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Interface ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders

Package version

Defines headers for Service_submitBatch operation.


  • ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders



Optional clientRequestId

clientRequestId: undefined | string

If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the response with the same value.

Optional contentType

contentType: undefined | string

The media type of the body of the response. For batch requests, this is multipart/mixed; boundary=batchresponse_GUID

Optional errorCode

errorCode: undefined | string

Error Code

Optional requestId

requestId: undefined | string

This header uniquely identifies the request that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request.

Optional version

version: undefined | string

Indicates the version of the Blob service used to execute the request. This header is returned for requests made against version 2009-09-19 and above.

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