Source code for azure.confidentialledger._models

# ------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
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from collections import namedtuple

from ._enums import LedgerUserRole, TransactionState

    from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
except ImportError:

    # pylint:disable=unused-import
    from typing import Dict, List

[docs]class AppendResult(namedtuple("AppendResult", ["sub_ledger_id", "transaction_id"])): """Result of appending to the ledger. :ivar str transaction_id: Identifier for when the append transaction was registered. :ivar str sub_ledger_id: Identifies the sub-ledger the entry was appended to. """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, sub_ledger_id, transaction_id): return super(AppendResult, cls).__new__(cls, sub_ledger_id, transaction_id) @classmethod def _from_pipeline_result(cls, _, deserialized, response_headers): transaction_id = response_headers["x-ms-ccf-transaction-id"] return cls( transaction_id=transaction_id, sub_ledger_id=deserialized.sub_ledger_id )
[docs]class ConsortiumMember(object): """Describes a member of the consortium. :param certificate: Certificate used by the member. :type certificate: str :param id: The member's assigned identifier. :type id: str """ def __init__( self, certificate, # type: str member_id, # type: str ): if not certificate or not member_id: raise ValueError("certificate and member_id cannot be None") self._certificate = certificate self._member_id = member_id @property def certificate(self): # type: () -> str """The member's certificate.""" return self._certificate @property def id(self): # type: () -> str """The member's identifier.""" return self._member_id
[docs]class Consortium(object): """Describes the consortium. :param members: List of members of the consortium. :type members: List[ConsortiumMember] """ def __init__( self, members # type: List[ConsortiumMember] ): self._members = members @property def members(self): # type: () -> List[ConsortiumMember] """Members of the consortium.""" return self._members
[docs]class Constitution(object): """Governance script for the Confidential Ledger. :param script: Contents of the constitution script. :type script: str :param digest: SHA256 digest of the script. :type digest: str """ def __init__( self, script, # type: str digest, # type: str ): self._script = script self._digest = digest @property def contents(self): # type: () -> str """The contents of the constitution.""" return self._script @property def digest(self): # type: () -> str """SHA256 of the constitution.""" return self._digest
[docs]class EnclaveQuote(object): """Quote of an SGX enclave. :param node_id: ID assigned to this node by CCF. :type node_id: int :param mrenclave: MRENCLAVE value of the code running in the enclave. :type mrenclave: str :param raw_quote: Raw SGX quote, parsable by tools like Open Enclave's oeverify. :type raw_quote: str :param version: Version of the quote. :type version: str """ def __init__( self, node_id, # type: int mrenclave, # type: str raw_quote, # type: str version, # type: str ): self._node_id = node_id self._mrenclave = mrenclave self._raw_quote = raw_quote self._version = version @property def node_id(self): # type: () -> int """The ID of the node identified by this quote.""" return self._node_id @property def mrenclave(self): # type: () -> str """The MRENCLAVE value for this enclave.""" return self._mrenclave @property def raw_quote(self): # type: () -> str """The raw quote for this enclave.""" return self._raw_quote @property def version(self): # type: () -> str """The version of the quote.""" return self._version
[docs]class LedgerEnclaves(object): """Collection of enclaves in the ledger. :param quotes: Dictionary of enclaves in the Confidential Ledger. :type quotes: Dict[str, EnclaveQuote] :param source_node: Id of the node providing the quotes. :type source_node: str """ def __init__( self, quotes, # type: Dict[str, EnclaveQuote] source_node, # type: str ): self._quotes = quotes self._source_node = source_node @property def quotes(self): # type: (...) -> Dict[str, EnclaveQuote] """Get a dictionary of enclaves quotes.""" return self._quotes @property def source_node(self): # type: (...) -> str """Identifies the node that returned the contained quotes.""" return self._source_node
[docs]class LedgerEntry(object): """An entry in the ledger. :param transaction_id: Identifier for the transaction containing this ledger entry. :type transaction_id: str :param contents: Contents of the ledger entry. :type contents: str :param sub_ledger_id: Identifies the sub-ledger the entry is a part of. :type sub_ledger_id: str """ def __init__( self, transaction_id, # type: str contents, # type: str sub_ledger_id, # type: int ): self._transaction_id = transaction_id self._contents = contents self._sub_ledger_id = sub_ledger_id @property def transaction_id(self): # type: () -> str """Id of the ledger entry.""" return self._transaction_id @property def contents(self): # type: () -> str """Contents of the ledger entry.""" return self._contents @property def sub_ledger_id(self): # type: () -> int """Identifies the sub-ledger this entry is a part of.""" return self._sub_ledger_id @classmethod def _from_pipeline_result(cls, deserialized): # type: (...) -> LedgerEntry return cls( transaction_id=deserialized.transaction_id, contents=deserialized.contents, sub_ledger_id=deserialized.sub_ledger_id, )
[docs]class LedgerUser(object): """Models a Confidential Ledger user. :param user_id: Identifier of the user. :type user_id: str :param role: Role assigned to the user. :type role: LedgerUserRole """ def __init__( self, user_id, # type: str role, # type: LedgerUserRole ): self._id = user_id self._role = role @property def id(self): # type: () -> str """Returns the id of this user.""" return self._id @property def role(self): # type: () -> LedgerUserRole """Returns the role assigned to this user.""" return self._role
[docs]class TransactionReceipt(object): """Contains a receipt certifying a transaction. :param transaction_id: Unique identifier for a transaction. :type transaction_id: str :param receipt: The receipt, which is a list of integers comprising a Merkle proof. :type receipt: List[int] """ def __init__( self, transaction_id, # type: str receipt, # type: List[int] ): # type: (int, List[int]) -> None self._transaction_id = transaction_id self._contents = receipt @property def contents(self): # type: () -> List[int] """Contents of the receipt.""" return self._contents @property def transaction_id(self): # type: () -> str """Identifier for the transaction certified by this receipt.""" return self._transaction_id
[docs]class TransactionStatus(object): """Represents the status of a transaction. :param transaction_id: Identifier for the transaction. :type transaction_id: str :param state: State of the transation. :type state: ~azure.confidentialledger.TransactionState """ def __init__( self, transaction_id, # type: str state, # type: TransactionState ): self._transaction_id = transaction_id self._state = state @property def transaction_id(self): # type: () -> str """The identifier for this transaction.""" return self._transaction_id @property def state(self): # type: () -> TransactionState """The state of the transaction.""" return self._state