azure.confidentialledger package

class azure.confidentialledger.ConfidentialLedgerCertificateCredential(certificate_path: str)[source]

A credential for authenticating with the Confidential Ledger using a certificate.


certificate_path (str) – Path to the PEM-encoded certificate file including the private key.

class azure.confidentialledger.ConfidentialLedgerClient(endpoint: str, credential: Union[ConfidentialLedgerCertificateCredential, TokenCredential], ledger_certificate_path: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

A client for putting data into and querying data from the Confidential Ledger service.

The transport parameter is typically accepted by Azure SDK clients to provide a custom transport stage in the pipeline. Since this client makes modifications to the default transport, using a custom transport will override and remove the following functionality:

  1. Authentication using a client certificate.

  2. TLS verification using the Confidential Ledger TLS certificate.

  • endpoint (str) – URL of the Confidential Ledger service.

  • credential (ConfidentialLedgerCertificateCredential) – A credential object for authenticating with the Confidential Ledger.

  • ledger_certificate_path (str) – The path to the ledger’s TLS certificate.

Keyword Arguments


Version of the Confidential Ledger API to use. Defaults to the most recent. Support API versions:

  • 0.1-preview

append_to_ledger(entry_contents: str, **kwargs: Any) → AppendResult[source]

Appends an entry to the Confidential Ledger.


entry_contents (str) – Text to write to the ledger.

Keyword Arguments
  • sub_ledger_id (str) – Identifies the sub-ledger to append to. If none is specified, the service will use the service-default sub-ledger id.

  • wait_for_commit (bool) – If True, this method will not return until the write is durably saved to the ledger.


Close sockets opened by the client.

Calling this method is unnecessary when using the client as a context manager.

create_or_update_user(user_id: str, role: Union[str, LedgerUserRole], **kwargs: Any) → LedgerUser[source]

Creates a new Confidential Ledger user, or updates an existing one.

  • user_id (str) – Identifies the user to delete. This should be an AAD object id or certificate fingerprint.

  • role (str or LedgerUserRole) – Role to assigned to the user.


Details of the updated ledger user.

Return type




delete_user(user_id: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Deletes a user from the Confidential Ledger.


user_id (str) – Identifies the user to delete. This should be an AAD object id or certificate fingerprint.



Return type




get_consortium(**kwargs: Any) → Consortium[source]

Gets the consortium members.

Consortium members can manage the Confidential Ledger.


Details about the consortium.

Return type




get_constitution(**kwargs: Any) → Constitution[source]

Gets the constitution used for governance.

The constitution is a script that assesses and applies proposals from consortium members.


The contents of the constitution and its digest.

Return type




get_enclave_quotes(**kwargs: Any) → LedgerEnclaves[source]

Gets enclave quotes from all nodes in the Confidential Ledger network.


Enclave quotes for nodes in the Confidential Ledger.

Return type




get_ledger_entries(**kwargs: Any) → ItemPaged[LedgerEntry][source]

Gets a range of entries in the ledger.

Keyword Arguments
  • from_transaction_id (str) – Transaction identifier from which to start the query. If this is not specified, the query begins from the first transaction.

  • to_transaction_id (str) – Transaction identifier at which to end the query (inclusive). If this is not specified, the query ends at the end of the ledger.

  • sub_ledger_id (str) – Identifies the sub-ledger to fetch the ledger entry from.


An iterable for iterating over the entries in the range.

Return type




get_ledger_entry(**kwargs: Any) → LedgerEntry[source]

Gets an entry in the ledger. The query may need to be retried while the service is loading results.

Keyword Arguments
  • interval (float) – Interval, in seconds, between retries while waiting for results, defaults to 0.5.

  • max_tries (int) – Maximum number of times to try the query, defaults to 6. Retries are attempted if the result is not Ready.

  • transaction_id (str) – A transaction identifier. If not specified, the latest transaction is fetched.

  • sub_ledger_id – Identifies the sub-ledger to fetch the ledger entry from.


The corresponding ledger entry.

Return type




get_transaction_receipt(transaction_id: str, **kwargs: Any) → TransactionReceipt[source]

Get a receipt for a specific transaction. The query may need to be retried while the service is loading results.


transaction_id (str) – Transaction identifier.

Keyword Arguments
  • interval (float) – Interval, in seconds, between retries while waiting for results, defaults to 0.5.

  • max_tries (int) – Maximum number of times to try the query, defaults to 6. Retries are attempted if the result is not Ready.


Receipt certifying the specified transaction.

Return type




get_transaction_status(transaction_id: str, **kwargs: Any) → TransactionStatus[source]

Gets the status of a transaction.


transaction_id (str) – Identifier for the transaction to get the status of.


Status object describing the transaction status.

Return type




get_user(user_id: str, **kwargs: Any) → LedgerUser[source]

Gets a Confidential Ledger user.


user_id (str) – Identifies the user to delete. This should be an AAD object id or certificate fingerprint.


Details about the user.

Return type




wait_until_durable(transaction_id: str, **kwargs: Any)None[source]

Queries the status of the specified transaction until it is Committed, indicating that the transaction is durably stored in the Confidential Ledger. If this state is not reached by max_queries, a TimeoutError is raised.


transaction_id (str) – Identifies the transaction to wait for.

Keyword Arguments
  • interval (float) – Interval, in seconds, between retries while waiting for results, defaults to 0.5.

  • max_queries (int) – Maximum number of queries to make for durability, defaults to 3.



Return type






property endpoint

The URL this client is connected to.

class azure.confidentialledger.LedgerUserRole[source]

User roles assignable in a Confidential Ledger.

ADMINISTRATOR = 'Administrator'
CONTRIBUTOR = 'Contributor'
READER = 'Reader'
class azure.confidentialledger.TransactionState[source]

Indicates the status of a transaction.

COMMITTED = 'Committed'
PENDING = 'Pending'
class azure.confidentialledger.AppendResult[source]

Result of appending to the ledger.


Create new instance of AppendResult(sub_ledger_id, transaction_id)

count(value) → integer – return number of occurrences of value
index(value[, start[, stop]]) → integer – return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property sub_ledger_id

Alias for field number 0

property transaction_id

Alias for field number 1

class azure.confidentialledger.Consortium(members)[source]

Describes the consortium.


members (List[ConsortiumMember]) – List of members of the consortium.

property members

Members of the consortium.

class azure.confidentialledger.ConsortiumMember(certificate, member_id)[source]

Describes a member of the consortium.

  • certificate (str) – Certificate used by the member.

  • id (str) – The member’s assigned identifier.

property certificate

The member’s certificate.

property id

The member’s identifier.

class azure.confidentialledger.Constitution(script, digest)[source]

Governance script for the Confidential Ledger.

  • script (str) – Contents of the constitution script.

  • digest (str) – SHA256 digest of the script.

property contents

The contents of the constitution.

property digest

SHA256 of the constitution.

class azure.confidentialledger.EnclaveQuote(node_id, mrenclave, raw_quote, version)[source]

Quote of an SGX enclave.

  • node_id (int) – ID assigned to this node by CCF.

  • mrenclave (str) – MRENCLAVE value of the code running in the enclave.

  • raw_quote (str) – Raw SGX quote, parsable by tools like Open Enclave’s oeverify.

  • version (str) – Version of the quote.

property mrenclave

The MRENCLAVE value for this enclave.

property node_id

The ID of the node identified by this quote.

property raw_quote

The raw quote for this enclave.

property version

The version of the quote.

class azure.confidentialledger.LedgerEnclaves(quotes, source_node)[source]

Collection of enclaves in the ledger.

  • quotes (Dict[str, EnclaveQuote]) – Dictionary of enclaves in the Confidential Ledger.

  • source_node (str) – Id of the node providing the quotes.

property quotes

Get a dictionary of enclaves quotes.

property source_node

Identifies the node that returned the contained quotes.

class azure.confidentialledger.LedgerEntry(transaction_id, contents, sub_ledger_id)[source]

An entry in the ledger.

  • transaction_id (str) – Identifier for the transaction containing this ledger entry.

  • contents (str) – Contents of the ledger entry.

  • sub_ledger_id (str) – Identifies the sub-ledger the entry is a part of.

property contents

Contents of the ledger entry.

property sub_ledger_id

Identifies the sub-ledger this entry is a part of.

property transaction_id

Id of the ledger entry.

class azure.confidentialledger.LedgerUser(user_id, role)[source]

Models a Confidential Ledger user.

  • user_id (str) – Identifier of the user.

  • role (LedgerUserRole) – Role assigned to the user.

property id

Returns the id of this user.

property role

Returns the role assigned to this user.

class azure.confidentialledger.TransactionReceipt(transaction_id: int, receipt: List[int])[source]

Contains a receipt certifying a transaction.

  • transaction_id (str) – Unique identifier for a transaction.

  • receipt (List[int]) – The receipt, which is a list of integers comprising a Merkle proof.

property contents

Contents of the receipt.

property transaction_id

Identifier for the transaction certified by this receipt.

class azure.confidentialledger.TransactionStatus(transaction_id, state)[source]

Represents the status of a transaction.

  • transaction_id (str) – Identifier for the transaction.

  • state (TransactionState) – State of the transation.

property state

The state of the transaction.

property transaction_id

The identifier for this transaction.
