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Interface FileSystemGetPropertiesHeaders

Package version

Defines headers for GetProperties operation.


  • FileSystemGetPropertiesHeaders



Optional clientRequestId

clientRequestId: undefined | string

Optional date

date: Date

A UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the response was initiated.

Optional errorCode

errorCode: undefined | string

Optional etag

etag: undefined | string

An HTTP entity tag associated with the filesystem. Changes to filesystem properties affect the entity tag, but operations on files and directories do not.

Optional hasImmutabilityPolicy

hasImmutabilityPolicy: undefined | false | true

Optional hasLegalHold

hasLegalHold: undefined | false | true

Optional lastModified

lastModified: Date

The data and time the filesystem was last modified. Changes to filesystem properties update the last modified time, but operations on files and directories do not.

Optional leaseDuration

leaseDuration: LeaseDurationType

Optional leaseState

leaseState: LeaseStateType

Optional leaseStatus

leaseStatus: LeaseStatusType

Optional metadata

metadata: Metadata

Optional namespaceEnabled

namespaceEnabled: undefined | string

A bool string indicates whether the namespace feature is enabled. If "true", the namespace is enabled for the filesystem.

Optional properties

properties: undefined | string

The user-defined properties associated with the filesystem. A comma-separated list of name and value pairs in the format "n1=v1, n2=v2, ...", where each value is a base64 encoded string. Note that the string may only contain ASCII characters in the ISO-8859-1 character set.

Optional publicAccess

publicAccess: PublicAccessType

Optional requestId

requestId: undefined | string

A server-generated UUID recorded in the analytics logs for troubleshooting and correlation.

Optional version

version: undefined | string

The version of the REST protocol used to process the request.

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