Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Union
from import Environment

# from import CodeConfiguration
from import ComponentParallelTaskSchema
from import (
from import load_yaml
from import load_from_dict
from import RestTranslatableMixin, DictMixin
from import ValidationException, ErrorCategory, ErrorTarget

[docs]class ParallelTask(RestTranslatableMixin, DictMixin): """Parallel task. :param type: The type of the parallel task. Possible values are 'function'and 'model_config'. :type type: str :param code: A local or remote path pointing at source code. :type code: str :param entry_script: User script which will be run in parallel on multiple nodes. This is specified as a local file path. The entry_script should contain two functions: ``init()``: this function should be used for any costly or common preparation for subsequent inferences, e.g., deserializing and loading the model into a global object. ``run(mini_batch)``: The method to be parallelized. Each invocation will have one mini-batch. 'mini_batch': Batch inference will invoke run method and pass either a list or a Pandas DataFrame as an argument to the method. Each entry in min_batch will be a filepath if input is a FileDataset, a Pandas DataFrame if input is a TabularDataset. run() method should return a Pandas DataFrame or an array. For append_row output_action, these returned elements are appended into the common output file. For summary_only, the contents of the elements are ignored. For all output actions, each returned output element indicates one successful inference of input element in the input mini-batch. Each parallel worker process will call `init` once and then loop over `run` function until all mini-batches are processed. :type entry_script: str :param args: The arguments of the parallel task. :type args: str :param model: The model of the parallel task. :type model: str :param append_row_to: All values output by run() method invocations will be aggregated into one unique file which is created in the output location. if it is not set, 'summary_only' would invoked, which means user script is expected to store the output itself. :type append_row_to: str :param environment: Environment that training job will run in. :type environment: Union["Environment", str] """ def __init__( self, *, type: str = None, code: str = None, entry_script: str = None, args: str = None, model: str = None, append_row_to: str = None, environment: Union["Environment", str] = None, **kwargs, ): self.type = type self.code = code self.entry_script = entry_script self.args = args self.model = model self.append_row_to = append_row_to self.environment = environment def _to_dict(self) -> Dict: return ComponentParallelTaskSchema(context={BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: "./"}).dump(self)
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, path: Union[PathLike, str] = None, params_override: list = None, **kwargs, ) -> "ParallelTask": params_override = params_override or [] data = load_yaml(path) return ParallelTask.load_from_dict(data=data, path=path, params_override=params_override)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_dict( cls, data: dict, path: Union[PathLike, str] = None, params_override: list = None, **kwargs, ) -> "ParallelTask": params_override = params_override or [] context = { BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: Path(path).parent if path else Path.cwd(), PARAMS_OVERRIDE_KEY: params_override, } return load_from_dict(ComponentParallelTaskSchema, data, context, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct: dict): """Convert a dict to an Input object.""" obj = cls(**{key: val for key, val in dct.items()}) return obj
def _validate(self) -> None: if self.type is None: msg = "'type' is required for ParallelTask {}." raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(self.type), target=ErrorTarget.COMPONENT, no_personal_data_message=msg.format(""), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, )