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Interface PathCreateOptionalParams

Package version

Optional Parameters.


  • any
    • PathCreateOptionalParams



Optional cacheControl

cacheControl: undefined | string

Optional. The service stores this value and includes it in the "Cache-Control" response header for "Read File" operations for "Read File" operations.

Optional contentDisposition

contentDisposition: undefined | string

Optional. The service stores this value and includes it in the "Content-Disposition" response header for "Read File" operations.

Optional contentEncoding

contentEncoding: undefined | string

Optional. Specifies which content encodings have been applied to the file. This value is returned to the client when the "Read File" operation is performed.

Optional contentLanguage

contentLanguage: undefined | string

Optional. Specifies the natural language used by the intended audience for the file.

Optional continuation

continuation: undefined | string

Optional. When renaming a directory, the number of paths that are renamed with each invocation is limited. If the number of paths to be renamed exceeds this limit, a continuation token is returned in this response header. When a continuation token is returned in the response, it must be specified in a subsequent invocation of the rename operation to continue renaming the directory.

Optional ifMatch

ifMatch: undefined | string

Optional. An ETag value. Specify this header to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag matches the value specified. The ETag must be specified in quotes.

Optional ifModifiedSince

ifModifiedSince: undefined | string

Optional. A date and time value. Specify this header to perform the operation only if the resource has been modified since the specified date and time.

Optional ifNoneMatch

ifNoneMatch: undefined | string

Optional. An ETag value or the special wildcard ("*") value. Specify this header to perform the operation only if the resource's ETag does not match the value specified. The ETag must be specified in quotes.

Optional ifUnmodifiedSince

ifUnmodifiedSince: undefined | string

Optional. A date and time value. Specify this header to perform the operation only if the resource has not been modified since the specified date and time.

Optional mode

Optional. Valid only when namespace is enabled. This parameter determines the behavior of the rename operation. The value must be "legacy" or "posix", and the default value will be "posix". Possible values include: 'legacy', 'posix'

Optional resource

Required only for Create File and Create Directory. The value must be "file" or "directory". Possible values include: 'directory', 'file'

Optional timeoutParameter

timeoutParameter: undefined | number

An optional operation timeout value in seconds. The period begins when the request is received by the service. If the timeout value elapses before the operation completes, the operation fails.

Optional xMsCacheControl

xMsCacheControl: undefined | string

Optional. The service stores this value and includes it in the "Cache-Control" response header for "Read File" operations.

Optional xMsClientRequestId

xMsClientRequestId: undefined | string

A UUID recorded in the analytics logs for troubleshooting and correlation.

Optional xMsContentDisposition

xMsContentDisposition: undefined | string

Optional. The service stores this value and includes it in the "Content-Disposition" response header for "Read File" operations.

Optional xMsContentEncoding

xMsContentEncoding: undefined | string

Optional. The service stores this value and includes it in the "Content-Encoding" response header for "Read File" operations.

Optional xMsContentLanguage

xMsContentLanguage: undefined | string

Optional. The service stores this value and includes it in the "Content-Language" response header for "Read File" operations.

Optional xMsContentType

xMsContentType: undefined | string

Optional. The service stores this value and includes it in the "Content-Type" response header for "Read File" operations.

Optional xMsDate

xMsDate: undefined | string

Specifies the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the request. This is required when using shared key authorization.

Optional xMsLeaseId

xMsLeaseId: undefined | string

Optional. A lease ID for the path specified in the URI. The path to be overwritten must have an active lease and the lease ID must match.

Optional xMsPermissions

xMsPermissions: undefined | string

Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766) are supported.

Optional xMsProperties

xMsProperties: undefined | string

Optional. User-defined properties to be stored with the file or directory, in the format of a comma-separated list of name and value pairs "n1=v1, n2=v2, ...", where each value is a base64 encoded string. Note that the string may only contain ASCII characters in the ISO-8859-1 character set.

Optional xMsRenameSource

xMsRenameSource: undefined | string

An optional file or directory to be renamed. The value must have the following format: "/{filesystem}/{path}". If "x-ms-properties" is specified, the properties will overwrite the existing properties; otherwise, the existing properties will be preserved. This value must be a URL percent-encoded string. Note that the string may only contain ASCII characters in the ISO-8859-1 character set.

Optional xMsSourceIfMatch

xMsSourceIfMatch: undefined | string

Optional. An ETag value. Specify this header to perform the rename operation only if the source's ETag matches the value specified. The ETag must be specified in quotes.

Optional xMsSourceIfModifiedSince

xMsSourceIfModifiedSince: undefined | string

Optional. A date and time value. Specify this header to perform the rename operation only if the source has been modified since the specified date and time.

Optional xMsSourceIfNoneMatch

xMsSourceIfNoneMatch: undefined | string

Optional. An ETag value or the special wildcard ("*") value. Specify this header to perform the rename operation only if the source's ETag does not match the value specified. The ETag must be specified in quotes.

Optional xMsSourceIfUnmodifiedSince

xMsSourceIfUnmodifiedSince: undefined | string

Optional. A date and time value. Specify this header to perform the rename operation only if the source has not been modified since the specified date and time.

Optional xMsSourceLeaseId

xMsSourceLeaseId: undefined | string

Optional for rename operations. A lease ID for the source path. The source path must have an active lease and the lease ID must match.

Optional xMsUmask

xMsUmask: undefined | string

Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. When creating a file or directory and the parent folder does not have a default ACL, the umask restricts the permissions of the file or directory to be created. The resulting permission is given by p & ^u, where p is the permission and u is the umask. For example, if p is 0777 and u is 0057, then the resulting permission is 0720. The default permission is 0777 for a directory and 0666 for a file. The default umask is 0027. The umask must be specified in 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766).

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