Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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from abc import abstractclassmethod
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

from import ComputeResource
from import dump_yaml_to_file, load_yaml
from import ComputeSchema
from import (
from import Resource
from import RestTranslatableMixin
from import find_type_in_override
from import ValidationException, ErrorCategory, ErrorTarget

[docs]class Compute(Resource, RestTranslatableMixin): """Compute resource :param type: The type of the compute, possible values are ["amlcompute", "computeinstance", "virtualmachine", "kubernetes"] :type type: str :param name: Name of the compute :type name: str :param location: The resource location, defaults to None :type location: Optional[str], optional :param description: Description of the resource. :type description: Optional[str], optional :param resource_id: ARM resource id of the underlying compute. :type resource_id: str, optional """ def __init__( self, name: str, location: Optional[str] = None, description: str = None, resource_id: str = None, **kwargs, ): self._type = kwargs.pop("type", None) if self._type: self._type = self._type.lower() self._created_on = kwargs.pop("created_on", None) self._provisioning_state = kwargs.pop("provisioning_state", None) self._provisioning_errors = kwargs.pop("provisioning_errors", None) super().__init__(name=name, description=description, **kwargs) self.resource_id = resource_id self.location = location @property def type(self) -> Optional[str]: """The type of the compute, possible values are ["amlcompute", "computeinstance", "virtualmachine", "kubernetes"] :return: The type of the compute :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self._type @property def created_on(self) -> Optional[str]: """Creation timestamp :return: [description] :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self._created_on @property def provisioning_state(self) -> Optional[str]: """Provisioning state :return: [description] :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self._provisioning_state @property def provisioning_errors(self) -> Optional[str]: """Provisioning errors :return: [description] :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self._provisioning_errors def _to_rest_object(self) -> ComputeResource: pass @classmethod def _from_rest_object(cls, rest_obj: ComputeResource) -> "Compute": from import ( VirtualMachineCompute, AmlCompute, ComputeInstance, UnsupportedCompute, KubernetesCompute, ) mapping = { ComputeType.AMLCOMPUTE.lower(): AmlCompute, ComputeType.COMPUTEINSTANCE.lower(): ComputeInstance, ComputeType.VIRTUALMACHINE.lower(): VirtualMachineCompute, ComputeType.KUBERNETES.lower(): KubernetesCompute, } compute_type = if else None class_type = mapping.get(compute_type, None) if class_type: return class_type._load_from_rest(rest_obj) else: return UnsupportedCompute._load_from_rest(rest_obj) @abstractclassmethod def _load_from_rest(cls, rest_obj: ComputeResource) -> "Compute": pass def _set_full_subnet_name(self, subscription_id: str, rg: str) -> None: pass
[docs] def dump(self, path: Union[PathLike, str]) -> None: """Dump the compute content into a file in yaml format. :param path: Path to a local file as the target, new file will be created, raises exception if the file exists. :type path: str """ yaml_serialized = self._to_dict() dump_yaml_to_file(path, yaml_serialized, default_flow_style=False)
def _to_dict(self) -> Dict: return ComputeSchema(context={BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: "./"}).dump(self) @classmethod def _load( cls, data: Dict = None, yaml_path: Union[PathLike, str] = None, params_override: list = None, **kwargs, ) -> "Compute": data = data or {} params_override = params_override or [] context = { BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: Path(yaml_path).parent if yaml_path else Path("./"), PARAMS_OVERRIDE_KEY: params_override, } from import VirtualMachineCompute, AmlCompute, ComputeInstance, KubernetesCompute type_in_override = find_type_in_override(params_override) if params_override else None type = type_in_override or data.get(CommonYamlFields.TYPE, None) # override takes the priority if type: if type.lower() == ComputeType.VIRTUALMACHINE: return VirtualMachineCompute._load_from_dict(data, context, **kwargs) elif type.lower() == ComputeType.AMLCOMPUTE: return AmlCompute._load_from_dict(data, context, **kwargs) elif type.lower() == ComputeType.COMPUTEINSTANCE: return ComputeInstance._load_from_dict(data, context, **kwargs) elif type.lower() == ComputeType.KUBERNETES: return KubernetesCompute._load_from_dict(data, context, **kwargs) msg = f"Unknown compute type: {type}" raise ValidationException( message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.COMPUTE, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, ) @abstractclassmethod def _load_from_dict(cls, data: Dict, context: Dict, additional_message: str, **kwargs) -> "Compute": pass
[docs]class NetworkSettings: def __init__( self, *, vnet_name: str = None, subnet: str = None, **kwargs, ): """Network settings for a compute :param vnet_name: The virtual network name, defaults to None :type vnet_name: str, optional :param subnet: The subnet name, defaults to None :type subnet: str, optional """ self.vnet_name = vnet_name self.subnet = subnet self._public_ip_address = kwargs.pop("public_ip_address", None) self._private_ip_address = kwargs.pop("private_ip_address", None) @property def public_ip_address(self) -> str: """Public IP address of the compute instance. return: Public IP address. rtype: str """ return self._public_ip_address @property def private_ip_address(self) -> str: """Private IP address of the compute instance. return: Private IP address. rtype: str """ return self._private_ip_address