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Interface ContainerDeleteBlobOptions

Package version

Options to configure the ContainerClient.deleteBlob operation.




Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignalLike

An implementation of the AbortSignalLike interface to signal the request to cancel the operation. For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an AbortSignal.

Optional conditions

Conditions to meet when deleting blobs.

Optional customerProvidedKey

customerProvidedKey: CpkInfo

Customer Provided Key Info.

Optional deleteSnapshots

deleteSnapshots: DeleteSnapshotsOptionType

Specifies options to delete blobs that have associated snapshots.

  • include: Delete the base blob and all of its snapshots.
  • only: Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself.

Optional tracingOptions

tracingOptions: OperationTracingOptions

Options to configure spans created when tracing is enabled.

Optional versionId

versionId: undefined | string

An opaque DateTime value that, when present, specifies the version of the blob to delete. It's for service version 2019-10-10 and newer.

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