azure.appconfiguration.aio package

class azure.appconfiguration.aio.AzureAppConfigurationClient(base_url: str, credential: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Represents an client that calls restful API of Azure App Configuration service.

param str base_url

base url of the service

param credential

An object which can provide secrets for the app configuration service

type credential


keyword Pipeline pipeline

If omitted, the standard pipeline is used.

keyword HttpTransport transport

If omitted, the standard pipeline is used.

keyword list[HTTPPolicy] policies

If omitted, the standard pipeline is used.

This is the async version of azure.appconfiguration.AzureAppConfigurationClient

async add_configuration_setting(configuration_setting: azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting, **kwargs: Any) → azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting[source]

Add a ConfigurationSetting instance into the Azure App Configuration service.


configuration_setting (ConfigurationSetting) – the ConfigurationSetting object to be added

Keyword Arguments

headers (dict) – if “headers” exists, its value (a dict) will be added to the http request header


The ConfigurationSetting object returned from the App Configuration service

Return type



HttpResponseError, ClientAuthenticationError, ResourceExistsError


# in async fuction
config_setting = ConfigurationSetting(
    value="my value",
    content_type="my content type",
    tags={"my tag": "my tag value"}
added_config_setting = await async_client.add_configuration_setting(config_setting)
async close()None[source]

Close all connections made by the client

async delete_configuration_setting(key: str, label: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) → azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting[source]

Delete a ConfigurationSetting if it exists

  • key (str) – key used to identify the ConfigurationSetting

  • label (str) – label used to identify the ConfigurationSetting

Keyword Arguments
  • etag (str) – check if the ConfigurationSetting is changed. Set None to skip checking etag

  • match_condition (MatchConditions) – The match condition to use upon the etag

  • headers (dict) – if “headers” exists, its value (a dict) will be added to the http request


The deleted ConfigurationSetting returned from the service, or None if it doesn’t exist.

Return type



HttpResponseError, ClientAuthenticationError, ResourceReadOnlyError, ResourceModifiedError, ResourceNotModifiedError, ResourceNotFoundError, ResourceExistsError


# in async function
deleted_config_setting = await async_client.delete_configuration_setting(
    key="MyKey", label="MyLabel"
classmethod from_connection_string(connection_string: str, **kwargs: Any) → azure.appconfiguration.aio._azure_configuration_client_async.AzureAppConfigurationClient[source]

Create AzureAppConfigurationClient from a Connection String. This is the async version of azure.appconfiguration.AzureAppConfigurationClient


connection_string (str) – Connection String (one of the access keys of the Azure App Configuration resource) used to access the Azure App Configuration.


An AzureAppConfigurationClient authenticated with the connection string

Return type



from azure.appconfiguration.aio import AzureAppConfigurationClient
connection_str = "<my connection string>"
async_client = AzureAppConfigurationClient.from_connection_string(connection_str)
async get_configuration_setting(key: str, label: Optional[str] = None, etag: Optional[str] = '*', match_condition: Optional[azure.core._match_conditions.MatchConditions] = <MatchConditions.Unconditionally: 1>, **kwargs: Any) → azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting[source]

Get the matched ConfigurationSetting from Azure App Configuration service

  • key (str) – key of the ConfigurationSetting

  • label (str) – label of the ConfigurationSetting

  • etag (str or None) – check if the ConfigurationSetting is changed. Set None to skip checking etag

  • match_condition (MatchConditions) – The match condition to use upon the etag

Keyword Arguments
  • accept_datetime (datetime) – the retrieved ConfigurationSetting that created no later than this datetime

  • headers (dict) – if “headers” exists, its value (a dict) will be added to the http request header


The matched ConfigurationSetting object

Return type



HttpResponseError, ClientAuthenticationError, ResourceNotFoundError, ResourceModifiedError, ResourceExistsError


# in async function
fetched_config_setting = await async_client.get_configuration_setting(
    key="MyKey", label="MyLabel"
list_configuration_settings(key_filter: Optional[str] = None, label_filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) → AsyncItemPaged[ConfigurationSetting][source]

List the configuration settings stored in the configuration service, optionally filtered by label and accept_datetime

  • key_filter (str) – filter results based on their keys. ‘*’ can be used as wildcard in the beginning or end of the filter

  • label_filter (str) – filter results based on their label. ‘*’ can be used as wildcard in the beginning or end of the filter

Keyword Arguments
  • accept_datetime (datetime) – filter out ConfigurationSetting created after this datetime

  • fields (list[str]) – specify which fields to include in the results. Leave None to include all fields

  • headers (dict) – if “headers” exists, its value (a dict) will be added to the http request header


An iterator of ConfigurationSetting

Return type



HttpResponseError, ClientAuthenticationError


from datetime import datetime, timedelta

accept_datetime = + timedelta(days=-1)

all_listed = async_client.list_configuration_settings()
async for item in all_listed:
    pass  # do something

filtered_listed = async_client.list_configuration_settings(
    label_filter="Labe*", key_filter="Ke*", accept_datetime=accept_datetime
async for item in filtered_listed:
    pass  # do something
list_revisions(key_filter: Optional[str] = None, label_filter: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) → AsyncItemPaged[ConfigurationSetting][source]

Find the ConfigurationSetting revision history.

  • key_filter (str) – filter results based on their keys. ‘*’ can be used as wildcard in the beginning or end of the filter

  • label_filter (str) – filter results based on their label. ‘*’ can be used as wildcard in the beginning or end of the filter

Keyword Arguments
  • accept_datetime (datetime) – filter out ConfigurationSetting created after this datetime

  • fields (list[str]) – specify which fields to include in the results. Leave None to include all fields

  • headers (dict) – if “headers” exists, its value (a dict) will be added to the http request header


An iterator of ConfigurationSetting

Return type



HttpResponseError, ClientAuthenticationError


# in async function
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

accept_datetime = + timedelta(days=-1)

all_revisions = async_client.list_revisions()
async for item in all_revisions:
    pass  # do something

filtered_revisions = async_client.list_revisions(
    label_filter="Labe*", key_filter="Ke*", accept_datetime=accept_datetime
async for item in filtered_revisions:
    pass  # do something
async set_configuration_setting(configuration_setting: azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting, match_condition: Optional[azure.core._match_conditions.MatchConditions] = <MatchConditions.Unconditionally: 1>, **kwargs: Any) → azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting[source]

Add or update a ConfigurationSetting. If the configuration setting identified by key and label does not exist, this is a create. Otherwise this is an update.

  • configuration_setting (ConfigurationSetting) – the ConfigurationSetting to be added (if not exists) or updated (if exists) to the service

  • match_condition (MatchConditions) – The match condition to use upon the etag

Keyword Arguments

headers (dict) – if “headers” exists, its value (a dict) will be added to the http request header


The ConfigurationSetting returned from the service

Return type



HttpResponseError, ClientAuthenticationError, ResourceReadOnlyError, ResourceModifiedError, ResourceNotModifiedError, ResourceNotFoundError, ResourceExistsError


# in async function
config_setting = ConfigurationSetting(
    value="my set value",
    content_type="my set content type",
    tags={"my set tag": "my set tag value"}
returned_config_setting = await async_client.set_configuration_setting(config_setting)
async set_read_only(configuration_setting: azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting, read_only: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs: Any) → azure.appconfiguration._models.ConfigurationSetting[source]

Set a configuration setting read only

  • configuration_setting (ConfigurationSetting) – the ConfigurationSetting to be set read only

  • read_only (bool) – set the read only setting if true, else clear the read only setting

Keyword Arguments
  • match_condition (MatchConditions) – The match condition to use upon the etag

  • headers (dict) – if “headers” exists, its value (a dict) will be added to the http request header


The ConfigurationSetting returned from the service

Return type



HttpResponseError, ClientAuthenticationError, ResourceNotFoundError


config_setting = await async_client.get_configuration_setting(
    key="MyKey", label="MyLabel"

read_only_config_setting = await async_client.set_read_only(config_setting)
read_only_config_setting = await client.set_read_only(config_setting, read_only=False)
update_sync_token(token: str)None[source]

Add a sync token to the internal list of tokens.


token (str) – The sync token to be added to the internal list of tokens