Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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import logging
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable

from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
from azure.core.polling import LROPoller
from import AzureMachineLearningWorkspaces as ServiceClient102021
from import OperationScope, _ScopeDependentOperations
from import ComputeType, LROConfigurations, COMPUTE_UPDATE_ERROR
from import Compute, Usage, VmSize, AmlComputeNodeInfo
from import AzureMLPolling, polling_wait
from import get_http_response_and_deserialized_from_pipeline_response
from import (

from import AML_INTERNAL_LOGGER_NAMESPACE, ActivityType, monitor_with_activity

logger = logging.getLogger(AML_INTERNAL_LOGGER_NAMESPACE + __name__)
logger.propagate = False
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ComputeOperations(_ScopeDependentOperations): """ ComputeOperations You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create an MLClient instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute. """ def __init__( self, operation_scope: OperationScope, service_client: ServiceClient102021, **kwargs: Dict, ): super(ComputeOperations, self).__init__(operation_scope) if "app_insights_handler" in kwargs: logger.addHandler(kwargs.pop("app_insights_handler")) self._operation = service_client.compute self._workspace_operations = service_client.workspaces self._vmsize_operations = service_client.virtual_machine_sizes self._usage_operations = service_client.usages self._init_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.List", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def list(self, compute_type: str = None) -> Iterable[Compute]: """List computes of the workspace :param compute_type: the type of the compute to be listed, defaults to amlcompute :type compute_type: str :return: An iterator like instance of Compute objects :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[Compute] """ return self._operation.list( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name, cls=lambda objs: [ Compute._from_rest_object(obj) for obj in objs if compute_type is None or Compute._from_rest_object(obj).type.lower() == compute_type.lower() ], )
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.Get", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def get(self, name: str) -> Compute: """Get a compute resource :param name: Name of the compute :type name: str :return: Compute object :rtype: Compute """ rest_obj = self._operation.get( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name, name, ) return Compute._from_rest_object(rest_obj)
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.ListNodes", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def list_nodes(self, name: str) -> Iterable[AmlComputeNodeInfo]: """Get a compute resource nodes :param name: Name of the compute :type name: str :return: An iterator over aml compute node information objects :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[AmlComputeNodeInfo] """ return self._operation.list_nodes( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name, name, cls=lambda objs: [AmlComputeNodeInfo._from_rest_object(obj) for obj in objs], )
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.BeginCreateOrUpdate", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def begin_create_or_update(self, compute: Compute, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller: """Create a compute :param compute: Compute definition. :type compute: Compute :return: A poller to track the operation status. :rtype: LROPoller """ compute.location = self._get_workspace_location() compute._set_full_subnet_name(self._operation_scope.subscription_id, self._operation_scope.resource_group_name) compute_rest_obj = compute._to_rest_object() no_wait = kwargs.get("no_wait", False) poller = self._operation.begin_create_or_update( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name,, parameters=compute_rest_obj, polling=True, ) if no_wait: return poller else: return Compute._from_rest_object(poller.result())
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.Attach", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def attach(self, compute: Compute, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller: """Attaches a compute to the workspace. :param compute: Compute definition. :type compute: Compute :return: A poller to track the operation status. :rtype: LROPoller """ return self.begin_create(compute=compute, **kwargs)
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.BeginUpdate", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def begin_update(self, compute: Compute, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller: """Update a compute. Currently only valid for AmlCompute. :param compute: Compute resource. :type compute: Compute :return: A poller to track the operation status. :rtype: LROPoller """ if not compute.type == ComputeType.AMLCOMPUTE: COMPUTE_UPDATE_ERROR.format(, compute.type) compute_rest_obj = compute._to_rest_object() try: no_wait = kwargs.get("no_wait", False) poller = self._operation.begin_create_or_update( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name,, parameters=compute_rest_obj, polling=True, ) if no_wait: return poller else: return Compute._from_rest_object(poller.result()) # This is a temporary fix until the swagger with MLC if fixed for update not to throw exception on 202 except HttpResponseError as e: if e.status_code == 202: time.sleep(5) return self.get( raise e
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.BeginDelete", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def begin_delete(self, name: str, *, action: str = "Delete", **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller: """Delete a compute :param name: The name of the compute. :type name: str :param action: Action to perform. Possible values: ["Delete", "Detach"]. Defaults to "Delete". :type action: Optional[str] :return: A poller to track the operation status. :rtype: LROPoller """ start_time = time.time() path_format_arguments = { "computeName": name, "resourceGroupName": self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, "workspaceName": self._workspace_name, } no_wait = kwargs.get("no_wait", False) delete_poller = self._operation.begin_delete( resource_group_name=self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, workspace_name=self._workspace_name, compute_name=name, underlying_resource_action=action, polling=AzureMLPolling( LROConfigurations.POLL_INTERVAL, path_format_arguments=path_format_arguments, **self._init_kwargs, ) if not no_wait else False, polling_interval=LROConfigurations.POLL_INTERVAL, **self._init_kwargs, ) if no_wait:"Delete request initiated for workspace: {name}`\n") return delete_poller else: message = f"Deleting compute {name} " polling_wait(poller=delete_poller, start_time=start_time, message=message)
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.BeginStart", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def begin_start(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller: """Start a compute :param name: The name of the compute. :type name: str :return: A poller to track the operation status. :rtype: LROPoller """ no_wait = kwargs.get("no_wait", False) return self._operation.begin_start( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name, name, polling=(not no_wait) )
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.BeginStop", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def begin_stop(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller: """Stop a compute. :param name: The name of the compute. :type name: str :return: A poller to track the operation status. :rtype: LROPoller """ no_wait = kwargs.get("no_wait", False) return self._operation.begin_stop( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name, name, polling=(not no_wait) )
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.BeginRestart", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def begin_restart(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller: """Restart a compute :param name: The name of the compute. :type name: str :return: A poller to track the operation status. :rtype: LROPoller """ no_wait = kwargs.get("no_wait", False) return self._operation.begin_restart( self._operation_scope.resource_group_name, self._workspace_name, name, polling=(not no_wait) )
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.ListUsage", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def list_usage(self, *, location: str = None) -> Iterable[Usage]: """Gets the current usage information as well as limits for AML resources for given subscription and location. :param location: The location for which resource usage is queried. If location not provided , defaults to workspace location :type location: str :return: An iterator over current usage info :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[Usage] """ if not location: location = self._get_workspace_location() return self._usage_operations.list( location=location, cls=lambda objs: [Usage._from_rest_object(obj) for obj in objs], )
[docs] @monitor_with_activity(logger, "Compute.ListSizes", ActivityType.PUBLICAPI) def list_sizes(self, *, location: str = None, compute_type: str = None) -> Iterable[VmSize]: """Returns supported VM Sizes in a location. :param location: The location upon which virtual-machine-sizes is queried. If location not provided, defaults to workspace location. :type location: str :return: An iterator over virtual machine sizes. :rtype: Iterable[VmSize] """ if not location: location = self._get_workspace_location() size_list = self._vmsize_operations.list(location=location) if not size_list: return [] if compute_type: return [ VmSize._from_rest_object(item) for item in size_list.value if compute_type.lower() in (supported_type.lower() for supported_type in item.supported_compute_types) ] else: return [VmSize._from_rest_object(item) for item in size_list.value]
def _get_workspace_location(self) -> str: workspace = self._workspace_operations.get(self._resource_group_name, self._workspace_name) return workspace.location