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Interface PathSetAccessControlOptionalParams

Package version

Optional Parameters.


  • any
    • PathSetAccessControlOptionalParams



Optional acl

acl: undefined | string

Sets POSIX access control rights on files and directories. The value is a comma-separated list of access control entries. Each access control entry (ACE) consists of a scope, a type, a user or group identifier, and permissions in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]:[permissions]".

Optional group

group: undefined | string

Optional. The owning group of the blob or directory.

Optional leaseAccessConditions

leaseAccessConditions: LeaseAccessConditions

Additional parameters for the operation

Optional modifiedAccessConditions

modifiedAccessConditions: ModifiedAccessConditions

Additional parameters for the operation

Optional owner

owner: undefined | string

Optional. The owner of the blob or directory.

Optional permissions

permissions: undefined | string

Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766) are supported.

Optional requestId

requestId: undefined | string

Provides a client-generated, opaque value with a 1 KB character limit that is recorded in the analytics logs when storage analytics logging is enabled.

Optional timeoutParameter

timeoutParameter: undefined | number

The timeout parameter is expressed in seconds. For more information, see Setting Timeouts for Blob Service Operations.

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