Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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"""This file includes the type classes which could be used in dsl.pipeline, command function, or any other place that requires job inputs/outputs

.. remarks::

    The following pseudo-code shows how to create a pipeline with such classes.

    .. code-block:: python

        def some_pipeline(
            input_param: Input(type="uri_folder", path="xxx", mode="ro_mount"),
            int_param0: Input(type="integer", default=0, min=-3, max=10),
            int_param1 = 2
            str_param = 'abc',
            output_param: Output(type="uri_folder", path="xxx", mode="rw_mount"),

    The following pseudo-code shows how to create a command with such classes.

    .. code-block:: python

        my_command = command(
            description="This is a command",
            command="python --input-data ${{inputs.input_data}} --lr ${{inputs.learning_rate}}",
            # Customers can still do this:
            # resources=Resources(instance_count=2, instance_type="STANDARD_D2"),
            # limits=Limits(timeout=300),
                "float": Input(type="number", default=1.1, min=0, max=5),
                "integer": Input(type="integer", default=2, min=-1, max=4),
                "integer1": 2,
                "string0": Input(type="string", default="default_str0"),
                "string1": "default_str1",
                "boolean": Input(type="boolean", default=False),
                "uri_folder": Input(type="uri_folder", path="https://my-blob/path/to/data", mode="ro_mount"),
                "uri_file": Input(type="uri_file", path="https://my-blob/path/to/data", mode="download"),
            outputs={"my_model": Output(type="mlflow_model")},
        node = my_command()

import math
from typing import overload
from collections import OrderedDict

from typing import Union, Sequence, Iterable
from enum import EnumMeta, Enum as PyEnum
from inspect import Parameter, signature

from import UserErrorException, MldesignerComponentDefiningError
from import ComponentInput, ComponentOutput
from import InputOutputModes, AssetTypes
from import ValidationException, ErrorTarget, ErrorCategory, ComponentException
from import DictMixin

[docs]class Input(DictMixin): """Define an input of a Component or Job. Default to be a uri_folder Input. :param type: The type of the data input. Possible values include: 'uri_folder', 'uri_file', 'mltable', 'mlflow_model', 'custom_model', 'integer', 'number', 'string', 'boolean' :type type: str :param path: The path to which the input is pointing. Could be pointing to local data, cloud data, a registered name, etc. :type path: str :param mode: The mode of the data input. Possible values are: 'ro_mount': Read-only mount the data, 'download': Download the data to the compute target, 'direct': Pass in the URI as a string :type mode: str :param default: The default value of this input. When a `default` is set, the input will be optional :type default: Union[str, integer, float, bool] :param min: The min value -- if a smaller value is passed to a job, the job execution will fail :type min: Union[integer, float] :param max: The max value -- if a larger value is passed to a job, the job execution will fail :type max: Union[integer, float] :param optional: Determine if this input is optional :type optional: bool :param description: Description of the input :type description: str """ # For validation, indicates specific parameters combination for each type _TYPE_COMBINATION_MAPPING = { "uri_folder": ["path", "mode"], "uri_file": ["path", "mode"], "mltable": ["path", "mode"], "mlflow_model": ["path", "mode"], "custom_model": ["path", "mode"], "integer": ["default", "min", "max"], "number": ["default", "min", "max"], "string": ["default"], "boolean": ["default"], } _ALLOWED_TYPES = { "integer": (int), "string": (str), "number": (float), "boolean": (bool), } _DATA_TYPE_MAPPING = {int: "integer", str: "string", float: "number", bool: "boolean"} _EMPTY = Parameter.empty @overload def __init__( self, *, type: str = "uri_folder", path: str = None, mode: str = "ro_mount", optional: bool = None, description: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize an input. :param type: The type of the data input. Possible values include: 'uri_folder', 'uri_file', 'mltable', 'mlflow_model', 'custom_model', and user-defined types. :type type: str :param path: The path to which the input is pointing. Could be pointing to local data, cloud data, a registered name, etc. :type path: str :param mode: The mode of the data input. Possible values are: 'ro_mount': Read-only mount the data, 'download': Download the data to the compute target, 'direct': Pass in the URI as a string :type mode: str :param optional: Determine if this input is optional :type optional: bool :param description: Description of the input :type description: str """ pass @overload def __init__( self, *, type: str = "number", default: float = None, min: float = None, max: float = None, optional: bool = None, description: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a number input. :param type: The type of the data input. Can only be set to "number". :type type: str :param default: The default value of this input. When a `default` is set, input will be optional :type default: float :param min: The min value -- if a smaller value is passed to a job, the job execution will fail :type min: float :param max: The max value -- if a larger value is passed to a job, the job execution will fail :type max: float :param optional: Determine if this input is optional :type optional: bool :param description: Description of the input :type description: str """ pass @overload def __init__( self, *, type: str = "integer", default: int = None, min: int = None, max: int = None, optional: bool = None, description: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize an integer input. :param type: The type of the data input. Can only be set to "integer". :type type: str :param default: The default value of this input. When a `default` is set, the input will be optional :type default: integer :param min: The min value -- if a smaller value is passed to a job, the job execution will fail :type min: integer :param max: The max value -- if a larger value is passed to a job, the job execution will fail :type max: integer :param optional: Determine if this input is optional :type optional: bool :param description: Description of the input :type description: str """ pass @overload def __init__( self, *, type: str = "string", default: str = None, optional: bool = None, description: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a string input. :param type: The type of the data input. Can only be set to "string". :type type: str :param default: The default value of this input. When a `default` is set, the input will be optional :type default: str :param optional: Determine if this input is optional :type optional: bool :param description: Description of the input :type description: str """ pass @overload def __init__( self, *, type: str = "boolean", default: bool = None, optional: bool = None, description: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a bool input. :param type: The type of the data input. Can only be set to "boolean". :type type: str :param default: The default value of this input. When a `default` is set, input will be optional :type default: bool :param optional: Determine if this input is optional :type optional: bool :param description: Description of the input :type description: str """ pass def __init__( self, *, type: str = "uri_folder", path: str = None, mode: str = "ro_mount", default: Union[str, int, float, bool] = None, optional: bool = None, min: Union[int, float] = None, max: Union[int, float] = None, enum=None, description: str = None, **kwargs, ): # As an annotation, it is not allowed to initialize the name. # The name will be updated by the annotated variable name. = None self.type = type self.description = description self._is_parameter_type = self.type in self._ALLOWED_TYPES if path and not isinstance(path, str): # this logic will make dsl data binding expression working in the same way as yaml # it's written to handle InputOutputBase, but there will be loop import if we import InputOutputBase here self.path = str(path) else: self.path = path self.mode = None if self._is_parameter_type else mode self.default = default self.optional = True if optional is True else None self.min = min self.max = max self.enum = enum self._allowed_types = self._ALLOWED_TYPES.get(self.type) self._validate_parameter_combinations() def _to_dict(self, remove_name=True): """Convert the Input object to a dict.""" keys = ["name", "path", "type", "mode", "description", "default", "min", "max", "enum", "optional"] if remove_name: keys.remove("name") result = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in keys} return _remove_empty_values(result) def _to_component_input(self): data = self._to_dict() return ComponentInput(data) def _parse(self, val): """Parse value passed from command line. :param val: The input value :return: The parsed value. """ if self.type == "integer": return int(val) elif self.type == "number": return float(val) elif self.type == "boolean": lower_val = str(val).lower() if lower_val not in {"true", "false"}: msg = "Boolean parameter '{}' only accept True/False, got {}." raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(, val), no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[]", "[val]"), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) return True if lower_val == "true" else False return val def _parse_and_validate(self, val): """Parse the val passed from the command line and validate the value. :param str_val: The input string value from the command line. :return: The parsed value, an exception will be raised if the value is invalid. """ if self._is_parameter_type: val = self._parse(val) if isinstance(val, str) else val self._validate_or_throw(val) return val def _update_name(self, name): = name def _update_default(self, default_value): """Update provided default values.""" if self.type == "uri_folder" or self.type == "uri_file": self.default = default_value return else: if isinstance(default_value, float) and not math.isfinite(default_value): # Since nan/inf cannot be stored in the backend, just ignore them. # logger.warning("Float default value %r is not allowed, ignored." % default_value) return """Update provided default values. Here we need to make sure the type of default value is allowed or it could be parsed.. """ if default_value is not None and not isinstance(default_value, self._allowed_types): try: default_value = self._parse(default_value) except Exception as e: if is None: msg = "Default value of %s Input cannot be parsed, got '%s', type = %s." % ( self.type, default_value, type(default_value), ) else: msg = "Default value of %s Input '%s' cannot be parsed, got '%s', type = %s." % ( self.type,, default_value, type(default_value), ) raise MldesignerComponentDefiningError(cause=msg) from e self.default = default_value def _validate_or_throw(self, value): """Validate input parameter value, throw exception if not as expected. It will throw exception if validate failed, otherwise do nothing. """ if not self.optional and value is None: msg = "Parameter {} cannot be None since it is not optional." raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(, no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[]"), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) if self._allowed_types and value is not None: if not isinstance(value, self._allowed_types): msg = "Unexpected data type for parameter '{}'. Expected {} but got {}." raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(, self._allowed_types, type(value)), no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[name]", self._allowed_types, type(value)), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) # for numeric values, need extra check for min max value if self.type in ("integer", "number"): if self.min is not None and value < self.min: msg = "Parameter '{}' should not be less than {}." raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(, self.min), no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[name]", self.min), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) if self.max is not None and value > self.max: msg = "Parameter '{}' should not be greater than {}." raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(, self.max), no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[name]", self.max), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) def _validate_parameter_combinations(self): """Validate different parameter combinations according to type""" parameters = ["type", "path", "mode", "default", "min", "max"] parameters = {key: getattr(self, key, None) for key in parameters} type = parameters.pop("type") # validate parameter combination if type in self._TYPE_COMBINATION_MAPPING: valid_parameters = self._TYPE_COMBINATION_MAPPING[type] for key, value in parameters.items(): if key not in valid_parameters and value is not None: msg = "Invalid parameter for '{}' Input, parameter '{}' should be None but got '{}'" raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(type, key, value), no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[type]", "[parameter]", "[parameter_value]"), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) @classmethod def _get_input_by_type(cls, t: type): if t in cls._DATA_TYPE_MAPPING: return cls(type=cls._DATA_TYPE_MAPPING[t]) return None @classmethod def _get_default_string_input(cls): return cls(type="string") @classmethod def _get_param_with_standard_annotation(cls, func): return _get_param_with_standard_annotation(func, is_func=True)
[docs]class Output(DictMixin): """Define an output of a Component or Job. :param type: The type of the data output. Possible values include: 'uri_folder', 'uri_file', 'mltable', 'mlflow_model', 'custom_model', and user-defined types. :type type: str :param path: The path to which the output is pointing. Needs to point to a cloud path. :type path: str :param mode: The mode of the data output. Possible values are: 'rw_mount': Read-write mount the data, 'upload': Upload the data from the compute target, 'direct': Pass in the URI as a string :type mode: str :param description: Description of the output :type description: str """ @overload def __init__(self, type="uri_folder", path=None, mode="rw_mount", description=None): """Define a uri_folder output. :param type: The type of the data output. Possible values include: 'uri_folder', 'uri_file', 'mltable', 'mlflow_model', 'custom_model', and user-defined types. :type type: str :param path: The path to which the output is pointing. Needs to point to a cloud path. :type path: str :param mode: The mode of the data output. Possible values are: 'rw_mount': Read-write mount the data, 'upload': Upload the data from the compute target, 'direct': Pass in the URI as a string :type mode: str :param description: Description of the output :type description: str """ pass @overload def __init__(self, type="uri_file", path=None, mode="rw_mount", description=None): """Define a uri_file output. :param type: The type of the data output. Possible values include: 'uri_folder', 'uri_file', 'mltable', 'mlflow_model', 'custom_model', and user-defined types. :type type: str :param path: The path to which the output is pointing. Needs to point to a cloud path. :type path: str :param mode: The mode of the data output. Possible values are: 'rw_mount': Read-write mount the data, 'upload': Upload the data from the compute target, 'direct': Pass in the URI as a string :type mode: str :param description: Description of the output :type description: str """ pass def __init__( self, *, type=AssetTypes.URI_FOLDER, path=None, mode=InputOutputModes.RW_MOUNT, description=None, **kwargs ): # As an annotation, it is not allowed to initialize the name. # The name will be updated by the annotated variable name. = None self.type = type self.description = description self.path = path self.mode = mode def _get_hint(self, new_line_style=False): comment_str = self.description.replace('"', '\\"') if self.description else self.type return '"""%s"""' % comment_str if comment_str and new_line_style else comment_str def _to_dict(self, remove_name=True): """Convert the Output object to a dict.""" keys = ["name", "path", "type", "mode", "description"] if remove_name: keys.remove("name") result = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in keys} return _remove_empty_values(result) def _to_component_output(self): return ComponentOutput(self._to_dict())
class EnumInput(Input): """Enum parameter parse the value according to its enum values.""" def __init__(self, *, enum: Union[EnumMeta, Sequence[str]] = None, default=None, description=None, **kwargs): """Initialize an enum parameter, the options of an enum parameter are the enum values. :param enum: Enum values. :type Union[EnumMeta, Sequence[str]] :param description: Description of the param. :type description: str :param optional: If the param is optional. :type optional: bool """ enum_values = self._assert_enum_valid(enum) # This is used to parse enum class instead of enum str value if a enum class is provided. if isinstance(enum, EnumMeta): self._enum_class = enum self._str2enum = {v: e for v, e in zip(enum_values, enum)} else: self._enum_class = None self._str2enum = {v: v for v in enum_values} super().__init__(type="string", default=default, enum=enum_values, description=description) self._allowed_types = ( (str,) if not self._enum_class else ( self._enum_class, str, ) ) @classmethod def _assert_enum_valid(cls, enum): """Check whether the enum is valid and return the values of the enum.""" if isinstance(enum, EnumMeta): enum_values = [str(option.value) for option in enum] elif isinstance(enum, Iterable): enum_values = list(enum) else: msg = "enum must be a subclass of Enum or an iterable." raise ValidationException( message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) if len(enum_values) <= 0: msg = "enum must have enum values." raise ValidationException( message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) if any(not isinstance(v, str) for v in enum_values): msg = "enum values must be str type." raise ValidationException( message=msg, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) return enum_values def _parse(self, str_val: str): """Parse the enum value from a string value or the enum value.""" if str_val is None: return str_val if self._enum_class and isinstance(str_val, self._enum_class): return str_val # Directly return the enum value if it is the enum. if str_val not in self._str2enum: msg = "Not a valid enum value: '{}', valid values: {}" raise ValidationException( message=msg.format(str_val, ", ".join(self.enum)), no_personal_data_message=msg.format("[val]", "[enum]"), error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, target=ErrorTarget.PIPELINE, ) return self._str2enum[str_val] def _update_default(self, default_value): """Enum parameter support updating values with a string value.""" enum_val = self._parse(default_value) if self._enum_class and isinstance(enum_val, self._enum_class): enum_val = enum_val.value self.default = enum_val def _get_annotation_by_value(val): def _is_dataset(data): from import JobIOMixin DATASET_TYPES = JobIOMixin return isinstance(data, DATASET_TYPES) if _is_dataset(val): annotation = Input elif val is Parameter.empty or val is None: # If no default value or default is None, create val as the basic parameter type, # it could be replaced using component parameter definition. annotation = Input._get_default_string_input() elif isinstance(val, PyEnum): # Handle enum values annotation = EnumInput(enum=val.__class__) else: annotation = _get_annotation_cls_by_type(type(val), raise_error=False) if not annotation: # Fall back to default annotation = Input._get_default_string_input() return annotation def _get_annotation_cls_by_type(t: type, raise_error=False): cls = Input._get_input_by_type(t) if cls is None and raise_error: raise UserErrorException(f"Can't convert type {t} to") return cls def _get_param_with_standard_annotation( cls_or_func, is_func=False, non_pipeline_parameter_names=None, dynamic_param_name=None, dynamic_param_value=None ): """Standardize function parameters or class fields with dsl.types annotation.""" non_pipeline_parameter_names = non_pipeline_parameter_names or [] def _get_fields(annotations): """Return field names to annotations mapping in class.""" annotation_fields = OrderedDict() for name, annotation in annotations.items(): # Skip return type if name == "return": continue # Handle EnumMeta annotation if isinstance(annotation, EnumMeta): annotation = EnumInput(type="string", enum=annotation) # Try create annotation by type when got like 'param: int' if not _is_dsl_type_cls(annotation) and not _is_dsl_types(annotation): annotation = _get_annotation_cls_by_type(annotation, raise_error=False) if not annotation: # Fall back to string parameter annotation = Input._get_default_string_input() annotation_fields[name] = annotation return annotation_fields def _merge_field_keys(annotation_fields, defaults_dict): """Merge field keys from annotations and cls dict to get all fields in class.""" anno_keys = list(annotation_fields.keys()) dict_keys = defaults_dict.keys() if not dict_keys: return anno_keys # Fields with default values must follow those without defaults, so find the first key with # annotation that appear in the class dict, the previous keys must be in the front of the key list all_keys = [] # Use this flag to guarantee all fields with defaults following fields without defaults. seen_default = False for key in anno_keys: if key in dict_keys: seen_default = True else: if seen_default: raise UserErrorException(f"Non-default argument {key!r} follows default argument.") all_keys.append(key) # Append all keys in dict all_keys.extend(dict_keys) return all_keys def _update_annotation_with_default(anno, name, default): """Create annotation if is type class and update the default.""" # Create instance if is type class complete_annotation = anno if _is_dsl_type_cls(anno): complete_annotation = anno() = name if default is Input._EMPTY: return complete_annotation if isinstance(complete_annotation, Input): # Non-parameter Input has no default attribute if complete_annotation._is_parameter_type and complete_annotation.default is not None: # logger.warning( # f"Warning: Default value of f{!r} is set twice: " # f"{complete_annotation.default!r} and {default!r}, will use {default!r}" # ) pass complete_annotation._update_default(default) return complete_annotation def _update_fields_with_default(annotation_fields, defaults_dict): """Use public values in class dict to update annotations.""" all_fields = OrderedDict() all_filed_keys = _merge_field_keys(annotation_fields, defaults_dict) for name in all_filed_keys: # Get or create annotation annotation = ( annotation_fields[name] if name in annotation_fields else _get_annotation_by_value(defaults_dict.get(name, Input._EMPTY)) ) # Create annotation if is class type and update default annotation = _update_annotation_with_default(annotation, name, defaults_dict.get(name, Input._EMPTY)) all_fields[name] = annotation return all_fields def _filter_pipeline_parameters(dct): """Filter out non pipeline parameters and dynamic parameter key.""" return {k: v for k, v in dct.items() if k not in non_pipeline_parameter_names and k != dynamic_param_name} # From annotations get field with type annotations = _filter_pipeline_parameters(getattr(cls_or_func, "__annotations__", {})) annotations = _update_io_from_mldesigner(annotations) annotation_fields = _get_fields(annotations) # Update fields use class field with defaults from class dict or signature(func).paramters if not is_func: # Only consider public fields in class dict defaults_dict = {key: val for key, val in cls_or_func.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith("_")} defaults_dict = _filter_pipeline_parameters(defaults_dict) # Restrict each field must have annotation(in annotation dict) if any(key not in annotation_fields for key in defaults_dict): raise UserErrorException(f"Each field in parameter group {cls_or_func!r} must have an annotation.") else: # Infer parameter type from value if is function defaults_dict = {key: val.default for key, val in signature(cls_or_func).parameters.items()} defaults_dict = _filter_pipeline_parameters(defaults_dict) all_fields = _update_fields_with_default(annotation_fields, defaults_dict) return all_fields def _is_dsl_type_cls(t: type): if type(t) is not type: return False return issubclass(t, (Input, Output)) def _is_dsl_types(o: object): return _is_dsl_type_cls(type(o)) def _remove_empty_values(data, ignore_keys=None): if not isinstance(data, dict): return data ignore_keys = ignore_keys or {} return { k: v if k in ignore_keys else _remove_empty_values(v) for k, v in data.items() if v is not None or k in ignore_keys } def _update_io_from_mldesigner(annotations: dict) -> dict: """This function will translate IOBase from mldesigner package to This function depend on `mldesigner._input_output._IOBase._to_io_entity_args_dict` to translate Input/Output instance annotations to IO entities. This function depend on class names of `mldesigner._input_output` to translate Input/Output class annotations to IO entities. """ mldesigner_pkg = "mldesigner" def _is_input_or_output_type(io: type, type_str: str): """Return true if type name contains type_str""" if isinstance(io, type) and io.__module__.startswith(mldesigner_pkg): if type_str in io.__name__: return True return False result = {} for key, io in annotations.items(): if isinstance(io, type): if _is_input_or_output_type(io, "Input"): # mldesigner.Input -> entities.Input io = Input elif _is_input_or_output_type(io, "Output"): # mldesigner.Output -> entities.Output io = Output elif hasattr(io, "_to_io_entity_args_dict"): try: if _is_input_or_output_type(type(io), "Input"): # mldesigner.Input() -> entities.Input() io = Input(**io._to_io_entity_args_dict()) elif _is_input_or_output_type(type(io), "Output"): # mldesigner.Output() -> entities.Output() io = Output(**io._to_io_entity_args_dict()) except BaseException as e: msg = f"Failed to parse {io} to azure-ai-ml Input/Output." raise ComponentException( message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.COMPONENT, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.SYSTEM_ERROR, ) from e result[key] = io return result