Package version:

Interface RerunTumblingWindowTrigger

Trigger that schedules pipeline reruns for all fixed time interval windows from a requested start time to requested end time.


  • Trigger
    • RerunTumblingWindowTrigger


annotations?: any[]

List of tags that can be used for describing the trigger.

description?: string

Trigger description.

parentTrigger: any

The parent trigger reference.

requestedEndTime: Date

The end time for the time period for which restatement is initiated. Only UTC time is currently supported.

requestedStartTime: Date

The start time for the time period for which restatement is initiated. Only UTC time is currently supported.

rerunConcurrency: number

The max number of parallel time windows (ready for execution) for which a rerun is triggered.

runtimeState?: string

Indicates if trigger is running or not. Updated when Start/Stop APIs are called on the Trigger. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

type: "RerunTumblingWindowTrigger"

Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be

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