Source code for azure.cognitiveservices.inkrecognizer._enums

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
# license information.

from enum import Enum

[docs]class ApplicationKind(Enum): """ The ApplicationKind enum allows an application to identify its domain (when it has one). Specifying a domain allows the application to inform the service of its contents. This can facilitate faster processing as the service will skip some classification steps. Applications that don't have a specific domain can simply specify ApplicationKind.MIXED, which is the default. """ MIXED = "mixed" """ The application can have strokes of different kinds. """ DRAWING = "drawing" """ The application can only have drawing strokes. """ WRITING = "writing" """ The application can only have writing strokes. """
[docs]class InkStrokeKind(Enum): """ The InkStrokeKind enum represents the class a stroke belongs too. The user of the Ink recognizer service is expected to set this value when it is known with absolute certainly. The default value is InkStrokeKind.UNKNOWN. """ DRAWING = "inkDrawing" """ Specify the stroke is a drawing stroke. """ WRITING = "inkWriting" """ Specify the stroke is a writing stroke. """ UNKNOWN = "unknown" """ Use default stroke kind in ApplicationKind. If ApplicationKind set to Unknown, server will recognize the stroke kind. """
[docs]class InkPointUnit(Enum): """ The length unit passes to InkPoint. Default is InkPointUnit.MM. """ MM = "mm" """""" CM = "cm" """""" INCH = "in" """"""
[docs]class InkRecognitionUnitKind(Enum): """ The InkRecognitionUnitKind has all the different categories of recognition units available from the service. """ UNKNOWN = "unknown" """ Some stroke can't recognized by Ink Recognizer service. """ INK_BULLET = "inkBullet" """ A bullet on a line of text. The bullet can be associated with more than one line. """ INK_WORD = "inkWord" """ A word which may have alternates, or an alternate of a word. """ INK_DRAWING = "inkDrawing" """ A drawing which may have alternates, or an alternate of a drawing. """ PARAGRAPH = "paragraph" """ A paragraph that contains multiple lines and / or lists. """ LINE = "line" """ A line, that contains a list of words, and may contain a bullet if it inside a list. """ WRITING_REGION = "writingRegion" """ A writing region is a part of the writing surface that contains words. """ LIST_ITEM = "listItem" """ One item of a list. It has only a line as its child, where a bullet should at the begining of that line. """
[docs]class ShapeKind(Enum): """ The Shape enum represents different shapes that can be reported by the ink recognizer service. Any unrecognized shpae will be reported as ShapeKind.DRAWING. """ BLOCK_ARROW = "blockArrow" """""" CIRCLE = "circle" """""" CLOUD = "cloud" """""" CURVE = "curve" """""" DIAMOND = "diamond" """""" DRAWING = "drawing" """""" ELLIPSE = "ellipse" """""" EQUILATERAL_TRIANGLE = "equilateralTriangle" """""" HEART = "heart" """""" HEXAGON = "hexagon" """""" ISOSCELES_TRIANGLE = "isoscelesTriangle" """""" LINE = "line" """""" PARALLELOGRAM = "parallelogram" """""" PENTAGON = "pentagon" """""" POLYLINE = "polyline" """""" QUADRILATERAL = "quadrilateral" """""" RECTANGLE = "rectangle" """""" RIGHT_TRIANGLE = "rightTriangle" """""" SQUARE = "square" """""" STAR_CROSSED = "starCrossed" """""" STAR_SIMPLE = "starSimple" """""" TRAPEZOID = "trapezoid" """""" TRIANGLE = "triangle" """"""
[docs]class ServiceVersion(Enum): """ Target version of Ink Recognizer service. """ PREVIEW = "v1.0-preview" """ Preview service version. """ def _to_string(self): _wrapper = { ServiceVersion.PREVIEW: "/v1.0-preview/recognize" } return _wrapper[self]