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Interface FileGetRangeListHeaders

Package version

Defines headers for File_getRangeList operation.


  • FileGetRangeListHeaders



Optional date

date: Date

A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated.

Optional errorCode

errorCode: undefined | string

Error Code

Optional etag

etag: undefined | string

The ETag contains a value which represents the version of the file, in quotes.

Optional fileContentLength

fileContentLength: undefined | number

The size of the file in bytes.

Optional lastModified

lastModified: Date

The date/time that the file was last modified. Any operation that modifies the file, including an update of the file's metadata or properties, changes the file's last modified time.

Optional requestId

requestId: undefined | string

This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.

Optional version

version: undefined | string

Indicates the version of the File service used to execute the request.

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