  • source_retry_count (JSON) – Source retry count. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • source_retry_wait (JSON) – Source retry wait. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • max_concurrent_connections (JSON) – The maximum concurrent connection count for the source data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer).

  • disable_metrics_collection (JSON) – If true, disable data store metrics collection. Default is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).

  • query_timeout (JSON) – Query timeout. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string), pattern: ((d+).)?(dd):(60|([0-5][0-9])):(60|([0-5][0-9])).

  • additional_columns (JSON) – Specifies the additional columns to be added to source data. Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects).

  • query (JSON) – A query to retrieve data from source. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).