Source code for

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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from typing import List
from import VirtualMachineSize
from import VmSizeSchema
from import Resource
from import RestTranslatableMixin
from typing import Dict, Union
from os import PathLike
from import (

[docs]class VmSize(Resource, RestTranslatableMixin): """virtual Machine Size""" def __init__( self, name: str = None, family: str = None, v_cp_us: int = None, gpus: int = None, os_vhd_size_mb: int = None, max_resource_volume_mb: int = None, memory_gb: float = None, low_priority_capable: bool = None, premium_io: bool = None, supported_compute_types: List[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Virtual machine size :param name: The name of the virtual machine size. :type name: str :param family: The family name of the virtual machine size. :type family: str :param v_cp_us: The number of vCPUs supported by the virtual machine size. :type v_cp_us: int :param gpus: The number of gPUs supported by the virtual machine size. :type gpus: int :param os_vhd_size_mb: The OS VHD disk size, in MB, allowed by the virtual machine size. :type os_vhd_size_mb: int :param max_resource_volume_mb: The resource volume size, in MB, allowed by the virtual machine size. :type max_resource_volume_mb: int :param memory_gb: The amount of memory, in GB, supported by the virtual machine size. :type memory_gb: float :param low_priority_capable: Specifies if the virtual machine size supports low priority VMs. :type low_priority_capable: bool :param premium_io: Specifies if the virtual machine size supports premium IO. :type premium_io: bool :param estimated_vm_prices: The estimated price information for using a VM. :type estimated_vm_prices: ~azure.mgmt.machinelearningservices.models.EstimatedVMPrices :param supported_compute_types: Specifies the compute types supported by the virtual machine size. :type supported_compute_types: list[str] """ = name = family self.v_cp_us = v_cp_us self.gpus = gpus self.os_vhd_size_mb = os_vhd_size_mb self.max_resource_volume_mb = max_resource_volume_mb self.memory_gb = memory_gb self.low_priority_capable = low_priority_capable self.premium_io = premium_io self.supported_compute_types = ",".join(map(str, supported_compute_types)) if supported_compute_types else None @classmethod def _from_rest_object(cls, rest_obj: VirtualMachineSize) -> "VmSize": result = cls() result.__dict__.update(rest_obj.as_dict()) return result
[docs] def dump(self, path: Union[PathLike, str]) -> None: """Dump the virtual machine size content into a file in yaml format. :param path: Path to a local file as the target, new file will be created, raises exception if the file exists. :type path: str """ yaml_serialized = self._to_dict() dump_yaml_to_file(path, yaml_serialized, default_flow_style=False)
def _to_dict(self) -> Dict: return VmSizeSchema(context={BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: "./"}).dump(self)
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, path: Union[PathLike, str], params_override: list = None, **kwargs, ) -> "VmSize": pass