azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer package

Module contents

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.ApplicationKind[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

The ApplicationKind enum allows an application to identify its domain (when it has one). Specifying a domain allows the application to inform the service of its contents. This can facilitate faster processing as the service will skip some classification steps. Applications that don’t have a specific domain can simply specify ApplicationKind.MIXED, which is the default.

DRAWING = 'drawing'

The application can only have drawing strokes.

MIXED = 'mixed'

The application can have strokes of different kinds.

WRITING = 'writing'

The application can only have writing strokes.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkPointUnit[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

The length unit passes to InkPoint. Default is InkPointUnit.MM.

CM = 'cm'
INCH = 'in'
MM = 'mm'
class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkRecognitionUnitKind[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

The InkRecognitionUnitKind has all the different categories of recognition units available from the service.

INK_BULLET = 'inkBullet'

A bullet on a line of text. The bullet can be associated with more than one line.

INK_DRAWING = 'inkDrawing'

A drawing which may have alternates, or an alternate of a drawing.

INK_WORD = 'inkWord'

A word which may have alternates, or an alternate of a word.

LINE = 'line'

A line, that contains a list of words, and may contain a bullet if it inside a list.

LIST_ITEM = 'listItem'

One item of a list. It has only a line as its child, where a bullet should at the begining of that line.

PARAGRAPH = 'paragraph'

A paragraph that contains multiple lines and / or lists.

UNKNOWN = 'unknown'

Some stroke can’t recognized by Ink Recognizer service.

WRITING_REGION = 'writingRegion'

A writing region is a part of the writing surface that contains words.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.ShapeKind[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

The Shape enum represents different shapes that can be reported by the ink recognizer service. Any unrecognized shpae will be reported as ShapeKind.DRAWING.

BLOCK_ARROW = 'blockArrow'
CIRCLE = 'circle'
CLOUD = 'cloud'
CURVE = 'curve'
DIAMOND = 'diamond'
DRAWING = 'drawing'
ELLIPSE = 'ellipse'
EQUILATERAL_TRIANGLE = 'equilateralTriangle'
HEART = 'heart'
HEXAGON = 'hexagon'
ISOSCELES_TRIANGLE = 'isoscelesTriangle'
LINE = 'line'
PARALLELOGRAM = 'parallelogram'
PENTAGON = 'pentagon'
POLYLINE = 'polyline'
QUADRILATERAL = 'quadrilateral'
RECTANGLE = 'rectangle'
RIGHT_TRIANGLE = 'rightTriangle'
SQUARE = 'square'
STAR_CROSSED = 'starCrossed'
STAR_SIMPLE = 'starSimple'
TRAPEZOID = 'trapezoid'
TRIANGLE = 'triangle'
class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkStrokeKind[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

The InkStrokeKind enum represents the class a stroke belongs too. The user of the Ink recognizer service is expected to set this value when it is known with absolute certainly. The default value is InkStrokeKind.UNKNOWN.

DRAWING = 'inkDrawing'

Specify the stroke is a drawing stroke.

UNKNOWN = 'unknown'

Use default stroke kind in ApplicationKind. If ApplicationKind set to Unknown, server will recognize the stroke kind.

WRITING = 'inkWriting'

Specify the stroke is a writing stroke.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.ServiceVersion[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Target version of Ink Recognizer service.

PREVIEW = 'v1.0-preview'

Preview service version.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkRecognizerClient(url, credential, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._client._InkRecognizerClientBase

The InkRecognizerClient communicates with the service using default configuration settings or settings provided by the caller (which override the default settings). Communication with the service is blocking/synchronous.

  • url (str) – target url of the Ink Recognizer service.

  • credential (TokenCredential) – An available Azure Active

Directory credential for Ink Recognition Service.

Key word arguments include Ink Recognizer specific arguments, azure service common arguments and azure pipline policies.

Ink Recognizer specific arguments:


service_version (ServiceVersion) – Version of Ink Recognizer Service.

Default is ServiceVersion.Preview.


application_kind (ApplicationKind) – Inform Ink Recognizer Service of

contents of the application. This can facilitate faster processing as the service will skip some classification steps. Default is ApplicationKind.MIXED.


ink_point_unit (InkPointUnit) – unit of the x and y axis coordinates

for each InkPoint. Default is InkPointUnit.MM.


language (str) – Language (IETF BCP-47) of strokes, can be overwritten

by stroke-specific language. Default is “en-US”.


unit_multiple (float) – multiplier for unit. Each value in InkPoint

will be multiplied by this value on server side. Default is 1.0.

Azure service common arguments:


transport (HttpTransport) – transport

instance for the client. Default is RequestsTransport().

  • timeout (float) – Timeout in seconds.

  • headers (dict) – Custom headers to include in the service request.

  • client_request_id (str) – Caller-specified identification of the request.

  • response_hook (callable) – callable that is called with

(headers, deserialized_response) if the http status is 200.


scopes (list[str]) – let you specify the type of access needed during authentication.

Azure pipeline policies:

recognize_ink(ink_stroke_list, **kwargs)[source]

Synchronously sends data to the service and returns a tree structure containing all the recognition units from Ink Recognizer Service.


ink_stroke_list (Iterable[IInkStroke]) – an iterable that contanins

stroke instances.

Key word arguments include Ink Recognizer specific arguments, azure service common arguments and azure pipline policies.

Ink Recognizer specific arguments:


service_version (ServiceVersion) – Version of Ink Recognizer Service.

Default is ServiceVersion.Preview.


application_kind (ApplicationKind) – Inform Ink Recognizer Service of

contents of the application. This can facilitate faster processing as the service will skip some classification steps. Default is ApplicationKind.MIXED.


ink_point_unit (InkPointUnit) – unit of the x and y axis coordinates

for each InkPoint. Default is InkPointUnit.MM.


language (str) – Language (IETF BCP-47) of strokes, can be overwritten

by stroke-specific language. Default is “en-US”.


unit_multiple (float) – multiplier for unit. Each value in InkPoint

will be multiplied by this value on server side. Default is 1.0.

Azure service common arguments:

  • timeout (float) – Timeout in seconds.

  • headers (dict) – Custom headers to include in the service request.

  • client_request_id (str) – Caller-specified identifier for the request.

  • response_hook (callable) – callable that is called with

(headers, deserialized_response) if the http status is 200.

Azure pipeline policies:

Return type



  • ServerResponseError – Unexpected Server response that can’t be parsed by client.

  • ResourceNotFoundError – Indicates URL is invalid.

  • ClientAuthenticationError – Authentication issue.

  • HttpResponseError – Unclassified error.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.IInkPoint[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface for an InkPoint. An InkPoint represents a single position on the path of an ink stroke. Clients of the Ink Recognizer Service can implement this interface to store points in InkStroke instances.

abstract property x

X-axis coordinate of the point. Should be float.

abstract property y

Y-axis coordinate of the point. Should be float.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.IInkStroke[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface of InkStroke. An InkStroke represents an ink stroke: a collection of IInkPoints from the time user places his writing instrument on the writing surface until the the instrument is lifted. Clients of the Ink Recognizer Service can implement this interface. An InkRecognizerClient instance accepts an iterable of IInkStroke instances, translate them to JSON and deliver to the Ink Recognizer Service.

abstract property id

An integer stroke id. The numerical order (ascending) of stroke ids indicates the order of strokes. For example, there are three strokes s_0, s_1, s_2, where = 0, = 1, = 2. No matter what order they are sent into InkRecognizerClient, they will be re-ordered as (s_0, s_1, s_2) when doing ink recognition.

Return type


abstract property kind

InkStrokeKind of the stroke.

Return type


abstract property language

IETF BCP-47 language code (e.g. “en-US”) of the stroke.

Return type


abstract property points

An iterable of <IInkPoint> of this stroke.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.Point(x, y)[source]

Bases: object

The Point class, unlike the IInkPoint interface, represents a single geometric position on a plane. The point is used to specify the center point of the bounding rectangle of a recognition unit and the key points of a well-formed recognized shape, i.e a beautified shape from Ink Recognizer Service based on the ink shape sent to it.

property x

X-axis coordinate of the point.

property y

X-axis coordinate of the point.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.Rectangle(rect_dict)[source]

Bases: object

The class represents a rectangle used to identify the boundary of the strokes in a recognition unit.

property height

Height of the rectangle.

property width

Width of the rectangle.

property x

X-axis coordinate of upperleft vertex.

property y

Y-axis coordinate of upperleft vertex.

class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkRecognitionUnit(json_object)[source]

Bases: object

An InkRecognitionUnit instance represents a single entity recognized by the Ink Recognizer Service.

property bounding_box

The bounding box is the rectangular area that contains all the strokes in a recognition unit.

Return type


property children

The children of a recognition unit represent the units contained in a container unit. An example is the relationship between a line and the words on the line. The children of the line is a list of words. “Leaf” units like words which have no children will always return an empty list.

Return type


property id

Unique identifier for the recognition unit.

rtype: int

property kind

The kind of the current recognition unit.

Return type


property parent

The parent of a recognition unit represent the unit containing this unit. An example is the relationship between a line and the words on the line. The line is the parent of the words. The top level recognition unit will return None as the parent.

Return type

InkRecognitionUnit or None

property rotated_bounding_box

The rotated bounding box is the oriented rectangular area that contains all the strokes in a recognition unit. Its shape is influenced by the detected orientation of the ink in the recognition unit. It is represented by a list of Points which are the vertices of the rect, clockwise.

Return type


property stroke_ids

Id of strokes of this unit.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkBullet(json_object)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._models.InkRecognitionUnit

An InkBullet instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes that were recognized as a bullet point on a line.

property recognized_text

The recognized string of the bullet, e.g. ‘*’. If the bullet isn’t recognized as a string (e.g. when the bullet is a complex shape), an empty string is returned.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkDrawing(json_object)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._models.InkRecognitionUnit

An InkDrawing instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes that were recognized as a drawing/shape.

property alternates

A list of alternate InkDrawings when the confidence isn’t 1. If this InkDrawing is an alternate, returns None.

Return type

List[InkDrawing] or None

property center

The center point of the bounding box of the recognition unit as Point.

Return type


property confidence

A number between 0 and 1 which indicates the confidence level in the result.

Return type


property points

A list of Point instances that represent points that are relevant to the type of recognition unit. For example, for a leaf node of inkDrawing kind that represents a triangle, points would include the x,y coordinates of the vertices of the recognized triangle. The points represent the coordinates of points used to create the perfectly drawn shape that is closest to the original input. They may not exactly match.

Return type


property recognized_shape

The ShapeKind enum representing the geometric shape that was recognized. If the drawing isn’t one of the known geometric shapes, an ShapeKind.DRAWING is returned.

Return type


property rotated_angle

The angular orientation of an object relative to the horizontal axis.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.Line(json_object)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._models.InkRecognitionUnit

A Line instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes that were recognized as a line.

property alternates

A list of alternate strings reported by the service.

Return type


property bullet

If the line has a bullet, return it as InkBullet. Otherwise, return None. One line can have at most one bullet.

Return type

InkBullet or None

property recognized_text

The recognized string of the line. If the words in the line are not recognized, an empty string is returned.

Return type


property words

All the words in this line.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.Paragraph(json_object)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._models.InkRecognitionUnit

A Paragraph instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes that were recognized as a paragraph.

property lines

All the lines in the paragraph.

Return type


property list_items

All the ListItems in the paragraph.

property recognized_text

The recognized string of the paragraph. If the words in the paragraph are not recognized, an empty string is returned.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkWord(json_object)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._models.InkRecognitionUnit

An InkWord instance represents the collection of one or more ink strokes that were recognized as a word.

property alternates

A list of alternate strings reported by the service.

Return type


property recognized_text

The recognized string of the word. If the word isn’t recognized, an empty string is returned.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.WritingRegion(json_object)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._models.InkRecognitionUnit

A WritingRegion instance represents a certain part of a writing surface that the user has written at least one word on. WritingRegions are the top-level writing objects under an InkRecognitionRoot.

property paragraphs

All paragraphs in the writing region.

Return type


property recognized_text

The recognized string of the writing region. If the words in the writing region are not recognized, an empty string is returned.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.ListItem(json_object)[source]

Bases: azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._models.InkRecognitionUnit

A ListItem instance represents an item of a list. It has a line which has a bullet at the beginning of it. The list that this ListItem belongs to is not given by Ink Recognizer Service.

property lines

All the lines in the list item (Should be only one).

Return type


property recognized_text

The recognized string of the list item. If the words in the list item are not recognized, an empty string is returned.

Return type


class azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer.InkRecognitionRoot(units)[source]

Bases: object

An InkRecognitionRoot instance is the return type from the recognize_ink method in InkRecognizerClient. It is the root of the of recognition unit tree. It also contains the HTTP request status code of the recognition request. WritingRegions and Shapes are the only top-level objects under an InkRecognitionRoot.


Returns all Inkwords returned by the Ink Recognizer Service whose recognized text is exactly the same as the given string. This is case insensitive.

  • word (str) – word to find.

  • case_sensitive (bool) – case sensitive or not. Default is True.

Return type


property ink_bullets

The list of all InkBullets found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.

Return type


property ink_drawings

The list of all InkDrawing found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.

Return type


property ink_words

The list of all InkWord found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.

Return type


property lines

The list of all Lines found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.

Return type


property list_items

The list of all ListItems found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.

Return type


property paragraphs

The list of all Paragraphs found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.

Return type


property writing_regions

The list of all WritingRegions found in the tree returned by the Ink Recognizer Service.

Return type
