Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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from abc import abstractclassmethod, abstractmethod
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Union
from import camel_to_snake, dump_yaml_to_file, load_yaml
from import NoneCredentials
from import RestTranslatableMixin
from import Resource
from import (
from import find_type_in_override
from import DatastoreType, DatastoreData

from import DatastoreException, ErrorCategory, ErrorTarget, ValidationException

[docs]class Datastore(Resource, RestTranslatableMixin): """Datastore of an Azure ML workspace, abstract class. :param name: Name of the datastore. :type name: str :param description: Description of the resource. :type description: str :param credentials: Credentials to use for Azure ML workspace to connect to the storage. :type credentials: Union[ServicePrincipalSection, CertificateSection] :param tags: Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. :type tags: dict[str, str] :param properties: The asset property dictionary. :type properties: dict[str, str] :param kwargs: A dictionary of additional configuration parameters. :type kwargs: dict """ def __init__( self, credentials: Any, name: str = None, description: str = None, tags: Dict = None, properties: Dict = None, **kwargs, ): self._type = kwargs.pop("type", None) super().__init__(name=name, description=description, tags=tags, properties=properties, **kwargs) self.credentials = NoneCredentials() if credentials is None else credentials @property def type(self) -> str: return self._type
[docs] def dump(self, path: Union[PathLike, str]) -> None: """Dump the datastore content into a file in yaml format. :param path: Path to a local file as the target, new file will be created, raises exception if the file exists. :type path: str """ yaml_serialized = self._to_dict() dump_yaml_to_file(path, yaml_serialized, default_flow_style=False)
@abstractmethod def _to_dict(self) -> Dict: pass @classmethod def _load( cls, data: Dict = None, yaml_path: Union[PathLike, str] = None, params_override: list = None, **kwargs, ) -> "Datastore": data = data or {} params_override = params_override or [] context = { BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: Path(yaml_path).parent if yaml_path else Path("./"), PARAMS_OVERRIDE_KEY: params_override, } from import ( AzureDataLakeGen1Datastore, AzureDataLakeGen2Datastore, AzureFileDatastore, AzureBlobDatastore, ) # from import ( # HdfsDatastore # ) ds_type = None type_in_override = find_type_in_override(params_override) type = type_in_override or data.get( CommonYamlFields.TYPE, DatastoreType.AZURE_BLOB ) # override takes the priority # yaml expects snake casing, while service side constants are camel casing if type == camel_to_snake(DatastoreType.AZURE_BLOB): ds_type = AzureBlobDatastore elif type == camel_to_snake(DatastoreType.AZURE_FILE): ds_type = AzureFileDatastore elif type == camel_to_snake(DatastoreType.AZURE_DATA_LAKE_GEN1): ds_type = AzureDataLakeGen1Datastore elif type == camel_to_snake(DatastoreType.AZURE_DATA_LAKE_GEN2): ds_type = AzureDataLakeGen2Datastore # disable unless preview release # elif type == camel_to_snake(DatastoreTypePreview.HDFS): # ds_type = HdfsDatastore else: msg = f"Unsupported datastore type: {type}." raise ValidationException( message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.DATASTORE, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, ) return ds_type._load_from_dict( data=data, context=context, additional_message="If the datastore type is incorrect, change the 'type' property.", **kwargs, ) @classmethod def _from_rest_object(cls, datastore_resource: DatastoreData) -> "Datastore": from import ( AzureDataLakeGen1Datastore, AzureDataLakeGen2Datastore, AzureFileDatastore, AzureBlobDatastore, ) # from import ( # HdfsDatastore # ) datastore_type = if datastore_type == DatastoreType.AZURE_DATA_LAKE_GEN1: return AzureDataLakeGen1Datastore._from_rest_object(datastore_resource) elif datastore_type == DatastoreType.AZURE_DATA_LAKE_GEN2: return AzureDataLakeGen2Datastore._from_rest_object(datastore_resource) elif datastore_type == DatastoreType.AZURE_BLOB: return AzureBlobDatastore._from_rest_object(datastore_resource) elif datastore_type == DatastoreType.AZURE_FILE: return AzureFileDatastore._from_rest_object(datastore_resource) # disable unless preview release # elif datastore_type == DatastoreTypePreview.HDFS: # return HdfsDatastore._from_rest_object(datastore_resource) else: msg = f"Unsupported datastore type {}" raise DatastoreException( message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.DATASTORE, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.SYSTEM_ERROR, ) @abstractclassmethod def _load_from_dict(cls, data: Dict, context: Dict, additional_message: str, **kwargs) -> "Datastore": pass def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return == and self.type == other.type and self.credentials == other.credentials def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other)