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Interface BlobBeginCopyFromURLOptions

Package version

Options to configure the BlobClient.beginCopyFromURL operation.




Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignalLike

An implementation of the AbortSignalLike interface to signal the request to cancel the operation. For example, use the @azure/abort-controller to create an AbortSignal.

Optional conditions

Conditions to meet for the destination blob when copying from a URL to the blob.

Optional immutabilityPolicy

immutabilityPolicy: BlobImmutabilityPolicy

Optional. Specifies immutability policy for a blob. Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that has version level worm enabled.

Optional intervalInMs

intervalInMs: undefined | number

The amount of time in milliseconds the poller should wait between calls to the service to determine the status of the Blob copy. Defaults to 15 seconds.

Optional legalHold

legalHold: undefined | false | true

Optional. Indicates if a legal hold should be placed on the blob. Note that is parameter is only applicable to a blob within a container that has version level worm enabled.

Optional metadata

metadata: Metadata

A collection of key-value string pair to associate with the blob that are being copied.

Optional onProgress

onProgress: undefined | ((state: BlobBeginCopyFromUrlPollState) => void)

Callback to receive the state of the copy progress.

Optional rehydratePriority

rehydratePriority: RehydratePriority

Rehydrate Priority - possible values include 'High', 'Standard'. More Details - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-rehydration#rehydrate-an-archived-blob-to-an-online-tier

Optional resumeFrom

resumeFrom: undefined | string

Serialized poller state that can be used to resume polling from. This may be useful when starting a copy on one process or thread and you wish to continue polling on another process or thread.

To get serialized poller state, call poller.toString() on an existing poller.

Optional sealBlob

sealBlob: undefined | false | true

Overrides the sealed state of the destination blob. Default true.

Optional sourceConditions

sourceConditions: ModifiedAccessConditions

Conditions to meet for the source Azure Blob/File when copying from a URL to the blob.

Optional tags

tags: Tags

Blob tags.

Optional tier

Optional tracingOptions

tracingOptions: OperationTracingOptions

Options to configure spans created when tracing is enabled.

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