Package version:

Interface SparkJobProperties

The properties of the Spark job.


  • SparkJobProperties


[property: string]: any


archives?: string[]

Archives to be used in this job.

args?: string[]

Command line arguments for the application.

className?: string

Main class for Java/Scala application.

conf?: any

Spark configuration properties.

driverCores: number

Number of cores to use for the driver.

driverMemory: string

Amount of memory to use for the driver process.

executorCores: number

Number of cores to use for each executor.

executorMemory: string

Amount of memory to use per executor process.

file: string

File containing the application to execute.

files?: string[]

files to be used in this job.

jars?: string[]

Jars to be used in this job.

name?: string

The name of the job.

numExecutors: number

Number of executors to launch for this job.

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