Package version:

Interface ExecutionActivity

Base class for all execution activities.



dependsOn?: ActivityDependency[]

Activity depends on condition.

description?: string

Activity description.

linkedServiceName?: LinkedServiceReference

Linked service reference.

name: string

Activity name.

Activity policy.

type: "Execution" | "Copy" | "HDInsightHive" | "HDInsightPig" | "HDInsightMapReduce" | "HDInsightStreaming" | "HDInsightSpark" | "ExecuteSSISPackage" | "Custom" | "SqlServerStoredProcedure" | "Delete" | "AzureDataExplorerCommand" | "Lookup" | "WebActivity" | "GetMetadata" | "AzureMLBatchExecution" | "AzureMLUpdateResource" | "AzureMLExecutePipeline" | "DataLakeAnalyticsU-SQL" | "DatabricksNotebook" | "DatabricksSparkJar" | "DatabricksSparkPython" | "AzureFunctionActivity" | "ExecuteDataFlow" | "Script" | "SynapseNotebook" | "SparkJob"

Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be

userProperties?: UserProperty[]

Activity user properties.

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