# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.
from collections import OrderedDict
from ._enums import InkRecognitionUnitKind, ShapeKind
def _truncate(string):
if len(string) > _STR_MAX_LENGTH:
return string[:_STR_MAX_LENGTH] + "..."
return string
[docs]class Point(object):
The Point class, unlike the IInkPoint interface, represents a single
geometric position on a plane. The point is used to specify the center
point of the bounding rectangle of a recognition unit and the key points
of a well-formed recognized shape, i.e a beautified shape from Ink
Recognizer Service based on the ink shape sent to it.
def __init__(self, x, y):
self._x = x
self._y = y
def x(self):
""" X-axis coordinate of the point. """
return self._x
def y(self):
""" X-axis coordinate of the point. """
return self._y
[docs]class Rectangle(object):
The class represents a rectangle used to identify the boundary of the
strokes in a recognition unit.
def __init__(self, rect_dict):
self._x = rect_dict["topX"]
self._y = rect_dict["topY"]
self._width = rect_dict["width"]
self._height = rect_dict["height"]
def x(self):
""" X-axis coordinate of upperleft vertex. """
return self._x
def y(self):
""" Y-axis coordinate of upperleft vertex. """
return self._y
def width(self):
""" Width of the rectangle. """
return self._width
def height(self):
""" Height of the rectangle. """
return self._height
[docs]class InkRecognitionUnit(object):
An InkRecognitionUnit instance represents a single entity recognized by
the Ink Recognizer Service.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.UNKNOWN
def __init__(self, json_object):
self._id = json_object["id"]
self._bounding_box = Rectangle(json_object["boundingRectangle"])
self._rotated_bounding_box = [
Point(point["x"], point["y"])
for point in json_object["rotatedBoundingRectangle"]
self._stroke_ids = json_object["strokeIds"]
self._child_ids = json_object.get("childIds", [])
self._parent_id = json_object["parentId"]
self._children = []
self._parent = None
def __str__(self):
return _truncate("%s id=%s strokes=%s" % (
type(self), self._id, self._stroke_ids))
__repr__ = __str__
def bounding_box(self):
# type: () -> Rectangle
The bounding box is the rectangular area that contains all the strokes
in a recognition unit.
:rtype: Rectangle
return self._bounding_box
def rotated_bounding_box(self):
# type () -> List[Point]
The rotated bounding box is the oriented rectangular area that
contains all the strokes in a recognition unit.
Its shape is influenced by the detected orientation of the ink in the
recognition unit.
It is represented by a list of Points which are the vertices of the
rect, clockwise.
:rtype: List[Point]
return self._rotated_bounding_box
def id(self):
# type: () -> int
Unique identifier for the recognition unit.
rtype: int
return self._id
def kind(self):
# type: () -> InkRecognitionUnitKind
The kind of the current recognition unit.
:rtype: InkRecognitionUnitKind
return self._ink_recognition_unit_kind
def stroke_ids(self):
# type: () -> List[int]
Id of strokes of this unit.
:rtype: List[int]
return self._stroke_ids
def children(self):
# type: () -> List[InkRecognitionUnit]
The children of a recognition unit represent the units contained in a
container unit.
An example is the relationship between a line and the words on the
line. The children of the line is a list of words. "Leaf" units like
words which have no children will always return an empty list.
:rtype: List[InkRecognitionUnit]
return self._children
def parent(self):
# type: () -> InkRecognitionUnit
The parent of a recognition unit represent the unit containing this
An example is the relationship between a line and the words on the
line. The line is the parent of the words. The top level recognition
unit will return None as the parent.
:rtype: InkRecognitionUnit or None
return self._parent
[docs]class InkBullet(InkRecognitionUnit):
An InkBullet instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes
that were recognized as a bullet point on a line.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_BULLET
def __init__(self, json_object):
InkRecognitionUnit.__init__(self, json_object)
self._recognized_text = json_object.get("recognizedText", "")
def recognized_text(self):
# type: () -> str
The recognized string of the bullet, e.g. '*'. If the bullet isn't
recognized as a string (e.g. when the bullet is a complex shape), an
empty string is returned.
:rtype: str
return self._recognized_text
[docs]class InkWord(InkRecognitionUnit):
An InkWord instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes
that were recognized as a word.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_WORD
def __init__(self, json_object):
InkRecognitionUnit.__init__(self, json_object)
self._recognized_text = json_object.get("recognizedText", "")
self._alternates = self._parse_alternates(json_object)
def __str__(self):
return _truncate("%s id=%s text='%s' strokes=%s" % (
type(self), self._id, self.recognized_text, self._stroke_ids))
def _parse_alternates(self, json_object): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
return [json_alternate.get("recognizedString", "")
for json_alternate in json_object.get("alternates", [])]
def alternates(self):
# type: () -> List[str]
A list of alternate strings reported by the service.
:rtype: List[str]
return self._alternates
def recognized_text(self):
# type: () -> str
The recognized string of the word. If the word isn't
recognized, an empty string is returned.
:rtype: str
return self._recognized_text
[docs]class InkDrawing(InkRecognitionUnit):
An InkDrawing instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes
that were recognized as a drawing/shape.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_DRAWING
def __init__(self, json_object):
InkRecognitionUnit.__init__(self, json_object)
self._center = self._parse_center(json_object.get("center", None))
self._confidence = json_object["confidence"]
self._recognized_shape = self._parse_shape(json_object["recognizedObject"])
self._rotated_angle = json_object["rotationAngle"]
self._points = self._parse_points(json_object.get("points", []))
self._alternates = self._parse_alternates(json_object)
def __str__(self):
return _truncate("%s id=%s shape='%s' strokes=%s" % (
type(self), self._id, self.recognized_shape, self._stroke_ids))
def _parse_center(self, center): # pylint:disable=no-self-use, inconsistent-return-statements
if center is None:
return Point(center["x"], center["y"])
def _parse_shape(self, shape_string): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
shape = ShapeKind(shape_string)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Unexpected shape from server: %s." % shape_string)
return shape
def _parse_points(self, points): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
return [Point(point["x"], point["y"]) for point in points]
def _parse_one_alternate(self, json_object, json_alternate): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
kind = json_alternate.get("category")
if kind != InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_DRAWING.value:
raise ValueError("Unexpected InkDrawing alternate kind: %s" % kind)
json_object_alternate = json_object.copy()
json_object_alternate["confidence"] = json_alternate["confidence"]
json_object_alternate["recognizedObject"] = json_alternate["recognizedString"]
json_object_alternate["rotationAngle"] = json_alternate["rotationAngle"]
json_object_alternate["points"] = json_alternate.get("points", [])
json_object_alternate["alternates"] = []
return InkDrawing(json_object_alternate)
def _parse_alternates(self, json_object):
return [self._parse_one_alternate(json_object, json_alternate)
for json_alternate in json_object.get("alternates", [])]
def center(self):
# type: () -> Point
The center point of the bounding box of the recognition
unit as Point.
:rtype: Point
return self._center
def confidence(self):
# type: () -> float
A number between 0 and 1 which indicates the confidence level
in the result.
:rtype: float
return self._confidence
def recognized_shape(self):
# type: () -> ShapeKind
The ShapeKind enum representing the geometric shape that was
recognized. If the drawing isn't one of the known geometric shapes,
an ShapeKind.DRAWING is returned.
:rtype: ShapeKind
return self._recognized_shape
def rotated_angle(self):
# type: () -> float
The angular orientation of an object relative to the horizontal axis.
:rtype: float
return self._rotated_angle
def points(self):
# type: () -> List[Point]
A list of Point instances that represent points that are relevant to
the type of recognition unit. For example, for a leaf node of inkDrawing
kind that represents a triangle, points would include the x,y
coordinates of the vertices of the recognized triangle. The points
represent the coordinates of points used to create the perfectly drawn
shape that is closest to the original input. They may not exactly match.
:rtype: List[Point]
return self._points
def alternates(self):
# type: () -> List[InkDrawing]
A list of alternate InkDrawings when the confidence isn't 1.
If this InkDrawing is an alternate, returns None.
:rtype: List[InkDrawing] or None
return self._alternates
[docs]class Line(InkRecognitionUnit):
A Line instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes that
were recognized as a line.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.LINE
def __init__(self, json_object):
InkRecognitionUnit.__init__(self, json_object)
self._recognized_text = json_object.get("recognizedText", "")
self._alternates = self._parse_alternates(json_object.get("alternates", []))
def _parse_alternates(self, alternates): # pylint:disable=no-self-use
return [alternate["recognizedString"] for alternate in alternates]
def alternates(self):
# type: () -> List[str]
A list of alternate strings reported by the service.
:rtype: List[str]
return self._alternates
def recognized_text(self):
# type: () -> str
The recognized string of the line. If the words in the line are not
recognized, an empty string is returned.
:rtype: str
return self._recognized_text
def bullet(self):
# type: () -> Optional[InkBullet, None]
If the line has a bullet, return it as InkBullet. Otherwise, return None.
One line can have at most one bullet.
:rtype: InkBullet or None
for unit in self.children:
if unit.kind == InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_BULLET:
return unit
return None
def words(self):
# type: () -> List[InkWord]
""" All the words in this line.
:rtype: List[InkWord]
return [unit for unit in self.children if unit.kind == InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_WORD]
[docs]class Paragraph(InkRecognitionUnit):
A Paragraph instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes
that were recognized as a paragraph.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.PARAGRAPH
def recognized_text(self):
# type: () -> str
The recognized string of the paragraph. If the words in the paragraph
are not recognized, an empty string is returned.
:rtype: str
return "\n".join([child.recognized_text
for child in self.children])
def lines(self):
# type: () -> List[Line]
All the lines in the paragraph.
:rtype: List[Line]
return [unit for unit in self.children
if unit.kind == InkRecognitionUnitKind.LINE]
def list_items(self):
# type: () -> List[ListItem]
All the ListItems in the paragraph.
return [unit for unit in self.children
if unit.kind == InkRecognitionUnitKind.LIST_ITEM]
[docs]class WritingRegion(InkRecognitionUnit):
A WritingRegion instance represents a certain part of a writing surface that the
user has written at least one word on. WritingRegions are the top-level writing
objects under an InkRecognitionRoot.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.WRITING_REGION
def recognized_text(self):
# type: () -> str
The recognized string of the writing region. If the words in the writing
region are not recognized, an empty string is returned.
:rtype: str
return "\n".join([child.recognized_text
for child in self.children])
def paragraphs(self):
# type: () -> List[Paragraph]
All paragraphs in the writing region.
:rtype: List[Paragraph]
return self.children
[docs]class ListItem(InkRecognitionUnit):
A ListItem instance represents an item of a list. It has a line which has
a bullet at the beginning of it.
The list that this ListItem belongs to is not given by Ink Recognizer Service.
_ink_recognition_unit_kind = InkRecognitionUnitKind.LIST_ITEM
def recognized_text(self):
# type: () -> str
The recognized string of the list item. If the words in the list
item are not recognized, an empty string is returned.
:rtype: str
return "\n".join([child.recognized_text
for child in self.children])
def lines(self):
# type: () -> List[Line]
All the lines in the list item (Should be only one).
:rtype: List[Line]
return self.children
[docs]class InkRecognitionRoot(object):
An InkRecognitionRoot instance is the return type from the recognize_ink method in
InkRecognizerClient. It is the root of the of recognition unit tree.
It also contains the HTTP request status code of the recognition request.
WritingRegions and Shapes are the only top-level objects under an InkRecognitionRoot.
def __init__(self, units):
self._units = units
self._unit_kind_map = {}
for unit in units:
if unit.kind in [InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_DRAWING,
unit._parent = self # pylint:disable=protected-access
def _get_recognition_units(self, unit_kind):
if unit_kind in self._unit_kind_map:
return self._unit_kind_map[unit_kind]
if not isinstance(unit_kind, InkRecognitionUnitKind):
raise ValueError("Expected a InkRecognitionUnitKind instance, got %s" % type(unit_kind))
self._unit_kind_map[unit_kind] = [unit for unit in self._units if unit.kind == unit_kind]
return self._unit_kind_map[unit_kind]
def ink_words(self):
# type: () -> List[InkWord]
The list of all InkWord found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.
:rtype: List[InkWord]
return self._get_recognition_units(InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_WORD)
def ink_drawings(self):
# type: () -> List[InkDrawing]
The list of all InkDrawing found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.
:rtype: List[InkDrawing]
return self._get_recognition_units(InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_DRAWING)
def lines(self):
# type: () -> List[Line]
The list of all Lines found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.
:rtype: List[Line]
return self._get_recognition_units(InkRecognitionUnitKind.LINE)
def ink_bullets(self):
# type: () -> List[InkBullet]
The list of all InkBullets found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.
:rtype: List[InkBullet]
return self._get_recognition_units(InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_BULLET)
def paragraphs(self):
# type: () -> List[Paragraph]
The list of all Paragraphs found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.
:rtype: List[Paragraph]
return self._get_recognition_units(InkRecognitionUnitKind.PARAGRAPH)
def writing_regions(self):
# type: () -> List[WritingRegion]
The list of all WritingRegions found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.
:rtype: List[WritingRegion]
return self._get_recognition_units(InkRecognitionUnitKind.WRITING_REGION)
def list_items(self):
# type: () -> List[ListItem]
The list of all ListItems found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.
:rtype: List[ListItem]
return self._get_recognition_units(InkRecognitionUnitKind.LIST_ITEM)
[docs] def find_word(self, word):
# type: (str) -> List[InkWord]
Returns all Inkwords returned by the Ink Recognizer Service whose
recognized text is exactly the same as the given string. This is
case insensitive.
:param str word: word to find.
:param bool case_sensitive: case sensitive or not. Default is True.
:rtype: List[InkWord]
if not isinstance(word, str):
raise ValueError("Expected a string, got %s" % type(word))
word_lower = word.lower()
return [ink_word for ink_word in self.ink_words
if ink_word.recognized_text.lower() == word_lower]
InkRecognitionUnitKind.UNKNOWN.value : InkRecognitionUnit,
InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_BULLET.value : InkBullet,
InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_WORD.value : InkWord,
InkRecognitionUnitKind.INK_DRAWING.value : InkDrawing,
InkRecognitionUnitKind.PARAGRAPH.value : Paragraph,
InkRecognitionUnitKind.LINE.value : Line,
InkRecognitionUnitKind.WRITING_REGION.value : WritingRegion,
InkRecognitionUnitKind.LIST_ITEM.value : ListItem
def _parse_one_recognition_unit(json_object):
# find the proper class for the unit and parse it.
kind = json_object["category"]
return _RECOGNITION_UNIT_MAP[kind](json_object)
# return base class
return InkRecognitionUnit(json_object)
def _parse_recognition_units(content_json):
# parse raw result into InkRecognitionUnit tree
units = OrderedDict()
recognition_unit_list = content_json.get("recognitionUnits", [])
# parse all units in json response into InkRecognitionUnit
for json_object in recognition_unit_list:
unit = _parse_one_recognition_unit(json_object)
units[unit.id] = unit
# set children and parent for each unit
for unit in units.values():
unit._children = [units[child_id] for child_id in unit._child_ids] # pylint:disable=protected-access
unit._parent = units.get(unit._parent_id, None) # pylint:disable=protected-access
root = InkRecognitionRoot(units.values())
return root