Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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from typing import Dict
from import BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY, ComputeType, ComputeDefaults, TYPE
from .compute import Compute, NetworkSettings
from ._identity import IdentityConfiguration
from import load_from_dict
from import AmlComputeSchema
from import get_subnet_str
from import camel_to_snake, snake_to_pascal, to_iso_duration_format
from import (
    AmlCompute as AmlComputeRest,

[docs]class AmlComputeSshSettings: """SSH settings to access a AML compute target""" def __init__(self, *, admin_username: str, admin_password: str = None, ssh_key_value: str = None): """[summary] :param admin_username: SSH user name :type admin_username: str :param admin_password: SSH user password, defaults to None :type admin_password: str, optional :param ssh_key_value: Specifies the SSH rsa private key as a string. Use "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048" to generate your SSH key pairs. Defaults to None :type ssh_key_value: Optional[str], optional """ self.admin_username = admin_username self.admin_password = admin_password self.ssh_key_value = ssh_key_value def _to_user_account_credentials(self) -> UserAccountCredentials: return UserAccountCredentials( admin_user_name=self.admin_username, admin_user_password=self.admin_password, admin_user_ssh_public_key=self.ssh_key_value, ) @classmethod def _from_user_account_credentials(cls, credentials: UserAccountCredentials) -> "AmlComputeSshSettings": return cls( admin_username=credentials.admin_user_name, admin_password=credentials.admin_user_password, ssh_key_value=credentials.admin_user_ssh_public_key, )
[docs]class AmlCompute(Compute): """Aml Compute resource :param name: Name of the compute :type name: str :param description: Description of the resource. :type description: str, optional :param size: Compute Size, defaults to None. :type size: str, optional :param ssh_settings: SSH settings to access the AzureML compute cluster. :type ssh_settings: AmlComputeSshSettings, optional :param network_settings: Virtual network settings for the AzureML compute cluster. :type network_settings: NetworkSettings, optional :param idle_time_before_scale_down: Node Idle Time before scaling down amlCompute. Defaults to None. :type idle_time_before_scale_down: int, optional :param identity: The identity configuration, identities that are associated with the compute cluster. :type identity: IdentityConfiguration, optional :param tier: Virtual Machine tier. Possible values include: "Dedicated", "LowPriority". Defaults to None. :type tier: str, optional :param min_instances: Minimum number of instances. Defaults to None. :type min_instances: int, optional :param max_instances: Maximum number of instances. Defaults to None. :type max_instances: int, optional :param ssh_public_access_enabled: State of the public SSH port. Possible values are: False - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster. True - Indicates that the public ssh port is open on all nodes of the cluster. None - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster if VNet is defined, else is open all public nodes. It can be default only during cluster creation time, after creation it will be either True or False. Possible values include: True, False, None. Default value: None. :type ssh_public_access_enabled: bool, optional """ def __init__( self, *, name: str, description: str = None, size: str = None, ssh_public_access_enabled: bool = None, ssh_settings: AmlComputeSshSettings = None, min_instances: int = None, max_instances: int = None, network_settings: NetworkSettings = None, idle_time_before_scale_down: int = None, identity: IdentityConfiguration = None, tier: str = None, **kwargs, ): kwargs[TYPE] = ComputeType.AMLCOMPUTE super().__init__(name=name, description=description, location=kwargs.pop("location", None), **kwargs) self.size = size self.min_instances = min_instances or 0 self.max_instances = max_instances or 1 self.idle_time_before_scale_down = idle_time_before_scale_down self.identity = identity self.ssh_public_access_enabled = ssh_public_access_enabled self.ssh_settings = ssh_settings self.network_settings = network_settings self.tier = tier @classmethod def _load_from_rest(cls, rest_obj: ComputeResource) -> "AmlCompute": prop = network_settings = None if or ( is not None): network_settings = NetworkSettings( if else None, ) ssh_settings = ( AmlComputeSshSettings._from_user_account_credentials( if else None ) response = AmlCompute(,, description=prop.description, location=rest_obj.location, provisioning_state=prop.provisioning_state, provisioning_errors=prop.provisioning_errors[0].error.code if (prop.provisioning_errors and len(prop.provisioning_errors) > 0) else None,, tier=camel_to_snake(, if else None, if else None, network_settings=network_settings or None, ssh_settings=ssh_settings, ssh_public_access_enabled=( == "Enabled"), if and else None, identity=IdentityConfiguration._from_rest_object(rest_obj.identity) if rest_obj.identity else None, created_on=prop.additional_properties.get("createdOn", None), ) return response def _set_full_subnet_name(self, subscription_id: str, rg: str) -> None: if self.network_settings: self.subnet = get_subnet_str( self.network_settings.vnet_name, self.network_settings.subnet, subscription_id, rg ) def _to_dict(self) -> Dict: return AmlComputeSchema(context={BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: "./"}).dump(self) @classmethod def _load_from_dict(cls, data: Dict, context: Dict, **kwargs) -> "AmlCompute": loaded_data = load_from_dict(AmlComputeSchema, data, context, **kwargs) return AmlCompute(**loaded_data) def _to_rest_object(self) -> ComputeResource: if self.network_settings and self.network_settings.subnet: subnet_resource = ResourceId(id=self.subnet) else: subnet_resource = None # Scale settings is required when creating an AzureML compute cluster scale_settings = ScaleSettings( max_node_count=self.max_instances, min_node_count=self.min_instances, node_idle_time_before_scale_down=to_iso_duration_format(int(self.idle_time_before_scale_down)) if self.idle_time_before_scale_down else None, ) remote_login_public_access = "Enabled" if self.ssh_public_access_enabled is not None: remote_login_public_access = "Enabled" if self.ssh_public_access_enabled else "Disabled" else: remote_login_public_access = "NotSpecified" aml_prop = AmlComputeProperties( vm_size=self.size if self.size else ComputeDefaults.VMSIZE, vm_priority=snake_to_pascal(self.tier), user_account_credentials=self.ssh_settings._to_user_account_credentials() if self.ssh_settings else None, scale_settings=scale_settings, subnet=subnet_resource, remote_login_port_public_access=remote_login_public_access, ) aml_comp = AmlComputeRest(description=self.description, compute_type=self.type, properties=aml_prop) return ComputeResource( location=self.location, properties=aml_comp, identity=(self.identity._to_rest_object() if self.identity else None), )