Source code for

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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import json
import typing
from collections import Counter
from typing import Dict, Union, Optional

from marshmallow import Schema

from import PathAwareSchema
from import PipelineJobSchema
from import get_resource_name_from_arm_id_safe
from import AutoMLJob
from import Parallel
from import (
from import Sweep, Command, BaseNode
from import (
from import (
    JobOutput as RestJobOutput,
    PipelineJob as RestPipelineJob,
from import Input, Output
from import PipelineJobSettings
from import Job
from import Component
from import _PipelineComponent
from import (
from import UserErrorException
from import YamlTranslatableMixin
from import load_from_dict
from import CronSchedule, RecurrenceSchedule, Schedule

from import ValidationException, ErrorCategory, ErrorTarget
from import SchemaValidatableMixin, ValidationResult

[docs]class PipelineJob(Job, YamlTranslatableMixin, PipelineIOMixin, SchemaValidatableMixin): """ Pipeline job. Please use @pipeline decorator to create a PipelineJob, not recommended instantiating it directly. :param component: Pipeline component version. Used to validate given value against :type component: _PipelineComponent :param inputs: Inputs to the pipeline job. :type inputs: dict[str, Union[Input, str, bool, int, float]] :param outputs: Outputs the pipeline job. :type outputs: dict[str, Output] :param name: Name of the PipelineJob. :type name: str :param description: Description of the pipeline job. :type description: str :param display_name: Display name of the pipeline job. :type display_name: str :param experiment_name: Name of the experiment the job will be created under, if None is provided, experiment will be set to current directory. :type experiment_name: str :param jobs: Pipeline component node name to component object. :type jobs: dict[str, BaseNode] :param settings: Setting of pipeline job. :type settings: :param identity: Identity that training job will use while running on compute. :type identity: Union[ManagedIdentity, AmlToken, UserIdentity] :param compute: Compute target name of the built pipeline. :type compute: str :param tags: Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. :type tags: dict[str, str] :param schedule: Schedule definition of job. If no schedule is provided, the job will run once immediately after it is submitted. :type schedule: Union[,] :param kwargs: A dictionary of additional configuration parameters. :type kwargs: dict """ def __init__( self, *, component: _PipelineComponent = None, inputs: Dict[str, Union[Input, str, bool, int, float]] = None, outputs: Dict[str, Output] = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, display_name: str = None, experiment_name: str = None, jobs: Dict[str, BaseNode] = None, settings: PipelineJobSettings = None, identity: Union[ManagedIdentity, AmlToken, UserIdentity] = None, compute: str = None, tags: Dict[str, str] = None, schedule: Union[CronSchedule, RecurrenceSchedule] = None, **kwargs, ): # initialize io inputs, outputs = inputs or {}, outputs or {} if isinstance(component, _PipelineComponent) and component._source == ComponentSource.DSL: self._inputs = self._build_inputs_dict(component.inputs, inputs) # Build the outputs from entity output definition self._outputs = self._build_outputs_dict(component.outputs, outputs) else: # Build inputs/outputs dict without meta when definition not available self._inputs = self._build_inputs_dict_without_meta(inputs) self._outputs = self._build_outputs_dict_without_meta(outputs) if component is None: component = _PipelineComponent( components={}, description=description, display_name=display_name, _source=ComponentSource.SDK ) self.component = component if "type" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["type"] = "pipeline" super(PipelineJob, self).__init__( name=name, description=description or component.description, tags=tags, display_name=display_name or component.display_name, experiment_name=experiment_name, compute=compute, **kwargs, ) Dict[str, BaseNode] = dict(jobs) if jobs else {} # remove swept Command node_names_to_skip = [] for node_name, job_instance in if isinstance(job_instance, Command) and job_instance._swept is True: node_names_to_skip.append(node_name) for key in node_names_to_skip: del[key] # TODO: check if we can merge validation logic to self._validate() for _, job_instance in if isinstance(job_instance, BaseNode): job_instance._set_base_path(self.base_path) if isinstance(job_instance, (Command, Sweep, Parallel)): job_instance._validate_inputs() binding_inputs = job_instance._build_inputs() if isinstance(job_instance.component, Component): self._validate_pipeline_input(binding_inputs, job_instance.component.inputs) elif isinstance(job_instance, AutoMLJob): pass else: msg = f"Not supported pipeline job type: {type(job_instance)}" raise ValidationException( message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, ) self._remove_pipeline_input() self.compute = compute self._settings = settings if settings else PipelineJobSettings() self.identity = identity self._schedule = schedule # TODO: remove default code & environment? self._default_code = None self._default_environment = None # for telemetry self._job_types, self._job_sources = self._get_job_type_and_source() @property def inputs(self) -> InputsAttrDict: """Inputs of the pipeline job. :return: Inputs of the pipeline job. :rtype: dict """ return self._inputs @property def outputs(self) -> OutputsAttrDict: """Outputs of the pipeline job. :return: Outputs of the pipeline job. :rtype: dict """ return self._outputs @property def schedule(self) -> Optional[Union[CronSchedule, RecurrenceSchedule]]: """Schedule of the pipeline job. :return: Schedule of the pipeline job. :rtype: Optional[Union[,]] """ return self._schedule @schedule.setter def schedule(self, value): self._schedule = value @property def settings(self) -> PipelineJobSettings: """Settings of the pipeline job. :return: Settings of the pipeline job. :rtype: """ return self._settings @settings.setter def settings(self, value): self._settings = value def _get_job_type_and_source(self): """Get job type and source for telemetry.""" job_types, job_sources = [], [] for job in job_types.append(job.type) if isinstance(job, BaseNode): job_sources.append(job._source) elif isinstance(job, AutoMLJob): # Consider all automl_job has builder type for now, # as it's not easy to distinguish their source(yaml/builder). job_sources.append(ComponentSource.BUILDER) else: # Fall back to SDK job_sources.append(ComponentSource.SDK) return dict(Counter(job_types)), dict(Counter(job_sources)) @classmethod def _get_validation_error_target(cls) -> ErrorTarget: return ErrorTarget.PIPELINE @classmethod def _create_schema_for_validation(cls, context) -> typing.Union[PathAwareSchema, Schema]: return PipelineJobSchema(context=context) def _get_skip_fields_in_schema_validation(self) -> typing.List[str]: # jobs validations are done in _customized_validate() return ["jobs"] def _customized_validate(self) -> ValidationResult: """Validate that all provided inputs and parameters are valid for current pipeline and components in it.""" validation_result = self._create_empty_validation_result() for node_name, node in if isinstance(node, (Command, Sweep, Parallel)): validation_result.merge_with(node._validate(), "jobs.{}".format(node_name)) elif isinstance(node, AutoMLJob): pass else: validation_result.append_error( yaml_path="jobs.{}".format(node_name), message=f"Not supported pipeline job type: {type(node)}", ) return validation_result def _remove_pipeline_input(self): """Remove None pipeline input.If not remove, it will pass "None" to backend.""" redundant_pipeline_inputs = [] for pipeline_input_name, pipeline_input in self._inputs.items(): if pipeline_input._data is None: redundant_pipeline_inputs.append(pipeline_input_name) for redundant_pipeline_input in redundant_pipeline_inputs: self._inputs.pop(redundant_pipeline_input) def _validate_pipeline_input(self, binding_inputs, component_definition_inputs): """Validate pipeline inputs is None or not. If it's None and used in input binding, raise error when it's binding component input is required and remove it when optional. If it's None and not used in input binding, remove it directly.""" for component_input_name, component_binding_input in binding_inputs.items(): if isinstance(component_binding_input, Input): component_binding_input = component_binding_input.path if is_data_binding_expression(component_binding_input): # todo: refine get pipeline_input_name from binding pipeline_input_name = component_binding_input[3:-2].split(".")[-1] if pipeline_input_name in self._inputs and self._inputs[pipeline_input_name]._data is None: if component_definition_inputs[component_input_name]._optional: # todo: not remove component input in client side, backend need remove component job # optional input which is binding to a None pipeline input pass else: msg = "Pipeline input {} is None, but it's binding to a required component input {}, please set reasonable value." raise UserErrorException( message=msg.format(pipeline_input_name, component_input_name), no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[pipeline_input_name]", "[component_input_name]"), ) def _check_private_preview_features(self): """Checks is private preview features included in pipeline. If private preview environment not set, raise exception. """ if not is_private_preview_enabled(): error_msg = ( "{} is a private preview feature, " f"please set environment variable {AZUREML_PRIVATE_FEATURES_ENV_VAR} to true to use it." ) # check has not supported nodes for _, node in if isinstance(node, Parallel): msg = error_msg.format("Parallel job in pipeline") raise UserErrorException(message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg) if isinstance(node, AutoMLJob): msg = error_msg.format("AutoML job in pipeline") raise UserErrorException(message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg) # check has not supported properties if self.schedule: msg = error_msg.format("Schedule") raise UserErrorException(message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg) def _to_rest_object(self) -> JobBaseData: """Build current parameterized pipeline instance to a pipeline job object before submission. :return: Rest pipeline job. """ # Check if there are private preview features in it self._check_private_preview_features() # Build the inputs to dict. Handle both value & binding assignment. # Example: { # "input_data": {"data": {"path": "path/to/input/data"}, "mode"="Mount"}, # "input_value": 10, # "learning_rate": "${{jobs.step1.inputs.learning_rate}}" # } built_inputs = self._build_inputs() # Build the outputs to dict # example: {"eval_output": "${{jobs.eval.outputs.eval_output}}"} built_outputs = self._build_outputs() settings_dict = vars(self.settings) if self.settings else {} settings_dict = {key: val for key, val in settings_dict.items() if val is not None} # Build the jobs to dict rest_component_jobs = {} for job_name, job in if isinstance(job, BaseNode): rest_node_dict = job._to_rest_object() elif isinstance(job, AutoMLJob): rest_node_dict = json.loads(json.dumps(job._to_dict(inside_pipeline=True))) else: msg = f"Non supported job type in Pipeline jobs: {type(job)}" raise ValidationException( message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, ) rest_component_jobs[job_name] = rest_node_dict # TODO: Revisit this logic when multiple types of component jobs are supported rest_compute = self.compute pipeline_job = RestPipelineJob( compute_id=rest_compute, display_name=self.display_name, tags=self.tags, description=self.description,, experiment_name=self.experiment_name, jobs=rest_component_jobs, inputs=to_rest_dataset_literal_inputs(built_inputs), outputs=to_rest_data_outputs(built_outputs), settings=settings_dict, identity=self.identity, schedule=self.schedule, ) rest_job = JobBaseData(properties=pipeline_job) = return rest_job @classmethod def _load_from_rest(cls, obj: JobBaseData) -> "PipelineJob": properties: RestPipelineJob = # Workaround for BatchEndpoint as these fields are not filled in # Unpack the inputs from_rest_inputs = from_rest_inputs_to_dataset_literal(properties.inputs) or {} from_rest_outputs = from_rest_data_outputs(properties.outputs) or {} # Unpack the component jobs if sub_nodes = {} for node_name, node in if "type" in node and node["type"] == NodeType.SWEEP: sub_nodes[node_name] = Sweep._from_rest_object(node) elif "type" in node and node["type"] == NodeType.AUTOML: # rest dict outputs -> Output objects outputs = AutoMLJob._from_rest_outputs(node.get("outputs")) # Output objects -> yaml dict outputs parsed_outputs = {} for key, val in outputs.items(): if isinstance(val, Output): val = val._to_dict() parsed_outputs[key] = val node["outputs"] = parsed_outputs sub_nodes[node_name] = AutoMLJob._load_from_dict( node, context={BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: "./"}, additional_message="Failed to load automl task from backend.", inside_pipeline=True, ) elif "type" in node and node["type"] == NodeType.PARALLEL: sub_nodes[node_name] = Parallel._from_rest_object(node) else: sub_nodes[node_name] = Command._from_rest_object(node) else: sub_nodes = None # backend may still store Camel settings, eg: DefaultDatastore, translate them to snake when load back settings_dict = transform_dict_keys(properties.settings, camel_to_snake) if properties.settings else None settings_sdk = PipelineJobSettings(**settings_dict) if settings_dict else PipelineJobSettings() job = PipelineJob( component=_PipelineComponent._load_from_rest_pipeline_job( dict( inputs=from_rest_inputs, outputs=from_rest_outputs, display_name=properties.display_name, description=properties.description, ) ), inputs=from_rest_inputs, outputs=from_rest_outputs,,, display_name=properties.display_name, tags=properties.tags,, experiment_name=properties.experiment_name, status=properties.status, creation_context=obj.system_data,, compute=get_resource_name_from_arm_id_safe(properties.compute_id), jobs=sub_nodes, settings=settings_sdk, identity=properties.identity, schedule=Schedule._from_rest_object(properties.schedule) if properties.schedule else None, ) return job def _to_dict(self) -> Dict: return self._dump_for_validation() @classmethod def _component_items_from_path(cls, data: Dict): if "jobs" in data: for node_name, job_instance in data["jobs"].items(): potential_component_path = job_instance["component"] if "component" in job_instance else None if isinstance(potential_component_path, str) and potential_component_path.startswith("file:"): yield node_name, potential_component_path @classmethod def _load_from_dict(cls, data: Dict, context: Dict, additional_message: str, **kwargs) -> "PipelineJob": path_first_occurrence = {} component_first_occurrence = {} for node_name, component_path in cls._component_items_from_path(data): if component_path in path_first_occurrence: component_first_occurrence[node_name] = path_first_occurrence[component_path] # set components to be replaced here may break the validation logic else: path_first_occurrence[component_path] = node_name loaded_schema = load_from_dict(PipelineJobSchema, data, context, additional_message, **kwargs) # replace repeat component with first occurrence to reduce arm id resolution # current load yaml file logic is in # is it possible to load the same yaml file only once in 1 pipeline loading? for node_name, first_occurrence in component_first_occurrence.items(): job = loaded_schema["jobs"][node_name] job._component = loaded_schema["jobs"][first_occurrence].component # For Parallel job, should also align task attribute which is usually from component.task if isinstance(job, Parallel): job.task = loaded_schema["jobs"][first_occurrence].task return PipelineJob(base_path=context[BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY], **loaded_schema) def __str__(self): try: return self._ordered_yaml() except BaseException: return super(PipelineJob, self).__str__() def _get_telemetry_values(self): telemetry_values = super()._get_telemetry_values() telemetry_values.update( { "source": self.component._source, "node_count": len(, "node_type": json.dumps(self._job_types), "node_source": json.dumps(self._job_sources), } ) return telemetry_values def _to_component(self, pipeline_job_inputs: Dict, context): msg = "Translating a PipelineJob to a component is not supported." raise ValidationException( message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, )