Bind a span as the target's scope or propagate the current one.
Any object to which a scope need to be set
Returns the BinaryFormat interface which can serialize/deserialize Spans.
If no tracer implementation is provided, this defaults to the W3C Trace Context binary format (BinaryFormat). For more details see W3C Trace Context binary protocol.
Returns the current Span from the current context if available.
If there is no Span associated with the current context, null is returned.
Span The currently active Span
Returns the HttpTextFormat interface which can inject/extract Spans.
If no tracer implementation is provided, this defaults to the W3C Trace Context HTTP text format ({@link HttpTraceContext}). For more details see W3C Trace Context.
Send a pre-populated span object to the exporter. Sampling and recording decisions as well as other collection optimizations are the responsibility of a caller.
Span Data to be reported to all exporters.
Starts a new Span.
The name of the span
Span The newly created span
Executes the function given by fn within the context provided by Span
The span that provides the context
The function to be executed inside the provided context
Generated using TypeDoc
Tracer provides an interface for creating Spans and propagating context in-process.
Users may choose to use manual or automatic Context propagation. Because of that this class offers APIs to facilitate both usages.