Source code for

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
from marshmallow import INCLUDE, Schema
from typing import Dict, Union

from import (
from import CommandComponentSchema, RestCommandComponentSchema
from import (
from import ResourceConfiguration
from import ParameterizedCommand
from import Environment
from import BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY, COMPONENT_TYPE, ComponentSource
from import NodeType
from import ComponentInput, ComponentOutput
from .component import Component
from .._util import validate_attribute_type
from import ValidationException, ErrorCategory, ErrorTarget
from .._validation import ValidationResult, _ValidationResultBuilder
from ..._schema import PathAwareSchema
from ..._utils.utils import get_all_data_binding_expressions, parse_args_description_from_docstring

[docs]class CommandComponent(Component, ParameterizedCommand): """Command component version, used to define a command component. :param name: Name of the component. :type name: str :param version: Version of the component. :type version: str :param description: Description of the component. :type description: str :param tags: Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. :type tags: dict :param display_name: Display name of the component. :type display_name: str :param command: Command to be executed in component. :type command: str :param code: Code file or folder that will be uploaded to the cloud for component execution. :type code: str :param environment: Environment that component will run in. :type environment: Union[Environment, str] :param distribution: Distribution configuration for distributed training. :type distribution: Union[dict, PyTorchDistribution, MpiDistribution, TensorFlowDistribution] :param resources: Compute Resource configuration for the component. :type resources: Union[dict,] :param inputs: Inputs of the component. :type inputs: dict :param outputs: Outputs of the component. :type outputs: dict :param instance_count: promoted property from resources.instance_count :type instance_count: int """ def __init__( self, *, name: str = None, version: str = None, description: str = None, tags: Dict = None, display_name: str = None, command: str = None, code: str = None, environment: Union[str, Environment] = None, distribution: Union[PyTorchDistribution, MpiDistribution, TensorFlowDistribution] = None, resources: ResourceConfiguration = None, inputs: Dict = None, outputs: Dict = None, instance_count: int = None, # promoted property from resources.instance_count **kwargs, ): # validate init params are valid type validate_attribute_type(attrs_to_check=locals(), attr_type_map=self._attr_type_map()) kwargs[COMPONENT_TYPE] = NodeType.COMMAND # Set default base path if "base_path" not in kwargs: kwargs["base_path"] = Path(".") # Component backend doesn't support environment_variables yet, # this is to support the case of CommandComponent being the trial of # a SweepJob, where environment_variables is stored as part of trial environment_variables = kwargs.pop("environment_variables", None) super().__init__( name=name, version=version, description=description, tags=tags, display_name=display_name, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, **kwargs, ) # No validation on value passed here because in pipeline job, required code&environment maybe absent # and fill in later with job defaults. self.command = command self.code = code self.environment_variables = environment_variables self.environment = environment self.resources = resources self.distribution = distribution # check mutual exclusivity of promoted properties if self.resources is not None and instance_count is not None: msg = "instance_count and resources are mutually exclusive" raise ValidationException( message=msg, target=ErrorTarget.COMPONENT, no_personal_data_message=msg, error_category=ErrorCategory.USER_ERROR, ) self.instance_count = instance_count @property def instance_count(self) -> int: """ Return value of promoted property resources.instance_count. :return: Value of resources.instance_count. :rtype: Optional[int] """ return self.resources.instance_count if self.resources else None @instance_count.setter def instance_count(self, value: int): if not value: return if not self.resources: self.resources = ResourceConfiguration(instance_count=value) else: self.resources.instance_count = value @classmethod def _attr_type_map(cls) -> dict: return { "environment": (str, Environment), "environment_variables": dict, "resources": (dict, ResourceConfiguration), "code": (str, os.PathLike), } def _to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Dump the command component content into a dictionary.""" # Distribution inherits from autorest generated class, use as_dist() to dump to json # Replace the name of $schema to schema. component_schema_dict = self._dump_for_validation() component_schema_dict.pop("base_path", None) return {**self._other_parameter, **component_schema_dict} def _get_environment_id(self) -> Union[str, None]: # Return environment id of environment # handle case when environment is defined inline if isinstance(self.environment, Environment): return else: return self.environment @classmethod def _create_schema_for_validation(cls, context) -> Union[PathAwareSchema, Schema]: return CommandComponentSchema(context=context) def _customized_validate(self): return self._validate_command() def _validate_command(self) -> ValidationResult: # command if self.command: invalid_expressions = [] for data_binding_expression in get_all_data_binding_expressions(self.command, is_singular=False): if not self._is_valid_data_binding_expression(data_binding_expression): invalid_expressions.append(data_binding_expression) if invalid_expressions: error_msg = "Invalid data binding expression: {}".format(", ".join(invalid_expressions)) return _ValidationResultBuilder.from_single_message(error_msg, "command") return _ValidationResultBuilder.success() def _is_valid_data_binding_expression(self, data_binding_expression: str) -> bool: current_obj = self for item in data_binding_expression.split("."): if hasattr(current_obj, item): current_obj = getattr(current_obj, item) else: try: current_obj = current_obj[item] except Exception: return False return True @classmethod def _load_from_dict(cls, data: Dict, context: Dict, **kwargs) -> "CommandComponent": return CommandComponent( yaml_str=kwargs.pop("yaml_str", None), _source=kwargs.pop("_source", ComponentSource.YAML), **(CommandComponentSchema(context=context).load(data, unknown=INCLUDE, **kwargs)), ) def _to_rest_object(self) -> ComponentVersionData: # Convert nested ordered dict to dict. # TODO: we may need to use original dict from component YAML(only change code and environment), returning # parsed dict might add default value for some field, eg: if we add property "optional" with default value # to ComponentInput, it will add field "optional" to all inputs even if user doesn't specify one component = json.loads(json.dumps(self._to_dict())) properties = ComponentVersionDetails( component_spec=component, description=self.description, is_anonymous=self._is_anonymous,, tags=self.tags, ) result = ComponentVersionData(properties=properties) = return result @classmethod def _load_from_rest(cls, obj: ComponentVersionData) -> "CommandComponent": rest_component_version = inputs = { k: ComponentInput._from_rest_object(v) for k, v in rest_component_version.component_spec.pop("inputs", {}).items() } outputs = { k: ComponentOutput._from_rest_object(v) for k, v in rest_component_version.component_spec.pop("outputs", {}).items() } distribution = rest_component_version.component_spec.pop("distribution", None) if distribution: distribution = DistributionConfiguration._from_rest_object(distribution) command_component = CommandComponent(, is_anonymous=rest_component_version.is_anonymous, creation_context=obj.system_data, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, distribution=distribution, # use different schema for component from rest since name may be "invalid" **RestCommandComponentSchema(context={BASE_PATH_CONTEXT_KEY: "./"}).load( rest_component_version.component_spec, unknown=INCLUDE ), _source=ComponentSource.REST, ) return command_component @classmethod def _parse_args_description_from_docstring(cls, docstring): return parse_args_description_from_docstring(docstring) def __str__(self): try: return self._ordered_yaml() except BaseException: return super(CommandComponent, self).__str__()